Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

Case 148: What the hell did you do, Hanako…?

Case 148: What the hell did you do, Hanako…?

''Get off.''

Liana quickly picks Sariel and puts her away, then stares at me intently.

''...Are you in heat?'' She asks.


''Just look at your face.'' She bows down and strokes my cheek, raising an eyebrow. ''And you're wet. Miss Princess fucktoy.''


She thrusts her hand inside my skirt and rubs her fingers against my slit a bit, then brings it up for me to see.

...I'm really wet. 

''I don't know what happened...'' I reply awkwardly as Liana casually licks the liquid on her fingers away.

''It's because of my incredible charm, obviously.'' Sariel grins.

''You shut up.'' Tina interjects. ''And Sylvia, do you need us to-''


'''' ... ''''


Suddenly, a voice I thought I'd never heard again sounds in the distance. My eyes immediately widen in realization, I quickly get off the bed and run to the kitchen.

How could I ever forget this voice?


Standing in the kitchen with her back to me is my mom. Not my elf mom, but my human mom.

''Hanako?'' She turns around and looks at me with a questioning gaze.



I immediately jump at her and give her a big hug, taking the middle-aged woman by complete surprise. Black hair, black eyes, just an ordinary mom you would find anywhere, but to me, she's my precious mom.

''Hic... sniff...''

''What happened?'' She strokes my back and asks softly. ''Did Sariel do something to you again?''

''...Eh? Sariel?'' I pull away from the hug and look at her in confusion.

Why is Sariel in this conversation...?

''Your younger sister, Sariel. Who else is here?''

''My younger sister?!''

How the fuck did Sariel become my younger sister?!

Okay, let's calm down. It's an imaginary world, anything can happen.

''Hanako... I don't know if you don't like her because she is not related to us, but at least acknowledge her.'' She looks at me worryingly. ''You only have her as your sibling after all.''

...I said anything can happen, but what the hell is this??

So Sariel was adopted, and my original little brother magically disappeared?

''...When will Dad come home?'' I calm myself once more and ask.

''Probably late at night. He has to work overtime to earn more money...'' She grimaces. ''Hanako, I don't want to say this, but you just graduated college. It's time for you to find a job.''

And my family became poor for some reason. Fuck me.

''Alright, alright, I will. And... I love you, mom.''

''Silly girl, what's wrong with you today...'' She chuckles.

This is it. I'll become a god and go back to Earth to meet my family again.

After that tearful reunion, I went back to my room and pulled in all of our contestants for the trial.

'''' ... ''''

''So...'' I speak up. ''To summarize, Emy and Anna became siblings under Emy's parents, Liana and Tina also became siblings under Liana's parents? And we're all neighbors?''

''Yep.'' Liana reply.

This is a fucking mess. 

''Well, whatever. We need to get our goals first.'' I let out a sigh. ''Let me contact Eva.''

I close my eyes, and... Shit, my chat with Eva is gone.

''...Eva?'' I open my eyes and call out.

Suddenly, a little orb of light appears near me.

[I am here.]

Her voice sounds from the orb.

''I want to ask, what do you think we should do first?''

Why waste time when we can ask a veteran, am I right?

[Find one thing that you are the best at and develop it to the limit. There should be signs for you already, pick up on those.]

''Anything at all?''

[Yes, no matter how trivial it is, if developed to the absolute ceiling, can become something terrifying.]


Sounds pretty sus to me.

[One of my sworn sisters is a Gaming God if you are still skeptical.]


For real? And you have sworn sisters??

[Either way, good luck with finding your talent. I will be going now.]

''Ah, alright, thanks a lot.''

[By the way, your bodies are now safely in my realm, so do not worry about those.]

With that, the orb disappears.

'''' ... ''''

''So... Any ideas?'' I lean back on the wall.

For reference, we're now sitting on my bed.

''I'll probably go fighting.'' Liana speaks up first. ''I'm most confident in that.''

Makes sense. Another Goddess of War won't hurt.

We all nod in understanding and turn our gazes towards Emy, who's sitting beside Liana.

''...Cooking.'' She replies. ''I love it the most.''

Acceptable. Nothing is NG after all.

''Mhm.'' I give her a thumbs up. ''Next, Tina.''

''Er... Singing?'' She tilts her head with a rather awkward smile. ''I'm not good at it, but it's what I'm passionate about, so...''

Yep, I'll make her an idol. With her boobs and face, it's going to be easy.

''Good, next, Anna.''

''I...'' Anna ponders. ''I think I'm going with Raeliana.''

Also good. Based on martial arts skills alone, she can easily rival the other three.

''I think that's good.'' I reply. ''And then you...''

I don't know anything about this woman...

''Explosives.'' Sariel immediately replies, her silver eyes shining brightly, face flushed, and a crazy smile blooms on her face. ''And destruction, of course.''

''...That's actually what I wanted to do as well...''

''Excellent!'' Sariel grabs my hand and pokes her face closer to me. ''We shall work together to create the most beautiful explosions!''


''Alright, alright. Get away for now.'' I push her away and calm myself. ''Phew... Well, now that you guys know what to do, I think you should gather information on the Internet first.''

''Using that thing?'' Tina points to my PC.

''Yeah, do you guys have one?''

'''' Yes. ''''

''Good, then let me teach you how to do it.'' I stand up and walk to the computer. 

I make five more chairs using earth magic and start the PC.

The RGB light on the keyboard, mouse, and the interior of the case shines as everyone sits down beside me. The screen quickly lightens up, and after a few seconds of loading, we enter the desktop screen.


Immediately, the wallpaper catches my eye.

An anime girl with black hair, wearing a kimono is sitting under a plum blossom tree, sipping sake out of a small bowl—elegantly. Now, it's still normal at this point, I might even say that it is beautifully drawn, but... Why the fuck is there a bulge on her crotch?!

No, seriously, how would you even find something like this? It's so niche! And the icons are arranged in the corners so the image can be seen more clearly as well, what a nympho this Hanako girl is...

''Erm... In my defense, this is not my doing at all...'' I speak up nervously, glancing at my fiancés. ''It's Hanako's work, not mine.''

''Hanako being your previous name?'' Sariel asks.

''Yeah.'' I reply. ''So... Don't get mad at me, alright?''

'''' ... ''''

While I'm thinking that, Anna the curious cat is already using the mouse and clicking everywhere, trying out the icons.

''...What's this [Document ♥] thing?''


click—! click—!

Anna opens the folder, and inside it are... Tons of blatant futa porn...

How dumb are you to name it so transparent like that, stupid Hanako...!

''Good taste, but I'm getting irritated seeing these.'' Liana flashes me a chilling smile. ''Ready to wash the bedsheet later, alright?''

Fuck... Why is my womb aching...

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