Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 139- Decisions decisions

Chapter 139- Decisions decisions

[Keeno POV]

Waking up the next morning I couldn’t help but smile. I was wrapped up in my new cloak and absolutely loving it.

{Well, someone seems happy.}

“Well, I love my gift, and I’m happy for Fia. What’s not to be happy about?”

{Very true.  Maybe she won’t feel jealous of us anymore.}

“If anything, it’ll be us that will feel jealous. I mean all she needs to do is pop up when she wants some loving from her fallen angel.”

{Hehehe.  I don’t think it’ll be that simple. I looked in to check on them earlier and let’s just say Fia is like Freya, only turned up to 10.}

“…heh.  Ehehe.  Ehehehahahahahahahahahahaha!”

I thought Ama would share in my elation at finding a new way to tease Fia, but she shifted her tone to a more serious one instead.

{We need to discuss something.}

“Mostima’s appointment as an Apostle.”


“Does she meet the requirements for Magic?”

{No. That one is a bit special and in all the time I’ve lived I’ve never seen anyone that matched the requirements.}

“She can be come a Valkyrie, but my gut is telling me that that would be a bad decision to make.”

{Listen to that feeling then.  What about Runes once you make that Authority?}

“I can start teaching them to her. It may not exist as an Authority yet, but getting someone started on the way to that Apostleship shouldn’t be hard.  Now we just need to convince her to come with us instead of traveling with Fia…Which sounds really bad when put into words.”

{I doubt it will be that hard. You said it earlier, Fia can go get her job done, then when she feels the need for it, she can pop over to the nearest temple to your group.  Or she can also start traveling with you, but knowing Fia’s personality, she won’t take that option.}

“Yeah. But also knowing Fia she’ll use any excuse to basically be traveling with us in her down time.  I mean she’s basically been doing that for as long as we’ve been in Odeen.”

{True. What are we ever going to do with our silly little bird?}

“Love her like we always have.”


I got up from the bed before taking my cloak off and changing into some daywear and clasping it on again. I then walked over to the window and moved the curtains out of the way. Sitting on the windowsill outside were three normal sized steelfeather ravens. They turned to look at me and did a funny looking bird salute before turning back to look over the city.


{Hmm.  Guess you are going to have a symbolic animal now. If this keeps happening.}

“Not that I really mind. If Huginn and Muninn keep training all the other ravens they find, I’ll have many more eyes. Hehe.  I can call them a Herald.  A Herald of Ravens.”

{I like it.}

“Hear that Huginn? Muninn?  From now on, you two can make as many subordinates as you wish. Train them, lead them, do whatever. As my left and right wings, you two shall become the twin leaders of your race and together the three of us shall see and hear everything in all the realms. Nothing will ever again escape the eyes of Death.  All those with corrupted souls will fear the sight of my Heralds and know that their crimes will not go unpunished.”

Poking their heads out of my tails, the two nodded in their bird way. I smiled at them and scratched their necks where they loved it the most.  After a very pleased ruffle of feathers, the hooped up to the window and opened it with their beaks before flying out, their much smaller underlings following behind them.

{I wonder how long it will take them to come back?}

“I give them a week.  They hate being away from me for too long, after all.”

{That’s true. I just hope they don’t get into too much trouble.}

“I agree. Are they still eating eyes for some reason?”

{I think so. They are hard to find when they go off far away, but last time they did, they’d somehow killed a small bandit camp and ate all of their eyes, leaving the shiny stuff for their subordinates.}

“…I really wish there was a method to see what they see, just so I can make sure they aren’t getting up to no good.” (Keeno)

{Who knows, maybe that’s why they keep eating eyes.  It may make that a possibility…somehow.}

“Sounds like a magic ritual to me, so you would know the answer to that.”

{Unless they are creating it as we speak, then it isn’t. There are a lot of rituals, some I’m not very happy about existing, but none that require the ingesting of eyes.}

“Hmm.  Well, as long as it’s not innocent people and they don’t do that in front of Pram, who am I to get in the way of their snacking?”

{This is why they can’t stay away.  You spoil them too much.}

I stood there, watching them fly away, the lightening sky boundless.

{You want to fly, don’t you?}

“That obvious?”

{Just because I know you.  Why not come up with a spell to fly?  You’ve made yourself float a few times, so just go extra with that.}

“Simple propulsion like that isn’t flying in my opinion.  The closest I can get is gliding too, seeing as apparently my cloak can allow me to do that.  I don’t know who Fia got to make it, but they put a lot of work into it.”

{Hmm.  Alright, I’ll figure something out. Maybe even make it an exclusive spell for you.}

“Aww.  You’re sweet.”

{What can I say?  I love spoiling you.}


I shut the window and left the room. Going downstairs I found Pram and Freya sitting at a table ordering some breakfast. I sat down and did the same.

“Aren’t you hot wearing that?” (Freya)

“I mean, I know I’m good looking, Freya, but in front of Pram?” (Keeno)

“Eh!? Wha-” (Freya)

“You know what she meant, Okami.” (Pram)

“Hehehe.  Freya, I like the heat, the hotter the better. It doesn’t bother me in the slightest.  You should know that by now. I mean, how many times did the two of you move way to far away when we had to bathe in a river just because the water around me started boiling before I was comfortable?” (Keeno)

“It’s just, I thought wearing a cloak like that would feel stuffy.” (Freya)

“It’s not. It’s way more comfortable that you think.” (Keeno)

“Where are the other two?” (Pram)

“Huginn and Muninn?” (Keeno)

“Yeah.” (Pram)

“I sent them on a mission. They’ll be back eventually.” (Keeno)

“I wonder what the other other two are doing.” (Freya)

“Do we even know what inn they are at?” (Pram)

“I don’t.” (Keeno)

{It’s the one down the street from this one.}

“Thanks, Ama.” (Keeno)

After our food got there and we ate, we immediately left the inn and started to look for Fia and Mostima.  It wasn’t hard to find them. They were sitting at an outside table in front of the inn they were at. Mostima had a satisfied smile on her face as she drank a cup of this world’s version of coffee while Fia was sitting there, staring into her own cup, her face glowing the same red as her hair.

