Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 178- Getting a Grasp of Lokir

Chapter 178- Getting a Grasp of Lokir

[Keeno POV]

Slowly opening my eyes, I saw an unfamiliar ceiling.


{Someone’s grumpy.}

“I’m going to crush their hands.  Each bone at a time.”

{Scratch that…really grumpy.}

“You would be too if your dreams were plagued with horny energy.  And I can’t even get the time to relieve it now that I’m pent up.”

I sighed deeply, smoke and a small tongue of flame escaping my mouth as I did.

{I can whisper sweet nothings to you in hopes that helps.}

“Later. I can hear people coming.”

Sure enough a second later a knock sounded on the door.  I grunted loud enough to let them know they could enter.  When the door opened, Pram and Margaret stepped in. Pram took one look at me and promptly turned on her heel and left in as calm a manner as she could.

“Eh?” (Margaret)

“Don’t worry about it.  I’m assuming we’re in the city now?” (Keeno)

“Y-yes!  We are in our compound inside the city.  We are going to hold a meeting to discuss you and what we will be doing going forward.” (Margaret)

“Nn.  Leave me for a moment, I’ll get charged then join you.” (Keeno)

“Yes, Majesty!” (Margaret)

I tilted my head as she left the room but shrugged it off and got up.


{Wear your suit for this but change when you inevitably meet the leaders of this country.}


I quickly dressed myself in my suit and left the room. Margaret was waiting for me outside, standing rather stiffly.

“Lead the way.” (Keeno)

“Yes!” (Margaret)

She led me down a dimly lit hallway. Our steps echoing off the walls giving the impression we were in a cave deep underground. After about five minutes we stopped at a pair of double doors. Margaret pushed them open and stepped inside. Following after her I looked around the room. In the center of the room was a large circular table sitting under a skylight which lit the room much better than any of the torches in the hallway.  Around the table were numerous chairs with a person standing beside them. They all turned to look at us when we entered and the second they saw me, they all knelt.  My ear twitched when I saw that, and I looked over to Margaret.  She seemed just as shocked and clearly didn’t know what to do.

{Hahahahahaha!  So, a grumpy Keeno makes knights have an instinctual urge to kneel!  Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!}

I held back a smile from hearing Ama laugh and looked around, ignoring the kneeling knights. Seeing an empty seat, I walked over and sat.

“What are you all kneeling for?  Rise and sit, we have a discussion to get to, don’t we?” (Keeno)

This snapped them out of their daze, and they all stood, looking at one another with confusion the unspoken question of why they all just did that clearly hanging in the air.

“Everyone, please, we need to get this discussion going and finished before the inevitable envoy gets here.” (Margaret)

All the knights in the room sat and stared in Margaret and my direction.

“First off, introductions.  This is Lady Keeno Fafnir Okami, though she requests we address her by Okami until told otherwise. She is the one Lady Fiametta has tasked us to assist. Me and the rest of the group that went to Odeen have been traveling with her after the Dead Zone in Odeen as well as its king were removed. I know that some of you had doubts about joining forces with her, but after spending the amount of time I have with her, I believe she deserves our full support and loyalty. As you all have just clearly felt, she is one worthy of the Radiant Knight’s service.” (Margaret)

Murmurs broke out from the knights that I didn’t know while the few here who were traveling with us were silent or nodding their heads.  One unfamiliar knight stood up and looked at Margaret.

“Margaret, what do you mean the king of Odeen was removed?” (???)

“He was killed, Zofia.  Upon his death, Odeen became trapped in a winter that hadn’t ended and I’m guessing won’t for a long time yet.” (Margaret)

“But how?  What about the dragon that’s said to protect Odeen and its king?” (???)

“I made said dragon my Valkyrie.  She wasn’t very loyal to Baldr as legends and rumor stated.  If anything, she wanted him dead more than anyone.” (Keeno)

“Yes.” (Margaret)

“What’s a Valkyrie?” (???)

“Its Lady Keeno’s name for her Death Apostles, Maria.” (Margaret)

“Oh.” (Maria)

“Speaking of, Margaret, it’s about time we make you one. I trust all your worries are settled about it.” (Keeno)

“Yes.” (Margaret)

I nodded and stood up.  I placed a hand on Margaret’s shoulder and shrouded her in my Divinity.

