Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 125: ANGER ERUPTS!

Chapter 125: ANGER ERUPTS!

You can read 62 chapters in advance and GOT fic on /misterimmortal.


Their one day trip to Disneyland went pretty well. Yondu and the rest of the clan members all bought souvenirs, ranging from Mickey Mouse caps to whole bodysuits. They were fascinated by the adventure and culture of a low-level planet. Because in modern space planets, most tourist attractions were whores, food, drinks and some extreme rides.

But it was time to do something about these girls. They needed a new home, and there was no orphanage where they would be safe. If not Hydra, then SHIELD will take them in. He didn't want them to have such a life. They deserve to study in a regular school and do whatever they want in their life.

So, he asked all twenty of them one question, "Do you know about X-Men?"

"YES!" There was an overwhelming reply from them all. It was understandable, as X-Men were world-renowned superheroes already. Just restricting them to being heroes in natural disasters ensured that all countries loved them.

"Then, I am sending you where they all live. They will be teaching you, and you will complete your normal school from there. Okay?" He offered them, knowing well that they'd be better-taken care of there.

*BEEP BEEP* Suddenly, alarms started to sound across the giant ship. Kraglin Obfonteri came running, "President, two ships were detected by the sensors,"

"Are all Kree?"

"No, one Kree and the other one is unknown. It appeared out of nowhere, as if... as if-"

"It was always there," Hector completed his words, knowing that this was the Mar-Vell's ship.

"Okay, Logan and... Adam, you two will take a smaller craft and drop the girls off at School for Gifted Children. I will deal with the Kree." He ordered them. Adam was needed to fly and Logan for the address.

"Understood," Adam prepared to leave. The girls also followed up since they didn't have any attachment with Hector. Well, maybe except for one.

She didn't care about Hector but rather Moony. Yelena jumped onto the fluffy boy and hugged his neck. Moony felt loved and caressed her with his head. "NO! I won't leave Mister Moony!"

Hector frowned. He didn't really want to take another child. He was no Angelina Jolie. Taking Peter and Erik was already pushing it. "Dear, you need to study at a normal school. And I live in space, meet aliens, fight in wars. What I do is very dangerous,"

Yelena pouted her face and hid it on Moony's fur. Her muffled voice was still audible, "NO! I STAY!"

He had no choice but to use Natasha, "Why don't you persuade her? Space is dangerous for you."

Natasha silently glanced at her little sister. She was still not comfortable enough to open up to anybody. Then she looked back at Hector. She was still coping with the fact that the President was alive. He was in space, and aliens were real. A bit too much for an 11-year-old. But did she want to stay on Earth? The place that brought her all the bad memories and possibly where she will be hunted by someone again someday.

Not having an answer to that, she let fate decide, "I go where my sister goes,"


"WOOFOOOO..." Moony said something, ~DAD! I'll be her papa now,"


"NO! You can't. How would you do that? You're a child too, don't forget. You can't even care for yourself; how will you care for her?" He asked the boy.

~I will change,~ Moony persisted. This was the first case of a dog adopting a human.

"Peter, tell them how dangerous it is in space,"

Peter nodded, taking the queue that this was what Hector wanted, "Yes, space is dangerous. You should not come with us,"

"You a baby too," Yelena argued.

This hurt Peter's heart, "No, I am 15 years old,"

"That's a baby still," she shut him up good.

( _ )

"PRESIDENT! It seems like a fight is going on!" Kraglin shouted.

Hector sighed, "FINE! We will discuss this once we've dealt with the situation. Logan is gone, so take Freedom One into orbit but keep it hidden. Kree Accuser ships will be arriving soon."

"YIPEEE..." Yelena jumped and hugged Moony tighter, much to Hector's dissatisfaction and adoration. These were conflicting times for sure.


In orbit, a heated battle was taking place between the Kree Starforce led by Yon-Rogg, and Captain Marvel at Mar-Vell's Laboratory. However, Captain Marvel was at a disadvantage, even after being so powerful.

