Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 116: Soul

After contemplating for many years, Wang Wei decided to engrave Divine Veins not just into his Divine Altar, but also into his soul. If he succeeded, his control over spiritual qi would reach an unimaginable level and he could also guess that there would be further benefit when he entered the Primordial Spirit Realm.

However, there was still a problem that needed to be solved: How to gain access to the soul.

Only cultivators who have opened their Niwan Aperture and have their own Sea of Consciousness can have easy access to their souls. And only in the Supernatural Realm did cultivators open up their Niwan Aperture.

However, this problem was not so difficult for Wang Wei. As a person who knows how it feels like to live solely in the form of the soul, he has a great deal of understanding about it.

As such, Wang Wei closed his eyes and concentrated. He imagined himself before he was reincarnated back on Earth, when his body was destroyed and he was left with only a soul floating in the vast and limitless space.

After an unknown amount of time, Wang Wei found himself in a small and dark space. In the middle of the space was a cloud-like fluffy thing floating there.

Instinctively, he knew that this was his soul.

After close examination, he discovered to his surprise that his soul was actually purple with a few grey outlines around the edges. According to the information he learned, souls are usually white as a symbol that all beings are innately pure and good.

A soul can also change color. For example and red and dark soul represents that a person has committed countless sins and is heavily entangled by Karma.

There are soul cultivating methods that also turn the soul into a different color. However, the color is usually golden.

As for a purple colored soul, he has never heard of it. He guessed that the grey outlines had to do with his Fate Puppeteer Physique or the Fragment of Fate Law, but he was clueless for the purple color.

Suddenly, Wang Wei remembered how the clone of the Battle Maniac Emperor once said that his soul had the quality of Paragon. Maybe that is the reason for his soul being purple.

After scanning his memory again, Wang Wei realized that his soul started to change color when he absorbed all the blue lights that were floating in the endless void when he was swallowed by the space crack back on Earth.

At that time he was so focused on reaching the next blue spot that he did not really pay attention to this detail.

Wang Wei secretly blamed himself for how much of an idiot he was for not realizing that these blue spots were extraordinary and that his soul was probably more mysterious and enigmatic than he previously thought.

According to knowledge he knows about the soul, an ordinary mortal’ soul cannot last long after leaving the body. The soul is yin in nature, while the sun is yang in nature. If a soul were to touch the yang sun, it would be obliterated immediately.

Not to mention the fact that the soul needs energy or nutrients to sustain itself, which the body provides.

Only cultivators’ souls in the Primordial Spirit Realm can sustain themselves without the need of a body. And that is only because at that time, the soul has transformed into a Primordial Spirit.

However, even then, the soul or primordial spirit can only last a few months before fading away, unless other measures are taken.

Only cultivators in the Saint Realm can actually abandon their bodies and survive only as a soul entity.

As for Wang Wei, he could tell that he spent a very long time floating in space or void after being swallowed by that space crack.

It was only after reviewing his memory that Wang Wei realized that he might have spent eons floating in that endless voice. And only his will and desire for survival that made him ignore the passage of time, otherwise, he might have been driven crazy before he reached his destination.

And those blue spots not only provided Wang Wei’ soul with a terrible amount of lifespan, but also strength to be able to exist in such a terrible environment for such an extended period of time.

And it seems that the blue spots also provided his soul with an incomparable quantity and quality,

After pondering these things, Wang Wei suddenly stopped as he noticed something odd or different about his soul.

So, he went back to his memories again and checked right before he entered the bright light, right before he reincarnated in the Myriad Emperor World.

He realized that his cloud-like soul was actually massive in size--especially when compared to the current size of his soul now. It was almost like comparing planet Earth with the size of the Milky Way Galaxy.

After frowning for a while, he guessed that most of his soul had probably decreased in quantity after going through the process of reincarnation. Or even better, this might be the reason that he kept the memories from his past life.

Wang Wei theorized that he himself might have decided to sacrifice the quantity of his soul in order to retain the memories from his past life. Unfortunately, he could not remember anything after entering the bright light.

’Well, luckily, my soul’s quality still remained,’ thought Wang Wei after sighing for a while at his tremendous luck.

In fact, Wang Wei was not that sad about this loss despite what he said. There is a clear correlation between the soul and the body. As strong as one is, the other has to be strong enough to bear the other.

If Wang Wei was born with such a powerful soul, his body would not be able to bear it and cause him a great deal of trouble. Of course, his soul would slowly strengthen his body until he can actually carry it, just like a strong body will strengthen the soul.

However, in the process, Wang Wei would probably be quite miserable. With such a powerful soul, his body and mind would not be able to function properly and he would be labeled as intellectually disable.

And with how strong his soul was, it would have taken thousands upon thousands of years to strengthen his body to the level that he could function properly. And that’s just a mild estimate.

After taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Wang Wei began the process he needed to do in the first place.

With a sudden thought, he began to engraved Divine Veins on his soul, just like he did on his Divine Altar.

Of course he did not inscribe random veins on his soul. No, as he was aware of the fact that Divine Veins will in fact be combined together into Origin Pattern on the Ancient Lamps in the Supernatural Realm, he organized his Soul Divine Veins to perfectly fit or connect with the ones in his Divine Altar.

After engraving another 355 Veins on his soul, Wang Wei stopped as he realized that any further one served no benefit to him and would be just a waste of time.

Any more veins would affect the creation of his Origin Pattern and also provide no further increase in strength.

After finishing his engraving, both the Divine Veins in his soul and his Divine Altar shined together, and a profound connection was formed between them.

Wang Wei opened his eyes and he saw the world completely different from before. For one thing, he could physically see spiritual qi floating and dancing in the air with his eyes.

The spiritual qi seemed to be alive and noticed Wang Wei’s presence and flew towards him and entered his body without him even asking.

He felt that he had a tremendous affinity with spiritual qi. And with this affinity came a terrifying control.

In order to test his theory, Wang Wei secretly left the palace to an inhabited mountain. He activated all his 720 Divine Veins and controlled the spiritual qi around him.

Instantly, Wang Wei flew straight into the sky with steadiness and without pause. And his speed was actually quite fast.

Although he could not actually reach Mach 1 like Supernatural Realm cultivators, he could still fight properly in the air. Furthermore, compared to how he almost fell from the air due to low spiritual qi when he first tried to fly in this world, the process was too easy this time.

Without hesitation, Wang Wei flew straight through the sky, almost reaching the stratosphere, then he looked at the world under his feet.

At this height, Wang Wei could see the entire world, from one end to another. He could see how this world was actually a piece of land surrounded by ocean that defies the fundamental laws of gravity.

And unlike the Myriad Emperor World, this world did not have a barrier to protect it, but Wang Wei could see a powerful formation at the end of the world that cut off the world from the Endless Void.

After sighing for a while at how mysterious the world of cultivation works, Wang Wei returned to the palace. He wanted to know how long his seclusion took and deal with future plans.

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