“Margaret Nearl, do you swear to serve me for eternity?” (Keeno)

“I do.” (Margaret)

“Do you swear to uphold my ideals?” (Keeno)

“I do.” (Margaret)

“Do you swear to protect this world from those who would tread on the sanctity of Life, Death, or both?” (Keeno)

“I do.” (Margaret)

“Then I name you my fourth Valkyrie, Margaret Nearl.” (Keeno)

The Divinity shrouding her flew into her body and she seemed to glow a bit before it died down. I moved back to my seat and eased myself down, trying to display an image of poise despite how tired I was again.

“The rest of you who are worthy will receive the Blessings of Life and Death later. While we wait for Margaret to get used to her ascension, I’d like to ask about something unrelated to the Dead Zone.” (Keeno)

I leaned forward, resting my elbows on the stone table and steepling my fingers.  The other knights in the room, reviving from their shock, looked at me. While a few seemed to not know what I was about to ask, a majority became visibly more nervous.

“What is the current state of the kitsune?  How much worse has it gotten since Margaret was last here?” (Keeno)

This question got the few knights that were confused to freeze up while most of the others were glancing around, seemingly nervous to answer the question.  This, in turn made me confused, though I hid it better than they did.

‘Why do they all seem so timid?’ (Keeno)

{Well, you are already projecting an aura of unapproachable authority, so most of them feel like if they give a bad answer, you will punish them. Some just don’t know how to answer because they genuinely don’t know the full depth of the situation, and some are trying to find the words to articulate it.}

‘Don’t tell me I have to investigate this myself. I thought they were supposed to help me, not leave all the work to me.’ (Keeno)

{Leave it to Margaret.  Things’ll get back on track in a second.}

“Zofia, Maria, answer her.” (Margaret)

Glancing over to Margaret, she seemed slightly tired, but overall fine. She sat with her back straight and a glint in her eye that left no room for floundering around.

“The situation has overall worsened. The Council has passed a few laws requiring kitsune to basically flaunt their bodies in public while the ones ‘owned’ by the nobles are basically held prisoner in their homes. Only kitsune belonging to the more reputable knight orders are exempt from this law.” (Maria)

“For the ones who are part of the noble harems, they are treated well in the surface, but the longer this situation goes on, the more the darker side of the nobles will be revealed. Just a few days ago we received a report that a noble was walking around the streets with two kitsune held in leashes, completely naked, and forced to walk on their hands and knees.  This action was kept in the noble district, but said noble is just the first of bolder moves of the same or similar nature.” (Zofia)

“That’s just what we know of.  There ARE a few rumors that a few nobles have been forcing high debts on some of the kitsune citizens in the common district so that when they fail to pay, they get turned into their toys. We haven’t found any evidence of this though, so it remains a rumor.” (Maria)

“Back to that first thing…how is such a law even enforceable?” (Keeno)

“Fearmongering. They think they’ll be kidnapped from their homes and enslaved if they don’t due to rumors spread by the nobles. So while it’s not enforceable, the kitsune people have still taken it upon themselves to do it in the hopes that they won’t be the one to get taken from their families, never to be seen again.” (Zofia)

“Not all of them are against it though. Some have even said that they like the way they have to dress now. The ones the least averse to this were the kitsune who work or own brothels.  Those same brothels have also taken to sheltering some kitsune without asking for them work in the profession, but we’ve heard that a few of the less reputable…even less reputable nobles have been trying to put a stop to that through Council meetings.” (Maria)

“…” (Keeno)

“I know what you’re thinking, and blatantly killing them will just paint a target on your back. One or two will probably be acceptable, depending on who it is, but all of them is not possible. Even with all of us together, we’d be outnumbered and overpowered eventually.” (Margaret)

“Tch.” (Keeno)

“We have been digging, and we’ve found some dirt on a few. We release it right and our darker services will be in high demand.” (Zofia)

“Then start doing so. We should step up our efforts now that we have literal Death on our side.” (Margaret)

Zofia nodded and looked over to a small group sitting opposite of her. The nodded once and stood up, leaving the room.

“Lady Keeno, is there anything you wish to add on this topic?” (Margaret)

“Not particularly.  All I’m really thinking of right now aside from killing these mongrels, is wether I should do it myself, or by letting the hellhounds have them.” (Keeno)

“If I may, what are these hellhounds?” (Zofia)

“The new name for Death Spirits.  For a reason even I’m not completely sure of, they’ve changed, so I have them a new name.” (Keeno)

“I see.” (Zofia)

“With this topic finished, is there anything we need to know that has happened in my absence?” (Margaret)

“Aside from what we just discussed, not much.  You already know about the strange monsters that have been appearing and the only thing different is it’s become slightly more frequent.  The attacks have increased from once every few months to about once a month. They’re still not difficult to repel or eradicate, so much so that it’s turning into a competition to be the ones to fight.” (Maria)

