Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)

Chapter 74: Long Time Coming (842 BC)

Chapter 74: Long Time Coming (842 BC)

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I would like to thank my beta, AvidReader2425, for his help in this chapter.


842 BC, Mount Olympus

(Hestia POV)

Hestia continued, "I wanted to investigate who this mysterious Medusa was, I thought it might be some minor god trying to gain influence somehow. I was wrong. I found her, spoke to her. Medusa is real, and she's very powerful and while she does not care for our affairs, she said that the dealings of Korinthos are off limit to any Olympian."

With these last words, Hestia could feel Zeus' aura palpating and pulsing, showing his anger, "Who does she think she is?"

Before he could do anything rash, Hestia answered, "She is the daughter of the last king of Atlantis, brother."

Silence met her answer, until moments later, pandemonium followed.

The reactions were mixed, some were angry, some were afraid, but most were confused.

It was Artemis that voiced her confusion, "I don't follow. Isn't Poseidon the king of Atlantis?"

Hestia was about to answer before she was interrupted by Zeus, "I forbade any knowledge of this centuries ago, Hestia. I will not revisit ancient history for no reason."

"This is not the time, Zeus," Poseidon protested, "it's not us revisiting ancient history but it's the ancient history itself that has come to our doorsteps. We have to address this, and we can't do it if most of the council don't know what we're talking about."

Before Zeus could protest any further, he sensed Hera glaring at him and then sighed, frustrated, "Alright, I agree, but what we discuss here must never leave this council." He motioned to Poseidon to explain, his pride probably not allowing him to do it himself.

Poseidon sighed, "Alright, most of you know that us gods originate from the Titans and those titans are the result of the union between the sky and the earth. We are descended from the Titan, that's true. But the Titans did not come from some sort of metaphysical union, they came from a clan called Olympia that lived in a city on an Island. This city was called Atlantis. It was beautiful, a veritable city of magic, every citizen was almost immortal and were very powerful. The last king of Atlantis, Atlan, was rumored to be able to control an entire sea by himself. These were tales told to us by our mother, Rhea, when she was a girl. Years ago, there was a cataclysmic event, and the island sank. No one knows what happened or why, but as far as I know, our clan was the largest one to survive, lead by our father. Over the years, other survivors joined our clan during our father's reign. Zeus, when he was announced as king, banned all mentions of Atlantis from every Titan, the ones who refused where immediately sent to Tartarus and the ones who complied were subtly disposed of when they had children. As far as I know, there are no more Titans outside of Tartarus."

"Then why call your city Atlantis?" Athena questioned.

"Unlike most, I do not forget my origins. I wanted to pay my respect." He replied.

"Enough," Zeus explained, "We have a situation, we need to make decisions about that Medusa. What can you tell us about her, Hestia?"

"She's reasonable, I can tell you that. She knew that I was in the city and sensed no ill intent so she left me to my devises. When I found her, she was aloof, didn't care about the affairs of Olympus, called it troublesome." Hestia explained.

The room sighed in relief, "Alright, it wouldn't be hard to imprison her as well," Zeus said while grinning.

Hestia exclaimed, "No! Are you mad? She would kill us all."

Apollo spoke, "What do you mean, she would kill us all. You just said that she's harmless."

"I never said that she was harmless, I said she wasn't interested in our affairs. If we bring our affairs to her, she will have to respond. This woman is someone who called our father a brat and can make him look like a demigod. Trust me, if we confront her, we will not survive." Hestia warned.

Athena asked, "what can you tell us about her power, her weaknesses."

"I saw her fight someone seriously once, near a mountain in the West. It was another survivor of Atlantis that attacked her city. The man, Typhon, wanted to wipe us out using a great number of monsters he created and held under his control. The man's base was in a mountain, and let's just say that there was barely a mountain when the fight ended. Speaking of this, a great number of Monsters escaped his control after his demise, so we can expect the occasional attack every once and a while."

Hestia of course neglected to tell them about her role in Typhon's demise, but it wasn't like she did anything important, she just shielded Medusa for a while and activated a rune. Something that Hestia suspected her beloved could have done herself.

Artemis spoke up, "I will handle them."

The rest of the council grumbled their agreement.

"Wait a minute," Hermes interrupted, "Did you say that she killed Typhon? As in permanently?"

"Yes," Hestia responded, "I thought Poseidon just told you that we're not truly gods, but very powerful and very long lived wizards and witches. It is possible for us to die, even if it is unlikely."

The younger generation of gods looked shaken at her statement. They had never needed to worry about their own mortality before, something that Hestia considered to be quite unhealthy for their growth.

"But surely father can just imprison her in Tartarus like he did the other Titans. And even then, our combine strength should be enough for one person." Ares asked.

