Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 803 Attack (3)

Kyran read about Comodos in the Regis Archive. In the Human plane, they were primarily found in the south, so he never got to see one in person. However, according to the updated records, those in the south no longer possessed dragon blood. The reason was that they crossbred with other species to preserve their kind, which resulted in the thinning of their dragon blood. Some of these species became what was known as the current Chameleons, Hatuis, Longmas, Quilins, and Wyverns. Still, these hybrid species were considered extinct, and some nations even forbid hunting their kind.

Some of these hybrid species, like the Chameleons and Hatuis, would sometimes produce offspring that looked much like a Comodo. The difference, however, was that they had a small build, and their scales were more reptilian.

In any case, the current Comodos in the Human plane could be considered fakes.

Kyran had been to different planes and heard stories about Dragons. None of which mentioned them as no more— it appeared that the Human plane was the only plane in the Lower Realm to consider Dragons no longer exist.

Because of this, Kyran had wanted to see one for himself. Unfortunately, he never encountered one when he roamed the dangerous zones of the planes he visited. He initially believed this was because of his innate ability to force beasts to steer clear of his path. But he also felt that the small amount of dragon blood might have caused other dragons to sense his approach and try to avoid any contact. Not because they were afraid of him but because Dragons were born territorial. They prefer to stay close to their lair, and as long as other beasts did not venture too close to them, they would remain non-hostile.

Since Kyran met Ames and witnessed her overwhelming presence, he had wanted to meet another dragon. It did not matter if they were a hybrid or from a different tribe than the Dragon King as long as they possessed dragon blood because he wanted to see how much power a real dragon possessed in person.

Looking at the Comodo below, Kyran confirmed this one looked more identical to the ones he read in the Regis Archive.

Seeing this made Kyran recall the other name Comodos were known as:

Earth Dragons.

Lastly, there was the Dryad— looking like a humanoid, except with greeny branches as limbs, and golden leaves as a crown.

Dryads were known as tree nymphs. This was a universal knowledge and did not differ from what was known in the Human plane. However, humans did not consider Dyrads as a beast. Instead, they were known as Spirits.

Spirits revered Kyran because of his identity as the Void Master. But he wondered if Dryads from another plane would also treat him as such. This thought crossed his mind when he heard the history of the Spirits from White Lily.

According to her, the Spirits were split into three kinds, and when their plane was destroyed, she could only save a portion of her kind and enter a rift close to the palace. That rift led to the Human plane. As for the others, they failed to follow White Lily because of the commotion and instead entered a rift that was close to them.

This Dryad might be one of White Lily's people. Of course, Kyran was not interested in helping the Dryad reunite with the other Spirits in the Human plane. He only wanted to know if they would sense White Lily's branding on him.

For the record, the White Lily's branding was not a mark or a seal. It was more of a connection that each Spirit would sense if they met someone favored by their Queen.

Looking at the three magical beasts, it was a no-brainer why Kyran was interested in them. But even if he had some history on these magical beasts, that did not mean he could easily make them submit.

Besides, there was also the cargo they meant for them. He wanted to see what was inside that required a knight to guard it.

While Kyran was looking at where the magical beasts were in the Armakea's formation, he could not help but frown.

In his first confrontation with the Armakea, the magical beast was positioned at the back, making it seem like he was controlling the horde. While the magical beast was indeed in control of the horde, he was not too keen on micromanaging them and even killed some when they got in his way.

In any case, Kyran noticed that the magical beasts this time were placed at the core of the Armakea's formation, giving him a strange sense that the horde of beasts was protecting them. As for the beast-likes and complete beings, those with low ranks were at the forefront, and the high-ranking ones— including the Knights—  were at the back.

Judging from the Armakea's formation, it was obvious they wanted to whittle the Eidums' forces before the stronger group joined in to finish them off.

But such a strategy was not really necessary. After all, they outnumbered the Eidums. If Kyran were commanding, he would interchange those at the back with those in the forefront. Doing so would allow them to showcase their overwhelming advantage and might even force the Eidums to surrender without spilling too much blood. He could also dispatch the three magical beasts only and had the Dryad use her 

In Kyran's opinion, the Armakea's formation wasted their manpower. Or maybe they simply did not care about the lives of those low-ranking beast-likes and complete beings. The thought disgusted him.

In any case, Kyran had to put aside his emotions because he had something else to do.

Locate Cyneah.

So far, Kyran had not sensed her presence among the Eidums. She could still be inside the HQ, but after talking to Gael, he had an inkling she was not there. He also started to look at some events from a different angle.

Cyneah had the Macabre Glacier; from this, why did Kyran never question how she could its seemingly unsatiable thirst for magic energy? He had been in close proximity to it as well. Why did it not react?

While it was true that the Shaiha had been concealing Kyran's aura and presence all this time, it should be noted that when the mirror sensed even a whiff of his energy, it could also affect the Shaiha.

How about Cyneah's control over magic energy? Somuli had thin natural magic energy, yet her use of magic and control over her magic sense was unhindered.

Kyran would not have questioned this if he saw her regularly drink energy-replenishing potions. But the thing was, he never saw her drink a potion or even take a pill.

Where does she get her seemingly bottomless magic energy reserves?

The others might not find it strange because in Somuli, the Divine Armaments of complete beings could naturally produce magic energy. But knowing Cyneah was not a native of Somuli, it was impossible. Besides, she did not possess the Shaiha, which meant her use of magic should have been restricted.

While considering all these things, Kyran could only think of one way for Cyneah to replenish her magic energy. It would also keep the Macabre Glacier's insatiable thirst for magic energy at bay.

Cyneah was absorbing the souls of those who died in battle.

Kyran would have realized this sooner if he could use his magic sense without reservations. But because he had to reserve his magic energy and also share it with True Void, who had yet to recover completely, he could not use his magic sense at all times.

Kyran suddenly regretted not asking Cyneah any questions about what she went through after coming to Somuli. He heard bits and pieces from the old man, Azikh, Gael, Nahir, and even Hilam and the others, but thinking about it now, the things he heard were only when she joined the Eidums four years ago.

What about the first three years? What happened to Cyneah then? How did she survive until the time the complete beings found her in the middle of the forest?

Kyran clenched his fists as he continued to scan the battlefield. However, no matter how much he concentrated, he could not find Cyneah.

Could she still be inside the HQ?

Just when Kyran was considering going inside the HQ to look for Cyneah, he saw a shift in the Armakea's formation. He frowned as he finally saw the cargo Gael mentioned and sensed something ominous inside.

The high-ranking beast-likes and complete beings made their way as the knights fetched the cargo toward the position of the magical beasts.

Kyran scowled as he noticed Nahir's group slowly advancing toward the magical beasts' location. He suddenly had a bad feeling.

This feeling intensified as he saw the magical beasts react when the cargo neared them.

They growled and screamed as if they did not want to be close to it. Nevertheless, no matter how much they complained, they did not attempt to leave the formation. It was as if whatever was inside the cargo prevented them from leaving.

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