Lady Lin's First-ever Journey to Immortality

Chapter 394 - The Mu Caravan

Chapter 394 The Mu Caravan

Of course, people of the Mu family are not all morons. After their left faces have been beaten, they will not show their right faces with enthusiasm and then say “please go ahead”.

After a short conversation, they explain their intentions.

Firstly, the manager of the Mu Family asks in a roundabout way that if Lin Luoran is free recently to be hired as the captain of the guard for the Mu caravan to Ying.

It turns out that they mistake Lin Luoran as a female warrior.

People here are open-minded. There is neither the bad tradition of women foot-binding, nor the restriction that women can’t show up in front of people other than their closest relatives. Therefore, Miss Mu can ride horse and swagger through the street. To sum up, women’s status is not too low in Penglai. There are women who start their own business independently and travel extensively. Lin Luoran’s skin color is like that of a person wandering around the world. Combined with her skills, it’s normal that she will be mistaken as a female warrior.

This place is not recorded in the ancient book of monsters of wood. Lin Luoran does not know her next step now. She doesn’t want to be the captain of the escort. However, she suddenly gets an idea. In this era of out-of-date information, won’t she get the most information if she is in a caravan?

She may find clues after taking a closer look at this continent.

Lin Luoran makes the decision but she says she has to think about it. Sending away the Mu family, she chooses to deal with Azhi’s affairs first.

Lin Luoran doesn’t accept the small box held by the Mu Family manager. She asks along the way about the best inn in this county. It happens to be owned by the Mu Family but Lin Luoran doesn’t care about it. She gets a best room and talks to Azhi.

Facing the Mu family, she cannot say that she is a lady in Feng City. Otherwise, she can’t carry out her plan. But now she has to explain to Azhi.

“As you can see, I am not a lady of Feng City. I was injured in the mountain because I was chased by my enemy. I was afraid that you guys might be scared if I told you the truth. Therefore, I lied. Will you blame me?”

Azhi is obviously not very comfortable in such a nice room. He doesn’t even know how to put his hands and feet. He considers it for a moment carefully and his eyes are still very clean, “Sister, is your surname really Lin?”

Lin Luoran nods and it seems to be a big relief for Azhi. He is probably afraid that Lin Luoran even lied about her name.

Lin Luoran knows that he doesn’t care about it and she tells him what she heard in the bank. Azhi is overjoyed and really wants to have a try after knowing the news that the famous school of Feng City is enrolling apprentices. However, he flinches after thinking about his family condition.

“How can my mother live at home alone... I, I have to be a hunter. I will buy a good bow later.”

Lin Luoran gives him the bronze lock and encourages him.

“Azhi, life is only a few decades. If you don’t take the opportunity to do what you want to do, you will feel regret when you are old. There is a flying ticket of one thousand taels hidden in the bronze lock which can be cashed in this county at any time. Just take it as my honorarium for saving me. I give it to you but you have to make the decision. You can take the flying ticket and go back to the mountain to be a small landlord and then marry a good wife. One thousand taels doesn’t mean much but it is enough for you to live until old in this troubled world... You can also choose to buy some gifts with this flying ticket and then go to Feng City to learn martial arts. You may start your own career in this way.”

Azhi’s hands shrink. One thousand taels? He doesn’t see so much money even in his dream!

“Sister Lin, I, I can’t take it.” The youngster is stammering.

Lin Luoran smiles and puts it in his hand, “You can just take it. For villagers, a thousand taels means a lot. But for me, I feel that my life is more valuable than it. You have just seen that the Mu family invited me to escort its caravan to Ying. I can earn a few hundred taels from this trip alone but I still think it is too cheap so I hasn’t accepted it yet. ”

Lin Luoran says the half-truth and Azhi is obviously stunned.

In the cold weapon era, people learning martial arts are very popular. Azhi knows that martial arts masters are rich. However, casually sending a thousand taels away like this? He dare not even think about it before.

Lin Luoran sees that he is like in a dream and she quickly bursts his bubbles.

“People who are capable of fighting are very aggressive and now we are in a troubled times. Noble people may also lose everything in the blink of an eye. You have to think about it carefully.”

Azhi totally loses his mind and says that he has to go home first. He gets a lot to digest about Lin Luoran’s words.

Azhi doesn’t take the brass lock. He knows Lin Luoran will still be in the inn tomorrow and he leaves with his stuff.

Lin Luoran doesn’t know which one Azhi will choose but she is still very happy to provide people with the opportunity to choose their dreams. In a good mood, she asks the inn guy to take a large wooden barrel into her room. Taking a hot bath and cleaning herself up, she then enters the space.

Fire phoenix totally agrees with her idea of escorting the caravan to Ying. It only says that if there is no way forward, running around will be a good idea because maybe there is a good chance.

Lin Luoran feels that this is the most philosophical sentence which fire phoenix has ever said. It makes wood wolf laugh a lot.

After taking a hot bath, she feels very comfortable. If she doesn’t have the obsession to climb the Penglai mountain, the days now are really like her life as an ordinary person in the Naqu grassland.

Her Wakan is rumbling. Is this the result of living in the monster forest for a year?

