Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

Case 216: City of distant mirage – Atlas.

Case 216: City of distant mirage – Atlas.

''Uh... So, what do we do with this thing?''

On the beach, we stare blankly at the pitiful octopus before us, not quite sure how to take care of it. Do we eat it? I certainly don't want to touch this thing, as it looks quite disgusting.

In the first place, can we even call this thing 'disgusting'? 

Its size easily dwarfs even Sariel in her dragon form, after all. Still, it chose the wrong opponents earlier, so now it is sitting here on the cutting board, heh.

''You can play with it.'' Liana suggests with a slightly mocking tone. ''Look, it has tentacles. Your favorite.''


I mean, it does, but they are too big, and...


A simple touch of its skin makes me sick to the stomach. It's too sticky, too gooey, and the smell is simply ridiculous.

What the hell is this abomination??

What happened to the tentacles that I love?! What about that infinitely warm and soft touch, about that addicting strawberry-like smell??

When I turn to Sariel, she smiles at me as if saying, 'Now you know.' to my face. A burst of gratitude and warm, wholesome appreciation toward this beautiful lizard of mine can be felt throughout my body.

Thank you, Sariel, truly. Thank you for not letting me experience this and instead making me feel like I'm in Heaven.

''Ahem. In any case.'' I adjust my tone. ''Let's grill this thing!''


''I believe my beloved Emy will turn this into an absolute delicacy.''

Right then, the giant octopus begins to flail around even harder, struggling against the icy chains cast by me. It seems my guess is correct—this thing is intelligent.

''Hey, big idiot. Can you talk?''


''Alright, grilled octopus it is!''


A bit of intimidation afterward, and the octopus finally reveals its humanoid form. I didn't ask for it, but alright. Anyway, it morphs into a... Woman? With brownish tentacles replacing her limbs. She is quite a beauty, even, if I ignore all the monster stuff going on.

Still, she is being restrained by a new chain.

''Uuuh...'' The tentacle woman weeps. ''I was just trying to mess with some juicy girls...!''

''You chose the wrong prey. And your tentacles stink.''

At this, the woman makes a (;Д;) face and begins to cry for real; little tears falling out of her eyes are then absorbed by her tentacles below. Self-sufficient. How nice.

''I-It's the first time somebody has said that to my face...'' She continues. ''They're not stink! Natural is the best! You'll fall in love with them in no time, c'mon...!''

I instinctively pinch my nose when she hands out her fatty tentacles.

''Hm... No, thanks.'' I reply awkwardly. ''I'd rather have hers. Oh, what's your name?''

Looking at Sariel, who's flaunting her tentacles while smiling, the woman bites her lower lips in frustration.

''Tch, stupid industrial fake tentacles... Anyway, I'm Belia, a resident kraken.''

Resident kraken...? Is that a thing?

''You tried to rape me, didn't you? Oh, I'm Sylvia.''

''No, no, no, I was trying to offer a serious invitation.'' Belia shakes her head. ''We don't do rape here.''

''...I see.''

Now that I think about it, she didn't seem to be attacking us intentionally. It was just her size that made us have the wrong idea.

''How civilized.'' Tina comments, a bit pouty for losing her fun time with me. ''So, where do you come from?''

''I'm a guard for the underwater city. Today is my off day, you see.''

''By 'underwater city,' you mean... Atlas?''

''Yah. You guys didn't know?''

''The map wasn't big enough. And I'm bad with geography.''


After coming to an amicable agreement, we decide to make peace. Then, small talk begins to emerge as we relax on the shore, eating away the stuff I bought.

''Atlas is incredible, you know.'' Belia happily muses. ''We have everything the dry people have, and even more good stuff!''


''Underwater racing, mermaid strip shows, whale dances, and...''

Those sound quite hardcore, damn.

As I turn to my party members, I can see hints of interest flashing through their faces, indicating that they're thinking the same as me. After we nod at each other, I immediately ask the resident kraken.

''Hey, how do we get to Atlas?''

''Hm? I can let you guys in. Just give me one of you for a while. I'm kinda pent-up at the moment—''

''Any other way?''

''...Atlas right now is in a lockdown, unfortunately.''

'''' ... ''''

''What are those stares?! I'm speaking the truth!'' Belia pouts. ''The queen suddenly decided that a bit ago. I don't know much either.''

''Fine, fine, we'll believe you.''

In any case... I smell trouble.

''Nah, we'll pass it for now.''

After bidding goodbye to Belia, we continue playing in the ocean as usual. Tina finally has her underwater fun with me for a little while. Then, we try the watermelon smashing thingy, but we opt for the naked version instead.

It is sweet and hot.

By the time the sun has submerged below the horizon, we are already exhausted, mentally, from all the fun we've had. Coming back to the hotel and a quick wash afterward, we get to a table for the council meeting again.

''So... Anybody still interested in Atlas?'' Liana begins solemnly.

At this, we simply nod.

''But it seems quite troublesome...'' Anna sighs lightly, looking out the window, where the newly ascended moon casts a reflection on the shiny water's surface.

''We have met Atlas's queen before, haven't we?'' Tina interjects.

''Yeah, she was obsessed with my skin.'' I nonchalantly reply.

'''' ... ''''

Soon, the council falls into silence as no one can figure out a definitive decision. We're not problem solvers, and I don't think meddling in a country's affairs this way is a good idea either.

Still, the—hm?

Right then, I can feel something moving inside my space bag. There should be no living thing inside it...

''It's shining.'' I mutter, staring at the cosmic crystal in my palm.

''It is.'' Sariel casually adds.

Following the direction in which the crystal's energy is yearning, I land my eyes on the sparkling ocean outside the window again. This time, however, instead of the moon's reflection, a majestic city is projected on the water's surface.

Windows are brightly lit, people are swimming above buildings, and an alluring aura seems to be surrounding the city itself.

''...Well, this is it, I suppose.''

 Destiny is calling me. It would be a shame if I ignore this obvious turning point, right?

In an instant, the council members exchange knowing glances, signaling a silent agreement-to Atlas!

"Well, I guess that is decided." I stand up and smile gently at my partners. "Let me go find Belia. I'll give her the best elf body to-wait! I'm kidding! I'm kidding...!!"

Without an escape, my body is then promptly violated after making a bad joke.

Never mess with obsessed futas...

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