“Heh.” (Keeno)

“…” (Fia)

“Enjoy yourselves last night?” (Keeno)

“Immensely.” (Mostima)

“Fia?” (Keeno)

She didn’t answer verbally, but the small, meek nod was all I needed.

“Well, congrats, you two.” (Keeno)

“Care to sit?  We have things we need to discuss.” (Mostima)

“I was about to say the same thing.” (Keeno)

The three of us sat down. I sat next to Fia who glanced over at me, caught sight of Mostima who I was also sitting next to, and looked away, though I didn’t miss the smile on her face when she did that.

{Oh Fia.  You adorable phoenix.}

“Getting right to the point, I want to travel with you, Miss Okami.” (Mostima)

“Oh?  I was gonna ask you the same thing. I mean, I do know you’d probably prefer to go with Fia, but that has its own issues.” (Keeno)

“Yeah. I love Fia with all my heart, but I also know myself and if I went with her, I’d get in the way of her work. I also don’t want to lose her now that I’ve found her, so I figured traveling with you will allow me to see her regularly.” (Mostima)

“It’s funny. Ama and I were having a similar conversation earlier.  We thought that it would be easier and when Fia needed you for whatever reason she could pop over and see you. Plus, if we’re going to make you an Apostle, we need to get you worthy of being one.  Magic and becoming a Valkyrie is out, so I’m going to teach you some stuff in order to get you to a position to possibly become one for the Authority I hope to create.” (Keeno)

“Sounds interesting.  Mind telling me more details?” (Mostima)

“A question first.  How good of a study are you?” (Keeno)

“I say pretty good. If you want to live as long as I have, you need to be.” (Mostima)

“Then we’ll get along very well.” (Keeno)

I explained Runes a little and Mostima seemed interested, so we struck a deal there.  After that she finished her coffee and stood up.

“Nice to be working with you, Okami.” (Mostima)

“Same to you, Mostima.  Oh, and just so I put it out there for the future, don’t ever hurt Fia.  I know what you said yesterday, and I can be pretty sure that you never will, but still.” (Keeno)

“Okami.” (Fia)

“You know I was going to say it, Fia. I said the same thing to Freya, I will say the same thing to anyone that wants to be with my Valkyries. Anyone who hurts my family will be ended, and there is no way around that. And if they run, well, hehehe, they can’t.” (Keeno)

“You can be pretty scary when you want to be.” (Mostima)

“Comes with the job.  But with this, everything is figured out but when we are going to move on.  I think sooner the better, but we need to figure out what we need and a rough estimate of how long away the capital is.” (Keeno)

“Why not take a wagon?  It’s faster than walking and, though I doubt any of you need to worry about it much, safer than walking.” (Mostima)

“Last time we didn’t have the money to do so.” (Pram)

“And it’s not very convenient for me due to various reasons.  One being my tails. The other being my eyes, as much as I dislike admitting to it.” (Keeno)

“Ah.  I didn’t even notice. They suit you quite well, all things considered.  Bit uncomfortable to look at directly for too long, but it’s probably just something I need to get used to.” (Mostima)

{And finally, another person gets it.}

“Heh.  How much of that did Fia coach you on?” (Keeno)

“All she said was not to judge you for your eyes. Other than that everything I said was my own opinion.” (Mostima)

“Then I’ll take the compliment.” (Keeno)

We then discussed when we would leave before deciding to do so the next day. Seeing as a wagon was out, it would take us three weeks on foot to get to the capital and, according to Mostima, another week in the capital city itself before we reached any part we actually needed to be in.  As for our objectives there, Dead Zone aside, we had to meet with Eblana, Aslan, and our potential ally from Lokir.

Chaos Realm:

Velvet: …

Soleil: You’re getting the same feeling I am, right?

Velvet: Are all kitsune like that regarding their families, regardless of world?

Luna: From what I’ve seen, yes. It varies in degree, but still.

Skadi: Must be a lot to deal with. Not that those two seem to mind it seeing as I don’t see any other kitsune in her party.

Ophidia: …What is this feeling of kinship? Ever since that one dream I had that somehow turned me into a dragon, why do I feel some semblance of draconic essence from her?

Tamamo: She’s half dragon.

Ophidia: Ah.

Mio: Fen, calm down nya.  I knyow you want to fight that wolf lady nya, but ku nyeed to calm down nya.

Fenrir: I’m trying, Mio, but it’s like I NEED to fight her.  I don’t get why.

Mio: *sigh* *pulls Fenrir into a kiss*

Fenrir: !!!!!!!!!!

Luna: I’ve missed fun like this.

Tamamo: Well, you have been busy.

Luna: I wish I was at the point of unconsciously managing things like you are.

Tamamo: You’re getting there.

Luna: It’s just, progress is slow. Having Space infinitely expanding is hard to manage when you have to make sure nothing tears and lets the scary emptiness in.

Tamamo: Come here you overworked fox. *Pulls Luna into a lap pillow*

Luna: Ehehehe.

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