I’m Not the Final Boss’ Lover

Chapter dlc5

Counts, Viscounts, Barons, Baronets, Knights… Everyone was given a title.

Ironically, I was the only one who would become emperor.

‘But it’s what I wanted in the first place, so….’

Meyer and the emperor still suggested that I should have a nominal title until I became emperor, but I was the one who refused. For the time being, the “Lord Liteitia” was enough.

Thus ended the long title ceremony.

As I watched the titles and compensations that I had allotted be placed in everyone’s bosom, I could feel that the two weeks of hard work had not been in vain.

“Now, following the title ceremony, we will proceed with the wedding of the heroic Lord Jun Liteitia and Grand Duke Meyer Knox. Ladies and gentlemen, please observe in your seats in silence.”

As soon as the title ceremony was over, the event was held one after another.

‘As expected, it looks like one plus one…’

Of course, the effort put into those things would be more than one-plus-one, but…

While everyone was buzzing around, I slipped out of my seat with Meyer to change into my formal attire and headed to the preparation room next to the banquet hall.

I saw Julieta and April gesturing for me to go lightly.

When the wedding came, my heart thumped. It was more exciting than in the Demon King’s Castle.

I rubbed my sweaty, damp palms on my uniform.

Well, Meyer would still make it work on his own. If it comes around again, it won’t be a big deal…

Frankly, I worried this way because I had no idea what kind of disaster Meyer’s excessive motivation could have caused.

Of course, I’m sure Meyer knows better than I, who has never been to a single wedding in this world…

‘Yeah, at least it’s better than I did.’

In addition, Vince also visited and played a part, as it was the Grand Duke of Knox’s business. If he had thought something was completely different, he would have stopped me or told me what he thought. That made me feel much safer.

Travel was not about expressing dissatisfaction with a plan that you had never enlisted in. It was an unwritten rule to ensure the trip went off without a hitch. It was no different because it was a wedding. I vowed to fully comply with the wedding I was ready for, just because I had no hand in the wedding preparations.

So… That’s what I thought until I tried on the formal attire.

“…what is this?”

“It’s a wedding dress, Lord Liteitia.”

Veronay replied flatly. No, it’s not at all like the last dress I had on! Except for it being a white dress, there’s nothing the same about it…!

Who knew eyes as knotholes. It was absurd and I countered.

“This wasn’t the one I tried on?”

“It is. I just covered it with a little more cloth and decorated it glamorously for the wedding. It’s our masterpiece!”

All this talk about using more cloth and gems, so that means it’s not the same design after all!

But when I saw the satisfied smile on Veronay’s face, I couldn’t complain.

If not for this opportunity, I could feel her spirit as if she was going to try to use silk as much as she wanted with jewelry so glamorously at any time.

At that time, the main culprit appeared that allowed Veronay to express her creative desire to her heart’s content.

“As expected. It is worthy of your dignity.”

In keeping with the wedding customs of the world, where both men and women wore bright white wedding attire, Meyer also wore pure white.

The commoners also wore the whitest clothes they owned on their wedding day, with the intention of honoring St. Marianne and receiving her blessing.

The white ceremonial robes with silver embroidery placed on it harmonized with Meyer’s silver hair, making him look like a moon god.

Meyer’s clothing was also gorgeous, but it was nothing compared to my dress.

My dress was not just white, it was decorated layer by layer with silver, precious jewels, and lace, and it sparkled with every movement.

‘It doesn’t end there. The hem of the skirt drags backward about two meters on the floor…’

The weight of the cloth was also extraordinary.

Since I was a member of the expedition, I could move around in it, but if I had been an average person, there would have had to be two people to grab the hem of my skirt.

“Why do you look like that? You don’t like it? It’s the dress you chose.”

“It’s about the same format, but it’s a completely different dress. Beyond the sly drag of the skirt hem… What am I going to do with all these cloth?”

A cloth precious enough to be exchanged for a thousand gold was sweeping the floor like a mop.

Even though I wanted to pat down the hem of my dress, I feared the lace and jewelry would fall off.

Meyer, by contrast, was unconcerned.

“That is how the emperor’s ceremonial cloak was originally made. Nowadays, he doesn’t have the strength to pull on the cloak by himself, so he sometimes has an assistant to help him.”

“I’m not the emperor yet. I’m sure they’re going to say something…”

“No one thinks so.”

Meyer chuckled as he said this. When the voices rose, he was ready to twist the people one by one.

Meyer looked at me with satisfaction as he put on his ceremonial dress and said to Veronay.

“I like it. I’m very satisfied. You must have suffered from the short schedule, but I’ll pay you more than I said.”

