Long Live Summons

Chapter 907: Black Hole, Broken Ice, Martial Spirit

Chapter 907: Black Hole, Broken Ice, Martial Spirit

Yue Yang knew of the horror of the Black Hole Seal Space, but he didn’t expect it to be this much of a hassle.

Xue Wu Xia and Princess Qian Qian were also terrified.

Taking the Creation Domain as a guide and the Grimoire as the basis, Yue Yang originally thought to use World as a support, but he never expected the Black Hole Seal Space would collapse. The iceberg that couldn’t be scratched despite Princess Qian Qian using the Prison Emperor’s Divine Sword against, disappeared in an instant within the range of the Black Hole Space Seal by Yue Yang. Fortunately, the Black Hole Seal Space only appeared within the scope of Yu Yang’s Domain and it did not exceed his reigns of control. Therefore, once Yue Yang’s miniscule Power of the Law disappeared, the Black Hole Seal Space entrance immediately disappeared.

Xue Wu Xia and Princess Qian Qian, who were standing thousands of meters away, turned pale with fright.

Even if Yue Yang stopped the small Power of the Law and the Black Hole Seal Space disappeared, their hands could not stop shaking immediately!

“That was terrifying!” Princess Qian Qian, who was not afraid of anything besides the possibility of Yue Yang ignoring her, was scared to the point where she cried. When Yue Yang walked over, she hugged him tightly, as if he would be swallowed by the black hole if she just let go.

“Was she always staying in such a terrible space all this time?” Xue Wu Xia felt that Empress Fei Wen Li was really an unimaginable superwoman.

To change to someone else, she stayed in the Black Hole Seal Space all the time.

Even if I didn’t die there, I would have gone crazy long ago!

Princess Qian Qian and Xue Wu Xia only felt relieved after they made sure that Yue Yang was safe and sound.

Although frightened, they finally came to a conclusion that Yue Yang’s idea was completely feasible. The only question was— how long could his will and energy be supported? Yue Yang must be in the Supreme Realm and use the small Power of the Law to guide the Black Hole Seal Space. In other words, he must maintain the state of’ challenging’ the Black Hole Seal Space…Although it was completely harmless to him, he must maintain the Supreme Realm for a long time while constantly using the small Power of the Law,. This meant that it would pose a certain degree of difficulty for Yue Yang.

After repeated arguments, Xue Wu Xia and Princess Qian Qian succeeded in persuading Yue Yang for the first time.

They also wanted to stand beside Yue Yang and help him.

Will the Black Hole Seal Space hurt them?Although Yue Yang was unwilling to take the risks, the two women felt that there was no need to think about it. As long as they and Yue Yang maintain the Double Cultivation of their hearts and souls, the Black Hole Seal would definitely feel that the three are one and would not harm them— the same way it didn’t harm Yue Yang.

The Black Hole Seal Space was a manifestation of the Will and Divine Power of the strong in ancient times. Although it was infinitely powerful, it was not an intelligent embodiment after all.

It was incapable of thoughts and corrections.

It was just a strict implementation of the rules established by its master’s will!

“Even if we are imprisoned, we are only locked up with Empress Fei Wen Li, so I am not worried. Her Majesty Empress Fei Wen Li will be able to come out soon, anyways!” Princess Qian Qian said generously, but she got a bit shy afterwards. She looked at Xue Wu Xia and looked at Yue Yang again before her face flushed, making her hide behind him. She was afraid that if she hugged Yue Yang from the front, her frame would encounter ‘something’. Then, she would lose her mindset and withdraw from the resonance of the heart and soul connection of the Double Cultivation.

“Although no one is going to come, we still have to be careful,” Xue Wu Xia summoned the General Blizzard Goddess and tasked her to guard the trio.

Princess Qian Qian was behind as she hugged Yue Yang’s waist.

Xue Wu Xia was in front, the two of their faces facing each other quite closely. With her tender body in his arms, her hands wrapped around his head and neck. Their lips touched and she quickly entered the best state of Double Cultivation for lovers. Slightly slower than her was none other than Princess Qian Qian who was a little shy. Yet, she also blended in with his mind, revolving around the world of Double cultivation.

