MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 901 A Heart's Last Cry

Chapter 901  A Heart's Last Cry         

The mere thought of it sent a wave of dread coursing through Ren, a gnawing sensation that threatened to consume him whole.

Could it truly be possible? Were those once familiar faces now twisted into monstrous forms, haunting the corridors of their own home?

The unsettling possibility lingered in Ren's thoughts, casting a shadow over his already troubled mind. He squeezed his eyes shut, as if by blocking out the world, he could also shut out the harrowing images that plagued him.

But try as he might, Ren couldn't shake the gnawing uncertainty that gripped him.

What had become of Leonel's family? Of him?

The questions swirled in Ren's mind, tormenting him with their unanswered implications.

"They must be imposters," Ren murmured to himself, his words a feeble attempt to rationalize the inexplicable. "Some sort of creatures capable of mimicking human form."

It was a desperate attempt to cling to some semblance of normalcy, to shield himself from the horrifying truth that threatened to overwhelm him. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Ren silently prayed that Leonel and his family were safe within the sanctuary of their apartment, untouched by the horrors that now roamed the halls.

But even as he spoke the words, doubt gnawed at Ren's mind. The nagging fear persisted, whispering of darker truths lurking just beyond his grasp.

Ren took a steadying breath, steeling himself against the rising tide of dread. He had to stay strong, for his and Evie's survival.

The elevator's familiar chime echoed through the hallway, signaling Ren's return to his apartment floor.

Ren rushed to the telephone, his fingers trembling as he dialed Leonel's apartment number.

But to his dismay, the line remained dead, the emergency power outage rendering the building's communication systems useless.

"Damn it," Ren cursed under his breath, his frustration mounting with each failed attempt to reach out for help.

Lost and confused, Ren felt a sinking sensation in the pit of his stomach. He paced the room, his mind racing with a whirlwind of thoughts and solutions.

Trapped within the confines of his apartment, Ren felt a growing sense of claustrophobia, the walls closing in around him as he grappled with the reality right before his eyes.

"If only I could contact Joker and Angelica," Ren thought aloud, his voice tinged with desperation. "They might know what's happening and how to get us out of here."

He remembered Joker and Angelica's words about seeking refuge in Zone A tower. Perhaps that was their best chance at finding safety.

But even as he spoke the words, Ren knew that the odds were slim.

With those strange creatures lurking outside, Ren feared that they were trapped within the building's walls, cut off from the outside world and any hope of rescue.

Ren's thoughts turned to his own abilities, to the raw strength and power coursing through his veins.

Could he stand against those strange creatures?

Could he protect himself and Evie long enough to find a way out?

He also have to get Leonel and the others if he could.

The weight of responsibility pressed heavily on Ren's shoulders, the burden of survival resting squarely upon him.

But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, one thought remained constant in Ren's mind: Evie's survival, and nothing else.

There's nothing more important than to make sure that she's safe, all things were second priorities.

Ren went to Evie's room, his heart pounding in his chest as he called out her name.

"Evie?" Ren's voice echoed through the empty room, his stomach churning with worry as he scanned the space for any sign of her.

But to his dismay, Evie was nowhere to be found, her absence casting a shadow of fear over Ren's already heavy heart.

She was just there a moment ago.

"Where could she be?" Ren muttered to himself as he frantically searched the room for any clue to her whereabouts.

His hands brushed against the empty bottles of water strewn across the floor, a silent testament to Evie's recent presence.

Ren's heart sank at the sight, a cold knot of dread forming in the pit of his stomach.

With each passing moment, the sense of urgency grew, driving him to find Evie in which led him to the toilet.

"Evie . . . ?" Ren's voice echoed in the dimly lit room, his eyes adjusting to the emergency light as he searched for her.

A sound caught his attention, the gentle splashing of water.

Ren's heart skipped a beat as he followed the source of the sound, his gaze falling upon the bathtub.

His breath caught in his throat as he saw Evie submerged in the water. Without a moment's hesitation, Ren rushed to her side and pulled her limp form from the tub.

