Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

Case 209: Everything solver Sylvia.

Case 209: Everything solver Sylvia.



''Why did you do it again?''

Holding the kid in the air with telekinesis, I gently ask her. After catching this one and returning the purse to the other person, they thanked me repeatedly and left. Anyway, this kid is sulking real hard.

''If you don't answer, I'll leave you hanging here forever.'' I threaten.

''Hah, as if you have the balls to do it.'' She snaps back at me.

''Do I look like I have balls, idiot?''

''...You don't dare. Soft-ass elf noble...''

"You ain't looking any better than me, little rat. You do know I can turn you into the police, right?"

''As if they would listen to outsiders! I know those incompetent police!'' She yells, her wolf ears and tails trembling. ''What are you gonna do? Seduce them with those stupid tits?!''

''Bla bla bla. So you're not talking, is it?''


How stubborn. This is one of the reasons I hate kids.

I still remember I used to get annoyed at the little brat Liana back when she was smaller, and now I'm her sex slave. What a turn.

Anyway, this kid is not yielding at all.

''Well, let's go grab a drink or something.''


Just like that, my party members and I proceed to visit a café nearby for something to soothe our throats. After a solid half an hour of idling, cuddling, and flirting, we finish our drinks and return to the alleyway where the kid is put.

''Ah! You!''

Seeing me, she struggles in the air with a desperate expression.

''Did you have fun?'' I say as I take a big bite of the meat skewer I just bought.

''Eh, ah, uh...''

Stunned by food. Predictable.

A bit of 'persuasion' later, the kid finally agrees to talk, munching away the meat I give her.


''So... I stole it because I have no money to buy food.''

''I know that, idiot. You're from the slums, aren't you? Tell me what's wrong there.''

''...The living conditions there are terrible. We don't have clean water or food, and it's littered with trash. The jobs pay pennies...''

''Typical slums, I see. What has the government done over the years?''

''That... I don't know exactly.''

''Understandable, you're just a brat, after all.'' I shrug. ''Guide me to the slums.''

''Hey, you're all a bunch of beautiful women. It's dangerous there.''

''I can slap the Beast King around with one hand, so just do it.''

A little bit frightened, the kid leads us to her home area. The transition from a proper city to the slums is abrupt—the two sides are divided by a small river. Immediately, I see people like this kid using the water from the current to do living activities. Washing clothes, bathing, consuming.

It's kinda weird because the water should be super dirty if they have been using it like this, but it is just mildly muddy, and the trash floating on the surface is weirdly little as well. I guess the government does clean it sometimes.

I notice a pretty large tree in the distance as well. Wonder what that is.

As we pass through the creaky and breaky bridge, a nasty smell greets us. I immediately deploy an illusion to mask ourselves and a smell sorter spell.


One has to frown when encountering a scene like this. Trash-digging, harsh labor, hunger. The people's lives here are indeed miserable.

Even if I am not a good person, I have a duty to help these people as I have the power to do so. I might be a scumbag slut, but at least I'm not a heartless slut.

Nevertheless, after a bit of walking, we arrive at a tattered house like any other. Inside is a couple with the same greyish fur and hair color as the kid.

''Diana?'' One of them—the female one—turns around. ''Where have you been... Huh?''

Seeing our group, the two are stunned for a moment before cautiously asking us.

''Who are you guys...?''

''We're reporters from the empire.'' I cheerfully reply. ''Our team has been tasked with gathering information regarding the quality of life here in Knara.''

As I say that, I take out a small notebook and a pen.

''May I ask you a few questions?'' 


The other party seems hesitant. At this point, there is only one option.

''Of course, you will be compensated accordingly.'' 

Pulling out a small gold coin, I smile at them.


Got them.

Just like that, I begin to question them about the government's actions over the past few decades. With the gold coin in hand, they reply enthusiastically, giving us quite detailed and lengthy answers.

There are several main points here.

One, the government has tried to get rid of the slums by offering the people here new dwellings and jobs outside so they can rebuild this area, yet the majority of them declined.

Two, there seems to be a religion here, one in which the believers worship an entity called 'Sirallets.' They strongly believe that this entity doesn't want them to move out for whatever reason.

Three, the tree I saw just earlier is, in fact, the home of this entity, and the interviewees warn me not to get close to it without permission because I will get 'glazed to the ground.'

Now, I won't call these people idiots or anything because the matter involves religion. As much as I want to kick them out forcefully, as the Beast King probably wants as well, I need more information.

''Aight, thank you for the information.''

With that, I say goodbye to the kid and her family before getting out of the slum area.

''What do we do now?'' Liana casually asks. ''This seems like a pain.''

''...Even if it's just in name, we're the saint party, you know?'' Tina shakes her head helplessly.

''It's not 'just in name' though...'' Anna awkwardly scratches her face.

''Well, well, let's just pay a visit to the Beast King first.'' I interject. 

Glancing at the big tree in the distance for the last time, we turn away and begin to head to the castle.

I wonder what he has to say about all this.

Passing through the security is relatively easy since I have Everwood's royal emblem with me. The Beast King wastes no time and immediately invites us to a chat. I like this attitude.

In the guest room, we sit opposite a wolf-kin with majestic silver-gray fur—the Beast King. Befitting his title, there is a ferocious and wild aura radiating from him, yet his demeanor is filled with dignity.

''First thing first, thank you for resolving the conflict between the cat-kin clan and the red dragon clan.'' Beast King bows lightly toward me. ''Although I boast myself as the King of Beasts, dragons are something I couldn't handle no matter what.''

''It's only my duty.'' I humbly reply.

''You are too reserved. Well... Aside from that, I am delighted to hear that the saint party has graced our capital. And this is...''

''Sariel. My new party member.'' I proudly introduce Sariel. ''A red dragon, as you might know.''

''...Impressive, as always.'' Beast King smiles helplessly. ''Nevertheless, it is a good thing that a powerful entity such as Miss Sariel has joined the saint party.''


''I think that is enough pleasantries for now. May I ask what brings you here, esteemed Saint?''

''I shall be straightforward. What happened to the slums?''

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