Mark of the Fool

Chapter 788: A Walk Through Old Memory

Chapter 788: A Walk Through Old Memory

Its good to be back, Alex said quietly, walking through the halls of the castle.The young wizard strolled slowly, one hand holding his staff, and the other relaxed at his side.

His steps were light, his head held high, andfor the first time in monthshe felt no tension, no worry of being hunted, no matter where he went. The hidden church and the Stalker had driven him from his home, but in turn, theyd been driven from the material world, he was still here and very much alive, and they werent.

In spite of that, his heart and mind were conflicted as a range of thoughts and worries played inside him. On one hand, he was happy to be home, but on the other, he knew harder times still lay ahead, threats still hung over them, and that their efforts to rid Thameland of the Ravener could fail.

He looked around, feeling a pang of guilt that he was here, comfortably strolling through the halls of the university when the Raveners menace was growing in his homeland, but he also knew that this time, here and now, was precious.

I have no idea what's going to happen to us, he thought. So I have to appreciate life right now.

And, thats just what he did.

Alex walked through the universitys hallways mindful that it might be the last time he ever would, taking in everything around him.

He found that not much had changed.

It was late in the winter semester, andas worried as he was about murderous monsters and the plans of evil, dead godsthe students he passed were worried about their exams. Some were already waiting in front of a faculty members door, or scurrying to a meeting with a professor for advice, or answers to questions they had. Most had puffy eyes from too little sleep, and they shouldered heavy bags bulging with books.

In whispers, they quizzed each other on material theyd learned in lectures, or reviewed flashcards. Some walked confidently. Others were as nervous as a lamb near a dragons fiery breath.

The scene was typical. The semester was nearing its end and activity was high.

Alex watched, feeling a little sadno, maybe sad wasnt the right word.

Nostalgic, he realised, as a group of first years passed by, hurrying to a study hall as he walked down a flight of stairs. This all feels very nostalgic.

He remembered first year, studying with his cabal. Back then, he was still new to using the Mark of the Fool and learning study strategies for university level work. He passed a balcony where he, Thundar, Isolde, and Khalik would meet to go over classwork, or quiz and tutor each other while loudly complaining about their hardest-marking professors.

The young wizard smiled at the memory.

Things were so much simpler then, he thought. That was before I knew what Hunters were or before they found me. Back then, I was trying to see what I could learn about the dungeon core remains from Hannahs cave. The Ravener had been a distant threat, little more than a dim thought in the back of my mind. By the Traveller, I miss the time when my biggest worry was about what marks I'd get in Rams class.

Shaking his head, he continued down the steps toward the front of the castle.

He remembered seeing Carey and doing his best to dodge her invitations to campus for Uldar.

The memory was bittersweet now.

Stepping into the courtyard, he looked up, remembering the explosion in the Cells when hed first arrived on campus with Selina, Theresa, Brutus, and Lucia. Shed brought them to the school in her sky-gondola.

The university had seemed like a place of endless mysteries then. Mysteries he couldnt even imagine, couldnt have the beginnings of understanding back then. Now, here he was, an archwizard, walking through its hallways with the power of legends.

Hed defeated ancient villains.

Seen a dead god.

Seen that dead gods sanctum with his own eyes and heard his legacy recounted with his own ears.

Hed broken divine chains that were put on him.

Hed begun mastering the upper limits of spell craft

and started a magical revolution.

Now, explosions weren't something that frightened him away from magic: he was the one causing the explosions.

Hopefully, he could challenge the exams he needed for credit, graduate early, and complete his undergraduate studies soon. He could even choose to go on to graduate school.

He didn't know how to feel about that.

Things feel a lot less simple than they used to, he thought.

Professor Jules words echoed in his mind, asking him what he wanted to do with his future. As he went through the universitys front gates, he was still no closer to an answer.

Pulling his hood up, he teleported into the city, to an alleyway near Shales workshop and the Roth Family Bakery. As he stepped into the streets, people watched himhe was built like a bull, and was holding a glowing sword-staff, after allthats when the pointing and whispering began.

Stolen from its rightful place, this narrative is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.

He'd been recognized.

Hed be known in Generasi for the rest of his life, maybe even beyond, even if his life ended in the battle against the Ravener. He put that grim thought from his mind, and strolled down the busy street. It was nearly evening and people were rushing to get home from work. The bakery would soon be closing.

Alex's eyes fell on ithis homeas he came nearer. It looked exactly as it had before hed left: inviting and busy. Maybe busier than when hed left months ago.

Across from it, Shales workshop was a bustle of activity.

He paused, looking up at the building.

Holy shit, he thought.

The golem crafter and businesswoman was clearly taking advantage of her sales: an extension had expanded the golem-works floor space, and a new docking tower was being erected for sky-gondolas.

Probably for shipping, Alex thought. Maybeoh!

A small team of workmen floated around the tower, installing a familiar symbol: the seal Lucias shipping company bore.

I guess I wasn't the only one who was busy, he thought.

He considered going to the golem-works to say a quick hello, but reconsidered. There'll be time for that later, he thought. I still have to deliver the golems I made in Keldas sanctum, well have plenty to talk about, then.

He teleported a few blocks away, mingling with the crowd and strolling through the downtown streets, his mind still on his future.