“Oh right.  We, well, saying we ran into it isn’t exactly correct, but anyway, we found a monster called a wyvern.” (Margaret)

“…What is this feeling of disdain?” (Keeno)

{Don’t worry about it.}

“It was large, about the size of two wagons, powerful, and fast. Apparently, they were a thing a long, LONG time ago, but were pretty much wiped out, or at least they thought they were.” (Margaret)

“How many did you encounter?” (Zofia)

“Just one…oh, and they fly.” (Margaret)

“…Margaret.” (Zofia)

“I know, should have been the first thing I said.” (Margaret)

“Yes!” (Zofia)

“Leave it their Aunty.” (Maria)

“…Fine.” (Zofia)

The knight Maria calling knight Zofia aunty made me remember that some of Margaret’s blood family were part of her knight order.  I looked closer at them, while Zofia only held a slight resemblance to her, Maria looked like I imagine Margaret looking when she was younger, meaning she was the sister Margaret is always worried about.

“Well, that’s enough about that, we aren’t really monster hunters, though we should let the Guild know as soon as possible.” (Zofia)

“I agree.  I’ll send some of the people that were traveling with me to the Guild once the get more rest.” (Margaret)

“Is there anything else to discuss then?” (Maria)

“I think that’s everything.  Can someone please compile all the information pertaining to the kitsune and the nobles who can be taken care of easily and give them to Lady Keeno.  Other than that, this meeting is finished, so you are all dismissed.  Zofia, Maria, stay here though.” (Margaret)

All the knights nodded and stood.  After several minutes the filed out of the room, leaving the four of us.  Margaret practically deflated into her seat and heaved a big sigh.

“Aunty Zofia…” (Margaret)

“You did good, Margaret.  And welcome back.” (Zofia)

“How was Odeen, big sis?  Was it fun and not hot?” (Maria)

“Not particularly fun at first, and it was pleasantly cool when we first arrived only to become uncomfortably cold on the way back.  It was pleasant on the way back though, thanks to Keeno and her friends.” (Margaret)

“Oh yeah!?  Miss Okami, is it true your Fated One is Goddess Amaterasu!?” (Maria)

“She is, and she is the best damn wife I could ever ask for.” (Keeno)

“Amazing!” (Maria)

“Maria, calm down and show respect to her, she is practically our superior.” (Zofia)

“It’s fine.  I may act one way, but I prefer it when people don’t act all stiff around me in most circumstances.  Since this is like a private meeting right now, I couldn’t care less about how you speak or act.” (Keeno)

Zofia visibly relaxed and she had a small smile on her face.

“That’s reassuring.  Here I was being paranoid about having to appease a goddess by offering sacrifices or something.  I should have believed Lady Fiametta instead of getting in my head about it.” (Zofia)

“Eh.  Fia likes to exaggerate things, so it wouldn’t surprise me if that was her intention in the first place.  Oh, and Margaret, sorry for springing that on you earlier, I was in a bad mood, and I thought doing something like that would fix it, but I realize it was kind of out of nowhere.” (Keeno)

“It’s fine.  Honestly, I was less surprised than I thought I would be.  And I expected more to happen, I don’t really feel all that different.  Maybe a bit lighter, but that’s about it.” (Margaret)

“Your body is probably still just getting used to it.  Red and Emma took a bit to actually notice all the changes, from what they’ve told me.  Speaking of them, you’ll have to meet them at some point.  You should be able to go to the Divine Domain to the meeting hall, but we can leave that for when we have the time.” (Keeno)

“Alright.” (Margaret)

We continued to chat so I could get to know Margaret’s family a bit more.  I was going to bring up the topic of her uncle who she wanted me to help, but a knight entered the room.

“Commander Margaret, Lady Keeno, they Council envoy is here with a summons.”

“Let them in.” (Margaret)


The knight with the message hesitated but moved after a heavy pause.  This gave me a bad feeling.  He returned a few minutes later with a kitsune woman in two.  She followed the knight with her head down, her ears flattened against her head and her tail drooping so low it was basically dragging on the floor.  She was clearly uncomfortable.  She was wearing practically nothing, and she was doing her best to move as little as possible, else she would be completely exposed.

“L-l-lady Margaret…you and your kitsune guest h-h-have been summoned to the Council Hall.  You are to explain what h-happened to your charge and the state of Odeen and your guest is to…”

The kitsune woman lifted her head to look in my direction and I could see her mind stop working.  She was staring directly at my tails.  After almost five minutes of silent staring, she seemed to reboot, and her gaze followed every small move of my tails.

