Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Chapter 111: Changes (1)

The meeting lasted for quite some time as Wang Wei had many things to review before everyone was dismissed. However, one person remained behind to have a private conversation with Wang Wei: it was Empress Dong Lifen.

Wang Wei moved his head to his side and looked at her still sitting in her Phoenix Throne and asked, "Do you have anything else to say to me?"

Dong Lifen then stood up, bowed properly and said, "I would like to thank your majesty for keeping his words and treating the people as well as you do."

Wang Wei waved his hand and replied, "Rise. There is no need to thank me. As I said before, this is just a trial to me and doing so will benefit me greatly."

"That may be true, your majesty," answered Dong Lifen, still in the bowing posture. "However, I have seen the information about the other kingdoms and dynasties. None of your peers spent so much time and effort on the livelihood of the people."

"Although the lives of the common people have improved dramatically, compared to the changes in our kingdom... And all of this is due to your majesty’s divine vision."

Wang Wei smiled and held her up.

"You can rise now, and I will accept your praise." After setting her down in her throne, he suddenly asked.

"I’ve been wondering, why are you still in the Body Refining Realm 11th Layer? With your talent and cultivation resources you have access to, you should have long entered the Divine Sea Realm."

Dong Lifen--who was in the process of brewing tea for Wang Wei--suddenly paused and a stiff smile was stuck on her face. Then she continued as if nothing ever happened.

"I’m just making sure that my foundation is very solid in each realm, that’s all."

However, the observant Wang Wei still caught on to her actions and seemed to have thought something.

"You are quite ambitious. Not satisfied with having a Supreme Foundation and wanting to have a Dao Foundation instead."

Dong Lifen immediately lowered her head after hearing Wang Wei’s words. Without looking him in the eyes, she rapidly served the tea, almost spilling on him.

Suddenly, an idea appeared in Wang Wei’s mind. As such, he reassured her.

"You do not need to be afraid or anxious. There is nothing wrong with being ambitious. Unfortunately, the secret to having a Dao Foundation is the highest one of my sect. And even with my status, I would be in a great deal of trouble if I revealed it to you, and even this world might be implicated if news were to spread out that I leaked one of the sect’s highest secrets."

After hearing this, Dong Lifen’s head was further lowered, and she even secretly sighed to herself.

"Although I cannot tell you how to make a breakthrough," continued Wang Wei. "I can still provide you with some help."

Dong Lifen raised her head with a swift motion, then her dreamy eyes looked at Wang Wei with an unknown twinkle on them. Right in this moment, she unknowingly exuded a fleeting and ethereal beauty.

"The answer to your problem is actually right in front of you: luck. The dynasty’s luck or fortune has many magical and unimaginable means. If you study it thoroughly, you may find a way to elevate your foundation to the level of Dao."

"But your majesty, the luck of the dynasty can only be controlled by you alone."

"Since I have mentioned it, that means I have a way around this. When I’m not busy, you can come find me and I will use the Imperial Seal to allow you control over the dynasty’s luck. I’ll even provide you with my experience in breaking through the Body Refining 12th Layer."

Dong Lifen wanted to immediately object. Control of a dynasty’s luck is one the symbol of an Emperor, it is proof of their status and power. How could she use such a thing?

Even if she wanted to, the ministers of the court would never allow it. They would instantly accuse her of having the idea of revolt and asked that she be deposed of her status immediately.

Maybe even worse, they might ask that she be executed for treason. Dong Lifen was well aware that many ministers of the court did not like her or approved of her--especially given the fact that she was the remains of the last dynasty.

Many people have already complained and asked his majesty to reduce her status to consorts. Fortunately for her, his majesty did not care about these people and always ignored him, otherwise her status would be greatly affected.

Dong Lifen looked at the calm Wang Wei and realized that he was different from other Emperors and he had secretly been protecting her. She blushed slightly, and with a look of determination, bowed once again and said, "Then, I will gladly accept your majesty’s favor and grace."

Afterwards, the two of them chatted over tea before Dong Lifen left towards her own palace with steady strides and a wide smile.

Wang Wei watched the empress leaving and a gleam of light flashed deep into his jeweled grey eyes.

"It seemed that there was no need for me to find a way for her to be interested in studying luck. After all, there is no greater motivation than the desire for self-improvement," muttered Wang Wei with a cunning smile on his face, then he headed to his cultivation room.

Meanwhile, after the meeting, both Li Jun and Yan Liling exited the palace together. They looked at the moonlight enveloping the entire capital. Unfortunately, the brightness of the moon was overshadowed by the beautifully lit city.

As Li Jun walked and chatted with Yan Liling, he observed how many houses had lamps that illuminate the night.

However, the lamps did not have fire burning in them, but exuded powerful lights that can be seen from far distances.

Suddenly, Li Jun looked at Yan Liling and said, "I suddenly had the urge to visit Rainbow City."

"So late at night?"

"Well, it won’t take long anyway."

"Okay. Let’s go."

After the two of them agreed, they walked to a corner of a lighted street and waved their hands.

Soon, a carriage came and stopped in front of them and the driver said, "Young Master and Miss, did you call for a Flying Horse Carriage?"

The two of them nodded and entered the carriage and said to the driver through a glass window, "Drop us at the Dragon Launch Station."

"No problem," responded the driver. Then, he pressed a button.

Immediately afterwards, countless runes lit up on the carriage, the driver placed both hands on a circular wooden barrel top and steered the carriage.

The carriage--who was in fact driven by a wooden horse that had four wheels for legs--started to move forward rapidly on a street large enough for more than 10 carriages to pass through.

Despite this though, each carriage followed a single line and ran behind each other without trying to surpass each other.

A few minutes on the road, the driver suddenly said to the both of them, " I cannot believe that your majesty created such a magical carriage for the common people. Now, traveling has become so easy."

"It is indeed a brilliant invention," responded Li Jun.

"I heard the original name was a I wonder if it’s true?"

"It’s true, however, the officials of the court argue that the people would be intimidated by the new and unrecognizable name and it is better to use something more familiar. As such the name Flying Horse Carriage was used."

"Well personally, I think the current name is quite pleasing." The driver seemed not surprised that these two passengers had access to sensitive information such as this.

The reason for that is the fact that the driver had already guessed that these two people had a powerful background based on the clothes they were wearing.

As a person who has been driving a carriage for quite some time now, he has learned to identify customers with prestigious and noble backgrounds based on their clothes and demeanor.

Seeing that these customers were actually quite amiable, the driver continued to chat with them.

"I have been living in the capital for many years and have experienced many things in my life. But, I have never seen a place change as much as the capital did in the past 2 years."

"You cannot find any dirt or filth in the entire city, there are no beggars lying everywhere, everyone has proper clothes to wear."

"And more importantly are those new immortal lamps that can light up by themselves without fire. I can tell you my wife was the happiest when our family bought our first immortal lamp."

"I only had to save for a month to be able to afford it. You can imagine my surprise when I heard that such a heavenly thing actually cost so little. At first, I thought this was some kind of scam."

"However, when my neighbor bought his first immortal lamp and told me that the price was actually real, I was so happy that I went to buy a statue of your majesty to pray for blessing for him."

The driver sighed and looked a little distracted for a brief moment before regaining his bearing.

"I know that the law of the dynasty does not allow people to pray to his majesty, but I couldn’t help myself."

"And after I bought the immortal lamp, my son was also very happy. He no longer had to squint in the candle light when studying."

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