Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 55: Body Tempering

Chapter 55: Body Tempering


Greg watched as huge cracks started to form on the platform below Gerald's feet, while his body started to explode with terrifying might.

"Let's start round 2 then.", said Gerald and like a fired bullet, he ran toward Greg with insane speed.

With each step he took, huge footprints remained deep in the platform, showing just how insanely strong did his momentum become.

Greg watched Gerald's approaching figure and readied himself for a huge impact with a smile.

Seeing as Greg didn't try to dodge made Gerald even happier.

"Your stubbornness will lead to your end!"


In the instant, as his body hit Greg, a huge explosion occurred, while below them on the platform-wide cracks appeared one after another.

Thinking that this will be enough to make Greg fly away powerlessly made Gerald relax a bit.

However his thought didn't turn into reality, but instead, Greg was smiling at him calmly, while both of his hands were on his shoulder.

On the other hand, after the hit, Greg felt that every part of his body and every cell inside him were screaming in joy, making him feel even better and stronger.

Watching the expression on Greg's face made Gerald a bit angry, but in the next second, he punched toward Greg as nothing happened before.

Watching the incoming attack, Greg didn't try to dodge and just let it hit his body.


However this time, as Gerald's punch hit his body a bit of surprise flashed in his eyes, while he took back a few steps.

"Wow, so he can get even stronger? No wonder that they say he is a freak in close combat.", thought Greg and watched as another fist came at him with incredible power.

This time too he let the fist hit his chest, but to his surprise again, the power behind the punch was stronger than the last one.

"So it seems his Guardian's power lets him get stronger as the fight goes on. Interesting, but it will just help even better.", thought Greg and let another punch hit his body.

With each punch or kick, Greg felt as his body got stronger and stronger, making him want even more hit.

However just as this thought appeared in his head, made him feel that he started to act more and more like someone who loves pain, which made him a little worried about himself.

"Don't worry about unimportant things like those. You won't become a masochist just because you feel joy at the moment. Naturally, this is just momentary, because of the tempering process. But what comes next after this in the Soul Grade... Hehe."

Hearing what Alice just said made Greg sigh in relief, but somehow after hearing that last sentence, made a chill run down his spine.

But it was only for a moment because in the next second his eyes widened in surprise.


Because he was too focused on what he was feeling at the moment, he didn't notice Gerald's leg, which suddenly appeared next to his left ear.


With tremendous power, Greg's head got kicked, making his body to fly away like a football and explode onto the edge of the platform.

As Greg stood up dizzily he saw that luckily he didn't fell off from the platform. If he did, that would be quite funny. Losing because he didn't concentrate on the fight, because he thought about small feelings, would be a bit quite embarrassing.

However, this was just his thoughts. Everybody else in the Arena was utterly shocked after seeing that Greg got kicked away just like that.

"Gerald is a monster."

"Yeah, if it comes to close combat, then I think he is the best."

Hearing the others talk, Joe, Mila, and Emma frowned slightly and looked at Greg on the platform.

Greg however just ignored the other's talk and stood up slowly, while looking at Gerald.

"You are strong.", said Greg with a smile as he massaged his neck slowly.

"Thank you. You too. I didn't think that there is someone who can withstand my blow without breaking a bone."

Hearing this Greg just smiled and said, "Yeah, that was a good one. However unfortunately you are not even close to that monster in regard to physical power."

Gerald heard what Greg just said and wanted to ask who was he referring to, but a second later his eyes widened in shock, making him unable to ask his question.

It was because, the muscles under Greg's skin started to move slightly, making his body look muscular and stronger a bit more than a moment ago.

Greg felt the changes, which took place inside his body and smiled slightly.

"It seems my body reach the second level. It wasn't that hard at all", thought Greg and as he clenched his fist, he appeared before Gerald like lightning by boosting up his speed.

Gerald saw Greg's sudden appearance, but just as he put his hands up to defend against the punch, Greg disappeared again and appeared behind him in the next moment.

"Let's see what changed.", said Greg calmly and kicked Gerald on the waist.



In an instant after the kick, bones breaking could be heard, while Gerald's body flew to the side.

However for Greg, this wasn't enough and using Alice's speed boost, he appeared next to Gerald and kicked his stomach from above, making his body explode into the platform while creating a small crater below Gerald's body.

Everyone in the Arena was instantly dumbstruck. Even Chris looked quite shocked after witnessing what Greg just did. Firstly he uses inhuman abilities like his shadow trick or that crazy flames in his first fight and now he beats the best close combat fighter, by only using his bare hands.

After all of these, if someone tells him that Greg is weak just because he has a black Soul Stone, he will be the first one to strangle that person to death without hesitation.

Chris walked up onto the platform and after confirming that except for some broken bones, Gerald was fine, he announced the results.

"Winner: Greg Hyde. Points: 30."

Hearing the announcement, Greg was satisfied and walked back to his place, while all around the Arena nothing could be heard, but just quiet whisperings.

Sitting back down next to Joe and the two girls, Greg smiled and said, "Ah, that was great! I feel refreshed! Huh? Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

Seeing his friend's strange gazes, Greg looked confused. Of course, he knew that what he demonstrated in the previous fights made them a bit surprised, but after this much time this shouldn't be this shocking.

Joe saw Greg's confused face and sighed, while saying calmly, "Greg. Do you know, that until this moment no one was able to walk away from Gerald's attacks with their bones intact? And now, you not only just beat him, but took each and every one of his hits without sustaining even a small scar, while looking satisfied. I don't even recognize you slowly. Just what in the world happened with you?"

"Yeah, what Joe is saying is true. It's like you are a different person.", said Mila from next to Joe, while Emma nodded slightly.

Greg stopped smiling and looked at his friend's gazes and after a while, he started to talk quietly, "I can't talk about it, but if you can give me some time I will tell you everything, I promise."

Seeing Greg's honest expression, Joe just nodded slightly and turned his gaze back to the platform.

After Greg's battle, more fights happened one after another and after hours of fighting, the PGF finally ended for the day.

After walking out of the Arena, Greg said goodbye to his friends and started to walk home alone, but as he did his face was a bit sad.

As he was walking on the streets, he suddenly asked Alice, "Hey Alice. Is it really true that I changed?"

"In my opinion yes."

Hearing this, Greg could just smile bitterly.

"In a good way or a bad way?"

"In a good way for sure."

"Really?", asked Greg a bit confused and a while later he continued, "Then why do my friends feel differently?"

"Well, it's because..."

Feeling that Alice knew something that he didn't, made Greg a bit angry, and just as he wanted to ask her once more, suddenly cracks started to form before him, making him stop moving.

Watching as the cracks started to spread, while tearing the space itself apart, made Greg feel that something was amiss.

It was a common fact that when a dimensional zone forms, something similar to this will happen, but as a result, the vicinity will get destroyed depending on the zone's rank.

However, incidents, where a zone appeared in a city, happened only a few times, but when it did, thousands of people lost their lives in seconds.

And this is why he decided not to run away, but stay and look for solutions in the hope to stop another calamity to happen.

"What should I do?"

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