“No, it was an honor for me to be able to make Lord Liteitia’s wedding dress.”

Veronay also bowed her head with a proud face. And she didn’t forget to add her own PR.

“Time was running out this time, but if you leave the scolding coronation gown to me, it will be more than perfect.”

“Yes, I’ll take it into consideration.”

They’re going to hit the drums, the janggu, and the top. I squinted and bit.

“Why do you get to decide when it’s my formal attire?”

“Because that’s my side. That’s what the emperor’s companion does.”

Meyer spoke proudly, thrusting his broad, firm chest forward.

As I was grumbling like that, a servant who heard about the condition of the banquet hall spoke carefully.

“The banquet hall is ready. Lord Liteitia, Grand Duke of Knox, you have to go now.”

“…See you after the wedding, really.”

“After the wedding, I wonder if you’ll listen to me.”

Meyer smiled and swung his hand at me at the bell. He put a white veil on my head that resembled St. Marianne’s as if waiting.

Meyer reached out to me. I took his hand without hesitation.

We walked hand in hand down the hallway. The endless golden carpet looked like our glittering future was about to unfold.

We passed through the silent corridor and arrived at the banquet hall. The closed doors slowly opened to reveal the banquet hall, which was all dark.

Why were the lights off?

As soon as I thought so, the candles on the sundries began to catch fire one after another from the far end of the banquet hall. It was a production that I had seen before…

‘… It’s a production of the Demon King’s Castle!’

Did it look cool? No, no matter how cool it looked, wasn’t there trauma?

Axion was the only talented person who could adjust the firepower to burn candles in such good timing.

I don’t know who created this project, but I couldn’t help but roll my tongue at its blithe insensitivity.

My dark vision was frighteningly brightened, and countless decorations of shimmering frost were created.

It was Jeanne’s ice magic.

Jeanne’s magic could coagulate the vapor in the void, but it could not make the frost it created float in the air.

However, Sevi’s wind magic supported the frost decorations and made them float in a fluffy manner.

The nobles, who had never seen magic before, squealed at the level 60 wizard’s skills, which continued without a break.

And the expedition members, who had examined how amazing the state of the art was, stared blankly at the ceiling.

I can’t believe that wizards with titles are in charge of wedding special effects… The height of extravagance.

And it didn’t end there.

Everyone in the Black Knights, dressed in matching gray ceremonial uniforms instead of the black uniforms of the Black Knights, stood in two longitudinal rows, like a line of honor guard, with each person’s weapon thrust diagonally at the other.

When Meyer and I entered the banquet hall, we stood up our weapons in order, starting with ours, without a stitch of difference.

“In memory of the heroes of mankind!”

“May the future of the world shine forever!”

Everyone shouted in chorus.

The band began to play the wedding march. I and Meyer walked past the Black Knights one by one.

Everyone welcomed us with smiles… and the Black Night unit even had tears in their eyes. We could really feel that everyone was congratulating us.

What awaited us at the end of the line was August, the officiate. He welcomed us with a joyful face, saying, ‘You are finally freed from this epidemic advance guard.’

Yes, I think August suffered a lot because of us.

“The wedding will commence.”

August opened his mouth solemnly. As I listened to his continued officiating, I felt a real sense that Meyer and I were truly getting married.

The officiant’s congratulatory words led to a transfer of virtues between the couple. Love and respect each other…

“Never quarrel between husband and wife. Do you understand? Absolutely. Not.”

August’s words were especially encouraging. He seemed to notice that if we fought, he would have to be summoned and mediate.

“Then you’ll share the joint wine.”

A chamberlain approached us with a golden tray and a golden alcohol. August poured honey wine into the chalice.

I reached out for the chalice. The honey wine, which was golden, was mainly used as joint wine, but the addition of rose petals in the honey liquor gave it a deep tang and a sensual rose aroma that stung my nose.

It would be a shame to only moisten my mouth with this.

I put my lips to the wine as I clucked my tongue. Alcohol, which I had not had in a long time, rushed down my throat.

Then I handed it to Meyer. Meyer’s golden eyes remained fixed on me as he drank the holy brew. As I faced his eager eyes, my lips, now moistened with sake, began to dry.

And so the joint service ended. August solemnly ended the wedding.

“They now firmly swear to St. Marianne that they are now husband and wife.”

Everyone cheered and threw the flowers they were holding into the sky.

Fresh red flowers fell like rain on the wedding hall, which was decorated in white, and the waltz tune that Meyer and I danced to for the first time echoed through the air.

His favorite flowers.

My favorite songs.

It was a perfect wedding that could not have been more satisfying, though somewhat excessive.

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