There were not many people who remained a three-way Double Cultivation, however, it was definitely possible to do so as there were such cases in the past.

And not only with Xue Wu Xia did so, Princess Qian Qian, Luo Hua, Wu Hen and the others have tried it as well. Pairing together was not much of a problem when it came to compatibility.

Of course, because the hearts and souls of the three people were merging together, this meant that the three of them laid bare naked together. It was to ensure that there wouldn’t be any barriers between them as no secret could remain hidden, which was why it was inevitable to have small instances of awkwardness. Xue Wu Xia focused on the cultivation and rarely ever lost track of her concentration. According to Princess Qian Qian’s point of view, Xue Wu Xia was considered the best in that aspect. If it was with Sky Law, Hai Lan or the others, they would have definitely started to fluctuate. The urge to take the next step and deepen their cultivation between lovers as husband and wife— now that was the epitome of awkwardness.

Princess Qian Qian felt that Yue Yang had begun to gather the small Power of the Law and hurriedly stopped her distracting thoughts.

The Black Hole Seal Space reappeared.

Under the slow command of Yue Yang’s Will, the small Power of the Law in the Creation Domain was constantly changing in various shapes and the seal swallowed in various forms, preventing this small Power of the Law from having any possibility of escaping.

The small Power of the Law being swallowed up by the Black Hole Seal Space was not the actual motive of the movement.

In the Creation Domain, various deformations within a hundred meters that would lead the Black Hole to seal various changes were the effects Yue Yang wanted most.

The iceberg that the sword couldn’t penetrate disappeared gradually along with the various changes of the Black Holke Seal Space. The iceberg had experienced thousands of years of ice compression, so even if a piece of ice was broken, there was also a huge amount of energy that had been accumulated. Should it burst out, the power alone was enough to destroy an entire city. However, even a block of ice as large as a hundred meters being swallowed by the seal of the Black Hole was like a clay-sculpted cow entering the sea[1].

Note: [1] Means if you put a sculpted clay into sea, it wouldn’t return as it would deform and become mud, merging with the water. Implies something that wouldn’t return or a pointless move.

Ten minutes later, when Yue Yang and the two women stopped taking a break, the three people were shocked to discover how terrifying their ‘achievements’ were.

The iceberg over a kilometer was swallowed up.

The Black Hole Seal Space showed no signs of filling up.

Sometimes, it really gave one the illusion that it would never be filled up, and any energy entering it would result in eternal disappearance.

But logic told Yue Yang that it was absolutely possible for the Black Hole Seal Space to be filled with energy. It’s just a matter of how much— maybe it would overflow without filling the ice of the entire iceberg, or perhaps the entire unit world of ice wouldn’t even fill 1/100 of it.

All of this was possible due to how powerful the strong man who sealed Empress Fei Wen Li was.

The stronger the predecessor, the more energy was needed to fill in the space.

“Master, you have worked hard, so drink some water. The two mistresses should also have some water and take a break!” Returning to the Grimoire World, the young slave hurriedly gave some water for Yue Yang, who was both mentally and physically worn out through the copious amounts of sweat.

“It can’t go on like this…” Princess Qian Qian felt that ten minutes was the limit, but an iceberg with the range of a kilometer would not even reach one ten thousandth of the entire iceberg, which meant that the amount of energy required by the Black Hole Seal Space was absolutely hard to imagine. She felt that this way of approach was right, but to find a better way, they must increase the efficiency of the progress.

“We take turns to cooperate. If it’s possible, I think we should first try to collect the cold energy outside,” Xue Wu Xia proposed a concept that could literally go out of control.

“Do you mean to deliberately let the Black Hole Seal Space exceed the control range of the Creation Domain?” Yue Yang felt that it seemed to spark a small glimmer of hope.

“Yes, when we are resting, you can try this. This unit world has no life even if it was to be destroyed, anyways,” Xue Wu Xia’s idea was also made after careful consideration.

