INFINITE MONEY - I Will Buy Everything

Chapter 34 - Mana Crystal

34  Chapter 34 - Mana Crystal

In the city of Aurum.

Aurum was the Tudor kingdoms finest city. If you'd say the Royal Capital was the strongest city then you can also say that Aurum was the wealthiest.

In the High Society.

The High Society was a society made of the richest and the finest the city of Aurum could generate.

Only The wealthiest of people could have the capacity to live here. It was said that even one acre of land in this place could generate enough taxes in a year that it could feed all the poor people in the Tudor Kingdom and even be able to sustain them for at least a century.

For some years there was a crazy rumor going around Aurum, it was that this place had a mine that everyone already had a general idea of, but the crazy thing was that it wasn't just any kind of mine down under the city but a Mana Crystal Mine.

Generally all of us have a simple idea of what a gold mine is right, but in a Mana Crystal Mine instead of a gold being mined you would mine a crystallization form of Mana. The mined crystal would still be in it's rocked state so you normally would refine it until all the rocky surface are gone and what remains is Mana.

Pure Mana

In a advanced age where there's already many different kind of machine that can act as a capacitor for Mana but the odd thing is there hasn't been a machine created that could actually create a natural source of Mana. So the crystallization form of Mana is very rare and Very expensive.

There are many researches going on about refining mana from a natural source other than a Mana Crystal or creating one that could in the process help many... or the reason they are being made is to help the chosen some get even richer than they already are.

There are some complete researches which gives you an idea of how you can generate mana in natural way but those are in fact all forbidden ones and not even one in production. Mostly all of them start with the normal [ The path to greatness is a greater Sacrifice ] and the norm but all them and I meant ALL OF THEM end with disaster.

Over 90% of the research needs a live experiment which one could include a Beast for physical experimentation but their Mana is not that compatible, very powerful but not compatible with many things.

But Human Mana... Human Mana is a different thing altogether. Their Mana are powerful and very compatible at the same time so they were the most optimal rabbits for madmen in search of glory.

And the 10%... The final 10% consisted of Supernatural entities. Most of the supernatural entities had the same gig "Give us Human" Some of them were crazy "Give us Human Butts" and some of them were really crazy "Give us your Di*ks". But what really topped that were some entities that doesn't just sum up by being just Supernatural. No! they were Bizarre, Chaotic and overall what really makes them the most terrifying was that they were...


Yes it was just that. Why? Why does that make them terrifying?

Give me a terrifying entity that does Bizarre things that brought us chaos is significantly normal and if you looked really hard you can find the solution as well.

But give me a entity that does that bizarre and chaotic things with a sane mind and you got yourself webbed under a terrifying layers of well calculated plan that just might cause terror or bring a time ticking bomb that could eradicate humanity.

Even for the money hungry oligarchs this was something that they couldn't control. There wasn't anything that THEY can't control so the fact that their was something that they can't control exists is something they could just let it be. So they did the only thing they could do and banned the whole thing and made them FORBIDDEN.

Banning them and naming them Forbidden generally does the trick but their are always some overly ambitious geniuses that wanted to try their luck and instead only brings troubles for the lesser ones.

I may have went too far with the Mana mine and the Supernatural Entities. what I really wanted to talk about was the owner of the Mana Mine. The Owner of the Mana Mine wasn't just anybody, It was the Goldstein Great House. The Goldstein may not have full ownership of the Mana Mine But they still were the True Owner of Mana Mines. And if anybody wanted to have their share of Mana Crystals they would have to first get through by the Goldstein's authority and then and only then will they get their share. Even the Royal Family couldn't or more like didn't mess with the Mana Mines as the Goldstein's always fed the Royal Family with sufficient Crystals.

It's also the so called Great House of the Goldsteins is situated in the High Society and they are also the one governing the city of Aurum under the rule of The Great 12th Tudor Emperor, Richard Francis Tudor. Their house is at the least 500 Kilometers in length and this is the Main estate we are talking about, who knows how much the branch and subsidiary houses and buildings make up in size.

Their main estate has the most expansive building and the most lavish of houses one could find in the most expansive of shops. The estate had ranging from A huge swimming pool to the largest training building.

And in one of it's many houses there was a room laden with the most expansive items ranging from a very expansive bed to the largest of telescreens. This was the bedroom of Anabeth Goldstein AKA The Crown Jewel of the Goldstein Great House.

And in this very expansive bedroom of Anabeth there were three persons in it with different expressions from one another. Their was Leopold sitting on the sofa which was opposite to the huge telescreen. He kept tapping his leg with his hands intertwined as he looked at the huge telescreen which was turned off. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"What's taking them so long, they should have done it by now" Leopold said with annoyance and a hurry you would find in a man trying to hide his crimes.

"They'll arrive soon enough, Master Leopold" Said the butler of the Goldstein Household. The butler was a black man of great height consisting of 7 Foot 2 Inch. He was wearing the custom butlers uniform of the Goldstein Household consisting of Black Suit and Pants with both of them having a line of gold at the edge and under the suit was a semi silver colored shirt and finally on the black suit at the top left side there was a small emblem of the Goldstein Family that had the signature design of a Longhorn.

"They went hours ago. At least they should have given us a message or something. This is why I said we should have used our professional people to take care of him." Leopold said angrily.

"The people we sent were of appropriate strength and even if something were to happen to them there worth wasn't enough for us to lose too much." The butler said in response to his annoyed young master.

"At least you could have find competent people for this job, what if they botch the jo-" Leopold stopped abruptly at the sign of a person's voice.


Both the teenager and the butler shut their mouth and looked at the person standing at the balcony of the room in full attention. The person in attention was overlooking the estate of the Goldstein family with slight annoyance in her eyes. The person in question was the one and only Crown Jewel of the Goldstein Family, 'Anabeth Goldstein' who's cold beauty could bewitch a man from a mile away and her intelligence was also something looked upon by her peers and the elders. The Goldstein's might have given her the name 'Crown Jewel' but outside she is called by another name altogether.

The Wicked Witch of the South.

Her name was earned by her not so legal means of business. Rumored to have saved her family business from a huge scandal, her cunning and manipulation are in a another level.

One of the reason she was annoyed at this moment was because of her lecherous husband who couldn't even stop himself from touching upon a low class wench.

She said to nobody in particular while looking at her families estate.

"We can't use the families elites for stuff like this, it brings a sour taste to the tongue. And the three people we have sent is adequate enough for a low class job like this."

"Bu-but mother what if they failed? What then?" Leopold said with a slight fear of not wanting to anger his mother more than she already looked.

"Then... We must ensue forceful measures." She said and let her mind wander to different things.


[ Presently, Somewhere Else ]

In a alley close to the Delmar's Bar there were two people of similar black spandex who were looking at a scene that made their backbones tingle with fear.

"W-What do we do, Rierd?" One asked the other.

"W-What else? We have to tell this to the boss." The one named Rierd said.

"But what abo- What about Hannah?"

"About Her..." Rierd looked at the scene before he shook his head and said "Forget her she's..." Not finding any appropriate words for the horrifying scene he didn't say anything else and both of them left the place that could bring horrors even to a hardened mind.

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