"Evie!" Panic surged through Ren as he laid her on the floor, his mind racing as he tried to remember how to administer CPR. He shouldn't have skip those lessons.

He pressed his lips to hers, desperately trying to breathe life back into her lungs. With trembling hands, he prepared to administer chest compressions when Evie's eyes fluttered open.

Relief flooded through Ren at the sight of her waking, but his joy was short-lived as he watched in horror as something inexplicable began to happen.

Evie's eyes widened unnaturally, the whites of her eyes turning a sickening shade of red as blood oozed from her orifices. Her body convulsed uncontrollably, jerking with unnatural movements.

Ren's mind reeled with shock, unable to comprehend what was happening to her.

Then, without warning, Evie launched herself at him with a primal ferocity, her movements wild and erratic.

Ren barely had time to react as she tackled him to the ground, her teeth bared in a feral snarl. He grappled with her, his instincts kicking in as he fought to restrain her thrashing form.

With a surge of adrenaline, Ren managed to push Evie off him and scramble to his feet. The wet floor threatened to send him sprawling, but he fought to maintain his balance as he fled from her, buying time to think of something . . . anything to get her back!

Evie's once familiar form contorted and twisted, her bones snapping and cracking as she underwent a grotesque transformation.

Ren ran, his heart pounding in his chest as he raced through the darkened corridors, the echoes of Evie's inhuman screams haunting his every step.

Evie's transformation left Ren reeling, his mind struggling to comprehend the situation he was in.


Not her.

Not Evie.

Please God. Ren prayed.

NOT HER. Anyone but HER!

For the first time in his life, he felt utterly helpless, his usual confidence replaced by a gnawing sense of dread and despair.

"Evie!" Ren's voice cracked with emotion as he called out to her. "It's me Ren!"

"Snap out of it!" he yelled when he was cornered.

But his words seemed to fall on deaf ears as Evie lunged at him once more.

This time, Ren didn't evade her.

Instead, he stood his ground as Evie closed the distance between them.

He didn't know what to expect as Evie's hands closed around his throat, her mouth contorting into a grotesque, needle-like appendage. Bloodshot eyes stared back at him, filled with nothing but hunger.

"E-Evie . . ." Ren's voice trailed off as he reached out to gently caress her cheek, his touch tender, didn't mind that her beauty was no more.

"If you're going to be like this . . . then I want to be with you," Ren murmured, his words filled with affection. "So we can be together . . ."

With a heavy heart, Ren closed his eyes, steeling himself for the inevitable.

But instead of the searing pain he expected, warm liquid fell on his face, causing him to open his eyes in surprise.

To his astonishment, Evie had reverted back to her normal form, tears streaming down her cheeks as she hastily pulled away from him.

"R-Ren . . . I don't know what's happening . . . but I can't control it . . . I can't" Evie's voice was choked with emotion, her words coming out in strained gasps. "Y-you have to go. I don't want to hurt you. I-I'd rather die than see you get hurt because of me . . ."

"Then let's die together!" Ren declared as he refused to leave her behind. "I won't leave you. Wherever you go, I will go with you. Didn't we promised to be together forever?"

They had been through so much. How could he just let it end like this?

There had to be a way. Ren thought. There's got to be a way to turn Evie back to normal.

He desperately whish and hope for a way. He would give anything to make her come back – even his life.

A sad smile tugged at the corners of Evie's lips, her features contorting as her transformation resumed in full force. "If there really is another world beyond this . . . there's nothing more I want than to fall in love with you again . . ."

In sudden movement, Evie bolted and broke through the window with a force that shattered the glass.

Ren sprang to his feet, his heart pounding in his chest as he lunged forward, his hand outstretched in a futile attempt to catch her.

It was too late. Evie was already plummeting downward, her form disappearing into the darkness below.

The sound of her voice echoed in Ren's ears, her words ringing with a heartbreaking goodbye.

"I love you . . ."

Ren's shouts ripped through his throat.

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