Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Side Chapter 5- Red and Ortilinde

Side Chapter 5- Red and Ortilinde

[Red POV]

After finishing off yet another idiot who thought they could do bad things to others and wiping off my knives, I asked my smoky wolf friends to take his soul. They pounced on him and ripped out a dark, dimly lit orb and swallowed it. They then came up to me with their tails wagging. I smiled and patted both of them causing them to let out silent but happy barks.

“You can join the others again, friends. Red will call you when you are needed.” (Red)

They barked in their silent voices again and dissolved into smoke.  I put away my knives and opened the shiny door. After stepping through it I was greeted with the sight of the circular room with nine chairs. I looked around it to see if anything was different, but nothing was.

“Red wonders how to light more of the fires.  Only two are lit.” (Red)

{If I had to say, they correspond to the number of Valkyries.}

“Hello, big sis Rasu.” (Red)

She smiled at me and started to pat my head. I closed my eyes as I enjoyed the warm sensation.

“Uheee~” (Red)

{Oh Red, you’re so cute.}

The patting continued for some time until big sis Keeno spoke.

“No fair!  I want to pay Red too!” (Keeno)

{That’s why I’m patting her so much, Keeno.}

“…I can argue with that logic, so continue.” (Keeno)

“Red needs…uheee~…to go see Ortilinde…Red wants…uuuuuuuuu~” (Red)


My mind was starting to go blank due to the comforting pats when I was saved by my new sister.

“Red!?” (Ortilinde)

“Ort…uheee~.” (Red)

Before I could tell her to run, she was caught by big sis Rasu’s tails and pulled next to me.  Then she also started to receive pats of the highest order.

“Awawawawa…uuuuuuuuu.” (Ortilinde)


For the next who knows how long the two of us received pats until the comfort became too much and I fell asleep.  When I woke up again, Ortilinde and I were wrapped up in a big blanket laying under a tree with pretty colored leaves.

“…” (Red)

“Ah!” (Ortilinde)

“Ortilinde?” (Red)

“So many pats…felt good…want more?” (Ortilinde)

“Red will give more pats.” (Red)

I started patting Ortilinde’s head and she began purring.

“Hehe.  Red can understand why big sis didn’t stop.” (Red)

“Nn.  Big sis Rasu’s pats are warm…like mother’s.” (Ortilinde)

“Nn.  Mother’s pats are also warm.  And Auntie Fu’s.” (Red)

“Nn.” (Ortilinde)

We sat there a little longer when Ortilinde moved my hand away from her head.

“Sister…how was your day?” (Ortilinde)

“Good…though Red had to fight someone this time.  Bad person…muddy soul.” (Red)

“I’ll never get why they are like that…no point in being bad.” (Ortilinde)

“Red agrees, but mother says it’s just mortals being mortals…whatever that means.” (Red)

“Hmm…what did this person do?” (Ortilinde)

“…Kidnapped children…tortured their parents in front of them…from an old Family vying for power…thought he was untouchable now…found out differently.” (Red)

“…Bad person…I’m happy you didn’t get hurt.” (Ortilinde)

“Never even saw Red coming.” (Red)

“Can you teach me to be sneaky like you?  I…I want to make bad people disappear to.” (Ortilinde)

“Red can teach you…but isn’t sure mother or big sis Keeno would be happy about it…always want to protect us instead of letting us deal with bad people.” (Red)

“Yeah…but I want to be able to do more than just sit here and watch while they do things.  Big sis Keeno and the others are about to fight a lot of undead, and all I can do is sit here and watch…They…they helped me so much more than I could ever repay, and I can’t do anything.” (Ortilinde)

Ortilinde’s head fell into her hands and she started shaking. I didn’t know anything else to do but pull her into a hug.

“Red understands…Red will teach you what Red knows, but better than how teacher taught Red…don’t want to put Ortilinde through too much pain.” (Red)

“When do we start?” (Ortilinde)

“Next time…Red wants to rest for a bit longer…and Red didn’t ask how Ortilinde was yet.” (Red)

“I’ve been good…I got to visit with big sis Keeno and the others a bit before they had to leave to fight undead…apparently there is a lot of them.” (Ortilinde)

“…Red feels…left out.  Red is also supposed to help with undead as a Valkyrie.” (Red)

“I…I think you’re doing fine. If what mother said is true, then you are helping big sis Keeno in your own way.” (Ortilinde)

“Red knows, but Red still feels like Red should be there.  Plus, Red wants pats from big sis Keeno and the others.” (Red)

“You really like pats, Red.” (Ortilinde)

“Red knows, but Red doesn’t care.  Red will get all the pats.” (Red)

“Hehehe.” (Ortilinde)

Ortilinde then reached over and started patting my head.

