Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 123: Freedom Glanpa!

Chapter 123: Freedom Glanpa!

You can read 62 chapters in advance and GOT fic on /misterimmortal.


The Soviet Union was a pussy in this timeline because Hector kept them terrorised all the way until 1988. And sad for them, the year he left, Chornobyl happened.

Then in 1991, the USSR disintegrated, splitting into smaller pieces. Hector had already kept the SHIELD team ready for this. Next, without a moment of delay, all newly released nations were given a dose of capitalism, a free economy and a better life brought by the American dollar. As soon as people started liking the US, the governments secretly signed a NATO agreement.

So now, except for Russia, all European nations that shared borders with Russia now were members of NATO. Russia had no room left to breathe. But of course, no nuclear missiles were placed in any new nations.

This time, Russia was not as strong because Hector had ensured that nuclear weapons technology would not fall into their hands for as long as possible. Hence, the Soviet Union made the nuke years from when they were supposed to. This ensured that the United States could do whatever it wanted for a long time under him.

This consisted of isolating the Soviet Union, ensuring that they couldn't sell their products outside. In this timeline, India was an ally of the United States. Hence, a major market and friend for the USSR was lost. A total of 7 nations had the United Nations Security Council's permanent seat here. This included the United States, the United Kingdom, France, South Africa, Russia, India and China(the democratic one, because Nixon never came to power this time.)

This ensured that the Soviets only had the support of the Chinese. Meanwhile, China never got to create Nuclear weapons, as the moment the Soviets made it, Hector made the UN pass Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and he directly enforced it with his fist of freedom.

Meanwhile, India and Pakistan never fought each other, as Hector was the one to draw the borders and bring democracy and capitalism to them. He tied both nations economically so that they couldn't help but call each other brother. At the same time, both countries were special military allies of the United States. Hence they had authorised the United States to set up Nukes on their soil, bringing both nations under the safety umbrella.

This way, Hector won the fight against communism. He had surrounded the two big red dots on the world map masterfully. Only the Middle East was a tough nut to crack, and Hector had left before he could do anything about it.


Red Room Academy, Russia.

The Red Room Academy made assassins and spies for the Russian government, not the Soviet Union. They were cruel in their methods and ready to go to any length.

"GENERAL! Look, a crowd is headed our way."

"Who are they?"

"I don't know. They all look weird. One is blue; one has the head of a cockroach, one looks like a fish, and another one is all golden. There is one with long claws and also an old man with l... BY THE GODS! RED DEMON!"

The control room went into a frenzy as soon as the visuals showed Hector leading a group of weird-looking aliens towards the secret base in the frozen lands. They could not understand how this was even happening. The man should not be there... or anywhere.



Sad for them, before they could do so, a fat boulder came falling on them, smashing into their watchtower and destroying it to pieces, crushing all those inside it.


"Haha, did you see that? What a nice throw." Hector boasted smugly.

"Natasha, my child, show us the way now. Where do they keep other girls?" He asked the redhead, who was sitting on Moony's back now.

"There, in the building. All those windows, they are for that hall." She pointed to a distant five-storey building.

Hector nodded and led forward, "Remember, boys, if you see any man with a gun, you can have your fun,"

"YEAH! KILL THE BASTARDS!" They were pumped.

Energy guns blazing, they all ran into the various complexes in groups and started to kill all soldiers. Hector went where Natasha told them to.

They came across many more soldiers on their way, but Logan took care of them. However, Hector had to stop him, "Don't be so bloody now, Logan. We have kids nearby."

He made small talk with Natasha at the same time, to know what was even her story. "So, how did you end up here?"

"I was purchased by General Dreykov from my mother. I spent the past few years in Ohio with a fake family, but then the undercover mission ended. I thought... they really loved me. Here, they injected me with something and made us train. It hurts,"

Hector patted her head, "It's all right now. I'm here. Be it General or even the President of Russia; I will crush their skulls."

"Fuck, I don't want to see that again. It was disgusting," Logan scowled.

*BONK* Moony jumped and slammed his paw on Logan's head, "Wawooo!"

