MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 813 Forgiveness

Chapter 813 Forgiveness

SMG was on the edge of life and death , teethering at 2% of his HP as the fear of death had passed away from his body now and what remained was the sullen reality.

He knew he was going to die here by the hands of his former guildmaster and that reality greatly saddened him.

The drugs had messed his brain up , it was only now that the vanity was stripped away from him that he could think clearly about his fundamentals.

Fundamentally he was a good guy , the time he had spent in the elites guild as it's elder was undoubtedly the high point in his life.

Before that he was just a member of the nameless assassin guild and his life was a mundane routine of training and assassination missions.

Having killed countless unsuspecting prey , men , women , children , elderly and sometimes even pets and unborn fetus 's he was pretty much dead inside , which was why when he looked at Rudra , Karna and the like who were the same breed of men as himself , ' killers ' in Omega to be actually happy and cheerful when they were with their women , he felt jealous inside.

He started to think that maybe , just maybe if he did get these women for himself then the loneliness he felt in his soul would fade away , however it was a very dangerous thought to harbour.

He was old , and while money could buy him prostitutes to warm his bed , finding genuine true love was difficult which was why SMG failed to find his own significant other eventhough he had tried multiple times.

Finally when the drugs started it tipped him over the edge and he entered a pervert phase of life where he committed many unforgivable crimes. However at this moment it was all clear in his mind.

Looking at Rudra SMG whispered " Guildmaster.... "

Rudra who was beating SMG rotten with the backend of his sword stopped as he heard this , as he momentarily looked at SMG with a blank face.

SMG continued " Forgive me for all the pain i have caused you guildmaster, the drugs had blinded me. I know my crimes are not forgivable, however in my last moments i want to ask for your forgiveness because i think it's the right thing to do.

For me , the time i have spent as an elder in the guild has been the most beautiful time of my entire life and for that I must thankyou.

It was an honor serving you ..... , Farewell ".

SMG retrieved a dagger from his own inventory and plunged it into his throat as he said this as his HP dropped from the 2% to 0 and he died right there below Rudra.

​ Rudra's expression had softened considerably as he said to SMG " I forgive you my friend , rest comfortably".

At this point in time Rudra had no idea that SMG had died in real life and he thought that with this death it was just his career in Omega that came to an end , and that the two would someday somehow meet somewhere, however little did he know that this was the final goodbye.

With SMG 's death Rudra's full attention fell down on the demon army at his footsteps as with no elite surrounding him and no care about destroying the landscape , for the first time ever Rudra descended amongst the enemy army ranks with the single objective of obliterating them completely.

He took on the knight of the empire form and alongside his undead army , Rudra walked unobstructed as a giant amongst ants as with his every foot stomp he killed roughly 200-250 soldiers under his feet !

Although Rudra's undead army was significantly outnumbered compared to the demons army , shockingly it was vastly superior!

Rudra's army had nearly 300,000 undead mages who could spam AOE spells at an unbelievable pace controlling the tempo of the battle , while the cannon fodder troops , the archers and the durahal could all combine as a tactical unit to take advantage of the openings created by the wizards to reap serious lives.

The liches could keep spamming the undead skeletons and with them taking the brunt of the damage as the front liners the truly quality troops were never put in direct danger and hence could focus solely on attacking rather than saving their lives!

The result was that Rudra's army had a vastly superior hand over the demon army and they were driving them back every passing second!

It was the first time since Rudra had unleashed his full undead army and even he was surprised to see it's true potential.

For 25 minutes , the duration for which Rudra could mentain his giant form he and his army reaped a combined total of 1.4 million enemy lives and his level skyrocketed to a whopping 600!

Ofcourse during the process of the fight Rudra had completely transformed the entire terrian as deep craters and ridges could be seen everywhere he sword or bodyweight had been placed alongside a pool of blood and a mound of dead bodies lying everywhere.

It was at this moment that Rudra heard a sky piercing screech in the air and as he looked up , a magnificent phoenix soared through the skies.

The phoenix was nearly a 30 storey building long and about 15 trucks wide with its wingspan 1.5 times its body length.

It was covered in golden red flames and it's wings seemed to be made of liquid flame instead of solid mass.

All the demon generals stopped fighting Rudra and redirected their attention on the phoenix, however one swoop by Omar over the battlefield and the demons section was covered in flames as millions of tier 3 demons were reduced to ashes by his very presence.

3 minutes 22 seconds , was the time that it took Omar to route an entire army of millions of tier 3 demons as by the time he landed beside Rudra and shifted to his human form with a smile there was nothing but burnt chars of flesh remaining on the battlefield behind .

Omar said " I see you mastered the Nirvana flame "

However Rudra was too stunned looking at the destruction left on the battlefield to offer another word , as he simply stated wide mouthed at Omar instead of giving a reply.

At this moment Rudra did not know wether to laugh or to cry as he thought that if it was so easy for Omar to wipe out entire armies then why the hell was he even fighting?

The other party could have literally ended the entirety of enemy forces within a few seconds.

However before he could recover from his shock , he and Omar both felt a repulsive and downright disgusting aura wash over their bodies as both of them instantly drew their weapons and became ready for a fight.

Although no words were spoken the two of them understood what the implication of that aura was .....

The disgusting feeling could only mean that the devil Lucifer was nearby.


( Meanwhile on the forums )

Clips of Max 's battles and leadership had gone viral on the forums and with more than 70% of the playerbase being around tier 2-3 this was a battle most players actually found relatable and practical compared to Rudra 's now unbelievable and out of the world fight sequences.

Max's face became very popular and his calmness and leadership qualities were greatly praised by the netizens.

However with great fame came great stalkers and with his face plastered all over social media it did not take some people long before the association was made between Max and Rudra Rajput.

The comments on the forums became even more outrageous when this phenomenon was discovered.

" Oh my god , a bunch of tier 2 fighters giving a tier 3 demon legion a run for their money! It's so exciting, the strategy and execution was brilliant , the leader is a genius ".

" Damn ,the war in hell looks exciting, one of those who participated said that he killed two demons and gained 7 whole levels! Damn I'm so jealous ".

" They say that the kid who lead this battle was Max Rajput the brother of the elites guildmaster Rudra Rajput a.k.a Shakuni! "

" Max is the fastest individual to ever graduate the elite academy and looking at his gaming skills as well as leadership qualities I'm sure his future potential is infinitely bright! "

" Oh my god , like brother like brother , i guess great leadership qualities runs in the genes ".

" Big brother Max, if you want someone to warm your bed tonight then I'm available for you ".

" Replying to user #2336602 , B**** stay away from my boyfriend Max, he's mine "

" Oh yeah is he now? , Prove it! ".

" A photo of Max kissing the girl is posted on the forums and instantly becomes viral ".

" Damn , the kid is barely 17 and already has a girlfriend, makes me want to hang myself by a rope ".

" Big brother Maxx , why do you have such an ugly girlfriend, come to me instead ".

" What i want to know is why is Max not fighting with the Elite division but with randoms? Is he not a guildmember? Is there divide between the two Rajput brothers? ".

In one single day everything about Max from his school history to his childhood pictures to his current girlfriend Is discovered by the netizens as he becomes the ' Favoured ' child on the forums, a young star in the making.

/// Congratulations on hitting the GT target , bonus chapter should have been delivered today itself however apologies it will be delayed by one day due to unavoidable circumstances.

Tommorow however will be a 2 chapter day ///

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