Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 113: The Human Emperor (1)

After taking a brief moment of recollection, Yan Liling began to explain the origin and story of the Human Emperor.

"You should have learned about the differences of worlds from the Empress, right?" asked Yan Liling.

"Yes, Fen’er has explained to me the differences between Lower Thousands World and Greater Thousands Worlds. She even mentioned the fact that the world you guys came from is a Heaven Will World--which is a world that can give birth to a Great Emperor," answered Yu Siyu with a look of envy and yearning in her eyes.

"Well, as one of the highest levels of worlds in the Endless Void, you can imagine how long its history stood," continued Yan Liling.

"In order to properly study it, the cultivators in our world have divided our history into different eras: nine to be precise."

"First there was the Chaotic Era. However, we do not know much about this era except for the fact that our world was just born and as such, completely inhabitable by any living creatures--both living and nonliving."

"After that came the Primordial Era. In that time, Heavenly Dao was completed and living beings came to our world. In current time, all we know is the fact that this era was inhabited by many fierce Innate life forms such as Primordial Gods, Dragons and Phoenixes."

"There are rumors that the name of our world’s current five continents was named after these Innate beings."

After saying this, Yan Liling paused for a moment and realized that her explanation might take some time and it was inappropriate to be constantly talking the whole time.

As such, she secretly elbowed Li Jun, who immediately understood her meaning. As such, he took a few minutes to brew tea for the three of them.

After serving the tea, he said, "This is some of the Longxue tea that I have secretly stolen from big brother Wang Wei."

Yu Siyu smiled happily after hearing this, then drank her tea with a smile on her face. Just having the opportunity to drink this tea again was worth her trip today.

"I never understood big brother Wang Wei’s love for Longxue tea. Although it is one of the best teas in our world, there are still many that are as good as it, if not better," commented Yan Liling.

"That’s because you never tasted it when big brother used his secret brewing method. I don’t know what ingredient he used, but the taste of the tea was magically transformed into something beyond wonders," answered Li Jun with a reminiscent look on his face.

"I remember the first time that I tasted it. The taste was simply heavenly. Afterward, I spent more than a year pestering him to give me the recipe, but he refused."

"What’s even worse was the fact that he even refused to brew it for me with his special recipe afterwards. If I did not complain to Uncle Wang Tian, he probably would never have brewed the tea for me again."

Yan Liling then realized why both Li Jun and Wang Wei were so in love with this tea; it seemed that both of them had their own secret recipe that they shared together.

She secretly clenched her teeth and complained about how these guys are leaving her out. She vowed to get her revenge.

Li Jun suddenly felt that his companion changed somehow and looked at her, but he did not find anything, so he believed that he must be thinking too much.

After taking a sip of her tea, Yan Liling continued her explanation towards Yu Siyu--who was happily drinking her tea.

"Where was I again in my explanation?"

"You mentioned your world’s different Eras in history. Especially the Primordial Era."

"Yes, the Primordial Era. After that era came the Beginning Emperor Era. We do not know much about this era except for the fact that a human by the name of Long Guo was the first person to prove the Dao and took the name of the Heaven Opening Emperor."

"Then came the Void or Null Era. In fact, in our current era, nothing is actually known about this era, hence the name. However, after years of study, many cultivators believed that a terrifying catastrophe enveloped our world."

"As a result, all the Primordial Gods and Innate Life forms like Dragon, Phoenixes, and Qilin became extinct in our world. No, to be precise, they were gone."

"What’s even worse was that after the Null Era, the cultivation civilization in our world was completely destroyed or cut off. There were no cultivation techniques, no formation or pill inheritance left. Everything had to start over."

Yu Siyu almost choked on her tea after hearing this. Based on the information that her disciples had told her, she knew how powerful the world of these people is.

However, she just learned that something as severe as inheritance being cut off actually happened to them.

Immediately afterwards, cold sweat started falling from Yu Siyu’s back. If even such a powerful world can suffer such tragedy, then, doesn’t that mean her Little Thousand World could be destroyed at any moment from threats from above?

’The Endless Void is really a place of constant danger where anything could happen,’ thought Yu Siyu to herself.

Meanwhile, Yan Liling continued her story.