"Haha, he's saying 'LANGUAGE!'. Logan, you should find a wife or something and become a father. That will make you a good respectful man." Hector advised him wholeheartedly. After all, Logan was growing old.

"I'll pass. Maybe the day you find a wife, I will start dating." Logan smirkingly replied, knowing too well that Hector had a hard time finding a lover.

"THERE!" Natasha suddenly exclaimed and jumped down from Moony's back to run towards her sister.

Hector also rushed, fearing a stray bullet or something would harm her. "Slow down, child."

Natasha ran to a little girl, about five years old. She had red-ish blonde hair and a chubby face. She was delighted to see her big sister and ran towards her. Natasha hugged her, "I told you I would bring help, see."

Meanwhile, Hector and Moony were feeling puffy in their chest. The little chubby-cheeked child was too cute. Moony walked towards her and licked her face, then he tapped her head with his soft paw and declared with barks, ~This child is mine now,~

But Hector didn't accept, "Wrong, Moony. We're in Russia, so this child is ours now."

Like a fawning old grandpa, he picked her in his arm and caressed her head, "What's your name, little girl?"

In an instant, she gave an innocent, radiating smile that's put the sun to shame. "I Yelena, who are you glanpa?"

~OH, I felt that in my heart. Haha, I guess it ain't that bad to adopt kids.~ Hector muttered to himself. He tapped Yelena's nose and replied, "Haven't you seen my photo in your school?"

Yelena tried to think about it hard and closed her eyes. "Ummm..." Then she abruptly opened them, light shining in her eyes. She replied with full confidence, "WAAA! I remember... FREEDOM GLANPA!"

Hector, Logan and Moony burst out laughing. Logan took out candy from his pocket and gave her, "Here, taste this."

"Stranger danger, mom says don't take food from strangers," Yelena rejected him.

"Woof!" Moony gave her a chocolate bar that he took out from somewhere in his fur. He gave one to Natasha too.

This time Yelena took it, "Hehe, thank you."

"Is he not a stranger?" Logan asked her.

She smartly answered, "Dogs are good people,"

Hector chuckled, "Absolutely right. Let's go now and save your friend,"

Natasha remained on Moony's back and Yelena on Hector's. They proceeded deeper into the complex of corridors and rooms. Natasha was brilliant and knew all paths.

She led them to a big hall with dozens of bunk beds. Girls were sitting on them or sleeping. All were older or of similar age to Natasha. Yelena was perhaps the youngest.

Hector announced to all, "Children, follow me if you want to leave this hell,"

Natasha ran to those she could call friends and told them about Hector. Not all of them were allowed to leave the Red Room Academy before, so they didn't know about Hector. They were kept here since their infancy.

"STOP RIGHT THERE! This man is an imposter. The old president is dead. If you go with him, you will face a harsher life. And I will still find you," Out of nowhere, the man who ran the programme appeared, in his lab coat. It was General Dreykov.

Hector smiled at the guy, "Oh, I'm dead then? Fine, let's see if I can plop your skull like a watermelon."

"Pres, no! There are kids," Logan reminded him.

Sighing, Hector lifted General Dreykov by his throat, "You caused so much pain to these poor little girls. But, do you know, there is a special place for folks like you in hell? You get boiling oil baths daily and whatnot. I won't elaborate, as you got a ticket straight there."

General Dreykov was a heavy man, and with the ease Hector lifted him, it made it clear that this was the real deal, "F-FUCK! You're supposed to be dead."

"Nah, I'm just on vacation. Good night. *CRACK*" The neck broke, making the head wobble like a lifeless snake. *THUD* Hector threw him away to the floor. "Now, there is supposed to be another woman, right? How can I not kill her? I believe in gender equality, after all."


"Hmm?" However, out of nowhere, he felt something hit him on the back of his forehead. It didn't hurt him, of course, but the strength was enough to make him take a step forwards. He looked back, and instead of frowning and fighting, he laughed.

"HAHA... lady luck is with me today. How are you, Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes? Oh, a metal arm, winter soldier it is then?"

[See young Yelena on Discord- OR see them on Instagram - /mister_immortal_novel]



Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler*

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