Hestia shook her head, "If it was a contest of power, we would have a chance of defeating her. But the shear knowledge she possesses is incredible. She was the king's daughter; she had access to every bit of knowledge in Atlantis. She could easily counter Father's dimensional trap. I know for a fact she used some kind of dimensional magic during her fight with Typhon."

"Then what do we do?" asked Aphrodite.

"We cannot confront her directly," Athena answered.

"She did say she wanted to meet Zeus, somewhere outside of Olympus of your choosing. But she did warn that should anyone attack her city, do not expect them to survive." Hestia explained.

Zeus paused looking pensive, "Alright, I will meet with her, I will give you a date and a place later on. I need to think first."

After a moment of silence, Zeus continued, "There's one last thing we need to address in this meeting."

Everyone's back straightened, at the thought of leaving the meeting. Hestia was exasperated with their behavior; they acted like children.

"My son, Dionysus, has achieved much during the last few decades and now possesses a large following. It's time to introduce him to the council. Which means that unfortunately, he has to take someone's place."

Hestia understood what Zeus was doing and so did the other elder Olympians. He really wasn't subtle about it. He wanted to gain as much influence as he could on the council. Having already remove Hades, who used to be his main opposition, he now had the excuse to remove another one. It was probably going to be either Poseidon or Demeter, from the look of things. This will fracture the family further and could very well lead up to a war.

As expected, Zeus followed by explaining that it was time for the newer generation to flourish so it has to be one of the elder Olympians that will be kicked out of the council. Hestia could see Poseidon's thunderous expression and Hera's bitter face; she really hated how unfaithful her husband was and was reminded of this with every new addition to the council.

But in Zeus' usual tripe, Hestia saw an opportunity and she seized it as soon as she could, "I volunteer."

Hestia relished at watching the council's gaping faces looking at her.

Zeus looked at her stupefied, "What?"

"I said that I volunteer my place from the council."

"Why would you do that?" He spluttered.

"I grow weary of the fighting that happens during every meeting. If appointing a new council member would add more conflict, then I'd rather not be a part of it. So, I volunteer my place in the council for your son to take, Zeus."

Zeus collected himself and then nodded, "Alright then, I guess the matter is concluded."

Hestia interrupted him before he could end the meeting, "I said I volunteer to give my place on the council, I never said that I will do it for free."

Zeus, once again, was gaping at her, finally he sighed in resignation, "What do you want, Hestia?"

Hestia smirked at him, "Nothing too bothersome. I have decided to stay a maiden and I will marry no man. I want your assurances that you will stop any attempt to court me, I'm looking at you Apollo, and that you will never force me into a marriage. That's my price."

Zeus looked at Apollo's crestfallen expression and then sighed once more, "Agreed."

Zeus then finally ended the session, and Hestia teleported to her home and was greeted by her beloved, "So, how did it go?"

Hestia answered, "It went well, I am now free from any courting or marriage proposal. As far as they know, I'm a maiden."

"How the hell did you manage that?"

Hestia grinned, "Zeus wanted another son of his on the council."

"You sold your seat just so that no one would force you into a marriage?"

"No silly, I sold my seat so that I could be with you forever."

The following make out session was so intense that Hestia almost forgot to tell her beloved about what else happened during the council meeting.

"I almost forgot, I did what you asked and told them about you." Hestia remembered.

Medusa responded, "How did they react?"

"Not well. Zeus had to explain what Atlantis was to the younger members of the council."

"I'm guessing that it didn't go well."

Hestia spoke, "Of course it didn't go well. They were told that their entire lives, their very nature, is a lie. What did you expect?"

Medusa stayed silent for a minute, "What about your siblings?"

"They were scared. Zeus was angry though, but he did agree for a meeting."

"We both know that he will try something during that meeting. From what you told me; he doesn't like anything that isn't under his direct control. I made sure that he will never control Korinthos and he definitely will never have a say on what I do."

"You're overreacting, my love." Hestia protested.

"Not really, but I will not be the one to instigate this. Whatever happens will be on his hands."

Hestia nodded but stayed silent and both women just enjoyed each other's company.

Medusa broke the silence, "I had an idea, I wanted to run by you."

"What is it, Medusa."

"It's been so boring lately. The city is self dependent and can defend itself, the girls left home. I need a new project before I start going crazy. So, I was thinking about building a school."

"A school, where?" questioned Hestia.

"Not in Korinthos, if that's what you're asking. I want to build it somewhere between of Korinthos and Athens."

"This is just asking for trouble, my love."

Medusa smiled, "I know, that's what makes it exciting. But this won't be any normal little school. This will be a school of magic. I already found a powerful witch, not an Olympian don't worry, that could help me with build it."

"What? You want to teach people magic. Are you mad? My family is not going to be happy with this. You're just asking for trouble here."

A smirk adorned Medusa's face, "That's the best part, they will have no idea it exists. I'm going to build it under their noses."

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