"After the Null Era, many genius cultivators sought to rebuild the civilization of our world and succeeded. The first of which was the founder of our sect, Wang Qishan, also referred to as Emperor Qiyuan."

"After creating the Origin Path Cultivating System and spreading it out, he proved the Dao and became a Great Emperor. Emperor Qiyuan then successful started the Ancient Emperor Era,"


"Yes, the founder of our sect."

"Are you saying that the founder of the sect you guys came from created the cultivating method that we are currently using in this world?"

"That’s exactly right." answered Yan Liling with a little pride on her face.

Meanwhile, a great turmoil was going on inside Yu Siyu’s mind. Although she guessed that these young people had extraordinary status, she did not think that their status was so noble.

Especially when it comes to his majesty Wang Wei. She noticed how he was the leader of the group. Additionally, given the fact that he shared the same surname as Emperor Qiyuan, there is a high chance that he is his direct descendant.

After taking a mouthful of tea to calm herself down, she asked, "What about the Human Emperor you mentioned before?"

"Yes, the Human Emperor was also an Ancient Emperor. In fact, he was the last Great Emperor of that era. To be precise, he ended that era."

"Near the end of the Ancient Emperor Era, our world faced another disaster. The first Great Emperor from the Demon race was born."

"Demon Race?"

"Oh right, I forgot that your world does not have a Demon Race. You should be aware of demonic beasts?"

Yu Siyu then nodded. Their world does have demonic beasts living in mountains, ocean, and mainly forests. The majority of these beasts are way more powerful than ordinary cultivators.

"After a demonic beast enters Tier 4 or the Supernatural Realm, most of them will go through Heavenly Tribulation to turn into humans. However, some demonic beasts with powerful bloodlines can turn into human shape the moment they are born."

"However, these demonic beasts are quite arrogant and refuse to acknowledge that they are the same as the other demonic beasts with lower intelligence and bloodlines. As such, they referred to themselves as the Demon Race instead."

Yu Siyu understood her meaning as similar things happened in this word. There is a group of humans who swallowed the blood of demonic beasts and survived the process.

This method granted them extraordinary abilities that normal humans or cultivators do not have. As such, these groups of people refused to acknowledge themselves as just human and called themselves the Blood Human Race.

After a brief explanation, Yan Liling continued her story.

"After the demon race gave birth to their first Great Emperor, he did not behave morally upright like the other human Emperors."

"He started to conquer the entire world, while killing all the humans. Wherever he went, he would either kill all the people or enslaved them in servitude of the Demon Race."

"Many powerful Emperor Lineage fought against the Golden Ape Great Emperor with either their Emperor Artifacts or formations. However, it was of no use."

Yan Liling paused for a moment to take a sip of tea. Meanwhile, Yu Siyu wondered how she could remain so calm about this.

"The Golden Ape Great Emperor, as the most powerful cultivator of the world at that time, was simply unstoppable. Any people who attacked him would either be killed or suppressed."

"All the cultivators of our world were desperate and thought that the end of the human race was coming."

"That was until the Human Emperor appeared. His origins were unknown and mysterious. However, he came up with a brilliant idea."

"The idea was to create a Fortune Dynasty and gather the luck of the entire human race to be able to fight the Golden Ape Emperor."

Yu Siyu had a weird look on her face. She could not understand how this was a great idea as fortune dynasties existed all over this world."

"You might think that this is just a common idea," explained Yan Liling with a smile on her face.

"However, you have to understand that Fortune Dynasties did not exist back then in our world. This was not just an act of creating a country, but the Human Emperor essentially created or passed down a brand new Dao to our world."

"Of course many cultivators today have debated that there might have been methods to create Fortune Dynasties before the Null Era. However, there is no evidence to prove such a claim."

It was then that Yu Siyu understood the meaning behind the Human Emperor’s action. To her now, the fortune dynasty might be a common thing that she is used to seeing.

However, back then, this method was actually quite revolutionary and extraordinary. Not just anyone could actually think of something as brilliant as this--especially given the dire situation the Human Emperor was at that time.

Not to mention that given the connection her world has to the Myriad Emperor Word, there is a high chance that the method of creating a fortune dynasty also originated from there.

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