Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Side Chapter 7- Meeting of Dragons

Side Chapter 7- Meeting of Dragons

[Fafnir POV]

I was lazing around in my cave, Emma laying curled up beside me snuggling into my wing after spending a grueling week of managing the souls of the departed with the Death Spirits. I had long since gained a new respect for the beings after seeing and helping with their work.  Just thinking about all of it made me tired and caused me to yawn.  When I was about to go to sleep again to escape this tiredness, I heard something.  Seemingly echoing off all of creation the sound of a roar could be heard. Taking a few seconds, I deciphered where it came from and sighed.

“Emma, my love. I need you to wake up a moment.” (Fafnir)

I gently poked her on the arm a few times when she groggily sat up and looked around.

“Whasit?” (Emma)

“Something has come up that I must attend to.” (Fafnir)

She tilted her head cutely and only after a minute did she finally register what I said.

“Where are you going?” (Emma)

“Valkyr.  A meeting of dragons has been called and I must attend. It is mandatory.” (Fafnir)

“I can’t come with you, can I?” (Emma)

“Unfortunately, not. While it isn’t a rule, we can’t bring our spouse if we want, I don’t want you to be away from here for too long. Gods know these meetings can take ages.” (Fafnir)

“Why can’t you just stay?” (Emma)

“Because I’ve been away for far too long.  I need to know who is still alive and who is not. As well as to make sure none of them are getting…arrogant.  Plus I want to meet this Eblana and her sister. If they are going to be around my daughter, I need to make sure they won’t be bad influences.” (Fafnir)

“But won’t Eblana have to decline?  She should be in the same situation as I am.” (Emma)

“She’ll be there. Like I said, attendance is mandatory.” (Fafnir)

“Who made that rule?” (Emma)

“I did.  It was to ensure none of the lazier ones ignored it when important matters needed to be discussed. Matters that involve the world at large.” (Fafnir)

“…” (Emma)

She started looking at me with an adorable expression, trying her best to convey her want to come with me.

“Emma, I really do want to bring you, but I can’t.  I-” (Fafnir)

Just then a Death Spirit appeared in its shadowy glory. It did its best to bow before letting its feelings known.

“Hahaha!” (Emma)

“Are you sure, little spirit?” (Fafnir)

Apparently, the spirits could handle the load of managing things without Emma and mine help for a bit, but we couldn’t be away for longer than two months.  Now that my one worry was taken care of, Emma immediately started packing some stuff into a storage ring while I stood at the mouth of our cave and stretched my wings.  Half an hour later and Emma was climbing onto my back.

“Are you ready, Emma?” (Fafnir)

“Yep. Any idea how long this is going to take?” (Emma)

“I’ll be flying as fast as I can, so it should take about a week and a half at best.” (Fafnir)

“Fun…where is this Valkyr place anyway?” (Emma)

“The other continent.” (Fafnir)

“Continent?” (Emma)

“Oh right.  It’s far away, but we can take a shortcut that most mortals can’t.” (Fafnir)

“Yay for adventure!” (Emma)

“Oh, and before we go, no pushing anyone downstairs, even if they annoy you. We are attending a meeting of dragons, there will be many you will wish to punish, but you must leave that to me.  I need to regain my image as a proper queen.” (Fafnir)

“…But doesn’t that also make me dragon queen too?  What if I’m asked to prove myself?” (Emma)

“Your status as our little one’s Valkyrie is more than enough. They’ll be able to tell…or at least the smart ones will.” (Fafnir)

Deciding we spent too long just standing and talking, I took to the air.  It didn’t take long for us after that to run out of land.

“…We live that close to all this water?  And it’s so loud, even through all the wind.” (Emma)

“Yes, but the ocean air is so refreshing.” (Fafnir)

I felt Emma move and peek over my shoulder.

“It’s so blue…but why does it feel so…unsettling?” (Emma)

“Its depths are unknown and many monsters more powerful than most anything you find on land live here.  It’s why only the most daring or stupid people ever try to challenge it with the art of the sail.  I’ve only ever known one person who was truly successful at it, and they died a most cruel death at the hands of those horrors of long past.” (Fafnir)

I thought back to that young man and his overflowing confidence and the image of his final moments as his life’s work was devoured by that tentacled behemoth.

“Faf?” (Emma)

“Apologies, my love.  Sad memories of a friend.” (Fafnir)

A moment of silence followed as I reminisced, only the sound of the wind and sea and Emma’s warmth on my back keeping me from being swallowed up by other past regrets and memories that welled up.

