Long Live Summons

Chapter 913: Ants?

Chapter 913: Ants?

Three days passed quickly.

For the Red Sky River, these three days passed contrastingly long yet quickly. After being sealed for tens of thousands of years, he finally broke out, which was undoubtedly a great boost of encouragement to his desire for freedom. But because of his eagerness to break free of the seal, as well as the strange words and deeds of the kid, he felt that the days passed like years. Moreover, what made him most suspicious was the fact that the female swordsman who used to attack him with swords outside, had also left after the kid disappeared. Such an abnormal behaviour made Red Sky River feel that something was wrong. Was everything going to be over soon? Was he going to fall into depravity right after he broke out of the seal?

His process of breaking free was getting smoother— with an arm already free from the reins, the next came his head.

On the second day, his body was loosened.

On the third day, only one right leg remained as it was still tied in the light grasps of the seal.

His freedom was about to be restored soon. How many times did the Red Sky River want to face towards the sky and howl? After all, who else could understand the pain of being confined and pushed to slumber for thousands of years?

“When my power is fully restored, the Tong Tian Tower and the Ruins of the Gods must be in my grasp,” Although Red Sky River possessed a Divine body fused with Divine blood, the ten thousand years of torture sealed by the law still managed to weaken his abilities. However, he was able to exert at least one-tenth of his power, which was a much better state than other human warriors, who could only retain about a hundredth of their original power. Hence, his position was much better.


When the bonds made out of light were only coiled to his right calf, Red Sky River realised an abnormality.

On the edge of the Eternal Wheel, there was a peculiar strike of lightning. It crackled slightly initially but soon got louder and louder.

It seemed like there was something that wanted to rush out from the inside. Although he could not see it, Red Sky River sensed that under the Eternal Wheel, in the core area of the ancient seal, there was a strong change that was altering silently.

The original Eternal Wheel with a radius of ten metres was gradually expanding.

Not good, could it be that kid?

That kid really is trying to blend the ancient runes in the core area of the seal Law? If he were to incorporate ancient runes, wouldn’t it mean that he would become the master of the ancient seal itself? Then I will officially fall into his hands… No wonder he mentioned that he didn’t need to beat me; he just needed to stretch his hand to keep me in check!

The Eternal Wheel expanded continuously, gradually spreading to the area where the Red Sky River was located.

The thunder and lightning on the edge of the rune were like thousands of golden snakes, ready to be unleashed.

“Damn it! Damn it!”

Red Sky River cursed in disgust.

Just a little bit more— there was only the calf below the right knee that remained trapped, so he could not break free from the shackles of the seal. If the kid successfully integrated the ancient runes at the core of the seal and resealed himself, then all of his efforts would have been in vain!

What made Red Sky River most troubled was the fact that the Eternal Wheel kept getting bigger.

If he falls in the Eternal Wheel, everything will stop and become an eternal existence… that means that he would never be able to escape from the next seal!

Absolutely not!

I’m never going to let that kid succeed!

My freedom is almost restored, so no one can stop me!

“Deceitful ant, when I come out, you will be dead. However, if you think that with a little trickery, you can keep me, Red Sky River, behind, then you are wrong! You have made a big mistake!” Red Sky River gritted his teeth and raised his shining golden right hand, which condensed into a shining ‘sword’ with supernatural power. He gathered the Divine blood into the heart and pulled as much energy that he could obtain from the right knee of his. With a sword, he then cut off the part under the right knee abruptly.

Below his right knee, golden blood was overflowing.

There was no splash.

The moment it overflowed, it became completely condensed and the wound was as smooth as a mirror, as if it had never had the portion of the calf below the right knee.

The sealing light belt firmly sealed the right foot and more light belts extended to attempt sealing Red Sky River spiritually.

If Red Sky River didn’t take the opportunity to leave now, he would be a fool!

It was too late to be sad for his broken leg and it was too late to be mad about it too. The moment the light belt tried to rewrap up his frame, he rushed to the top of the high skies like a golden thunderbolt. After he completely got rid of the light bonds of the seal, the light shined and fell onto him as if he was a God. From his point of view, there were mixed emotions of joy and anger, perhaps even inexplicable resentment and shame that was emitted from the weird shade of light.

Red Sky River landed 10,000 metres away from the iceberg, far away from the seal.

Although he was very angry, he still had his sense of reason and would not arrogantly land on the top of the collapsed iceberg. He would not give the Sealing Law a chance to seal himself into the seal!

“Disgusting ants! Now, it’s time for me to settle the debts we have between us. I won’t deny the fact that you, as ants, were the ones who pushed me into a desolate form of losing part of my divinity, but I will definitely settle this matter between us. However, it’s about time you stop messing with me as well— because I’m the one who is going to bring judgement upon you all!”

On his body, the light was a hundred times more intense than the sun.

His raised right hand resembled the hand of Thor.

With just a wave forward, the cracked and gigantic iceberg trembled as if it was hit by a God, and from the mountainside to the foot of the mountain, a thousand-metre-long attacking crevice appeared deeply.

The smashed ice and snow, which covered the sky and shielded the sun, were even more terrifying than a snowstorm.

It took a few seconds before he heard the deafening explosion.

Boom… With the sound of the explosion, a circle of shockwaves quickly spreaded out at a visibly fast speed that swept the frost on the ground, pushing the unstoppable earthquake dozens of kilometres away.

Red Sky River didn’t care about this attack at all. In his eyes, all of this was taken for granted.

