Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

Case 154: Guided by a fire heart – The art of explosion.

Case 154: Guided by a fire heart – The art of explosion.


If the city before was almost dead, then it is now super dead. I don't even see a single building standing anymore.



Sariel in her dragon form lands before us, creating a strong gust of wind that almost blows me away. She then lowers her head to almost ground level, looking at me proudly. 

Jesus Christ, she's so big...

''T-That was pretty insane. You did a good job.'' I walk closer and stroke her head a bit.

Woah... My hand doesn't even cover a tenth of one scale, and it's surprisingly warm. I guess she's not a fire dragon for nothing.

''Climb up. I will allow you to ride on my back.''

''Oh, okay.''

Her voice is still the same, how weird.

So I fly the three of us on Sariel's back, and we take to the sky. 

''Woah, that's fast.''

The ride is surprisingly stable despite Sariel flying at a very high speed. I think this is double my normal flying speed...

''Hm... I wonder, how large is this world?'' Anna asks, looking around the area.

''I'm not sure.'' I reply.

I mean, there's probably a border somewhere, right? Like in Minecraft for example. Exploring this world could be fun.

''We just need to defeat the boss to clear the gate, right?'' Liana suddenly speaks up.

''Huh? I think so.''

That's what I read in the general guide.

''What was the point of blowing up those little guys earlier then?''

'''' ... ''''

''Well, at least what Sariel did was cool, right?'' I smile awkwardly and stroke the giant scale that I'm sitting on.

No, really, I want to be able to easily nuke an area like that, too. Would she teach me those things if I became her sex friend...?


Suddenly, Liana pinches my nipple with a mocking expression.

''Leisurely flirting with another woman in front of your fiancés, quite bold, aren't you?'' She says. ''Don't you agree, Anna?''

''Well... I think it's shameless too.'' A gentle smile blooms on Anna's face. ''But I love her like that.''

''A-Anna...!'' I grab Anna's hands tightly,

Fuck, I'm tearing up. Maybe I'll sit on her face tonight, she asked for that the other time after all.

''Well, looks like we're here.'' Liana finally releases my poor nipple and looks ahead.

Well, yeah, I've been sensing some heavy presence since earlier as well.

''Alright, it's time to take care of the boss.'' I stand up just as Sariel stops advancing, flapping her wings to keep us airborne instead.

Looking down, I see a giant figure sitting in a large clearing. It has silver-grey skin, bulging muscles, and looks overall like a minotaur, with horns and such as well.

Hmm... Oh? There's another little guy on his shoulder as well. Abnormally tall and slender, with elongated limbs and nails, I guess there are two bosses here.


The giant slowly rises to his feet, the sheer size of the guy is enough to shake the whole atmosphere around us, even though he has not made any drastic movement. I think this guy is at least double the size of Sariel, that's insane.



He lets out a piercing shriek, or at least I think so, based on his gaping mouth, I already put a sound barrier around us, so.

Either way, these guys are not light opponents by any means. I could destroy them all if I drop my Gungnirs here, but I want to actually learn the art of explosion with my magic alone. I can then apply those skills to crafting more powerful explosives anyway.

''Oh, shit.''

Suddenly, the big guy grabs the little guy and throws him at us in the sky.

''Anna and I will take care of that little guy, it's a good opponent.'' Liana steps forward with Anna, spinning the scythe that I just took out for her and licking her lips lightly. ''You and the lizard can do the big one.''

''Take care, Sylvia.'' Anna adds, waving her hand imbued with divine magic.

''Alright, take care.''

With that, they both spring themselves downward, straight up colliding with the slender guy in the air. Well, I can leave this to them.

''Sariel- Oh?''

Right when I'm about to call Sariel, she quickly morphs into her humanoid form and floats beside me.

''So our job is to take care of that one, yes?'' She says with the usual elegant smile.

''Yeah, and... I wonder if you can- Wait.''

I quickly bring both of us to the side with telekinesis, dodging the large boulder coming from the giant demon below.

''I wonder if you can teach me some of the explosive stuff.'' I continue normally.

''Ah, equivalent exchange?'' Sariel's smile deepens, eyes narrowing a bit.

I knew you were going to say something like that.

''...You can include the 'full-course meal' at the end of our promised date. If I have their permission, of course.'' I reply while moving us to dodge the flying stuff from the guy.

''Wonderful. I shall gladly teach you my techniques.'' Sariel nods contently, eyeing my body a bit before flying behind me.

''What... What are you doing...?''

''Shhh. Raise your hand and concentrate your mana.'' She hugs me from behind, circling her arms around my waist, her chin resting on my shoulder.

The soft sensation of her breasts, the alluring scent, the serene whispers of her, all of them make my body shudder. It's like Sariel is wrapping herself around my whole being. 

''Tch... Did you seduce women like this in the past?'' I raise my complaint and still do as she says.

''My, I didn't even need to seduce them. They came to me.'' She slides her palm along my raised arm, then gently grabs my wrist. ''You are the first one I make an effort to get.''

''That's an honor.'' I tilt my head to avoid her mouth near my ear. ''Now, teach me properly if you want to fuck me.''

''Fufu, of course.''

By the way, Sariel deployed a giant barrier earlier so the guy below us couldn't even do anything.

''The first thing I will teach you is how to increase the power of your explosion. Try making a basic mana bullet with explosive property first.''


The basic principle of an explosive mana bullet is the denser and smaller it is, the more powerful it will be.

So I condense the swirl of mana that I've gathered into a little ball, compress it, compress it, and compress it some more...

Done. In front of my palm right now floats a bullet-tip-like piece of compressed mana.

''Good job. But you can do better.'' Sariel comments. ''Let me introduce you to our family's esoteric method—[Heart of Fire]. The details of it I will explain later. For now, I want you to try it first.''


Sariel slides her hand up from my waist to under my left breast, lifting my lump of fat up. From her hand, I can feel a dense and powerful energy flowing to my heart. It's hot, really hot, but it makes me feel more powerful than ever.

''Now, do it again before the fire fades out.''

I narrow my eyes and crank my brain to its maximum capacity, compressing the already tiny bullet tip even more, gradually, slowly, carefully... It goes surprisingly smoothly, if it was before, I would've been struggling right now for sure.

Finally, the bullet reaches the size of an ant.


''Wonderful for a first try.'' Sariel says. ''As expected, you have talent in this.''


Let's try launching it.


The tiny bullet rips through the air with a high-pitch noise, swiftly lodging itself into the giant demon's head, and then-



An earthshaking explosion erupts from the demon's head, blowing its entire torso and the surrounding rubber away, leaving behind just a pair of sad, lifeless legs.

That... Is at least three times stronger than my usual explosive...



''You can fuck me however you want on our date.''

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