“Faf…” (Emma)

“I know what you are thinking, Emma, and my answer is no. This person is long dead, his soul having long rejoined the eternal cycle. And I also wish to not put unneeded pressure on our little one. She’s already done something against the natural order twice, even if she is one of the two that holds the highest Authority to allow it. I don’t want her taking undue risk in continuing to resurrect anyone she feels compelled to in service of our family or her own goals.” (Fafnir)

“Are you going to bring that up in this meeting?” (Emma)

“That, among other things like this Eblana always refusing to meet with us. It’s rude to continuously decline our request when she accepted the tiny red one’s.” (Fafnir)

“I think she’s probably just intimidated.  While I’m used to it and Keeno and the others are Keeno and the others, you do give off a regal yet domineering aura.” (Emma)

“That’s just proper dragon etiquette.” (Fafnir)

“Then maybe she’s just scared for her sister?  From what Red told me, even when they met, she seemed extremely skittish.” (Emma)

“Hmm. We shall see.” (Fafnir)

The rest of the day and the following week were spent telling Emma more about the world as I remembered it as well as seeing the sights of the sea. Interestingly, there were several small islands I didn’t remember popping up here and there, the smoke of small volcanoes wafting into the sky.  Other times we saw several of the sea’s creatures fighting over territory or food in bloody, violent clashes that usually ended up with both parties too injured to live on and a third or even fourth claiming the spoils.  Emma was star-struck as she witnessed all of this, further cementing my determination to take her around the world once our little one claimed her Divine Throne.  Another two days passed, and we could finally see continental land.

“Faf, that place seems…strange.” (Emma)

“The one unpleasant part of this trip; flying over the swamps of Tamist.  Thankfully, it’ll only take a day at most by air.” (Fafnir)

“Is there a dragon here?” (Emma)

“Yes.  He was a regal, dignified old man, even for dragon standards. He chose this place as his home to show that even a race as strong and proud as ours must show humility and understanding of weaker races. Choosing to live in a place like this…he was one of the best of us.” (Fafnir)

“Is he dead?” (Emma)

“He wasn’t when I last came this way, though he was growing weak in those days. I’d be surprised if he had passed on by now.  I just hope any offspring he had share his sentiments.” (Fafnir)

That day passed slowly as the humidity and smell of Tamist’s swamps permeated into everything.  Even then it didn’t stop us from seeing some interesting sights. We flew over several places that could be called villages made up of small huts standing on tall supports, all with chimneys breathing out smokes of different colors and consistencies.  A few of the mortals that lived there looked up as we flew by, but their reactions were that of caution, bordering hostility, giving me a foreboding feeling.  I raised my awareness until we finally crossed the border into the forest country of Valkyr.

“So many trees!  It’s like a different kind of ocean!” (Emma)

“Indeed. And the trees are so much taller and lusher than I remember. Shu must be very proud.” (Fafnir)

“Is that the name of the dragon in this country?” (Emma)

“Yes.  Of all the dragons I know, she’s the one I was closest to. Not romantically, mind you, but more like a sister or close cousin.  She was my confidante for many occasions.” (Fafnir)

“Hmmm.  You’re mine. I’m all you’ll ever need…aside from Keeno.” (Emma)

I laughed loudly and spun in the air, letting Emma enter a short free fall before I caught her and hugged her to my chest.

“Of course, my love.  You and our little one are all I will ever need.” (Fafnir)

I tossed Emma up again before righting myself. She landed on my back and steadied herself, her shouts of excitement ringing loud in the wind.  By the end of the day, we’d made it quite a distance into Valkyr. The trees grew taller and thicker as we went until we finally found the place we were headed. A tree so tall its topmost leaves and branches spread above the clouds.  The closer we got to it, the more splendorous its massiveness became. Only when we were about to land on some of the branches above the clouds, did we feel a pull in the direction of the heart of the tree.

“Faf…” (Emma)

“Yes.  It’s the Dead Zone of Valkyr.” (Fafnir)

“I’m actually kind of sad thinking about what’s going to happen when Keeno takes this one.  All I can imagine is this entire forest withering.” (Emma)

“Nature is resilient, Emma.  Those goddesses will make sure that this place isn’t destroyed by the taking of a source of abundant Life.” (Fafnir)

“I can see that, but I’m still not so optimistic.” (Emma)

“We can only wait and see, my love. We shall leave that to our little one to figure out in the future.” (Fafnir)

“Right.” (Emma)

Landing on a large area of branches seemingly grown for such a purpose, we looked around as Emma climbed down from my back and shifted to my humanoid form.  In front of us were branches formed into the shape of a large pagoda, its sides lined with flowing vines that grew silver leaves.  As we approached these vines, a soft voice came from behind us.