She soon found out it was due to the chip on her neck that connected her to the Supreme Intelligence and suppressed her powers. She overpowered it and freed herself from control, immediately getting a buff in strength.

Yet, unable to understand her powers quickly, she still lost the fight. Yon-Rogg and Minn-Erva quickly took the lab's space pods to follow Nick Fury, the Skrulls and Maria Rambeau to get the tesseract, but as he tried to take a pod to follow them, Captain Marvel got to him and tried to damage the pod.

He used his gauntlets to knock her off the pod mid-air and went after the Quadjet and shot at it, causing minor damage to it. But unbeknownst to him, Captain Marvel was now able to fly suddenly, and she followed and damaged his pod, causing him to crash-land in the Mojave Desert.

"FIGHT ME!" Yon-Rogg challenged her.


She just sent a simple energy blast and incapacitated him to the ground. He stared at her in hatred, "You were never one of us, a failure to begin with."

"I'm thankful for being a failure then."

"Haha, but how will you stop them?" Yon-Rogg looked at the sky. Dozens of Kree Ballistic Missiles were headed to Earth to kill her and the Skrulls.

"In your dreams," she flew up with full power and rammed straight into the missiles, destroying them one after another with the chain reaction. Each warhead was much more powerful than any nuke ever made.

But she saved the planet and, in the process, destroyed two Kree Accuser ships, leaving only one, which escaped on time. Then, feeling proud, she smirked smugly at the leaving sight and headed back to Earth.

"I guess they abandoned you,"

"What? Are you going to kill me now? DO IT!" Yon-Rogg challenged her, knowing all too well she wouldn't.

"No, you will be a messenger for me." She extended her hand to him, and he took it, thinking she would help him up. But, instead, she started dragging him towards the escape pod.


Out of nowhere, an enormous spaceship landed in front of her, the hatch opening pretty soon. Hector came out of it, looking as fine as always, his beard and hair waving with the wind. He was followed by Peter, Moony, Yondu and other few Ravagers. Natasha and Yelena were not allowed out.

"Leave the Kree on the ground, Carol Danvers," Hector bellowed in an ordering voice.

Captain Marvel stopped, her brows furrowed as she noticed the arm patch, "Leave whichever hole you came from, Ravagers. I know your kind,"

Yon-Rogg recognised Hector right there, "YOU! You were that infiltrator of Hala!"

Captain Marvel seemed to remember that part of her life, "So it was you? So much fuss about an old man. What do you want? This planet is out of reachI protect it!"

~Does this numbskull seriously not recognise me as the president?~ Hector frowned. This was going different from what he expected.

"The Kree Empire is my enemy. Yon-Rogg is a criminal. He dies right here,"

Captain Marvel hid Yon-Rogg behind herself, having made up her mind to confront the situation: "Not on my watch, old fool. You are none to judge him. He will go back and deliver my message to Supreme Intelligence."

Yondu snorted, "And you think Supreme Intelligence will apologise to you? 'Sorry, we hurt your feelings' or something like that?"

"Yondu Utonda, a wanted criminal, I can kill you instead," she barked back.

Hector sighed and rubbed his face with his hand. This woman was getting on his nerves now, "LISTEN TO ME! You don't fight an enemy by announcing you are going to be attacking. Didn't you learn anything in training?"

"EXACTLY!" Even bloody Yon-Rogg agreed with Hector.

*BAM* She slammed her fist on one another, producing an energy blast, "Get back into that ship and leaveOr I will make you."

"Woof!" ~What the woman doing?~ Moony asked in barks.

"Nothing, just being the usual pain in the ass. Spread out, boys. Moony, I will distract her. You go and rip the neck apart of that Kree bastard." Hector instructed them in whispers.

However, he did not attack quickly; instead, he took out the Datapad and projected a video, "This is what your Kree Empire did on the planet Moran. A Planet that had sworn to the Kree Empire but dared to ask for freedom to rule. The Kree secretly forced them into slavery. Blood is on your hands too."

