Long Live Summons

Chapter 896: Choices… What Do I Do?

Chapter 896: Choices… What Do I Do?

When Drunken Cat Yu Jie woke up, she opened her eyes and found herself lying on a bed.

Princess Qian Qian was sitting on the edge of the bed, thinking about something.

I’m pretty sure I was doing experiments with Yue Yang, right?

Drunken Cat Yu Jie reacted like this initially. Then, she remembered that after cooperating with Yue Yang to complete the study of the 72-star spiral pattern, she fainted because of severe overexertion.

Although the 72-star spiral pattern was only divided into the top, middle and lower three composite patterns on the battlefield, being able to complete it was also a breakthrough for the treasure of the Beast Bracelet. Taking it as the research standard point,she believed that the other two patterns would also be successful breakthroughs soon. Fortunately, she finally made a small contribution— before fainting, she helped him complete the most difficult 72-star spiral map. She sighed, sat up, and found that she was naked.

Only then did she remember that because of the consecutive explosions, both of their clothes had been torn away long ago.

At that time ,she was absorbed in the energy of the moment and didn’t feel anything, but now she felt embarrassed and shy. At that time, she spent three days entirely naked with him… It was unthinkable and she didn’t know how Princess Qian Qian would think of her henceforth.

“Are you awake?” Princess Qian Qian turned around and said with a smile, “It seems that you are exhausted. I came to see you several times, but I didn’t expect you to only wake up now,”

Princess Qian Qian poured a cup of tea for Drunken Cat Yu Jie and passed it over.

Drunk Cat Yu Jie pulled the quilt slightly embarrassingly and covered her body. While receiving the tea, she found that this was Qian Qian’s room. Immediately realizing that she had been carried out of Yue Yang’s laboratory, the knowledge made her even more embarrassed. She had a sip of tea to moisturize her throat and calm her chaotic emotions. After sorting out her words in her head, she explained in a low voice, “I was too involved and I forgot…”

Princess Qian Qian laughed, “Sister Ye, you don’t have to explain anything to me. Let’s not think about the fact that you were doing a good thing to help him out and became too immersed in your tasks; even if it was not for a research experiment, I won’t be jealous of what happens between you and him. After all, you are the new bride who was personally chosen to be wed to Yue Yang. Besides, you even got Si-niang’s approval as well.”

“How can I do that when I am practically two generations older than you? Although you all call me by the term ‘sister’, that’s just something that you guys addressed quite simply. If we were to truly compare our ages, I’m much more of a senior than a sister,” It was hard to stop herself from being shy as she was most afraid of bringing up this topic. She didn’t dare to disobey His Majesty’s words and she also respected Si-niang; and when it came to that bad boy Yue Yang, she wasn’t technically doing things against her will either. Although he had many shortcomings and was lustful like a wolf, on the surface she appeared very annoyed, but in fact she didn’t dislike him at all. It would even be the best choice to be able to marry him— if her seniority wasn’t a generation or two higher than Wu Xia, Wu Hen and Qian Qian, she would have accepted the orders of the elderly seniors like how Luo Hua and Yi Nan acqueised to their seniors request.

“Why are you still mentioning seniority? Among the Hundred Flowers Clan, your Ye family has the weakest lines of heritage. It’s hard enough for His Majesty and the Night Empress who were already bearing the curses over their frames; if you still refuse to marry and have a baby with that bad guy, I am afraid that the Ye family line will lose its place among the Hundred Flowers Clan!” Princess Qian Qian became serious.

“Don’t mention this matter for the time being,” Drunken Cat Yu Jie buried her head in the quilts out of embarrassment.

“In the past, Wu Xia and I didn’t know the truth about its history, so we didn’t know that it was so serious. Only now did we discover that if it weren’t for the appearance of that big brat, I am afraid that the Hundred Flowers Clan would have truly become the history of the Tong Tian Tower. In fact , looking back, our encounter with him was probably due to the arrangement of fate. Perhaps, in the dark, it was the mercy of the Ancient Gods and also Yue Yang’s mother’s years of hard work; otherwise, how could we have been so lucky?” Princess Qian Qian sighed.

“Do you think so?” Drunken Cat Yu Jie raised her head and looked at Princess Qian Qian’s face in amazement.

“Do you not think so?” Princess Qian Qian asked with a smile.

