Level up Zombie

Chapter 39 Reborn

Skittle was a smart boy, he was always top of his class during school and had even managed to enter the university on a special Scholarship. Although there were times when he would think too much, and it would get in the way of his common sense.

He was a nervous wreck multiple times which would cause him to fumble some of his scores at times. To put it simply he didn't do well in high-pressure situations.

Right now though, he was thinking back to everything he had seen about Zain. His skin colour slightly getting paler, his eyes changed, and the fact that even though he was stabbed in the chest and they had yet to go to a hospital, he was acting like nothing had happened.

"You were bit...from the beginning. Are you saying that you were bit when you first came to us!" Skittle asked.

At first, when he heard the suggestion from Zain he thought it was crazy. Perhaps he had been bit recently and it still hadn't taken effect on him, but Zain was completely normal despite so much time passing. Just like with a virus everyone's body would react differently and just maybe that was what had happened to Zain.

However, it was unlikely that just getting Zain to bite him would change the way the virus was, to the point it was mutated and that was if it was even a virus in the first place. There was just too much risk.

While in the middle of his thoughts, the banging increased against the metallic door, it was consistent and sounded as if it was getting larger by the second. For a moment, it looked like the door had moved slightly, meaning it was only a matter of time before they would get in.

"The zombies, they don't attack me," Zain explained. "The reason why I was able to save you guys and get out of the situation from before, was because they were never after me. I could just ditch the car and attract the zombies with the sound."

Hearing this, Skittle understood what Zain was saying, right now the Zombies were only banging and trying to enter this room because of him. If this crazy plan worked then there was a good chance that they would go away.

"Skittle, it's our best chance right now. I don't want to see you die, I don't want to do nothing, this is the best chance of survival!" Zain shouted, kicking the door behind him, shoving it slightly back, as it had been pushed forward from the others.

It was a hard hit and shove that had bent the door, making it a bit harder to open.

Skittle quickly took off the overcoat he was wearing and pulled up the sleeve, revealing his skin.

"Zain, you have been a good friend to me, you and both Buke helped me when I was getting bullied. You helped me get my items back from those guys, and ever since you continued to protect me.

"I know, even now you're trying to protect me. If what you said is true you could have left this place a long time ago. I know you have had your own troubles, and I was unable to help you back then, I was unable to see what you were going through. But this time I can do something, and won't be a burden to you!"

When Skittle said these words, it reminded Zain of a certain moment. Once again visions started to flash in his mind. The freezer had turned into an incredibly dark room. Once again, there was blood on his hands.

'You will fail again...now you're going to kill your friend as well. You once again are useless, unable to help anybody.' A voice was heard echoing in his head.

'No.' Zain shook his head. 'This will work, it has to work!'

Skittle ran forward, closing his eyes not slowing down, he had made a decision but didn't want to back out of it.

"Zain, if it's out of you or them, then I would rather take a chance with you. Please if anything happens to me...just make sure my family and Buke are okay!"

As Skittle reached him, Zain pressed his hand against his forehead stopping him. Skittle was so hell-bent on running he nearly crashed into Zain.

Zain grabbed his friend's arm next and could see he still had his eyes closed.

Even now while holding Skittle he could feel his whole body shaking.

'Please, whoever is looking over me, whoever created this damned Zombie system and is looking over me, make this work!' Zain opened his mouth, and with his teeth bite down.

Screaming in pain, Skittle quickly put his shirt in his mouth to bite against and take in the pain. Still, Zain didn't let go, he could feel something coming through his teeth. It was as if blood was being drawn out of him from the bite, and was entering Skittle.

Whatever had turned him this way, he wanted to turn Skittle as quickly as possible. It seemed like it was working as the colour of his veins could be seen darkening through his skin.

It was running up his neck, and soon had reached his eyes, turning them paler by the second.

'Is it working..is it really turning him into something like me!' Zain thought.

Suddenly, his eyes had gone hollow, and the banging on the door behind them started to stop. Zain could no longer smell the attractive scent that had been placed on Skittle. Like a chemical reaction, the red liquid seemed to only work on humans which meant one thing.

[Congratulations! You have successfully turned your first victim]

[1/10 Zombies in your current horde]

[New skills have been unlocked]

[10 exp has been granted]

Now letting go of Skittlehsi teeth marks had been made deep on the arm, blood dripping from it, but the real question remained.

"Skittle...Skittle...are you okay, can you hear me?" Zain asked.


let's go for 1200 Stone goal for 2 chapters

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