Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 114- Some Bonding with Fafnir

Chapter 114- Some Bonding with Fafnir

[Keeno POV]

Waking up, I held my head in my hand.

“Ugh.  Someone remind me to not use up all my Divinity. It feels like my head is about to explode.” (Keeno)

{That’s why I told you to conserve it. But this was a special occasion, so I’ll just leave it at that.}

“You’re back?” (Keeno)

{I’ve been back, Keeno. You’ve been asleep for three days.}

“Oh…so, how was your outing?” (Keeno)

{Hehehe.  Quite productive. I got the island settled and got another errand I needed to get done, done.}

“What was the other errand?” (Keeno)

{That’s for me to know, and you to find out later.}

“Booo!” (Keeno)

{Don’t be me, my lovely wife.}

“Then tell me!  You know I’m impatient!” (Keeno)

{I can’t tell you, it’s something that you can only truly appreciate when we are together.}

“…Fine.  You said three days, right?  Next Solar Convergence should be real soon.” (Keeno)

{Yep. Few more days.}

“Looking forward to it.” (Keeno)

“Hmmm.  So that’s the voice of a goddess.  Interesting.” (Fafnir)

I jumped at Fafnir’s voice, not knowing she was present in the cave I found myself in.

{Hehehe.  Cute.}

“Indeed.” (Fafnir)

“Why can you hear Ama’s voice?” (Keeno)

“I’ll leave that to your goddess wife because I’m not too sure either.” (Fafnir)

{Hmmm.  Well, this is interesting.  Your dragon there is now a half-spirit of Death.}

“…” (Keeno)

{Keeno, really quick, check what kind of connection you have with her. I don’t think it’s at the level of a Valkyrie, but I want you to clarify further.}

“…She’s not. There is the connection that I felt from before that’s just a bit stronger, but she’s not a Valkyrie.” (Keeno)

{I see. Hmm.}

“I guess this is what happens when I use necromancy mixed with Divinity.” (Keeno)

{I’m of the same opinion, so don’t do this again, and if you have to, don’t do it too much.  I know we are the ones in charge of it, but we shouldn’t make a habit of fully reviving the dead.}

“Wasn’t planning on it.” (Keeno)


“Does me being half spirit now mean anything special?” (Fafnir)

{Not really. You can help out the other Death Spirits if you want, but you don’t HAVE to.}

“Actually, I’d like it if you help Emma out, but we can talk about that later. And speaking of Emma, where is she and the others?” (Keeno)

“They went to the tiny people city.  Something about food for humans and reconnaissance. I don’t really get it, but I let them go.” (Fafnir)

“I see.” (Keeno)

“Ah!  Now that you are awake, my descendant, would you mind helping me with something?” (Fafnir)

“Sure.  What is it?” (Keeno)

“I’ve been trying to get used to a physical body again. So far, it’s been easy, though there is one thing I haven’t tried yet, and I need an opinion.” (Fafnir)

“My opinion on what?” (Keeno)

“…It’s difficult to explain, so I’ll just show you.” (Fafnir)

After she stopped speaking, Fafnir’s body started shining in a bright gold light.  Out of habit I squinted my eyes, but honestly speaking the brightness didn’t really bother me.

“Well, that’s new.” (Keeno)

{What is?}

“Guess I can stare at extremely bright things without being bothered by it.” (Keeno)

{Ah. It helps when we have to manage our suns up close. Things happen sometimes that make it necessary.}

“Like what?” (Keeno)

{Annoying ice or water gods playing a prank.  Though I haven’t had to deal with that for a few thousand years now, so maybe that scolding I gave them worked.}

“I have the sudden urge to smack around some people for annoying my wife. I will accept the full list of names and locations at a later date.” (Keeno)

{Understood. The list shall be sent to you at your next available appointment in the Divine Domain.}

“Hehehe.” (Keeno)


“…What kind of laugh was that?” (Keeno)

{Someone I know laughs like that, and I just wanted to try it.}

“…Sounds oddly familiar…it doesn’t suit you. I like your normal laugh better.” (Keeno)


During this conversation, the light started to die down and once it was gone, a woman about my height stood in front of me. Her eyes remained the faintly glowing orange and blue and she had hip-length golden hair. At her back swung a decently long tail covered in golden scales and on her head small horns sprouted out like a crown. She didn’t have much in the chest, but it was still a respectable size. Looking at her for a second, I was stunned, but once I recovered, I took some of my clothes from my ring and tossed them to her.

“Put something on, or do you need help with that?” (Keeno)

“Some help would be greatly appreciated.” (Fafnir)

I chuckled and walked over to Fafnir and helped her dress herself.

“Why is there so much room around my chest?  Is this what the young people of today like or something?” (Fafnir)

“…” (Keeno)

“What’s with that look?” (Fafnir)

“That aside, what do you want my opinion on?  Your humanoid form, or something else?” (Keeno)

“Oh, nothing like that, I know I’m stunning to look at. I was just wondering if I should show my wings or not.  Personally, I would like to, but they get in the way when I try to do things in this form.  Much more annoying than my tail.” (Fafnir)

“Hmm.  I say depends on the situation.  Hide them when you sit or are in a small space but show them when out and about or in the open. Like now would be a good time to show them, though I’d-” (Keeno)

Accompanied by the sound of ripping, Fafnir’s beautiful golden wings spring from her back and unfurled to their full length.

“…” (Keeno)

Not understanding why I was silent, Fafnir tilted her head to the side.