“Then let’s hurry up and adjust,” Yue Yang was very tired. He fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes. The young slave who was massaging his eyes flushed with redness coloured around her orbs as she nearly shed a few tears.

After one hour.

Xue Wu Xia and Princess Qian Qian were almost done recovering.

But Yue Yang hadn’t woken up yet. His physical strength was okay, it was just that he had been over-using the small Power of the Law before, causing his overdraft spirit to be unable to completely adjust to the best state. Although she saw the others walking over, the young slave who was keeping watch by the bed couldn’t bear to wake Yue Yang immediately.

In her heart, it was her duty to let him sleep even for an extra second.

Xue Wu Xia sighed slightly when she saw the young slave’s current dilemma.

How could you not feel sorry for this bad guy?

However, if he doesn’t wake him up on time, he will definitely get angry if he wakes up on his own.

“Or maybe, you can let me do my best to pitch in!” This sentence was said by Pandora, who had awakened from her sleep in the young slave’s body.

“But it seems a bit cold outside…” The latter sentence was said by the shy young slave. Xue Wu Xia and Princess Qian Qian felt the heat flush on their faces as they all understood what Pandora meant. It basically meant that she wanted to help Yue Yang with the Dual Cultivation between husband and wife. With her, the former Goddess of Doom, whether it came down to Yue Yang’s spiritual recovery or the control of the Law’s power, he will get the greatest improvement.

“It seems that I haven’t done it on the ice and snow before. Young slave, let’s try it; it will be very exciting!” Pandora got excited, actively reaching out for his body and wanting to hug him with her hands, whereas the young slave was a tad more reluctant as she resisted, “That’s not good, isn’t it? Let the master and mistress rest again.”

She resisted, keeping her hands as still as possible. With her big watery eyes, she sneaked a glance at Xue Wu Xia and Princess Qian Qian to see if they were going to agree.

Princess Qian Qian coughed, turned her head and pretended that she saw nothing.

Xue Wu Xia knew that the young slave was very good.obedient.

If she didn’t agree, even if she let Pandora control her body, she would feel uneasy, so she just smiled and nodded to her. The young slave bowed to Xue Wu Xia as if she received a pardon and covered her red face with her hands. This was her last natural reaction. From within, she let go of her joy and the control of her body, allowing Pandora to maneuver her hands to hug Yue Yang.

The young slave naturally wanted to help her master as she felt distressed when she saw his exhausted look.

Now that Xue Wu Xia agreed to it, she would naturally feel ashamed and moved at the same time.

Holding Yue Yang, she left the Grimoire World quickly.

“This kid is really gorgeous…” Princess Qian Qian couldn’t help being a little bit jealous.

“Ah, I agree,” Xue Wu Xia seldom agrees with Tigress’ words, but today she feels that she was right.

The two women were preparing to go back to their rooms to continue to rest and adjust their status.

Suddenly, she saw the young slave running back all over as she was entirely naked. The unparalleled huge swaying posture made Princess Qian Qian and the other wife, as women, become unable to refrain themselves from screaming in jealousy.

The young slave didn’t realize this at all as she flushed with excitement, “The two mistresses, Pandora, she said that it seems like there is a God who has lost consciousness sealed inside… You fool, wait until we are done. It’s okay to come back and tell them after we’re done; you don’t have to be so impatient at all!” The latter sentence was naturally Pandora’s helpless sigh.

When the young slave reacted and realized that she was completely bare, she immediately screamed.

She was so scared that she ran away panicking.

She even tripped over herself.

She threw herself at the door with a ‘plop’. Afraid that Xue Wu Xia and Princess Qian Qian would come over to help, she hurriedly got up, “It doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t hurt; the two mistresses, this young slave will leave. The master is still out there sleeping without anyone to watch over him, it’s my fault for being irresponsible…”

Xue Wu Xia and Princess Qian Qian looked at each other as they both shook their heads and laughed.

With such a cute little maid, sometimes, it was hard to be mad!

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