The only thing he cared about was whether he would be shocked by the sealing power of the iceberg’s core.

The answer was clear.

Although the seal power was somewhat powerful, it was unable to spread beyond the iceberg, and the light bonds could not capture the Red Sky River that had landed 10,000 metres away.

“Since the seal can no longer retain me, Red Sky River, then as ants, you will die under my full attack! Annihilation is the only destination for ants like you! Hahaha!” Red Sky River was just conducting a test just now. After getting a clear result, he immediately gained momentum, condensed his whole body’s Divine power and formed dozens of nearly a hundred Divine fireballs in the palms of his hands before throwing them out like raindrops.

These attacks all blasted towards the seal area at the core of the iceberg. The purpose was to use the interference to cause tremors that would lead Yue Yang to his death in the ancient seal. At the very least, it would strengthen the seal’s power and replace himself with that kid, sealing him within forever.

Ancient runes were not easy to integrate at all!

In the process of fusion, one should not receive the slightest interference from the outside world. If you were subjected to violent interference, your spirit would be injured at least, where in worse cases, your soul would be wiped out.

Red Sky River hated Yue Yang very much in his heart. After he got out of the seal, he originally wanted to leave as quickly as possible and wait to return to his peak state. But because Yue Yang was forced to have his leg cut off and even insulted him as a brainless gorilla before, Red Sky River couldn’t bear the humiliation that he had suffered. Anyway, he was the one who possessed a Divine body that would never die and was invincible. If he just went ahead to find a place to recover without killing that despicable ant in seconds, he wasn’t going to be satisfied!

Even if he wanted to leave, he had to kill that brat in seconds before leaving!

Boom! At this moment, the iceberg that was immovable despite Princess Qian Qian’s Prison Emperor’s Divine Sword was shattered by Red Sky River’s attack.

The ice pieces of the small mountain were thrown into the sky by the force of the attack.

The sky’s dome had long been covered by a vast expanse of snow freckles as the sky was nowhere to be seen.

The iceberg that was 10,000 metres high had completely collapsed, and now the highest point was less than two kilometres, completely burying the ice wall channel opened up by Yue Yang using the Black Hole Seal Space. “Ant, this is the end of your contempt for the Gods !” Red Sky River snorted coldly with little disdain. At this moment, the kid hadn’t merged the ancient runes yet, but even if he had successfully merged them, he would not survive this attack. Moreover, if the seal power was attacked by the Divine power, it would inevitably be greatly shaken and the power of the seal would be doubled. Even if the kid had great luck that got himself out of death’s grasps, he would never be able to exit.


Just as Red Sky River turned around and was preparing to leave, a blade slashed down immediately— and it was Princess Qian Qian.

The timing of her sneak attack was excellent, but the current Red Sky River was no longer the golden shadow separated by the Divine power. Moreover, that golden shadow couldn’t be cut by Princess Qian Qian’s strength at all, let alone Red Sky River who has emerged from the trap?

Red Sky River’s eyes were full of contempt.

It was as if he saw a little bug flailing its teeth and claws at himself overwhelmingly.

He held up a finger and lightly caught the Prison Emperor’s Divine Sword that Princess Qian Qian had struck down with all her strength. With just a twist of his fingers, Princess Qian Qian fell onto a huge block of ice with the stature of a small mountain.

Before PrincessQian Qian struggled out of her situation, Red Sky River directly stretched out his right hand towards the huge ice peak, motioning the act of strangulation with his five fingers.

The entire ice peak was immediately compressed and dented like a dough.

It was distorted.

In the middle section, there was a huge imprint of his five fingers. Red Sky River’s eyes flashed with Divine light and his body was situated slightly sideways, avoiding the fatal blow from the Blizzard Goddess behind him. It was a little different from the ease of fighting Princess Qian Qian as he finally took it a little more seriously. He didn’t block with his fingers, but shook his body gently, avoiding the meteor-like attack of the Blizzard Goddess. However, Red Sky River’s attitude was still arrogant as he just dodged and did not retaliate with a backhand. He did not even turn around when he dodged the attacks, but kept facing the enemy with his back.

Dozens of punches, and soon, hundreds of punches passed.

The Blizzard Goddess couldn’t even hit Red Sky River, who could only exert one-tenth of his strength after he escaped from danger.

Regarding the battle power of the Blizzard Goddess, among the many war beasts, she ranked at least within the top three candidates. However, when she attacked Red Sky River with her fists, she couldn’t even hurt the opponent’s hair. This kind of power gap was truly too different as the levels between them were too big!

At the moment when the Blizzard Goddess was unable to keep up with her attacks, Red Sky River, who was calm and collected, suddenly waved his elbow.

A strike of his elbow hit the Blizzard Goddess General’s lower abdomen.


The Blizzard Goddess smashed against the entire iceberg like a meteor as she barrelled through several hundred-metre-thick ice blocks. Unable to stop the momentum, she fell heavily on the huge wall of the iceberg in the distance that showed off large fonts deeply embedded into the ice wall.

“This is the struggle of ants! When self-righteous humans step on ants, I bet they have never thought that Gods could step on humans the same way!” Red Sky River seemed a little unable to lift his energy. His melancholic eyes were directed towards the sky as he gazed above at a 45 degree angle. Letting out a deep sigh, he shook his head, “Forget it, as the benevolent person I am, sentencing you ants with a Divine punishment would be too cruel!”

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