“*Sigh*Ama, we better get me a lot of clothes. I have what I’m wearing, my Vanir stuff, and one more clean set left. The rest have been destroyed or burned away.” (Keeno)

{Don’t worry, we have a lot of places to visit, so you’ll end up with more clothes than you could ever use in a mortal lifetime.}

“Ah!  Apologies, my descendant.” (Fafnir)

“Damage has already been done, so it’s fine. Feel free to keep those.” (Keeno)

My shoulders fell as I sat on a rock and wrapped my tails around myself.   The first two wrapped around my side while the third I didn’t know what to do with.

“Odd numbers are annoying.” (Keeno)

“Hmm.  It’s been a while since I’ve seen a kitsune with multiple tails. My previous circumstances aside, only the those of appropriate power and age had multiple, and this was a thousand years ago.” (Fafnir)

Fafnir walked over and sat next to me. Her gaze fixed on my third tail, the gleam in her eyes telling me exactly what she wanted. Deciding to indulge her, I laid my third tail in her lap and her expression became so bright it could light up the cave.

“So fluffy and soft!  I might become addicted to this.  What magic is this!?” (Fafnir)

{Not magic, that’s just Keeno’s natural fluffiness.  It’s even better after it’s clean.}

“…” (Fafnir)

“Heh, heh, heh, now, before my magnificent fluff!” (Keeno)

{I submit myself to thee, oh Goddess of Fluff.}

Just then I felt a weird tremble in space.


“…” (Fafnir)

“…What was that?” (Keeno)

{I take it back!  Keeno is still extremely fluffy, but not the Goddess of Fluff!}

“Ama!?” (Keeno)

{Ok…I’m ok…whooh…Keeno, never claim to be a Goddess of Fluff or say someone else is. Primordial forces don’t like it.}

“Noted.  Now, what was that other thing?” (Keeno)

{You never heard that and neither of you will ever mention it again.}

The weight to AMA’s voice was all I needed to know that if we mentioned her outburst, we’d regret it.  Fafnir looked like she wanted to say something about that, but I covered her face with my tail, and she immediately went to snuggling it.  After a while, she moved my tail from her face revealing a wide smile. It was then that we heard the sound of something dropping to the floor at the mouth of the cave.

“Who!!!?” (Emma)

“My Lady, who is this woman?” (Sigurd)

“Caw!” (Huginn)

“Squaw!!!” (Muninn)

“Calm down, it’s just Fafnir.” (Keeno)

Sigurd was still cautious, but relaxed his guard slightly while Emma completely lowered her guard and rushed over to us.  When she got closer, I saw how she was looking at Fafnir, and I smirked.

“You’re so pretty!  I love the wings and the tail, and your hair is so long and smooth!” (Emma)

“Of course I’m pretty, I’m a dragon after all.  None are prettier than I!” (Fafnir)

Fafnir stood up straight and puffed out her chest, hands on her hips, chin lifted into the air with a prideful smile on her face.

“M-may I feel your wings?” (Emma)

These words cracked Fafnir’s prideful aura and turned her into a blushing mess.

“H-how uncouth…You would wish to perform an act so intimate with me?” (Fafnir)

Emma was silent as she processed Fafnir’s words.  Once things clicked, her face became so red I was sure steam would start coming from it.

“I-I didn’t know…I’m sorry…w-we should at least get to know each other better before doing that.” (Emma)

“Eh!?  You still w-wish to feel my wings?” (Fafnir)

“A-and you tail…if it won’t make you uncomfortable.” (Emma)

“…” (Fafnir)

I chuckled at the two before getting up and walking over to Sigurd.  Huginn and Muninn who had been sitting on a rock at the mouth of the cave flew over and dove into the tails they usually sit in.

“So, Sigurd, what’s going on and where are Pram and Freya?” (Keeno)

My voice snapped Sigurd out of his stupor.

“Ah…Apologies, my Lady, what did you say?” (Sigurd)

“I asked what you found out on your outing and where Pram and Freya are.” (Keeno)

“Yes…Well, starting with your second question, they are out walking the mountain paths.  I think they wanted to go off to be alone together for a while.” (Sigurd)

“I see, well, they deserve it.  They haven’t had much time to be with just each other since they got together after all.” (Keeno)

{I’m honestly surprised it took them this long to sneak off together.}

“Same.  Anyway, and my other question?” (Keeno)

“That’s much harder to explain…but, in simple terms, you may have a hard time going around if you ever go to the city.” (Sigurd)

Sigurd’s troubled face was all I needed to know I was in for a story.

Chaos Realm:

Luna: …

Tamamo: What did you do earlier?

Luna: …I didn’t do anything…I think?

Tamamo: Then what was with the special fluctuations and stuff?

That wasn’t Luna.  It’s exactly what Amaterasu said.  Primordial forces don’t like people claiming to be the God or Goddess of Fluff when Luna exists as the Abyss of Fluff.

Tamamo: But don’t you control all Primordial Forces?

Yes, but I need to let them have some free reign or else they’ll act like a sealed bottle under immeasurable amounts of pressure.  You don’t want an explosion big enough and powerful enough to reset all existence on a layer of the Sea of Chaos, do you?

Tamamo: No.

Luna: No.

That’s what I thought.  But that aside, you don’t need to worry about that happening again.  I’ve adjusted things to where someone saying stuff like that as a joke doesn’t upset anything, Luna just needs to take it as a joke.

Luna: I never didn’t.

I know, but as the Abyss of Fluff, you are closest to the Primordial Concept of Fluff, so if you hear something like that and don’t pay it any mind, things can get weird.  If you ever personally hear a joke like that again, you’ll need to be conscious about it.

Luna: I understand, I’ll work on it.

Tamamo: And I’ll support you all the way.

…I swear, these two will take any opportunity to start flirting with one another.

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