Long Live Summons

Chapter 916: Eternal Start, Exterminated End

Chapter 916: Eternal Start, Exterminated End

Yue Yang responded and returned a hit on Red Sky River’s body.

The initial power was not all that fast.

Gradually, the faster he fought, his fists became even more densely packed like the downpour of a rain. As the momentum continued, Red Sky River couldn’t remember how many punches he had received.

If it weren’t for his indestructible Divine body, Red Sky River felt that he would have never been able to hold himself even if he was twice as strong. The Eternal Wheel, unknowingly, flickered with the passage of time. At the moment where it disappeared completely, Red Sky River did not run away. Instead, he forcibly caught Yue Yang’s fist with his palm, “You- are you done playing?”

He grabbed Yue Yang’s fists with both hands and raised the majestic power in his body.

Pulling Yue Yang away from the ground and shaking him like a ragdoll, he then smashed his body down heavily.

In the smashing frenzy of the shattered space, Red Sky River’s head was pressured fiercely by the force, whereas the same irresistible degree of power shook half of Yue Yang’s body into the endless void. While stretching out his hand that was holding on to Yue Yang, Red Sky River sneered with an arrogant gesture of standing above, “No matter how many punches you give me, I won’t be hurt in the slightest! That is because I have a Divine body—an immortal body that will never die! If you want to defeat me with several weird skills and the same degree of power that resembles an ant, then I can tell you that you can never achieve your goal; never! What am I? I am a God and you are just poor mortals— this is the biggest difference between the two of us and this also the gap that you can never cross!”

“Even if you are a God, I can kill you!” Yue Yang’s eyes were full of murderous intent.

“Dream on!” Red Sky River saw his soaring murderous aura. Even if he had enough self-confidence, he couldn’t help feeling a little uneasy. This kid’s killing intent is really too heavy!

The Blizzard Goddess took advantage of the stalemate and suddenly struck again.

Her fists hit the left and right ears of Red Sky River for the third time.

This time, her power was ten times stronger than the combined power of the previous two attempts. Red Sky River was beaten and shaken as the first thought in his heart was that this LIfe Guardian beast knew how to hide her strength. Based on her current power, it would have been impossible for her to be flying into a pile of rocks after being hit by his punch before. This Life Guardian Beast’s strength was not far off his own radar.

Red Sky River, who was suffering from a splitting headache, was very angry, but there was also a wave of shame at being deceived.

The opponent had the power to reach the level of a Divine General, so assuming that it was easy enough to win someone of that rank with just a slap to the face was too naive of him.

The Red Sky Divine Flames ignited violently with Red Sky River’s anger. Like a volcanic eruption, a golden energy clone was successfully formed above his head. Waving golden meteor-like fists and fighting back, he forced the Blizzard Goddess General to backtrack a few tens of metres away.

The danger appeared again.

Red Sky River found that both himself and the energy clone had stagnated. The feeling was similar to the power of the Eternal Wheel, but this time, it came with a certain irresistible pressure of succumbing to a Will. The light like an unknown Divine Light shone incomparably, causing Red Sky River and the energy clone to feel a strong burn at the same time. No, this was not merely causing damage on the surface, but it was a judgement towards the soul.

A small hand that was as fair as a white orchid slowly stretched forward from its original posture that was holding onto a shining ball of light.

It closed its hand into a fist before lightly flicking Red Sky River’s forehead.

That kind of power was so gentle that it couldn’t even kill a mosquito.

However, Red Sky River felt that the soul in his mind was impacted by a kind of terrifying energy—a power no less than that of the Blizzard Goddess General. Along with the traces of the wounds that she had inflicted and not recovered, the injuries of his deepened, broadened and there was a trace of heaviness that now lingered.

The soul instinctively allowed his Divine power to protect him and instantly cut off the contact with the outside world.

The little soft hand that couldn’t further hurt Red Sky River turned in small spirals before officially releasing its power.

Red Sky River’s frontal bone was blasted into a crack with this concealed blow of hers.

Moreover, the energy clone originally associated with the Red Sky River spirit allowed the Blizzard Goddess to take it captive and forcefully drag it out of his body. In coordination with Yue Yang’s movements, the energy clone was placed on the Nirvana Pillar of Fire in the palm of Yue Yang’s palm, purifying over the Pillar of Fire. This action was very similar to a human barbecue, except for the fact that she was the spirit that remained after the Nirvana Flame purified Red Sky River’s energy clone.

“Oh no!”

When Red Sky River forcibly repelled the enemy’s unidentified power with his Divine power, he discovered that his energy clone had become a lump of pure energy without a master and he screamed in shock.

At this time, he discovered that the Blizzard Goddess was not the only one who was hiding her strength, but also that ‘weak’ little snake demon Loli.

This little snake demon Loli was not inferior to the Blizzard Goddess in terms of strength; in fact, her talents and the timing of her attacks were even better! It seemed that this little snake demon Lolita was a veteran who had experienced millions of wars as she carried herself in the way that she had fought countless blood-fueled battles, seemingly not as young and weak as her appearance.

Red Sky River was shocked—not only about the concealment of the opponent’s strength, but also the might of the opponent’s Will.

Faintly, he felt that this little snake demon Loli had a stronger Will than his own Divine power. Even if she was a Divine Beast and possessed the Will of a Divine Beast, she can’t surpass me, right? I am a God, after all. But why is this happening?

Without the energy clone, it was impossible to reverse the tides.

Without mental manipulation, the energy clone that caused the opponent’s mental shock and collapse, had undoubtedly merged with the ground of ice and water, making it impossible to take over again.

