MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 1148 The Fourth Round

1148  The Fourth Round

"…People?" Unsurprisingly, a number of people on the field immediately paled the moment those words left Scho'doxa's mouth.

After all, with the rounds that they've gone through so far, they were led to believe that the two remaining rounds of the tournament would more or less have the same mechanics. n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

However, with Scho'doxa giving them a grim reminder that the tournament would proceed differently to how they thought, some of them began to shudder in fear, asking themselves if they had what it took to kill other people.

Fortunately, the majority of the people on the field were indifferent, perhaps even inclined towards the matter. With that, they used his words as a reminder of what was to come, preparing both their bodies and minds for the bloodshed that might greet them on the fourth round.

Unlike those who thought that there wasn't much risk to the tournament overall as long as they were careful, most of them recalled the words Scho'doxa said to them at the beginning involving how the five rounds worked.

Though some of them were taken aback when the second and third round slightly veered away from their initial thoughts of bloodshed, the thought of possibly having to kill for their own gain never truly left their minds.

Because of that, the entire field gave off a somewhat tense atmosphere after Scho'doxa was done talking, with a considerable portion of people looking at the people surrounding them.

After all, who knew if the people surrounding them at that moment would become the opponent they had to kill in the next round.

Then again, not all people were like that.

For those who were confident in their own strength, they acted as if the next round was just like any other round that came before it.

Of course, Valyr was one of them.

"So, how did you guys do during the third round?" Having located where Julian and the others were after being teleported out of the arena, it did not take long for the young man to make his way to them.

"We did alright, I guess." Looking at the three accompanying him for a bit, Wells eventually looked back at Valyr with a slightly wry smile. "Was able to clear the medium difficulty during the third round. Though, I should've probably taken the hard difficulty with how easy it was."


Faintly nodding at Wells' words, Valyr then looked at Edward, who beamed a wide smile at him. "Highest difficulty there is. Cleared it without a problem."

"Had a feeling you'd say that," replied the young man with a slight chuckle. "After all, you did get the special reward during the second round."

After asking Julian and Noel as to how they fared during the third round, he then asked the four if he could see the rewards they got for the difficulties they cleared.

Considering that many other people on the field cleared the same difficulties they did, the four had no problems in doing so, allowing Valyr to take a look at the difference between his reward and theirs.

With Edward getting the best reward during the third round, it went without saying that Valyr focused his attention on his tonic first, activating [Superior Analysis] the moment he could.

Surprisingly, it did not take long for him to understand why Scho'doxa told him his reward was better, seeing that the tonic Edward got only increased the potency of the items' effects by 50%.

'Basically, I got the best variant Scho'doxa could give for the fourth round.' Recalling the shards he'd gotten as an extra for completing the man's challenge, Valyr then shifted his attention towards Julian and Noel's tonics.

With the two of them having completed the hard difficulty, their tonics boosted the potency of their items' effects by 40%. On the other hand, Wells' tonic only boosted the potency by 30% because of his decision to clear the medium difficulty.

Having noticed the difference between the tonics, Wells' expression soured whilst Valyr looked around to see if there was anyone near them who cleared the third round's easy difficulty.

Fortunately, it only took less than a minute for him to find one, confirming that the tonic one got from clearing the easy difficulty only boosted the potency by 20%.

"Better go all out during the next round, Wells." Realizing that Wells was the one who fared the worst among the group, Valyr could not help but have a bitter smile on his face as he tried his best to console the man.

In response, his friend merely nodded as he remained silent, stowing the tonic away as he seemingly prepared himself for the upcoming round.

Watching Wells get into a cross-legged position after that, the young man shifted his attention towards the other three, who were more than happy to talk about other stuff while they took the time to rest.

With that, it was as if only a few hours passed by when Scho'doxa appeared in front of everyone once more, causing many to realize that their period of rest was now over.

"Let's move onto the fourth round, shall we?"


At those words, the man did not decide to wait whether everyone was ready or not. Without hesitation, he swung his arms in a cyclical manner, causing the arena during the third round to start shaking all of a sudden.

Then, just as everyone thought that the arena would crumble down once more, the arena instead began to separate into chunks, causing many to look at the sight before them with their mouths agape.

Though he would've been amused by their reactions if he were to see them, Scho'doxa instead focused his whole attention on transforming the arena into the venue for the fourth round.

Infusing all of his energy in each movement he made, the separated chunks of the arena soon began to group up once more, eventually revealing a sight that caused many to gaze it at with widened eyes.

In just a matter of minutes, Scho'doxa was able to transform the large arena into a thousand floating platforms, all of which looked to span a kilometer in diameter at the very least.

Seeing that all of these materials were made with the same materials that made up the arena before, almost everyone began to wonder how such a transformation was possible, prompting many of them to look at Scho'doxa for answers.

Unfortunately, the man had no plans on giving them one.

"I've mentioned before that everyone should be prepared to kill during the fourth round." Instead, Scho'doxa began to explain the fourth round's mechanics. "This is because the fourth round…"

"…is a battle royale."

Unsurprisingly, almost everyone on the field did not know what Scho'doxa meant by that, wondering if it was another one of his jargons that meant something different for them.

However, there were still a couple on the field who knew exactly what the man was talking about.

"A battle royale, huh," murmured Valyr to himself, taking in a deep breath as he prepared his mind for what was to come. "Now I see why he said that."

"What's wrong?" Seeing as Valyr's expression turned grim the moment he heard Scho'doxa's words, Julian immediately looked at him with slight concern.

In response, Valyr gave the four a brief explanation as to what a battle royale was, with a couple people around them even listening in on their conversation.

Of course, by the time he was done explaining, almost everyone who listened in began to prepare for the fourth round as best as they could, with some even shuddering in fear because of it.

As for Julian and the others, the four merely had grim expressions on their faces as they nodded, knowing that there wasn't much they could do about it as long as they planned on continuing to participate in the tournament.

While Valyr had just finished his explanation on what battle royales were, Scho'doxa explained the mechanics of the fourth round to everyone in detail, talking about how each platform would house a hundred people each.

"The only goal is to be the last one standing on the platform," said the man. "As long as you push others away from your platform, that's more than enough for them to be considered disqualified."

"However, not all people within your platform might think that way," he continued, his eyes carrying a slightly ferocious glint. "After all, there are times in our lives where we have to be a bit aggressive to get what we want."

At that point, everyone more or less knew why Scho'doxa told them to prepare for the fourth round, continuing to listen to the man's words regarding how the fourth round worked.

By the time the man was done with his explanation, he let out a slight exhale before giving the information a number of people wanted to hear.

"Unlike the rounds that came before, forfeiting during the fourth round isn't an option," said the man, immediately causing those people to pale in fear once more.

Fortunately, the man's next words were more than enough for their color to return. "However, any person who gets pushed off the platform or jumps off the platform is considered disqualified and is immediately sent back to your home planet."

"Of course, for the sake of efficiency, I'll be asking right now if any of you want to forfeit before the fourth round even begins."

Unexpectedly, over a million people voiced out their forfeit the moment Scho'doxa was done talking, causing a wry smile to appear on the man's face as he sent them back to Veldanyr.

Letting out a faint sigh after that, he then swept his gaze over the 2 million people that remained. "I suppose none of you want to forfeit as well?"

Receiving a shake of heads in response to his question, the man nodded back with a faint smile before hovering in the air once more.

"If that's the case, then let the fourth round begin!"


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