“Perhaps, maybe…” Drunk Cat Yu Jie didn’t dare to look her in the eyes squarely. She lowered her head, her voice trembling as she replied. She felt her tone getting softer and softer, to the point where it was almost inaudible towards the end.

“Since this is all determined by destiny, what do you have to worry about? Besides, the pursuit of happiness is not that easy. You must be as brave as Yi Nan, as enthusiastic asLuo Hua, as tolerant as Wu Hen, and in the end, you have to work like Wu Xia,” Princess Qian Qian stretched out her hand and lightly gave Drunken Cat Yu Jie’s shoulders a few pats, “I know you can figure it out. From now on, we will all work hard together to revitalize the Hundred Flowers Clan. Have a good rest, I will go out to practice some swordsmanship first!”

“Qian Qian…” Seeing her heroic figure, Drunken Cat Yu Jie called her name out of a sudden impulse, but when Princess Qian Qian looked back, she shook her head and waved her hand, “I’m fine, there’s nothing wrong!”

“Actually, as long as you do it, you will be able to do well,” Princess Qian Qian smiled dazzlingly, “With your results, Sister Yu, Wu Hen, Wu Xia and you have helped him in completing the soul contract pattern of the Beast Bracelet. Now, there are only two small problems. One is to test it on an actual person; the second problem would be the final material synthesisation. In view of your outstanding performance, Wu Xia decided to leave these two tasks to you!”

“No! Y-you can’t do this!” Drunken Cat Yu Jie felt surprised,happy, embarrassed and anxious at the same time.

This clearly meant that she would be given the greatest credit.t

There was also the opportunity to create solitude between herself and him.

Although they had good intentions, it was too embarrassing for her to do it. It;s way too awkward, I haven’t even thought of it yet…The experiment had no choice but to initiate lots of physical contact between the two of us. Qian Qian, Wu Xia and the others might just be laughing at me behind my back!

When Drunken Cat Yu Jie thought of this, her face burned with shame as she wanted nothing more than to find a crevice somewhere to squeeze herself into.

“Mom, are you sick?” The panda girl Niu Niu ran in with a big kite in her hand. She seemed to be playing with Shuang Er as they passed by, but she didn’t forget to greet her mother.

“I’m not sick, go play!” Under normal situations, she would have asked Niu Niu to practice cultivating and lessen her playtime, but today, she stroked the top of Niu Niu’s head lovingly and sent this ‘baby girl’ to play. The little panda girl Niu Niu was overjoyed and cheered when she heard this. However, before she went out, Drunken Cat Yu Jie called her again, “Niu Niu, do you like your brother?”

“I like him! Except for her mother, Niu Niu likes her brother the most!” When Niu Niu talked about Yue Yang, her face instantly became sweet

“That’s good to know… go play!” Drunken Cat Yu Jie waved her hand and the little panda girl leaped in joy. She ran out the door and Drunken Cat Yu Jie heard her saying to Little Shuang Er, “Mom stopped crying today and she let me play, how great! Let’s go and play with brother!”

“My brother just fell asleep and my mother said that we shouldn’t bother him, so let’s go find Xiao Wen Li and fly a kite together!”


Hearing Niu Niu playing with joyful laughter, Drunken Cat Yu Jie couldn’t help but feel ashamed again.

Had Niu Niu seen me cry in secret all this time when I was in a bad mood? Did she ever tell Yue Yang about it? If he knew about it, he would definitely think of nonsense, right? This time, it was truly embarrassing. If he had really known about her crying secretly at night, he would definitely make fun of her in the future. So she decided that even if this matter was ever brought up in the future, she wouldn’t ever admit to it.

Lying down again, Drunken Cat Yu Jie experienced a kind of ease that she had never felt before.

The invisible but large rock that seemed to tug at her heart seemed to have disappeared at some point.


Although it was His Majesty’s arrangement, she definitely wouldn’t marry him. I’ll just let him fuss all he wants; I would never agree to him no matter how many times he asks. Anyway, my name cannot be written with Qian Qian and others. Otherwise, how would others think of me!

Amidst the waves of joy and shame, Drunken Cat Yu fell asleep very easily.

In her sleep, she seemed to have dreamt of something interesting.

A slight smile hung on her beautifully sculpted lips.

If Niu Niu could see her expression now, she would have definitely noticed that her mother hadn’t smiled amidst a dream for a very, very long time now.