It may take a period of time to remove the hostility in her heart caused by killing. It’s really funny. She can free the demons but she can’t free the her own hostility.

“You have made a good deal. Don’t be so greedy. Demons freed by your power of faith in the Sea of Sin will still be your believers after reincarnation. This kind of bondage goes deep into the soul. They will always be your devout believers in the future. ”

Lin Luoran gives fire phoenix a glance. Why does it say everything so bluntly? Well, although there were calculations in it, she also wanted to do a good deed, ok?!

Lin Luoran takes out the beautiful blue jade given by the female mermaid and plays with it carefully. Everything is unpredictable. She did not expect that she would eventually pass through the mountain in such a “strange” way to the other side of the monster forest. This blue jade hasn’t been used and she can not figure out its application.

Wood wolf checks it for a while carefully. It seems that the wolf has seen some relevant records somewhere. However, it’s too long ago. The monster’ memory is not a computer that will never delete files. Wood wolf definitely can’t remember it.

Lin Luoran tastes the freshly made mango wine last time. The aroma of the mango is very thick and it is mixed with wine. The taste is fine. With a stroke, she adds some ice cubes in it. It becomes more like a cocktail. Unfortunately, there is no goblet in space.

The whole yellow soil land is dominated by species of the monster forest such as rubber trees, iron pheobe, and agarwood. They are all planted beside the soul wood. These tree species are all extremely hard to grow and Lin Luoran is not worried that they will grow very large in a short time.

She takes a jar of tea out of space and hears a knock on the door.

The Mu family is here again. This time it is not the manager but the second master of the Mu family who can take charge.

The girl Miss Mu in a red dress is also here.

Visiting her repeatedly? Lin Luoran feels it really funny. All she did is pulling off the red dress girl off her horse. How could the Mu family know she is powerful? Maybe this red dress girl herself is a powerful character so they know it by comparison?

A visitor is a guest. Since Lin Luoran intends to look for clues in the caravan, it is common sense to keep her attitude but it will be her mistake to kick guests out of her place.

“I am just a traveler and everything is not very convenient here. If you don’t mind, just enjoy some tea.”

Lin Luoran makes a gesture of “please have tea”. Miss Mu is pouting. She looks at the cold tea cup and she can’t say anything to apologize. The master from the Mu family who finally comes here has a good temper. He is in his thirties and the young lady calls him the fourth uncle. He introduces himself as Mu Qingshan.

Mu Qingshan is smiling, which reminds Lin Luoran of friendly-looking villains in stories. No matter how cold Lin Luoran is, he can always answer her. People can’t be angry to the person who smiles. This kind of temper is really perfect for businessmen.

Lin Luoran asks him to drink tea and he just does so. With the teacup in hand, Mu Qingshan asks, “Lady, this pot of water has already been cold. Qingshan can ask the inn guy to send a pot of boiling water here. Is it fine for you?”

Lin Luoran does not realize it. After fighting with so many monsters, her temperament has changed totally. Her hostility is partly gone after building the house in the forest for six months. However, ordinary people can still know she is unusual at a glance. She looks more like a pool of cold and deep water. The only thing left is to write “I am a peerless master” on her face.

However, she has no idea about it. Lin Luoran is determined to be hired by the Mu Family. While holding her attitude, she thinks she also has to show something. Therefore, she presses a finger on the cool kettle lid. The cold water becomes hot again at a visible speed.

Miss Mu’s eyes almost pop out. She finally realizes how merciful Lin Luoran was to her on the street.

Mu Qingshan is knowledgeable but his pupils still shrink. When martial arts reach a certain level, internal force will be generated by external work. There are no mental training methods on this land. People who want to generate internal force have to train muscles and then bones, waiting for the Sea of Reiki cycle to occur naturally in their body.

Lin Luoran still looks very young. How come she has internal force?

He also feels disappointed while he is surprised. At a youthful age, she has such a personal ability. She must be a prominent apprentice from a renowned school. He is afraid that she will look down on the Mu caravan.

Mu Qingshan is thoughtful but he is still smiling. Now he can’t even know the taste of the tea in his cup.

Miss Mu can smell the tea is abnormally aromatic. She endures her dislike of the inn cup and takes a sip. She is conquered by the sweet taste in the bitterness—it is something she has never had before. Where is this woman from?

Miss Mu and her fourth uncle Mu Qingshan both admit Lin Luoran’s eminence to some extent.

Mu Qingshan makes a decision in just a few moments and says farewell.

Lin Luoran doesn’t expect that she will scare the Mu family away by showing a little strength. She can only laugh bitterly. In the evening, she is so indignant that she seals her spiritual mind and stays in the inn to concentrate on self-cultivation.

The next day is a foggy day. When Lin Luoran goes out, she finds a person standing at the door. The thick fog in the morning has not yet dispersed. This middle-aged man’s white and black cloth shoes are all wet. She doesn’t know how long he has been standing in front of the inn.

The head of the Mu caravan goes to the inn personally to hire a woman from a foreign country as the captain of the guard. This news is like with wings. It spreads throughout this small county before breakfast.

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