“So, it’s true. It’s been a long time, Queen Fafnir.  You seem much happier and more energetic than when we last met.” (Shu)

Turning around we saw a humanoid dragon with two branch-like horns on her head the color of golden wheat that began to turn a dark blue at the tips.  Calm grey eyes with pupils of flame looked at us with a happy warmth. Her long, white-scaled tail lined along the spine with fur the same wheat color as her hair and horns with the ends becoming dark blue. Her clothes were flowing robes of white though the ends were brown, covered in the mud of fields.

“It has indeed been a long time, Shu. Allow me to introduce my wife to you.  This is Emma, a Valkyrie of the Goddess of Death.” (Fafnir)

“Greetings, Madam Shu.” (Emma

“Huhuhu.  I always told you a woman suited you more than a man, my Queen.  It is lovely to meet you, Queen Emma.  I am Shu, dragon of Valkyr and overseer of Nature.” (Shu)

“You know those two goddesses too?” (Emma)

“Alas, I do not.  I have always hoped my dedication to them would earn me even just a glance, but as of yet I’ve had no success.” (Shu)

“We can put in a good word for you, if you’d like.  And if that doesn’t work, we know two people who will for sure manage it.” (Emma)

“Oh?  Please expand upon this more later. For now, though, the others should be arriving soon.  But it does please me you are the first to arrive.” (Shu)

“Eh?  But what of the ones who live in Tamist and Aesir?” (Fafnir)

Shu hesitated to answer immediately, alerting me to some unpleasant changes the world has undergone in my absence.

“It’s best we wait for the others to arrive before we go into details…seeing them in person will do much more than any words can.” (Shu)

I could do nothing but nod.  Shu then passed us, opening up the vines and ushering us inside.

“Seeing as it will most likely be a day or two more before all are gathered, feel free to rest.  It can’t have been easy to fly for as long as you did in your current circumstances.” (Shu)

“Thank you, Shu.” (Fafnir)

“It’s nothing, my Queen.  Ah, and if you have need of a private room, the one you used to use is still available.  I’ve made sure it’s been cleaned regularly, and it’s perfectly soundproof.” (Shu)

“Heh.” (Fafnir)

“…” (Emma)

I couldn’t hold back a smile while I saw Emma red up to her ears.

We walked inside, enjoying the light scent of lotus flowers as I led Emma to the room Shu mentioned.

“Faf-” (Emma)

“We are not, Emma, I’m just going to take a nap.” (Fafnir)

If Emma had fox ears and a tail, they would have drooped at my response.

“We can do that later; I would just like to sleep a little.” (Fafnir)

“Well, you have been awake for a week and a half, so it’s fine.  Hehe.  Do you want to use your favorite pillows?” (Emma)

“Sounds lovely.  I’ll gladly use them.” (Fafnir)

“They’re all yours then.” (Emma)

Making it to the room, we shut the doors, doors that would not open until two days later after Shu left a message saying that everyone had arrived.  Groggily sitting up in the bed, Emma walked over carrying a tray in her hands.

“I know Shu said the meetings about to start, but I thought you could use something to eat.  You slept an entire two days after all.” (Emma)

I gladly accepted the tray from Emma who sat on the edge of the bed and picked up a utensil and held it up to my mouth.

“But, as queens, we’re supposed to show up last at this sort of thing, right?” (Emma)

“Kukuku.  You are correct, my love.” (Fafnir)

I enjoyed the meal Emma prepared for me as well as the small gestures she made while feeding me. Her small mannerisms while doing such things always made me smile. Sadly, the meal finally ended and the business we needed to attend to loomed.

“Thank you, my love.  Now, shall we get this dull business done with?” (Fafnir)

“The faster we do so, the more time we have for each other, so let’s.” (Emma)

I smiled at her words and rose from the bed. Donning some more appropriate attire, we left the room and made our way to the meeting room. Said room was located in the innermost part of the pagoda. Where the outside walls were made of thick branches and vines of silver, the innermost chamber was made of white branches with vines and leaves the color of jade.  As we approached the room, we could already hear the voices of some.

