Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

Case 214: Cupid for another dragon couple.

Case 214: Cupid for another dragon couple.

The day after the visit to Lyrical's mansion.

Hand in hand, we're on the streets once again, continuing our eternal date. Touring through the Infinite Range is quite fun, and I love the bold and transparent promotion for sex everywhere as well.

Passing through the neatly paved and laid-out road, my eyes are all over the place. The shops are intriguing, the people are undoubtedly beautiful, and the weather is clear.

Good life.

''The future and past pull each other, grabbing both of our frail hands~ Hm?''

Noticing my party's slightly dazed state, I stop my feet and turn to them.

''What? You guys still hung up over yesterday?''

At this, they obediently nod, one by one, and with rosy cheeks to boot. I don't blame them since yesterday's session was truly one of the best for us, after all.

We had a decently large and passionate audience, plus I really went all-out with my innate skills and techniques from start to finish, so it was more of, like, a milking session rather than a gangbang.

My lewd skills from the trial world didn't magically disappear, but the resistance to those aptitudes from my partners' bodies certainly did. It was quite arousing to be able to bully them like that.

And, hey, I was being compared to the succubus queen by Lyrical, which boosted my ego immensely. I was so moved that I almost sucked her off right at that moment.

Of course, that's a joke.

Nevertheless, I think the Sylvia Submission Coins are going down for the next few moments, at least.

''Well, well, we'll do it more if you guys want. We have time now.''

''Really?'' Liana's face brightens, as do others.


That's right. It's a vacation now.

My heart gets all fluttered when thinking about it... Man, I wish these days would last forever.

After goofing around the capital for a few more days, we decide to move on and travel to other places in Ranka. At this point, Eve hasn't made a move just yet, but we still need to be careful everywhere we go.

Not before having a casual conversation with the dragon king, though. Why? 'Cause your girl likes it, that's why.

Sitting opposite us are two whiteheads; one is a handsome man, and the other is a pretty woman. They're the dragon king, Kassius, and his daughter, Kyrie. I think I met the daughter a while ago, right after I nuked the red territory.

Now that I think about it, why do Sariel and these two have standard names while the other dragons have noun and adjective names? When did this trend start? I mean, I'm not saying it's bad because having a name like 'Miracle' is really cool, but...

Anyway, back to the conversation.

''So... You want me to examine this?'' Kassius takes the seed, Sirallets, from the table and examines it briefly. ''Why should I help you in the first place?''

I forgot dragons are arrogant as hell. Okay, well.

''I mean, you already granted us a conversation. Might as well, right?'' I casually reply.


With that, Kassius and his daughter begin to look further into the item.

In the first place, with Sariel here, even the dragon king has to concede to some degree. The power dynamic of this race is quite strange. Even though Kassius is the dragon king, he is not necessarily the absolute top. If two clan rulers decide they want the king no more, Kassius is as good as dead.

I am confident that my party and I can take him out with Sariel's help as well. Still, a king is a king. It's not for nothing that the arrogant dragon clans decide to have him as the king, aside from the fact that most of them probably want a helping hand in ruling their territories. 

Regardless, this guy is supposed to have a keen sense of things, according to Sariel, hence why I am having him examine the seed for me. I genuinely couldn't feel malicious intent from the cosmic loli the other day, so now I'm curious about her in a positive way.

After a few minutes, the pair of whiteheads finally come up with a conclusion.

''It seems to be a key of sort.'' Kassius strokes his neatly trimmed beard. ''It is elaborately designed. Very meticulous. Where did you get this?''

''Someone gave it to me.'' I take back the seed. ''Similar to this, the person was endowed with stars.''

''Stars... The first thing I can think of is a diviner, in this case.'' He continues. ''There exists a tribe of competent diviners somewhere in the world, and I do think they are capable of crafting items such as that one.''

''Do you know where they are?''

''No. I have only heard of rumors.''

''So secretive, huh... Anyway, do you know what this key is for?''

''That I am not sure. I am not aware of any 'lock' matching this key.''

''It's alright. Thanks for your input, almighty dragon king.''

''Call me Your Majesty.''



''Well, I won't waste your time anymore. We'll be going now.'' I stand up and stretch out a bit, flaunting my huge honkers. ''Thanks for having us~''

As we are about to leave, Kyrie, who has been fidgeting with her hand since earlier, stops us.



''Can I have a moment with all of you?''

Intrigued by this sudden invitation, we eventually decide to follow her to a different room.

''...Is it true that you met Lyrical yesterday?'' She begins with a dead serious face.

''We did.'' Sariel replies.

At this, Kyrie lets out a frustrated sigh and shakes her head. This puzzles me and my fiancés, rightfully. Is Lyrical a troublemaker?

''That woman... Is she still the same?'' Kyrie asks Sariel in particular.

My favorite dragon ponders a bit, then responds casually. ''More or less. After all these years, do you still have her in your heart?''

Hm? What's this? Another love story?

As if confirming my prediction, Kyrie nods meekly. She has a sorrowful expression on her face, constantly sighing in distress.

It seems this story is not as colorful as Miracle and Courage's.

''Hm... Princess, do you need help?'' I walk up to her. ''Let's just say... This is the repayment for helping us earlier.''

''That was my father's doing anyway, and... Well, at this point, I think I might just give up.'' Kyrie smiles bitterly.

''It is a viable option, sure. But have you tried everything?''

''I did. I truly did. I asked her out; I tried to seduce her; I gave her presents; I gave myself to her, yet she kept looking other ways.''

That's heartbreaking to hear. At this point, giving up might be the correct choice.

Then, Sariel, behind me, suddenly intervenes.

''Seduce?'' She raises an eyebrow. ''You mean those cringy cute acts you did a while ago? I thought that was a joke...''

''C-Cringy?!'' Kyrie widens her eyes. ''I thought that was the correct way to—eh?''

Okay, maybe there is a save. Sariel, go!

"...I think Lyrical is not taking your 'seduction' seriously at all." Sariel sighs helplessly. Based on my observation, she is, in fact, interested in you—the real you. That's why she always makes a long face after you 'teased' her."

Hearing this, Kyrie's brain nearly malfunctions. Only after a few moments does she finally regain her sanity and confidence.

''I got it!'' She says determinedly. ''Thank you, Saint Party. I'll go to her right now!''

''Wait, wait, let me teach you some techniques first.'' I hurriedly stop the excited dragoness. ''Recklessly charging in without preparation will only result in failure.''

''Ah, alright.''

At least know what to say and what not to say. With my course, she will definitely succeed!

Although, just imagine Kyrie breaking into Lyrical's room when she is fucking other women... Quite awkward.

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