Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 125: Stuck in The Middle

Chapter 125: Stuck in The Middle

After seating Megan, Ryan put his hand on the woman's back and let his inner strength flow in.

Suddenly, Ryan's hands were hot like an oven. Megan felt her body warm and the pain in her chest began to fade.

With that profuse flow of energy, Megan's pale face slowly regained its color. Her lips regained their color and her body started to respond.

This process took a few minutes. Then Ryan's eyes opened quickly and the slap of his hand on Megan's back made the woman's whole body turn. With a movement as fast as lightning, Ryan removed all the needles in Megan's chest.

Then his hand was stuck in the middle of Megan's chest.

This was the last and most crucial stage. When his hand touched Megan, his inner strength immediately rushed out of his hand. As he was so focused earlier, Ryan forgot that Megan was a woman.

The soft sensation of Megan's chest felt so nice against the skin in his hand. Without realizing it, Ryan's other hand pinched the top of the woman's mountain. The unconscious Megan felt the pinch and a warm sensation rose from her chest.

However, because of this naughty act, Ryan's internal energy became chaotic and Megan's face turned pale again.

Ryan was caught off guard, he quickly concentrated again and channeled his inner strength.

Fortunately, Megan's face was gradually returning to normal quickly.

Ryan closed his eyes again, this was the moment of determination. He couldn't be careless or too relaxed.

After ten minutes, Megan's face was back to normal and Ryan was breathing a lot easier.

He then opened his eyes and saw that Megan was breathing normally. A smile then crossed Ryan's face, this woman was devoted to him.

At this time, Ryan took the opportunity to observe Megan's beauty.

Megan was not just any woman. The beauty she radiated was truly natural. Her round face and small lips made Ryan couldn't help to kiss her. 

Not to mention, her pink nipples were absolutely gorgeous. It had a very bright pink color.

Even though Megan was not young at her age, her body could still make supermodels cry with jealousy. Ryan secretly praised Megan for really taking care of her body.

Seeing Megan still closing her eyes, Ryan remembered the sensation of his hand being flanked by these two mountains. The round knockers felt really soft!

It should be okay to hold it again, right? Besides, she still wasn't awake and he saved her life. Well, just think of it as some sort of a tax.

The more Ryan thought about it, the more tempted he was to do it. Then he stretched out his hand.

Once again, Ryan felt so happy in his heart.

His hands managed to support the two beautiful mountains. To him, this was the soft sensation he had longed for.

Without realizing it, Ryan raised one of the towering shoots.

Suddenly, Megan let out a sigh. Ryan got surprised and immediately withdrew his hand. After a few seconds, Megan seemed to haven't regained her consciousness yet..

Ryan was shocked just now. It was really scary.

Then, the man decided to go on an adventure again.

Megan felt as if her chest was covered by something and like someone was squeezing her chest. This strange sensation made her lift her eyelids but the exhaustion made her fall asleep once again.

However, that strange sensation was felt again in her chest. This time the sensation felt like a hand was holding her chest and pinching her nipples. Moreover, the hand couldn't stop moving.

Then Megan woke up, still half conscious and realized there was a figure in front of her.

Who was he? Why was he in front of me?

Within seconds, the figure began to appear clearly in her eyes.

Even though it was still blurry, this person was clearly a male and for some reason his smile was very familiar. When she closed her eyes again, she felt the strange sensation in her chest still last.

Suddenly, Megan quickly opened her eyes and looked down. The man's hand was on her chest!

And she's wearing nothing but underwear!

Ryan was still focused on playing with his new toy and completely unaware that Megan had woken up.

He kept judging which one was softer and rounder, his wife's or Valerie or Megan's?

Megan was already angry and raised her right hand up high.

"You pervert!"

Hearing this voice, Ryan looked up and got a really nice thank-you gift.


The loud slap was pleasant to hear. Ryan was completely speechless.

When did she wake up?

There was a little awkwardness in Ryan's smile. "Well, at least you are healthy again. Let me explain this all,"

"What explanation? Obviously you want to rape me!" Megan quickly covered her chest with her hands.

"Wow, wait a minute, listen to my explanation first," Ryan started to panic.

"There's no need to explain. Guys like you always target defenseless women like me," Megan was about to cry but she realized Ryan was just staring at her in silence. 

She then realized that she was still half naked, so she shouted out loud.



Megan screamed so loud that Ryan's eardrum felt like they wanted to break.

Megan acted quickly. She took the blanket on the bed to cover her naked upper body.

"I did not think you are a man like that, you even wanted to rape me!" Megan was on the verge of crying, she didn't expect that her first time was about to be forcibly taken away from her.

"Listen to me first before you draw conclusions, okay?" Ryan was getting annoyed. "It's true that I took off your clothes. It's true that I stole the opportunity to taste your melon. But didn't I save you? Take that as a reward,"

"Besides, me playing with your chest gave you a pleasant sensation, right?"

"You perverted man!" Megan didn't care anymore. She quickly threw another slap at Ryan.

But this time her hand was gripped tightly in midair.

Even though she was struggling, Megan could not escape Ryan's grip.

"No! Let me go!" Megan started to panic.

"If you want me to be violent, I'll show you," Ryan grinned, his face looking angry.

"What do you want!?" Megan got scared.

"Didn't you say I was a pervert? I'll show you how a pervert will act."

After saying that, Ryan put Megan on top of her bed. The blanket that had covered her top fell and she was naked again. Ryan didn't give her a chance to break free.

"How is it? Don't you want to know how rape really is? Unfortunately this is still nothing."

After that, Ryan forced a kiss on Megan, not letting her run.

Megan initially wanted to fight back but Ryan's lips perfectly blocked hers. Even though she tried to scream, all that came out was a sigh and drool.

Megan's eyes opened wide, but she managed to slap Ryan hard. However, the slap was like a small sting for the man.

As they kissed, Megan desperately gritted her teeth to prevent Ryan from entering any further. Knowing this, Ryan smiled. "You dare to fight me?"

His hands were swimming on Megan's smooth body. This made Megan even more panicked. In the midst of her panic, she screamed loudly for help. However, this was used by Ryan to target her tongue.

The moment they met, Megan tried to bite him. Luckily, Ryan managed to pull his tongue out on time.

"Hey!" Ryan took off Megan's lips angrily. "Are you a dog?"

Megan's attack almost cut Ryan's tongue.

"Son of a bitch! Let me go!" She struggled.

"I'm really going to rape you if you don't shut up!" Ryan pretended to look cruel.

"I'll bite it off if you dare!" Megan didn't want to submit anymore.

"I'm a perverted man and my brain is only filled with women and sex," Ryan joked. "I suggest you don't move and show off your body. Don't blame me if I was tempted because you asked for it,"

Hearing Ryan's threat, Megan was a little scared. She quickly covered her chest with one hand.

"Listen to me," Ryan's face became serious. "I'll only explain it once."

Megan looked away. "Who wants to hear your explanation?"

"I've warned you to be careful of that disease in your chest. If I didn't take care of you in time, you would really be dead now," Ryan said in a serious tone. He then took out his acupuncture needle and showed it. "These are the tools I use on you, I told you not that I could do acupuncture."

Megan then glanced at him silently. Come to think of it, her chest didn't hurt anymore. That meant Ryan's words were true! But how could she admit her mistake? Women were never wrong!

"Acupuncture needs direct access to the skin so that certain points get maximum results. Your disease is centered in your chest so it's only natural that I need you to be shirtless or I can't save you," Ryan's face then looked worried. "At that time, your face was really pale white. I thought you would die. So I was forced to make a decision,"

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