“Uheeee~” (Red)

“I know that sound of enjoyment anywhere!  I’ve finally found you, my daughters!” (Moco)

““Mother!”” (Red and Ortilinde)

Mother then fell down from the branches of the tree, landing on her feet for a second before falling on her butt.

“Ugh…I still don’t get how Fu always manages to do stuff like that. I can never stick the landing.” (Moco)

“Is Auntie Fu not here?” (Ortilinde)

“Nope.  We may go pretty much everywhere together, but we can be separated. She had some errands to run, and I had to stick around to oversee Keeno’s battle with the undead.  I swear, if it’s not one thing, it’s another in Falheim.  But at least I don’t need to bless anyone this time.” (Moco)

“Can mother send Red there?” (Red)

“No can do, Red.  You have to focus on Vanir.  It’s fine if you come here every few days, but staying here or going to Keeno’s side for too long and things’ll get out of hand for your work.” (Moco)

“Frustrating.” (Red)

“I know, but you just need to make it a few years.  I’m sure you’ll be able to join up with them then.” (Moco)

“Nn.  Red just wishes that Red could really tell the difference Red is making.  Red knows Red is getting rid of bad people, but that’s all Red can tell.” (Red)

“Well, I’m no expert on souls and all this Death stuff when it has nothing to do with war, but I think just you being there does…something?  I don’t know, I just know you being there helps.” (Moco)

“Mother is bad at explaining.” (Ortilinde)

“You wound me, Ortilinde.  It’s not my specialty, so I can’t explain all the specifics.  Talk to Rasu, she can probably tell you all you could possibly know about souls and stuff.” (Moco)

“Red will ask later.  For now, Red is hungry.” (Red)

“Then I shall treat my two daughters to a feast!” (Moco)

“I will help…I…I want to make something for mother and Red.” (Ortilinde)

Mother looked shocked, but in a happy way, if the tears falling from her eyes were any indication.

“*sniff*I’m so happy.  My daughter already wants to cook for me.  They grow up so fast.” (Moco)

“But I’m not a child.” (Ortilinde)

“Of course, you are. Everyone is a child in my eyes…well…nope, not going there. I feel like it won’t end well if I do.  Anyway, it doesn’t matter how old you are, I will always treat you like my little girl who must be spoiled!  Same for Red!” (Moco)

“…” (Red)

“…” (Ortilinde)

We looked at each other and then back at mother. Her words resonated in our hearts, giving us a feeling we didn’t know how to describe, just that it felt nice and warm, like when I was with big sis Keeno for that little while.  Nodding at each other, we moved from under our blanket and started patting mother’s head.

“Awawawawawa!” (Moco)

“Being with mother makes Red happy enough.  Red doesn’t need to be spoiled.” (Red)

“And I feel like I’ve been spoiled enough for a lifetime in the few months I’ve been here. It makes me want to return the favor.” (Ortilinde)

“Aaaaaahhhhhh!  Such wonderful daughters I have!” (Moco)

Mother hopped up from our pats and wrapped her arms around both of us. Looking at Ortilinde over mother’s shoulder, we both smiled as we hugged mother back.

Chaos Realm:

Luna: Hmm.  I have the sudden urge to kidnap Soleil and spoil her.

Tamamo: I get the same feeling. I feel like she needs a break from all her responsibilities.

Luna: Yeah.  It’s a lot of work, managing all that Apostle stuff she does. She should really just choose a high priest to push all that stuff onto already. She doesn’t need to ensure every talisman my followers in Celestia make is perfect.

Tamamo: I don’t think she can help it. Plus it takes her mind off of not being able to see Velvet while she takes care of that other Fluff cult that sprang up in the Demon Empire.

Luna: I swear, why do those keep popping up?  I mean seriously, the first one was fine, I guess, but why do splinter groups keep forming and splitting from it?

Tamamo: I wish I knew. I’ve never had this much trouble with cults dedicated to me.

Luna: Maybe I should start smiting people?

Tamamo: …You can try, though I don’t know how effective it will be.

Luna: Only one way to find out.

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