The only way to get out of this mess was to completely destroy the hateful human man in front of him. As long as he was killed, then the snake demon little Loli who guarded the life of this brat would also die. As for the Blizzard Goddess behind him, he would also kill her master. Enemies that wielded this kind of strength must not be allowed to survive!

The Forbidden Technique had to be used; otherwise, he had no chance of winning this battle.

Red Sky River found that he really couldn’t kill the opponent unless he used the kind of Forbidden Technique that would cause great damage to his body. “You’re a God? You’re a God-level idiot, that’s what you are!” Yue Yang’s murderous intentions now overflowed as he called upon the Grimoire. The energy cluster obtained was completely given to World for absorption. Under normal circumstances, he wouldn’t have done this, but now Yue Yang didn’t have time to deal with it. As weakening his enemy was his primary goal, Yue Yang generously rewarded the lump of energy to World. Then, he blessed five giant shadows on both bodies of Xiao Wen Li and the Blizzard Goddess so that their strengths were raised to the limit.

“Tsk!” Xiao Wen Li held a double-edged sword in her hand. Staring at Red Sky River for the second time, the restraints she wielded exploded.

“Ah!” The Blizzard Goddess took advantage of Xiao Wen Li’s hold of Red Sky River as she took two full seconds to gather her strength. At the moment Red Sky River was about to break free in the third second, the giant shadows that acted as their support directed an attack towards both sides of the God’s ears for the 4th time in total.

Boom! This time, the force was as strong as Red Sky River’s powers and he couldn’t hold it anymore.

His left and right ears burst as the eardrums shattered, whereas the power that went through the brain shook his insides into a mess. Red Sky River’s auditory fluids and blood splashed out as he howled in pain.

Red Sky River wailed for the first time, his voice as deafening as the screams of a thousand troops.

His body lost its balance due to the heavy injury. At the moment when he fell to the ground, Yue Yang held the Prison Emperor Divine Seal with both hands and slammed the wound on Red Sky River’s forehead that Xiao Wen Li had hit again, exacerbating the injury that was made! The Prison Emperor Divine Seal exploded with the mighty power that was capable of overwhelming heaven and earth. WIth just one hit, it surpassed the power of the four attacks of the Blizzard Goddess, directly smashing Red Sky River’s forehead and injuring him without mercy.This didn’t obtain Yue Yang’s approval in terms of power, however. If Yue Yang was fully integrated with it, Red Sky River’s head may be smashed to pieces by now!

Those who were hit hard like Red Sky River were especially apt in countering the shock of the attack.

He supported himself on the ground with both hands. With only one foot left, he aimed and kicked Yue Yang’s chest back in a desperate manner.

However, Yue Yang was ten times crazier than him. Desperately aiming a snatch towards Red Sky River’s chest, the power of the Law and the Divine Power of Calamity that he could master were both raised to the limit. The small metal beast jumped out as it turned into an imaginary Tong Tian War Blade. Sliding into his hands, he pierced the blade into Red Sky River’s chest fiercely with Yue Yang’s cry.

Despite the fact that Red Sky River was being impaled with the sword blade, he still wanted to resist with his Divine power.

Yue Yang went wild as his face showed a hideous look due to the use of his excessive force.

Forcing the Tong Tian War Blade with both hands as Yue Yang stepped on the chest of Red Sky River, the Chaotic Energy obtained after purifying the Divine Power of Calamity in the Desire Valley also completely exploded. Holding it under the sword of Hidden Return, it was advancing desperately.

With a puff, the Tong Tian War Blade directly penetrated through Red Sky River’s chest and his back.

With this irresistible lethality, even Red Sky River himself was stunned. A weapon that could harm a Divine body? Earth soldiers? No, Heaven Realm soldiers? Red Sky River, who could not find the answer, felt that he was already in a dangerous situation. If he could not reverse the situation, it would be dangerous. The next step for the enemy might be to use this magic weapon to chop off his head. “Divine blood, Sacrifice! “

A flash of terror flashed in Red Sky River’s eyes, pushing away Yue Yang like a lunatic.

He jumped into the air and impaled the bloody hole in his chest with his right hand before he extracted a ball of golden blood. He then muttered to himself, as if he wanted to sacrifice this ball of blood.

Numerous sparks of brilliance suddenly appeared from his body. It seemed that every inch of skin, even every pore, had thousands of Divine Light gushing out of it. Bathed in the colourful flashes of Divine Light, the body of Red Sky River quickly became huge. At a speed visible to the naked eye, it rose to a red giant of 10, 20 and gradually, 30 metres.

At the same time, a crimson river of blood appeared around his body, which enveloped him spiritually.

This was Red Sky River’s biggest Forbidden Technique in his life, the ‘Crimson Blood Sky River’ that was capable of killing large numbers of enemies through the sacrifice of his blood.

If it were not for the present time being the most critical moment between his life and death, Red Sky River would never use this Forbidden Technique. Because once it was used, then he would not be able to return to his peak state for 1000 years and would even be in a state of weakness for a long time.

“Die, we’ll see who’s tricks are better!” Yue Yang also became desperate as the Eternal Wheel was formed. At the same moment, it transformed into the Exterminating Wheel.

The Exterminating Wheel was driven by his Supreme Will and the power of the Primordial Ancient Rune.

From below, it started to rotate upward, making its way towards Red Sky River. In the sky, at the same moment that he stagnated and recovered, it launched an attack using all of its Divine Powers, causing the Crimson Blood Sky River to explode like a dam. The aftereffect made an impact on Yue Yang’s head!

The tricks of the two that naturally countered the other, broke out into action at the same time!

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