Isekai into Marvel/DC

Chapter 143 Heist of Vandal’s vault

Chapter 143 Heist of Vandal’s vault

Storm was guiding a new group of children and just ushered them into their next class. Some who were unlucky gained their powers before ten and others were born with them. That was the worst-case scenario because they were children who couldn’t defend themselves from racists. Some of their own parents would hurt or even kill them before Charles could get to them. That’s what made his stance so idiotic. How many little babies needed to die to save a bunch of bigots who’d never change in their lives and kill their own flesh and blood?

I walked up and shook her hand. “Hello, Ms. Monroe. It’s nice to finally meet you.” She smiled as our hands broke apart… I didn’t like her kinks but if I could have casual sex with her before she tried to peg me then I’d go for it. She was a bisexual swinging more towards women but still had her place for men. As we talked, my heart sank as she spoke of her betrothed T’challa.

I couldn’t help but call out in a whisper. “Nooo!” She laughed overhearing it. “That was ex betrothed. He… Cheated on me and is now betrothed to another.” She liked exaggerated movements. So I pumped my arm while saying. “Yes! Yes! Yes! I mean… It’s such a shame that you are no longer betrothed to him.” Once again giggling at my childish behavior she starts to walk away, as a powerful mutant she had too many responsibilities to sit around during the day and be flirted with. “I’ll have to give you a rain check as I’m too busy at the moment. We’ll speak again soon Mr. Storm.”

I yelled out. “Well, I sure hope so Ms. Storm.” She waved over her shoulder. I’m hard just thinking about having sex with her in the future. Well, I would be if I wasn’t actively suppressing it. Way too many people just wandering around in these halls to get outed as a pervert. I smiled again before whispering. “Rain check it is then.”

I walked around again but couldn’t find Jean Grey, she must have been on Krakoa. I could just port over there but I finally got a call. “Hey, hubby um… We’re going to need your help. The Vandal Savage heist is a bust, we’re trapped in a vault with the ceiling closing in.” I smirk as I teleport over.


Felicia Hardy’s Point of View

It was finally time. Vandal left his mansion in New York and headed to a meeting with the now heavily fractured Light. Catwoman(Selina Kyle, White Tiger(Ava Ayala), Domino, Squirrel Girl(Doreen Green), Cheetah(Barbara Minerva), and myself the black cat. We all had bad dealings with the man and many wanted to burn the house down after we managed to steal everything from inside.

Besides us who knew about the plan, Harley Quinn decided to show up at the very last minute. I was upset, why are we inviting a wild card on the literal eve of the event? We hadn’t prepared for her and she could cause unforeseen problems but I was outvoted and she got to stay. I guess Ava and I were the only ones with brains in our heads.

As she lifted the van up that we were keeping an eye on the building with, my opinion shifted again towards letting her stay as well. Catwoman and Harley had a love/hate relationship and I wasn’t sure if it went further than that. The playful banter as she kept flirting with her really put me off balance. We finally made our way into the building. The alarm was trivially easy to disarm as even Harley knew how to disarm it let alone me and Selena who had trained in shutting it down in a quarter of the time it took to go off and call the police.

That was a fake though, just intruding put us on a timer as Vandal would get a ping the moment we broke in. Selena held her hand up to her ear. “You stop the signal, Barbara?” Batgirl was our guy in a chair and would guide us through the biometric scanners he had installed. Harley asked. “Why don’t we just bust through these walls and into his treasure room”

I quietly explained. “His vault is warded against magic and made with secondary adamantium. Hell, the vault itself is worth millions in just the metal let alone all the other safeguards he has involved. Too bad we can’t take that with us.” Harley just chuckled evilly as she said something under her breath… What was she planning? We made our way through the top half of the house, it wasn’t warded and only had two rooms with weight pressure alarms.

We placed down the pillows before putting boards on top of them to pass the first room as the weight distributed wasn’t enough to trigger the alarm. We couldn’t pass the weight limit on the floor and went one at a time while Squirrel Girl pole vaulted the second floor before turning off the pressure alarm in the second room that had a lower weight to set off. We made our way into the basement. This was where the actual defenses were. Selena limbered up and Domino pulled out a sprayer and began misting the area revealing red lasers covering the entire hallway.

She began making her way through the laser maze and got to a tricky spot. She had to crawl under a section that went into an equally narrow height that required an eight-foot jump to bypass. She kicked off the wall and did a backflip with her back barely avoiding the beam. It wasn’t that much of a problem if she triggered them but it would activate the defenses.

We had Squirrel Girl as a backup but her giant tail was getting in the way. She twirls on her hands lining up another movement and passes through a tiny laser circle to make it to the other side. Vandal could just walk straight through and enter the code to deactivate. Selena walked over to the keypad and placed another gadget on top of it.

She pressed her hand to her ear to signal she was listening to Batgirl again before she pressed a few buttons and the lasers deactivated. The second code we needed to use to open the door couldn’t be bypassed with the tool Catwoman used so Domino stepped up and pressed the buttons randomly relying on her luck to open the door. She wiped off sweat as her luck power went into overwork to type out the right code opening up the next room. 

Vandal Savage was able to walk in a certain way and the room wouldn’t activate but anyone else would set off the alarm three seconds after they were scanned unless they could reach the button hundreds of feet away in the three seconds to hit the button. Cheetah takes this one sprinting as fast as she could even still just barely reaching the button before her three seconds are up.

We make it to the final room where three buttons need to be pressed at the same time unless you use Vandal thumbprint, retina scan, breath print, and DNA to bypass. I jumped up and swung for the button ten feet in the air while Squirrel Girl got the even higher one and Cheetah rushed to the one at the end. As we coordinated we all hit the button at the same time before the walls lit up red. 

Ava called out. “Shit, I knew those buttons were a red herring. We’re on a timer now. Who knows what kind of heavy hitters he can get to come here once he knows someone is trying to rob him.” Ava cracks her neck knowing that she was here to be the muscle in case we set off the alarm.

Several robots pop out of the walls as Harley pulls a gigantic hammer out of nowhere and as it rocket charges she smashes through the door in a single blow. “Perfect, I was getting tired of this cloak and dagger stuff anyway. Let's loot this stupid caveman with more money than he knows what to do with.” That wasn’t why we were here. It was for the magical and historical artifacts that were the most costly items he had. The money was just a bonus but of course, Harley didn’t know that.

Harley Ava and Cheetah began dismantling the robots that were continuously popping out of the walls as the vault door suddenly started to open. We all ran inside the vault as none of us thought that it was a trap. As we all rush in the door slams behind us and my heart starts to race as we are trapped. To make matters worse, the ceiling began to slowly press down… I wonder why they didn’t just make it go at a hundred miles an hour so you wouldn’t have any time to think of an escape.

I think it was more to gloat over our deaths as Vandal appeared on a screen at the top and started to mock us. Until Harley stopped him. “Give me a sec, I got to call my boyfriend to deal with this.” We were all stunned into silence as we heard her dial a number and begin to speak. “Hey, hubby um… We’re going to need your help. The Vandal Savage heist is a bust, we’re trapped in a vault with the ceiling closing in.”

A man showed up on the outside of the vault. “Woah, he has it warded against magic and teleportation. This shit must have been really expensive… I’m just going to take the entire vault to stop the roof from coming down, give me a sec.”


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Isekai into Marvel/DC Chapter 205+ 

Naruto reborn as Orochi Chapter 55+

Farming is OP Chapter 16

Monster “Tamer” Chapter 15

+ more stories

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