“Shu, what are we waiting for!?  This is unlike you to stall when you know I’m busy!” (???)

The voice of this person was gravely and deep with a low rumble like thunder. Its tone held a sense of authority and arrogance.

“You made me come all the way here just to sit around this table and do nothing.  Either start the meeting, or I’m leaving!” (???)

This second voice was nasally, like that of a child, and held a sense of entitlement. It made my expression drop.

“This is going to be a long meeting.” (Fafnir)

“Faf, I want to push them.” (Emma)

I considered it, but ultimately stopped Emma…though only for now.  Deciding it was pointless to continue and eavesdrop, the two of us pushed through the vines.

“Ah.  *ahem*Announcing the arrivals of their majesties, Queen of Dragons, Fafnir and her wife, Queen Emma the Valkyrie.” (Shu)

Silently looking around the room I gazed at each attending member.  Around a circular table were six dragons.  Skipping over the vacant seats that were mine and Emma’s, there was Shu, dragon of nature and representative of Valkyr.  Sitting next to her was Volundr, dragon of sands and the representative for Lokir.  He looked at Emma and I with a warm, calm gaze as he stroked his long, flowing beard. His ash-colored robes seemed to flow like smoke at every move.

“My, my, it’s a great pleasure to see you again, Queen Fafnir.  Your scales are absolutely radiant today. Oh, how I’ve missed their gilded shine. And, though it’s first meeting, Queen Emma, I’m sure into the future you will shine just as radiantly in time.” (Volundr)

I nodded silently at the old dragon. His flattery was a welcoming sentiment from an old friend.  Sitting next to him were the twin dragons of life and death as well as Emma’s fellow Valkyrie, Eblana and Loughshinny.  Their complexions were the complete opposite of the other’s. Where Eblana was pale, like she’d never stepped into the light of the suns, Loughshinny’s complexion was like golden wheat. Their tails waved back and forth in slight agitation, the purple and orange flames at their tips flickering.  Eblana continuously glanced at Emma and I before glancing away.  The other one was doing her best to play ghost and turn invisible.  I couldn’t help but chuckle, causing the two of them to start trembling.

“We need to talk to the two of you later. And don’t run away this time.” (Emma)

At Emma’s words they completely froze up.

“We’ll tell her about it if you don’t.” (Fafnir)

At that Loughshinny dropped her head, finally accepting the inevitable while Eblana looked like she wanted to die. Inwardly I shook my head because I didn’t even know why they were so afraid of me. Turning my attention away from the sisters, I looked over at the humanoid figure that was overweight by human standards. A greasy mop of wiry black hair sat atop its head while two beady grey eyes stared at me and Emma in a disgusting way.  A stench that I’d been doing my best to ignore since we entered the room wafted over from that thing as it moved an arm behind it to scratch.  It opened its mouth to speak, and the somewhat deep, nasal whine of its voice grated on the ears of all present.

“How do you do, my ladies?  Shu did not tell us we were waiting for such-*belch*- ravishingly beautiful gems such as yourselves-*buuurp*.  To think our long-lost queen would finally rejoin after all these years.  My name is Smaug, dragon of Tamist and Keeper of the Mire, it’s a-*blech*-pleasure.” (Smaug)

Even his words seemed to come coated in a layer of mud and filth as they gave the feeling of making one dirty by just hearing them.  And the barely concealed lust in his eyes made every woman in the room disgusted.  This was only made worse by his blatant disregard for this fact as he continued to devour us with his eyes.  I forced myself to look away from him before I did something that would cause too much trouble in the current moment.  There would always be later to deal with this…mongrel.

Looking toward the final participant of the meeting I saw yet another familiar face, though slightly changed by age.  He was a portly one, not too dissimilar to the mongrel sitting next to him, though where the mongrel was disgusting, this one was fat from opulence.  He wore several golden, jewel-encrusted rings on every finger, several on his overly fat, stubby tail, and more still on his horns.  He flashed a smile, showing even his teeth were now gold.  He wore what could only be called a bed sheet of deep purple with an outer layer of pure white.  In one of his hands, he held a wineglass made of gold which spilled a bit of purple wine every time he swirled the thing exaggeratedly.