“You were saying?” (Keeno)

“I was saying something?”

“About me being summoned to some Council Hall?” (Keeno)

“Huh? ... OH!  I apologize, mistress!  You have been summoned to the Council Hall to be invited to a ball held by the nobles.”

“…I see.” (Keeno)

I had no idea on how to respond to that.  Why am I her mistress now!?

{She’s mine!  Back off!}

‘I think it’s more reverence than anything Ama.’ (Keeno)


“Thank you, we will make our way there shortly.” (Margaret)

Margaret’s words seemed to splash cold water on the kitsune woman, and her mood fell to rock bottom again.

“Very well.”

The envoy and the knight that escorted her here turned and left.

“Margaret.” (Keeno)

“Please try to stick to the plan we just came up with.” (Margaret)

“I’m going to let you deal with the ones that were discussed, but I’m sending the hellhounds after the others.  That is nonnegotiable.” (Keeno)

“You don’t even know how they are going to deal with it.” (Margaret)

“Actually, I think I do, but I’m still going to leave it to them.” (Keeno)

“Fine.  I know an argument I’ll lose when I see it, so please at least hold off for a while so you can find the ones you want to target first.” (Margaret)

“Alright.  I’ll agree to that.  Now, I’m going to go get ready for this invitation. I’ll be back soon.” (Keeno)

I left the room and headed back to the room I woke up in.

“Ama, help me choose what to wear.”

{Of course.}

Chaos Realm:


Luna: It must be bad if you are actually saying the word while sighing.  Order still not letting you help?


Tamamo: Just relax.  Not everything needs your hand in it to work.  Why don’t you read a book or something aside from just watching Keeno?

*Before a reply can be made, the entirety of the Chaos Realm shakes*


Luna: Another one of those Chaos quake things?


*Cracks appear in the roof and a person falls through*


Celeste: Hey Payto.  Any idea what happened or why I’m here now?

I think our Seas of Chaos passed by each other a bit too closely.

Celeste: Ah. *Looks around and notices Luna and Tamamo* GASP! IT’S LUNA AND TAMAMO!!!!!!

Luna: And you are?

Celeste: Oh um…I’m Celeste, a God of Chaos like Payto, though my other Divinities are different than the ones Payto has.  Anyway, I’ve read all about you two!  Your lives are so interesting!

Tamamo: What do you mean by that?

You know how us God of Chaos record everything, that’s it.

Luna: Yeah, but why does a different Chaos God know about us?

Celeste: Because we have to share stories like this in order to keep ourselves entertained.  No one likes a bored Chaos God.

And before you say anything or get mad, I keep all the private times with you or Keeno and any others in the future private.  Even I don’t look into that.  It just takes different forms depending on the place.  We see it like a movie here, in Celeste’s case, it’s books.  If I’m remembering correctly, your Sea of Chaos takes the form of an infinite library, right?

Celeste: Yep.  By the way, when whatever just happened, happened, I think some of the light reading could have fallen into a few worlds here.  Will that cause a problem?

Probably not but make a compilation of what you are missing and send me the list.

Celeste: Oki.

*A portal opens, and Alex and a blue cat goddess appear*

Alex: Payto, what happened?  Oh?

Celeste: OH!  Hello Alex, Dawn.  How are you two?

Alex: Good.

Dawn: Long time no see.

You know Celeste, Alex?

Alex: Yep.  With me being your Apostle and all, I’ve been looking into your connections and have been advertising my services.  Who knew Gods of Chaos would be such a lucrative consumer base?

Dawn: Hello, I’m Dawn, a Goddess of Animals and Alex’s friend.  I was visiting her when all of this happened and decided to follow her because I thought it would be fun.  Originally, I come from one of Chaos God Celeste’s worlds.

Celeste: Hmm?  Oh, looks like things are back to normal.

Seems like it.  Are you going back now?

Celeste: Yep.  Gotta make that list, but if it’s fine with you I’d like to come visit more often.

That’s fine.

Celeste: Okay then, bye gramps.

Luna: Eh?

Alex: Seeing as everything is good here, Dawn and I will go back to what we were doing.

Dawn: It was nice to meet you, I’ll pop in and out too, if that’s fine with you.

It’s fine.

Dawn: Yay.

*The two disappear into the portal they arrived through*

Tamamo: Gramps?

Don’t ask.  The ‘Family Tree’ is complicated, and I don’t feel like explaining it.

Luna: You are going to tell us every detail.

Tamamo: Now!

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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