I have more businesses to set up and I like making coin, so is that what I want to do for the rest of my life?

He wasnt sure.

I could do anything. Probably even make my own dukedom if I wanted to, he thought. There might be some land out there somewheremaybe an island or somethingthat I could make my own duchy in. But, being a ruler sounds like it comes with its own set of problems. Maybe, I could go adventuringbut after fighting monsters for so long, I think I could use a break from that for a while, cut down on the excitement for a bit.

The evening streets were growing darker.

Forceball lights came to life along the sidewalks.

Bars and taverns grew louder as darkness fell.

Maybe I could open an alehouse like the one my parents had, he thought with a sad smile. If only they could see all I've done. He nodded solemnly at the thought.

Alex teleported a few blocks ahead, finding himself in Borgias Square where he used to spend time watching people and learning their body language. Merchants and farmers were packing up for the evening, securing their stalls and counting the coin theyd made for the day.

Some recognized him immediately.

Alex Roth? an older man called. Come to make a purchase? I could open back up if youre in need of something.

No thanks, Im alright, Alex waved at the man, then teleported away.

Maybe I should go see Khaik, he thought. He and Sinope probably did a lot of preparing for their wedding by now. By the Traveller, Theresa and I should start planning ours

More things to consider.

More things to think about forthe future.

Alex teleported to a road outside the city.

He strolled through the countryside, walking among carts travelling back to local villages. He nodded at farmers, hunters and monster slayers as he passed them on his way to the villa where his family was.

A memory of coming out to the Generasi countryside for the first time greeted him, it was as vivid as if it happened yesterday.

Maybe we can stay here for the rest of our lives he thought. It's a really nice place to be. Feels more like home than Alric, at this point. But then again He remembered, sitting under a tree with Theresa, in Coille Forest. There, his childhood friend had told him about her dream, about wanting to explore the world.

She had put it on hold so he could go to school, and they could fight the Ravener.

Would Theresa want to live here forever? Alex wondered. Selina would want to go to school here, butafter that?

The idea of travelling seemed sort ofnice, to Alex.

When he thought about it, he realisedsurprisinglythat he hadn't really done much travelling, despite being able to teleport. Hed left Alric to come to Generasiseen a bit of the Rhinean Empirebut that was only to get here for school.

Hed gone down to the hells, but that place wasnt exactly what hed call someplace to travel to. It had been for training, for finding information about Hannah and doing it while not dying at the claws of demons. Hed also been to the Irtyshenan Empire; an awful place, being there had been one of the worst times in his life. His quest there was important, but he could happily live without ever going back.

Alex paused in the middle of the road, deep in thought.

I've never travelled for pleasure, he realised. I have all of this teleportation energy to use, and I've gone mostly to some of the worst places around. Either for business, to train, to gather information, or because lives depended on it. I hope I get a chance to fix that, one day.

Taking a deep breath of country air, he nodded to himself.

This was nice, he thought. It was nice taking in the city again.

With a smile, he teleported, materialising on a road deeper in the countryside. Up in the distance, stood the villa where his family waited. Claygon, the Lus, and Selina should be there. Hopefully, Theresa and Brutus were back.

Alex strolled along, humming a little tune, reaching his hand out, letting the leaves of bushes he was passing caress his fingertips. The young wizard took another deep breath and exhaled, his thoughts falling away.

He wanted to be in this moment.

Fully present.

He could see lights shining in the windows of the villafire flickering from fireplaces, and lamps. Those flames made him wonder how Selinas studies had been going. Shales golems were patrolling the walls. Each powerful, and looking dangerous.

The next time he saw Toraka, hed have to thank her again for what shed done for his family.

He had a lot of people to thank.

His professors, Shale, Baelinall of them.

Especially Baelin.

Alex looked up at stars winking to life above him. I hope you come back soon, he whispered. I hope we see you again before the end...and I hope you come back and blow up some of our enemiesthatd be nice right about now.

He chuckled.

A scream ripped through the twilight.

Aleeeeeeeeeeeex! a voice screamed.

His head turned toward the villa, eyes peering through the dusky light.

The young wizard couldn't make anyone out at first. He was just about to teleport closer, when the gate began opening. A small figure squeezed through.

He recognized the slight form. Her chestnut brown hair was longer than when hed last seen her, and she was taller too.

Surprisingly taller.

Aleeeeex! Selina screamed again, sprinting down the road toward him.

A broad grin spread across his face. Little gob He paused, suddenly feeling awkward and a little paranoid that Kybas was nearby. Selina!

He ran toward his little sister.

The Roth siblings raced along the path, closing the distance between them.

Alex could see her tear-filled green eyes. Her arms spreading wide. Her cloak billowing.

Then, she sprang.

Selina slammed into her brothers chest and he picked her up off her feet, twirling her around.

Youre back! she cried. You're alive!

She hugged him for dear life.

Yes, I'm back, Selina, he said. I'm

Faaaaatheeer! a familiar voice bellowed from behind him, echoing through the night.

Alex turned, watching Claygon burst from the villa, bounding toward him at full speed.

His smile slowly faded, Wait, Claygon

But the golem was already airborne, his arms spreading wide to hug his father.

So this is how I die, Alex thought.

The iron golem slammed into him, crushing him in a hug.

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