“Greetings, Fafnir.  I am…pleasantly surprised you have come out of hiding after so many years.  Time has not dulled the shine from your scales…one could even say they’ve grown even shinier since last we met.  Kehehehehehehe.  I would be so very grateful if you would be willing to share some with me.  I am, as you can unfortunately see, still unable to grow any myself.  I’d very much like to add them to my treasures.  Ah!  Forgive me, I shall introduce myself to your lovely little consort.  I am Calus!  Dragon of Knowledge, Art, and Decadence as well as head librarian of Aesir’s Grand Library.  Come there is you wish to know anything.” (Calus)

“You seem to have grown fat, Calus.  Have you finally given up on everything but your books?” (Fafnir)

“Not so, Fafnir, not so.  I’ve just taken a keen interest in mortal riches and art.  In fact, I’ve been working on a way to turn my Grand Library into a veritable Leviathan containing not only all the world’s knowledge, but also its riches.  In fact, I extend an invitation to you and your wife to come visit one day, allow yourselves to indulge in displays of opulence so grand, it would make human emperors envious.” (Calus)

“I’ll consider it. Of course, this invitation must wait, for me and my wife have more pressing matters at present.” (Fafnir)

“A shame, truly, but alas it is understandable. Your absence has had a resounding effect, so take your time. I am nothing if not accommodating.” (Calus)

I nodded and Emma and I took to our seats at the table.  Shu looked around at all present before nodding to herself.

“Now that everyone is present, I officially begin this meeting. The reason for my summons this time; the systematic disappearance of Dead Zones. We must know the reason for this and if it will continue as well as what we must do if the world suffers due to it.” (Shu)

The silence in the room that followed Shu’s statement was deafening, though for those of us in the know, it was for a different reason than the others. Emma, Eblana, and I shared a glance and I took this opportunity to do something I should have done on the way here.

‘Little one, we have encountered a predicament. You must have heard the call nearly two weeks ago, yes?  It was a summons to a meeting of dragons. Emma and I along with Eblana and her sister are here and the subject of the meeting has just been revealed. It pertains to you and your secrets. We must know how much you are ready for us to reveal.’ (Fafnir)

‘Several questions aside, I trust your judgment. I don’t know how much influence these dragons have wherever they are from, so reveal what you need to. I’m starting to get the feeling that we won’t be so inconspicuous much longer.’ (Keeno)

‘I understand, my little one. As for your questions, I’ll answer them later when I can.’ (Fafnir)

There was a hum of acknowledgement before I returned my attention back to the meeting. Both Emma and Eblana were looking at me for answers on what to do and I nodded, signaling they should leave the talking to me.

“I have answers to most of these subjects, but I will first make the judgment of what we will do about it. That is, nothing.” (Fafnir)

I looked around the room to judge the reactions to all present. As expected, Emma, Eblana, and Loughshinny weren’t surprised in the slightest. Shu, while projecting a calm façade was showing slight signs of confusion. Volundr simply narrowed his eyes. Calus chortled under his breath, the gleam in his eyes showing he was entertained while Smaug just scratched the patchy beard on his neck before sniffing his fingers and sticking them in his mouth.

“My queen, why will we do nothing?  Should we not at least attempt to do something?” (Shu)

“Oh?  That’s very unlike you, Shu. What are you worried about?” (Fafnir)

“I…I’m just worried about the effect on my forest. I’ve only managed to keep it this lush and vibrant through the Dead Zone’s presence. I don’t want all my hard work to be ruined.” (Shu)

“It seems you’ve fallen into the same trap as the mortals have then. This just shows that even those of us as old as we are aren’t immune to becoming complacent.” (Fafnir)

“What do you mean?” (Shu)

“I’m curious as well, Your Majesty. You seem to have experienced something that changed you in a fundamental way.” (Volundr)

“I have. Several things, actually, and I will get to that, in fact, some of those reasons will be expounded on in the coming explanation.  Younger, the reason the Dead Zones are disappearing is due to the Advent of the Goddess of Death.” (Fafnir)

At this revelation, Shu’s and Volundr’s eyes went wide. Calus l’s did as well and the sound of his chair falling to the floor as he shot up echoed around the room. Eblana and Loughshinny chuckled, and Emma smirked. Smaug raised an eyebrow, but other than that didn’t really have a reaction.  Calus’s thunderous voice then resounded about the room.

“Advent of the Goddess of Death!?  Are you certain!?” (Calus)

“Specifically, she is the Goddess of Death, the Blue Sun, and a new, third Authority we will not disclose for now.” (Emma)

“Explain human…no…Apostle!” (Calus)

He looked around the room and gestured, trying to get the others to understand or exemplify his revelation only to freeze when he looked at Eblana.

