Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 95: Juan's Help

Chapter 95: Juan's Help

"Your... what?", asked Juan with a frown after hearing Greg's question.

"My practice partner.", answered instantly Greg and after thinking for a while he continued," I try to practice with my weapon, but unfortunately there is no one who could help me. Joe is injured and Emma is a healer. Maybe Mila could help me, but she is not here, so that's why I asked you. So?"

Listening to Greg's explanation, Juan nodded and turned his head back to the food on the table and started to think.

A while later he grabbed a tissue and after he cleaned up the milk on the table, which he spit out a moment ago, he looked at Greg calmly and asked, "When do you want to start?


Outside the city on top of a small hill, Greg and Juan we're standing before each other.

"So... What is your plan? How do you want to practice?", asked Juan as he crossed his arms before his chest.

Greg put his hand out and after Shapeless appeared in his palm he said," I want you to attack me with everything you got. You can use whatever trick you think is right."

Seeing the black staff with its golden carvings on its surface, Juan instantly remembered that this was the same weapon Greg used to deflect Roy's attacks.

Thinking for a while Juan nodded and after taking up an attacking posture he said with confidence, "Be prepared. Now that there are no unique swords to stop me, I won't hold back!"

Seeing those determined eyes with a visible fire burning in them, Greg smiled and after bending his knee slightly, while holding the staff next to his body with two hands, he said calmly, "I'm ready."

In an instant, a red half-transparent dragon appeared behind Juan and slowly started to melt into his body, and just like last time, his body started to transform into a strong, dragon looking humanoid.

While this happened, Grey felt as the gravity in the vicinity started to grow stronger and stronger, while making his feet to sink deeper into the soil below.

"Just as terrifying as before.", said Greg with a smile, and without any hesitation, he activated his wind ability.

In less than a second, thin wind vortexes started to appear around his body, making the pressure on him to weaken dramatically.

Seeing that Greg wasn't struggling against his power Juan smiled and said," It seems you still can resist my ability."

With a shrug, Greg smiled and said, "Your powers are strong yes, but instead of chit-chatting can we start the fight?"

Smiling, Juan started to laugh and with a sudden burst, he appeared before Greg with a raised hand, ready to punch his chest powerfully.

However, before his fist could have finished the move, suddenly the staff in Greg's hand grew in size and like a bolt of lightning, it appeared before his face with small wind blades around it.

Seeing this, Juan instantly switched from attacking to defense and tilted his head to the right side, making the staff pass by next to his ear with only an inch.

Greg knew that he couldn't win without using the staff's original size, so before the fight, he has already activated the Size for Prize ability of Shapeless, so the moment the fight started, he was already able to use it.

But what he didn't expect that Juan will react this fast even though he was this close to him.

As this happened and Greg thought about how surprisingly fast Juan's reaction was, Juan before him has already raised his left leg into the air and kicked toward his waist.

Feeling the incoming danger, Greg instantly made the staff in his hand back to its original size and with a swift motion, he put the black weapon between him and Juan's leg.

And the moment they met with each other...



Without moving an inch, Greg's body was as solid as a mountain, while the surroundings around him were filled in an instant with the debris and small pieces of rocks, which flew high up into the air from below.

Seeing as his attack was so easily defended, Juan was surprised a bit, but not wasting any more time because of this, with a fast move he spun in the opposite direction, aiming to kick Greg's other side.

However, Greg's reaction was also amongst the best on his level.

The moment he saw what Juan tried to do, he switched the staff in his right hand to the left, and just like a moment ago, he defended against Juan's kick.


Feeling as the staff in his hand had incredible durability, Greg smiled and said calmly, "Grow."

Because the staff was a bit tilted toward Juan and wasn't wholly vertical, it was a perfect opportunity to do a counter-attack.

So the moment he said the word 'Grow', the staff's end suddenly grew in size again and like a bolt of lightning, it appeared below Juan's chin with small wind blades flying around it.

Knowing that if he lets the staff hit him, it will mean the end for him, with inhuman reaction, Juan jumped back with insane speed, letting the staff grow into the air, reaching almost 10 meters in height.

Looking at the black weapon with its golden carvings, Juan felt as this weapon gave out a kind of majestic aura. However, this was only a feeling and nothing else.

Turning his gaze at Greg, he smiled and said, "You found a very interesting weapon. What is it called?"

Hearing the question, Greg straightened his back and while he made the staff sink in size, he answered, "Shapeless."

"Shapeless... How intriguing. However, as I can see, It has a very good shape, so that name is kind of funny."

With a smile, Greg just smiled and suddenly the staff in his hand started to change shape.

From a regular stick, it changed into a long and sharp looking spear, which looked very similar to the legendary trident.

Seeing this, Juan's eyes widened slightly, but the next second his serious face came back and said, "If you find anything similar like your weapon ever again in the future, I hope you won't hesitate to call me. I would be exhilarated to obtain such a weapon."

"I won't.", answered Greg with a small smile and continued," Let's continue."

With that said, Greg appeared before Juan, with the staff raised above his head, and with a fast move, he slashed at his head.



After fighting for hours, which resulted in totally destroying the proximity around them, Greg and Juan were lying on the ground while sweating like crazy.

"I... I lost...", said Juan quietly as he tried to catch his breath.

Greg on his side just laughed slightly and said, "No... It's your win. That punch of yours in the last second, if you don't go easy on me I would he blast away."

Hearing this, Juan just smiled and after standing up he said, "Then let's agree on a draw, what do you think?"

Looking up at Juan's smiling figure Greg chuckled and after standing up too he said, "Sure, so I hope we can fight again and decide the winner."

Laughing Juan nodded and said, "That's just natural. Well then, let's go back. I'm curious about the solo winner."

As he said that he turned around and was about to start walking, but suddenly Greg talked.

"Hey, I have a faster route."

Looking back at Greg, Juan saw as the shadow below his feet suddenly grew in size, while his leg was almost fully inside the darkness.

Remembering back how Greg used this ability of his to pull that guy's body through the darkness in his last match, Juan shook his head and murmured, "How could have I forgot about this? Thinking about it now... He still went easy on me."

Looking at Greg's smiling face, while his body was half in his own shadow, Juan shook his head and walked toward him.

Seeing as Juan stepped inside his shadow, Greg nodded and said, "Let's get going then."

And with that, the two disappeared into the shadow, while leaving the place where they fought a moment ago in total destruction.


Before the Arena's gate, Greg and Juan appeared from a shadow, making a few passersby flinch with surprise in an instant.

Juan looked around and after hearing the sheer silence from the Arena, he frowned and asked himself, "Are we late?"

However, after seeing the time above the gate, Juan shook his head and said, "No that can not be. We are on time."

With that said, he gestured at Greg to go and started to walk toward the Arena.

Following him from behind, Greg also noticed the strangeness about that there was not even a single cheer that came out from the whole Arena and was curious too why.

However, the moment he walked in, suddenly the mask in his consciousness started to tremble like crazy while covering Greg's body with a gentle light.

Noticing the strange change, Greg didn't understand what was going on, so he wanted to ask Juan, but the moment he turned his gaze to look at him, his eyes widened in an instant.

Juan next to him was frozen in one single place, showing as he wanted to walk forward, but strangely he didn't move. It was like some kind of power, which froze time and space around him, making his body unable to move.

"What the..."

As Greg wanted to say something, he noticed that it wasn't just Juan who was like this, but every single person in the Arena.

Every one of them was frozen in a single posture, showing what they were doing the moment before this strange thing occurred with them.

Walking closer to the spectator seats, Greg wanted there was something below the stage, but the moment he saw what was there, his eyes widened in an instant.


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