When she woke up again, Drunken Cat Yu Jie suddenly had the urge to see Yue Yang immediately, but she resisted it and deliberately refused to see him. After three days, she pretended that nothing happened, not even mentioning his name in front of Princess Qian Qian and the others. However, when they discussed matters that concerned him, Drunken Cat Yu Jie would intentionally or unconsciously pay more attention to listen to them. She heard Yue Yu had helped him finalize the soul contract rune pattern of the Beast Bracelet and the design was completely flawless and traceless. After hearing the three standard prototypes of the Beast Bracelet were completed, she couldn’t help but sigh in her heart— Indeed, I expected no less of the gentle and caring Yue Yu. Within a day, she had even helped him make the standard prototypes; yet, it took me three entire days just to experiment with an upper rune pattern array. It seems that compared to Yue Yu, I am really far behind!

That evening, at 1am.

“Are you asleep?” Yue Yang knocked on Drunken Cat Yu’s room door.

“I’m asleep, what do you need?” Drunken Cat Yu Jie was thinking about the various things she had experienced with Yue Yang during his research. Her body was slightly hot, but she didn’t expect that he would come looking for her. She was shocked as she trembled slightly, “If it’s not important, we can talk tomorrow; I want to turn in!”

She was afraid that he would do something arrogant after barging into her room.

If that’s the case, she didn’t know if she could refuse him.

Although His Majesty was the one who made the arrangement, Si-niang had agreed as well. Besides, Qian Qian and Wu Xia did not object to the marriage proposal, but she was not ready for this. T-this is going too fast!

Yue Yang suddenly pushed the door open, causing Drunken Cat Yu Jie to panic as he pulled her from the bed and said, “Sister Yu refused to be my first test subject. Qian Qian and the others have also disappeared into thin air. If I ever catch any of them, I’m going to whip their small butts. Kitty, help me out!”

“Don’t call me Kitty, that’s not my name!” Drunken Cat Yu Jie was anxious. She didn’t think it was bad for him to call her Kitty, but she felt that it was too affectionate.

“Hurry up!” Yue Yang’s mind was not hung up on the way he addressed her at all as he hurriedly pulled her away.

“Wait for me to get dressed!” Sister Drunken Cat Yu Jie found that she was still wearing her pyjamas. She wanted to get rid of his hand and change into her formal clothes.

“It’s too troublesome, this is fine!” Yue Yang didn’t think there was anything wrong with wearing pyjamas at night. Besides, this Drunken Cat Yu Jie looked great in her pyjamas. Although her hot curves and sexy figure were slightly hidden, she had another unusual charm to it, so he didn’t think that there was anything wrong with her current look.

“Hey… slow down! I’ll just go with you, just slow down…” Drunken Cat Yu Jie realised that her heart was beating like a drum. Although she wanted to refuse, she couldn’t help but walk with him. Of course, she would not admit that she had a faintly anticipated eagerness that was rooted deep within her heart as she was only willing to think that she was forced by the barbaric man to come and help.

After entering the laboratory, Drunken Cat Yu Jie immediately immersed herself with the role while Yue Yang was making preparations.

She picked up the plan from the table and looked at it.

Preparing to be familiar with the whole process at the fastest speed was essential in order to cooperate with him as much as possible.

Who would have ever thought that upon seeing it, she immediately covered her mouth and was shocked. According to the design plan of Wu Xia, Wu Hen, and Princess Qian Qian, the first experimental subject of the Beast Bracelet must have an all-rounded contact with Yue Yang and communicate with each other. If it’s just skin-to-skin and heart-to-heart communication, the standards would be barely tolerable, but the most important thing is that the first test subject must initiate a double cultivation with Yue Yang at no less than a lover’s level. This was to make sure that he had the best perception while exploring the Soul World.

No wonder Yue Yu refused to cooperate with Yue Yang’s experiment! With this kind of experiment done, things would be no different from them being two lovers. If Yue Yang, the big pervert, couldn’t control himself and make an attempt to initiate further contact during the process, what should I do?

Even if I didn’t intend to come here, I am indeed present, it’s just that what I have to do was far beyond my imagination.

Could it be that tonight marks the end of my virgin body?

When Drunken Cat Yu Jie thought so, her body couldn’t help trembling slightly. She wasn’t ready for it yet, so should she just give herself to him like this? T-this is too fast, right? Should I tell him that I can’t be his first test subject and bolt out the door, or should I fully cooperate with his research in accordance with the plan that they made?

This decision could very well determine her future life.

What exactly should I do?

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