“You as well?!  What in in the name of all the Divine is going on for two Apostles to be in this room?” (Calus)

“Your shock is indeed warranted, Calus, but things must be explained in order, so calm yourself and save any questions for when the explanation is over.” (Fafnir)

He grumbled something under his breath about how he wished he brought his favorite scribe before dropping back into his seat.  The gesture caused the room to shake, making Smaug startle awake.  I rolled my eyes at him before clearing my throat.

“Before explaining more, I will give a warning to all of you present, if any of you dare to attempt to harm this fledgling goddess, I will personally see to it you meet the cruelest of ends, be it by my teeth, claws, or her swords.  She is my daughter, last of my bloodline.  Hehehe, though any end you meet by my hand will pale in comparison to what you will face after you die, be it by my hand, hers, or her Fated One’s.” (Fafnir)

“Who is the Fated One?” (Volundr)

“The Goddess of Life, the Orange Sun, and Magic: Amaterasu.” (Eblana)

“I see.” (Volundr)

He closed his eyes in contemplation before opening them, a soft smile spreading across his lips.

“If what you say is true, then may I make a request?” (Volundr)

“It depends on what it is, old friend.” (Fafnir)

“If all you say is true, then she should have absolute control over fire, yes?  Then…she can finally extinguish the phoenix’s flames that plague my home and help its old vibrancy return.” (Volundr)

“Hmm.  While I cannot say what she will or will no accept, I can at least inform her of this request.” (Fafnir)

“Is it alright to say where she is going now?” (Eblana)

I couldn’t help but let out a small, imperceptible sigh.

“Young one, what is it you are being taught in this new age?  Asking such a question after Volundr has spoken his request gives such answer away.” (Fafnir)

“…Apologies.” (Eblana)

“What’s done is done.  She is on her way to Lokir as we speak along with a group called the Radiant Knights.  Like I said previously, I will relay the message, but her answer will be her own.  Now, continuing on, in order for her to fully unseal her Divinity, she is absorbing the Dead Zones.  A gift of Divinity from her wife, as she calls it.  She had taken Vanir’s, Falheim’s, and Odeen’s.  She plans for Lokir’s next.  After that, none of us know just yet.” (Fafnir)

“What have been the aftereffects of this so far?” (Shu)

“From what we were told, it rained harder in Vanir for roughly a month before things calmed down and the rain actually stopped there.” (Emma)

“In Falheim, though it was more due to that despicable place’s own nature that caused it to happen, a tide of undead attacked, and several other, smaller outbreaks have occurred and been snuffed out.” (Fafnir)

“In Odeen, though it was from a separate matter entirely, snow has begun falling, and still hasn’t stopped, though it ranges from storms to light flurries.  On a mission I as given, Lou and I took the chance to survey the land and found that it extends to the borders of all of Odeen and, with the exception of Solheim which has always been a land of snow and ice, are unaffected.  As if a barrier has been erected around the entire country, stopping at every border.” (Eblana)

“How are you sure it is not due to the fall of the Dead Zone?  It is what made Odeen a land of eternal Spring, is it not?” (Shu)

“We have been told by Goddess Amaterasu herself that it has nothing to do with the Dead Zone nor any other gods of our world.  Combined with testimony of my Lady herself, we concluded that it is solely due to the death of Baldr Odeen by means of a plant called mistletoe.  A phenomenon she called Fimblventr.” (Eblana)

“…” (Shu)

“Knowing this, Shu, and the fact that we have easy means to contact the Divine, we shall go ask the gods themselves if your work will be undone by the disappearance of the Dead Zone.  Will this assuage your worries?” (Fafnir)

“…Only when I can know the answer will they be assuaged.” (Shu)

“As much as I treasure you as a friend, Shu, I will not go and disrupt my daughter’s journey just to bring her here.  I will, however, mediate a meeting between the two of you once she reaches here in time.  Hearing validation from me, while you will most likely accept a part of it, will not make you stop worrying, so having the one in question explain it in as immaculate detail as you wish would.” (Fafnir)

Shu closed her eyes, the worry that was eating away at her finally breaking her cool façade.  After reaching its peak, her expression fell, and she sighed.

