Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 155: Crazy Plan

Dong Lifen spent the entire night guiding all the demonic beasts to the Hidden Master Plain in the north. Then, Wang Wei had many cultivators use Earth Spells to form a barricade around the entire plan to prevent these demonic beats from escaping.

As for the ones that were able to fly, he personally killed all of them to prevent them from causing more troubles.

On top of a giant wall more than a few kilometers high, Wang Wei looked at all the demonic beats inside the Hidden Master Plain, which was the place chosen by him to place these beasts.

He sighed as he could not see the end of these beasts. He wondered how many of them were? Billions? Trillions? Well no matter the actual number, the answer would always be too much.

On top of the wall, Dong Lifen was also looking at these endless amounts of beasts with a pale complexion in her face. The reason for that was due to all the work she did the previous night, and also because of intense fear.

As the person who led this horde to this plain, she personally experienced their horrors. These beasts seemed to have lost their mind, making them powerful killing machines that only know slaughter and destruction.

"Who would do this? And for what reason?" asked Dong Lifen with a frown on her pale face.

"It is easy to guess the person," replied Yan Liling. "Only the people of the Herd Raising Valley can have the ability to raise so many demonic beasts."

"Herd Raising Valley? Another Sect from your home world?"

"Yes. the Herd Raising Valley is an Emperor Lineage with only one Great Emperor," replied Yan Liling. "However, they are famous in our world because more than 70% of business involving selling demonic beasts is in their hands. Of course, as a result, they have a terrible relationship with the Demon Race in the Northern Continent."

"Things are not as simple as it seemed," said Li Jun with a frown on his face. "There is no way that the Heaven Chosen of the Herd Raising Valley can control so many demonic beasts. More importantly, this world should not have so many demonic beasts, otherwise the balance between them and human beings should have long been broken, leading to war."

"So, you are saying that this person used some secret method to increase the breeding rates of all many demonic beasts? Where would they find such a large number of them? More importantly, how could such heaven defying techniques exist?" asked Dong Lifen.

"It is easy to find these beasts in the Southern Region, as this was their habitat to begin with," replied Li Jun. "As for the excessive breeding, it only requires these beasts to sacrifice their lifespans in exchange for fast breeding, then it should be possible."

"You may be right, but there are still many questions left unanswered. How can that person control so many Demonic Beasts? More importantly, what purpose does he or she have to do such a thing?" asked Yan Liling with a frown on her face.

"The answers to these two questions are in fact related to one another," suddenly said Wang Wei.

"Oh big brother, did you find the motive of this Heaven Chosen?"

"Let me ask you, did any of you remember the other methods someone could actually increase their luck?"

After hearing this question, many of them started thinking to themselves. Then, Wang Ju--who remained quiet during most of the conversation--suddenly thought of something before saying, "Saving a world in danger."

Wang Wei looked at her and nodded in satisfaction. As a person trained as a Shadow, her job also involves going through information that seemed useless and random, then extricating the important ones and putting the puzzle pieces together into a uniform whole.

Afterwards, Wang Wei continued to explain to the still confused others.

"One of the ways to actually acquire Qi Luck is to actually save a world on the verge of dying or extinction. Whether it is due to external forces or internal struggles between the native inhabitants, as long as someone saves the world, Heavenly Dao will reward such a person with abundant luck."

"As such, many factions in the Myriad Emperor World will find these worlds to allow their Heaven Chosen to go and gather luck. Of course, these factions will also manufacture the situation in which a world needs to be saved in order to acquire luck."

"Wait, manufacture? Your majesty, your saying that..."

"Yes, some factions will purposely bring these worlds on the verge of destruction, then send their own people in the name of saviors to help the inhabitants of these worlds."

"There is a high probability that the Heaven Chosen of the Herd Raising Valley is using the same method. With this vast beast tide, they plan to bring this world on the verge of destruction by these out of control demonic beasts, then kill all of them to receive a blessing of luck from Heavenly Dao."

As a matter of fact, this method was actually quite popular near the end of the Faith Era. The Buddhist Sects during that time placed many worlds in danger, then came in to rescue them in order to better gather Incense Power.

In these moments of despair, ordinary people and cultivators are more susceptible to religion. Unfortunately, at this point of time, the Buddhist Sects had detoured greatly from their beliefs and philosophy, which then eventually led to their complete destruction, and the end of the Incense or Faith Era.

Meanwhile, the faces of these people instantly become ugly after hearing this--with the exception of Wang Ju as he already deduced as much when Wang Wei asked her that question.

"With this method, this person does not need to control all the demonic beasts. All he needs is for the majority of them to just cause death and chaos," replied with an ugly look on his face.

"That also means that this person has also installed a method that allowed them to quickly kill all these demonic beasts," said Yan Liling. "What’s worse, if that person succeeds, all of us will fail this trial."

Yan Liling took a glance at Wang Wei when she said that. As astute as she was, she could feel that something was wrong with Wang Wei’s Qi luck. Previously, she only guessed this possibility, however, yesterday, when Wang Wei asked Dong Lifen to use the dynasty’s luck instead of doing it himself, Yan Liling knew that her conjecture was correct.

At this point of time, the Great Xia Dynasty’s territory is vast enough that both her and Li Jun have already achieved a Purple-Gold level of luck. However, it seemed that the same could not be said for their big brother.

So, this is the reason that she said that they would fail this trial if the Heaven Chosen from the Herd Raising Valley succeeded in this crazy plan.

"Is all you guys care about is this trial? My world is about to be destroyed?" roared Dong Lifen suddenly. An act which greatly embarrassed Yan Liling, making her lower her head.

"Your world will be fine as things have not reached this point yet," said Wang Wei. Of course Wang Wei did not just say this because his trial was not finished.

He is the kind of person that likes to finish anything he starts, and he also likes to do it to the best of his ability. This is the reason that he spent so much time modernizing the lives of the citizens of Great Xia.

Since his job as king is to make the lives of his subject better, then he will provide them with the best method possible. So, he went above and beyond with this trial.

Not only did he provide the people with food, clothes, and lands, he also educated them, he provided them with free healthcare, enough wealth to not only meet their needs, but also to have a little over to spend on whatever they want.

Once the citizens reached the standard where they would not have to worry about daily necessity for survival, Wang Wei invented all kinds of entertainment that met the spiritual needs of his people.

Compared to the other dynasties, the Great Xia is like a modern country while the others still remained in the ancient era.

After the brief awkwardness passed by, Li Jun asked a question that came to his mind:

"Big brother, if what you said is true, then how does that person plan to deal with the Karmic Backlash of creating the destruction of the world in the first place?"

Wang Wei shook his head when he heard this question before saying:

"You overestimate this world too much. In a Small Thousand World like this, the Laws of Karma are extremely weak to begin with, so it is not as much of a problem as you might think. Otherwise, how could we come here and steal luck from this world?"

"On top of that, after that person ’saved’ the world, Heavenly Dao will bestow upon him both luck and countless merits. With the merits, that person can easily wash away the little karma they suffered from, and have plenty of merits left to accomplish many things."

All the people around Wang Wei secretly sighed as they realized that this was in fact a brilliant and well-thought out plan. Whoever came up with this plan is not only ruthless, but also has a very tactical mind.

After a few seconds of silence, Wang Wei then said, "Okay, let’s end the chit chat and start killing these demonic beasts. However, afterwards, found a way to preserve the corpses as I have a plan for them."

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