Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 758 Not As Expected (6)

Yalen looked at Kyran, wanting to thank him. But seeing the unconscious bloody Soria in his arms, she struggled to get up and heal her.

"If you use your magic now, you'll only worsen your condition," Kyran knelt and gently laid Soria to the ground before forcing Yalen to sit still. He looked her straight in the eye and added, "You'll just be another casualty. Is that what you want?"

Yalen pursed her lips, wanting to protest. But then she tasted the blood she had spat just a minute ago and fell silent.

Seeing her comply, albeit reluctantly, to his advice, Kyran turned his attention to checking the state of the other Eidums. He called, "Come closer, all of you. Let me check your wounds."

"C-Check our wounds?" Hilam repeated. He was still slumped on the ground. Too weak to move. Still, he could not help but react strongly to everything Kyran said.

"Can you not repeat what I say all the time? For once, listen to me and get your asses here," Kyran growled.

The Eidum fighting the Glyve with Hilam regained his senses and struggled to his feet. He went to Hilam and helped him up before approaching Kyran.

"Can you also bring your friend over there? I think he's unconscious," Kyran asked, pointing at the Eidum, who got thrown by the third Glyve trying to save Soria.

"Y-Yes," the other female Eidum fighter replied. Together with another male, Eidum, they went to their unconscious friend and brought him to Kyran.

The male healer was silent as he watched Kyran examine their condition. Like Yalen, he was already spent. But that was not the reason he was silent. He was one of those who kept their eyes open when Soria was about to be eaten by the Glyve.

He witnessed how Kyran killed all of the Glyves with one hit. To be precise, he saw Kyran stomping their heads and flattening them to their deaths.

Such a feat was impossible, even to a beast-like.

The male healer was afraid of Kyran. At the same time, he was in awe.

"You four only had minor injuries, drink this and rest for a while," Kyran told four of the Eidums, giving them a bottle of healing potion.

These four consisted of the female fighter, the other male fighter with Hilam, and the two fighters shielding the healers.

"You," Kyran looked at Hilam and gave him a healing pill. "Take this and get some sleep."

Hilam opened his mouth. But before any sound could escape them, Kyran snapped at him, saying, "Don't start with me. It's only a healing pill. I asked you to get some sleep because the pill's efficacy can be utilized only then."

Hilam took the pill without any qualms and said, "Okay. Thank you."

Kyran raised his brows. He was surprised at how obedient Hilam sounded. Then again, maybe his near-death experience made him realize his mistakes.

"You two," Kyran looked at Yalen and the male healer. "As much as I want to give you two a pill, I will still need your help tending to these two. Drink this potion for now."

Kyran gave them each a bottle of energy replenishing and healing potion.

Yalen and the male healer looked at each other. They were skeptical about the potion Kyran gave them. Obviously, they knew they were health and mana potions, but their color looked strange. The health potion was red, and the mana potion was light blue.

It should be noted that the color of a health potion in their land was green, and the mana potion was yellow. Their effectiveness could be determined depending on how deep their colors were.

Noticing that none of them had taken his potions and pills, a vein popped on his forehead. Before he could snap at them, however, Hilam opened his mouth and took the pill in one gulp.

Then he stood up and bowed at Kyran before going to a boulder at the side and resting.

The other Eidums were shocked at Hilam's action. Was he not the one always trying to find fault in Kyran earlier? How did he change his attitude toward him all of a sudden?

They then remembered what transpired just now and felt a little ashamed.

Truth be told, they thought the potions might be 'poisoned.' But if Kyran planned to poison them from the start, why would he even help them?

Yalen was the most ashamed because she had reprimanded Hilam earlier because of how he treated Kyran. She even brazenly used the Saint's words to show how 'righteous' she was. In the end, she was no better than Hilam. She could be considered worse even because at least Hilam was now trying to trust Kyran.

'Stop thinking about unnecessary things, Yalen!' She scolded herself and drank the potion bottoms up.

The other Eidums followed suit, having similar thoughts to Yalen.I think you should take a look at

But then, their eyes widened as they noticed the potions' effect as soon as they drank them.

"H-How could this be?" Yalen exclaimed as she stared at the bottle in her hand. Then she looked at Kyran and asked, "Where did you get this potion?"

Her reaction was reasonable. Apart from the color of the potions, their effectiveness was evident. She even felt those 'high-quality potions' in the market were inferior to Kyran's!

"I made them," Kyran replied with a shrug. He could have lied just now. But then he thought it was a pain to devise an excuse for where he got the potion. Besides, he saw their hesitation to drink the potion earlier. He guessed his potions might have a different color than the ones they were familiar with.

Kyran did not have a sample of this plane's potions. There might be some in the treasures he got from the bandits, but he did not have a chance to check them. He could not ask his puppets to sort the treasures, too, because all his puppets, apart from Aki, Len, and Neo, were only programmed for battle and simple tasks.

He could have asked the old man or observed Hilam and the others when they used potions, but the former was too noisy when experimenting on his potions. Thus, he cut off his connection with the projection, while the latter did not use even one potion.

In the end, he could only adjust the ingredients he was using while following his method of concocting potions and pills. Thus, the result was his potions still had the same color as the ones in the Human plane, albeit using Somuli's ingredients.

Yalen gaped at him in disbelief, "Aren't you a fighter?"

"I am."

"Then why can you also make potions?"

"Can't I do both?"


Yalen was speechless. It was not that there were no fighters in their land who did know potion-making. Some did, but they were not proficient.

However, Kyran was different. They already witnessed how powerful his fighting ability was, but to be proficient in potion-making as well?


He also knew how to make pills. Did that mean he also excels in apothecary?

"Who are you, really?" Yalen asked, looking at Kyran in a different light.

Kyran only replied with a somewhat mischievous smile. Then he turned his attention toward Soria and the unconscious Eidum.

Yalen stared dazedly at Kyran's profile.

"Lady Yalen? Are you okay? Your face is a little flushed."

Yalen snapped back to her senses after hearing the others call to her.

'Flushed? My face is flushed?' She thought, finally feeling her cheeks burning. It did not take her long to realize the reason, and she flushed even more.

"I-I am all right!" She stammered and tried to glare at Kyran.

But Kyran was not even looking at her; thus, her glare was pointless. In the end, she could only sigh in frustration and joined them in checking the condition of Soria and Noam, who got rammed by the Glyve earlier.

Yalen was once more speechless after hearing Kyran and Oded, the other healer, talking. The way Kyran explained Soria and Noam's condition and how to cure them with minimal use of healing magic was something only those who had vast experience in healing would know.

After a while, Kyran started instructing Oded on how to cure Noam.

Noam suffered a concussion and broken ribs. Thus, it was impossible to mend them without using greater healing. However, based on Kyran's instructions, it was possible using regular healing in addition to the special concoction he prepared.

Yalen looked at Oded and saw him listening intently while following Kyran's instructions. It seemed Kyran had completely won over Oded's trust.

Leaving the matter of curing Noam to Oded, Kyran turned to Yalen and began instructing her on applying the balm he made for Soria's wounds.

Yalen did not know when Soria's wounds closed but knew Kyran had done something earlier without them noticing. She was not complaining, though. Instead, she was grateful because she might have died if they had not closed her wounds.

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