The Hologram showed the horrors on the planet, all the way until they found the Kree, and he confessed to all. But Captain Marvel showed no emotion: "And that makes killing Yon-Rogg right?"

"No, but stopping your mouth is absolutely right.

"GO!" Hector shouted and leapt towards Captain Marvel from a height, knowing that she could fly easily.

*BOOM!* She smugly sent an energy blast on him. However, Hector just crossed his arms in front of him, and nothing happened. "Your lights won't work on me!"


His fist connected to her jaw, throwing her a few steps back. But it didn't do much damage to her other than making her nose bleed. She wiped it off with a finger in anger, "You're dead,"

"DO IT!"

As soon as Hector's command came, it confused Captain Marvel, she thought he was taunting her, but then she glanced to the side and saw the giant white wolf leap towards Yon-Rogg. Without thinking, she raised her fist to him, "NOT ON MY WATCH!"


Complete silence took over abruptly. All heads turned towards Moony, whose body just got thrown a few metres away with a loud thud. The boy didn't move. His fur was also burning.

Hector's heart nearly stopped. Letting Captain Marvel go, he jumped to Moony and held his head. "Son! How are you feeling? Can you heal fast?"

"... wuf..." Moony breathed fast and in short breaks. His neck was broken, so he could not turn his head, but his eyes stared at Hector, looking painful. ~...yes...~ that was all he said.

Hector's eyes nearly welled up, although he knew Moony could heal quickly, the fact he had to go through pain was enough to make him feel as if someone ripped his heart out.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!YOU HURT MOONY!" the outburst came from Peter, who, for some reason, started to radiate some strange energy, his pupil turning blue and sparks of electricity appearing around him. He looked utterly pissed as his face turned red.

Hector patted Moony on the head and stood up. "You rest. I will take care of this banshee,"

For a few seconds, he didn't move. Instead, he caressed his right hand over the scalp to tuck his hair back. Then, without warning, he walked towards Yon-Rogg.

In all her glory and pride, Captain Marvel kept watching Hector to see if he dared to do something. Sad for her, she committed the gravest sin of her life, one that would not be absolved even if she died a hundred times. "Not on your watch? Then watch this,"

Using telekinesis, Yon-Rogg's body came to Hector's palm on its own as his head landed on his palm. And without an ounce of mercy, he used his other hand to grab his torso and pull.


Yon-Rogg screamed in pain that only lasted a second. But that second showed ruthlessness. The head slowly came off the torso, and a song of blood and gore played. The spine detached, the windpipe and various muscles snapped like ropes. The eyes rolled back, and blood came out of all holes possible. It was painful but quick.

In the end, all that remained was the head in one hand and the body in the other. But Hector was still mad, and this was far from over.

"Next is you, Captain Karen!" He threw the head to Captain Marvel to catch it. She did and proceeded to stare at it for a few seconds.

Finally, she showed anger, and her face turned red and ugly. Her body started to shine in fiery light. A helmet came over her face. She showed her full strength and hovered a few feet in the air. "Y-You killed him... YOU MAD, OLD SCOUNDREL!"

She zoomed straight at Hector with her fist held out. Hector, too, prepared himself and dug his feet on the desert sand. He was ready to have a bloody fight with her today. She deserved to be humbled, just like the Ancient one. She thought she could do whatever she wanted because she is strong. She believes she dictates the rule. So it was time to prove she was just a fool.


But she couldn't reach him as she found her body frozen mid-air. The reason was right in front of Hector.

A tall, red wavy-haired girl in a yellow and silver X-Men suit, was hovering. Sparks of fire surrounded her as she roared at Captain Marvel dangerously. "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO MY GRANDPA LIKE THAT!"

[A/N: Any guesses on who she is? Also, vote so this story doesn't go to the graveyard of fics.]

[See young Yelena, Carol and Moony on Discord- OR see them on Instagram - /mister_immortal_novel]



Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler*

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