MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 858 The Last War (1)

Rudra calmly observed the battlefield and noticed that the area where the first legion was getting most heat was at the Battlefront where two tier 5 commanders were battling 10 of the elite tier 4 generals.

Although the generals were fighting with grit and perseverance, it was a difficult fight for them and they were being pushed back with AOE spells falling on their regiment continuously causing large scale deaths.

The enemy tier 5 commanders had purposefully chosen a weak spot that was furthest from top elite warriors like Rudra and Karna to fight against the first legion.

However unfortunately for them, Rudra did not focus all his time and energy on going on the offensive against the enemy forces as he redirected his war efforts towards the two tier 5 commanders.

One of the tier 5 commander had pinned 4 elite generals under his long javellin and they were resisting his power with their combined might when suddenly a kick sent the commander flying.

" I'll take it from here " Rudra commanded as the generals became shocked to see the speed with which their guildmaster arrived nonetheless it hyped them up a lot.

Today no elite soldier on the battlefield could be seen cutting any corners atleast in the effort department lest they bring shame to the guildmaster.

Everyone fought with everything they had and wherever Rudra graced them with a personal presence the troops were pumped to the extreme as they tried their hardest to impress him.

The two tier 5 commanders had visible fear in their eyes when they saw Rudra as their overbearing aggression just a few moments ago got toned down to a passive defensive stance within moments.

Although there were two of them and only one of Rudra, they did not have the confidence to take him head-on.

Unbeknowst to Rudra, Lucifer had predicted such a situation going into the war and the orders for the tier 5 commanders were clear.

Wherever Rudra engaged first would be the tier 5 commander tasked with stalling him for the time as all the other tier 5 commanders were supposed to band together during this time period and start picking off the army of death commanders one at a time.

Understanding their role, the two men facing Rudra instantly sent a flare into the air, signalling that they had been approached by the half angel and for the others to band together and start picking off the heads of the army of death.

Rudra did not know the hidden meaning behind the flare but he did not care about it too much. If the two men were calling for reinforcements it was fine by him and if they were trying for something else it was still fine by him as whatever it was he would finish them off and find out soon enough.

One of his opponents , the taller demon who carried a javellin equipped a shield in his other arm while the shorter one with the dual swords dropped the sword in his right hand and picked a shield as well.

" Come " the short one said taunting Rudra to engage and Rudra obliged as he rushed to fight against the duo.

The two were absolutely stunned by Rudra's speed as within a split second he was upon them, his sword swing threatening to chop their heads off clean as they could barely put their shields up in time to defend against Rudra's attack at once.

The impact caused sparks to flow out of the shield and sent the duo reeling back for five steps before they having to quickly block another sword gash that sent them staggering back 5 more.

The two of them had known this would be a hard fight, however they did not expect to be so thoroughly overpowered. Gritting their teeth they swore to hang on for as long as they could and just hoped that the others could finish the other commanders off as fast as possible and arrive as reinforcements before Rudra could kill them off.


( Meanwhile Asmodeus)

Asmodeus was having a relatively smooth time leading the second division storming Through the capital city as he showed a splendid show of power in taking down one tier 4 general in his path after another.

His legion faced no slowdowns and were able to comfortably take two to three blocks of the city before four tier 5 commanders ganged up on him at once by killing the men surrounding him and coming at him from all four directions.

" Second commander Asmodeus, your time is up ". One of them who wielded a scythe just like Hades did passed the death judgement towards Asmodeus who just grinned and said " That's king Asmodeus for you , devil's bitc***".

The four of them ganged up on Asmodeus and a bloody battle ensued where the second commander fought with all his heart and might.

His legion members tried to interfere in the battle to create an opening for Asmodeus to run off, however were unsuccessful as any attempt at meddling would be met with a powerfull AOE spell that would send the entire army stagerring back for atleast a thousand meters.

For 15 minutes Asmodeus held his own against his opponents going shoulder to shoulder with them, however soon the cuts and bruises on his body began to slow him down until he eventually lost his left leg by a swing of the scythe by his opponent.

" ARGH " Asmodeus complained as blood gushed out of his lost leg with vigour, however still refused to go down as he retaliated by leaving a gaping wound on his enemy's chest.

Brave until the very end , Asmodeus tried his best to hold out until reinforcements arrived but they never came for him as without his left limb he slowly succumbed to his enemies , his head rolling down from his shoulders in the end.

With his death the second legion had lost their commander and the shield that was keeping them safe from the onslaught of the vastly superior tier 4 enemy general numbers.

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