“Then I will leave that to you, my Queen.  Though may I ask to know what your daughter looks like as well her name?” (Shu)

“That is an acceptable request.  Calus, are you still mildly proficient in illusion magic?” (Fafnir)

“I am, Fafnir, though I haven’t practiced it in many years, so my skills are, as the humans say, rusty.” (Calus)

Emma and I began describing our little one, with some inputs from Eblana who saw her last and the things that have changed after she absorbed Odeen’s Dead Zone.

“Grand mystics that flow through this world, like blood, grant shape to the picture in my mind.” (Calus)

In the center of the table an image of Keeno appeared in exquisite detail.  Emma and I both smiled at the image.  Though she was slightly taller than when we last saw her, it was good to know she was in good health.

“Four tails…it’s been so long since one of the kitsune have had one so powerful…it brings back memories.” (Volundr)

“…” (Shu)

“Is something the matter, Shu?” (Loughshinny)

I looked over to Shu to see her cheeks tinges a slight pink.

“Shu, my daughter is spoken for.” (Fafnir)

“I-I know…but her eyes are so beautiful…” (Shu)

She looked away to refocus her thoughts before looking back.

“I apologize, my Queen.  Old proclivities of mine resurfaced for a moment.” (Shu)

“No need to apologize, Shu.  We’re all dragons, we all have our proclivities.” (Fafnir)

“Huehuehue.” (Smaug)

The disgusting laughter that reminded me more of a pig than a dragon brought my attention over to the disrespectful pile of excrement.  His face was twisted in glee while he sat up straight for the first time.  The odor coming from his body became all the more overwhelming as the grease from his folds warmed up in the light of the suns beaming down from above.

“What a lovely little strumpet.  A gaze as fierce as lightning and a body as elegant as-*belch*-a masterwork of art.” (Smaug)

“As.  I.  SAID!  My daughter is taken.  Get all of those obvious thoughts out of your head before I rip it from your neck.” (Fafnir)

My rage at this disrespectful bastard’s obvious lust manifested as my wings appearing and unfurling and my core glowing brighter as the heat around us slightly increased.

“Ah.  There it is, I knew the old Queen was still in there.” (Calus)

A tinge of fear welled up in his eyes and he looked down, muttering under his breath. I caught a few words of what he said, something about becoming an Apostle himself and even gods falling for his alpha charms.  I was about to stand up and show him the reason why I was Queen of Dragons when Emma and Eblana stood up, their rage just as evident as mine and projecting sinister auras.  Eblana’s Soul Weapon manifested as the pointed end of her staff was pointed at Smaug’s neck.  Emma’s Soul Weapon, a serrated pair of daggers were poised at the base of his wings, ready to slowly saw them off.

“As the Queen said, get those thoughts out of your mind before WE have to end you. And know, if we do so, there is no future for your soul.” (Eblana)

“My daughter is not for you to lust over like some dog in heat. We can kill your mortal body, shave your soul to dust, and present that dust to her and Amaterasu to burn to nothing.” (Emma)

Smaug froze up and a new odor began wafting off of him.

“Get out.  You’ve shown nothing but disrespect through your actions and no pride as a dragon. Begone from here, you lizard.” (Fafnir)

In the depths of his beady little eyes a spark of rage was lit. He stumblingly stood up and a light was building in his chest, aiming at Emma.  Leaping from my own seat and spreading my wings wide, I flew across the table and picked up the heaping mass by the neck. Shooting through the vines and ending at the edge of the tree platform, dangling him over the edge.

“I’m showing mercy by not ending you now, which is probably a mistake. However, if I EVER get word of you even going as far as calling yourself a dragon again, you will regret it. You tarnish the name of your ancestor.” (Fafnir)

He opened his mouth to wheeze something, but I dropped him before he could say a word. After falling for a good bit, he transformed to his original form and shakily flew away. Staring after him for a while, I turned around and found Emma waiting there.

“Shu postponed the rest of the meeting. Let’s get you bathed; you probably feel disgusting after handling that thing.” (Emma)

I only nodded and the two of us went inside.

Chaos Realm:

Ray: Payto!

I know, Ray. It will be dealt with. That thing is a waste of space.  I’m going to enjoy watching it die by Keeno’s hand.

Way: At least it’s a foregone conclusion.

Naturally. I won’t leave such a stain on one of my worlds.

Ray: …

Don’t say a word. I know how hypocritical that sounds.

Ray: Fine then. But erase that thing’s shine’s connection to me.

I’m already running all the interference I can, but that thing is like a cockroach.

Ray: Annoying, disgusting creatures.


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