I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 91: Force of Change 16

Chapter 91: Force of Change 16

Naomi turned her attention to the scared Anatasia. She saw Anatasia keeping silent unlike earlier and tilted her head. Anatasia keeps her head down and avoid Naomi's gaze and Naomi realizes whats wrong.

This is bad, isnt it? She is petrified and didnt move at all. Did she feel that guilty from spilling my drink over my meal? If I dont console her now, I will be branded as a girl who bullied the others!

Naomi purposely let out a loud sigh so that Anatasia could hear her. As Naomi planned, Anatasia raised her head a little to look at Naomi from the shadow of her hair that fell down because of gravity.

After she managed to get Anatasias attention, Naomi said.

So, why are you keeping your silent after all of your boastings? Provoke Naomi. As a manager of Akasa Inc. and the boss of Moon of Akasha, Naomi learned how to deal with people. Well, mostly from her mom and book, but the knowledge that she got is immense.

She once learned that how to deal with the haughty person with lots of pride is to provoke them. If you console them with kind words, they will feel down because they felt like their pride was crushed and looked down upon by the one that consoles them.

As if nothing happened earlier, Anatasia raised her head quickly and glared at Naomi.

What are you saying? Me, Anatasia Morlan, have nothing to say in front of a plebeian? Not a chance! Anatasia stood up from her seat at the same time a waitress holding a tray and towel to tidy up Naomi's table come and bring the ruined meal away.

Oh, you are running away? Well then, Avos School student ran away after ruining a meal of a young girl in a restaurant, is that acceptable? Naomi said in a rather loud voice and they quickly become the center of attention of the guests that sat near their table.

Anatasia was shocked by Naomis statement and she lost control of her face as she realized that they have become the center of attention. She looked around and saw lots of eyes were gazing at their location. She was scared, scared that her reputation will be crushed before she even get a chance to make one.

Not only that, she wore Avos Schools uniform right now. If she made any ruckus or problem, the general population would definitely think that the Avos School is full of troublemakers. After all, the general population tended to judge one person to judge an entire organization.

Anatasia's face paled as she looked in Naomis direction in hope that Naomi would give her help. Anatasia was really afraid of Naomi now, she realized that she just messed with the wrong person.

Why dont you sit for now? You dont want to make a scene, right? Suggested Naomi in a low voice with a smirk on her face.

This is bad, teasing her is as fun as teasing Mischa! I somehow cant stop myself.

Anatasia followed Naomis word silently and Naomi decided to keep the attention away from them.

Naomi stood up and said. Im sorry for raising my voice, its just a personal problem between us. Before she sat back and put her elbow on the table.

The other guests quickly lost their interest in them and continue their own meal.

Naomi looked at Anatasia that sat silently in front of her and decided to tell her about something.

Well, did you learn your lesson? Avos School, although it was a school made by the Esper Association to host the genius all over the world, doesnt mean that you could act as you please. That uniform, you are operator divisions student, right? Said Naomi with a smile on her face.

Well, I acted as I please though. Mainly for fun~ thought Naomi.

Anatasia looked at Naomi and she realized one thing that she forgot until now. The general population only knew that the school was built to host geniuses all over the world. But they dont know the real structure of the school, including the information about the separation of division.

Only those who were invited by the Esper Association and read the contract or those people in the Esper Association know about the information.

After realizing the fact that Naomi knew about the information, she concluded that Naomi was either one of them. Thats why she decided to ask Naomi.

Who are you? There is still haughtiness left in her tone, maybe because Anatasia still believes that shes a superior human, a genius.

Naomi that was trying to find amusement with Anatasia, answered Anatasia's question with another question.

Now then, who am I? Rather, who are you? You spoke your name rather high when you were talking, but I never recognized your name or your family name. How about you introduce yourself first then I will introduce myself next? Naomi rested her head on her hand and smiled towards Anatasia.

While waiting for my meal to be prepared again, getting to know this girl identity wont hurt me. Especially a student from the operator division, I could make use of her~ thought Naomi.

Anatasia gritted her teeth in frustration and finally comply with Naomis demand.

Just wait! When I know your name, I will ask my family to pay you back! But, wait! She didnt know my family name? Was that the reason why shes not afraid of me?! Okay, then I will tell you about my family! Be scared when you know about it! Thought Anatasia.

She smiled in realization and imagined Naomis reaction when she knew about Morlan Familys business. They were a rather big company in their country, Finland. Although her familys company didnt extend until the international scope, at least they were still known as one of the companies that specialized in the protection of VIPs.

They are a company that offered a protection service and was known in Europa as a top 10 company that provides the protection service. They even had small cooperation with one of the biggest weapon manufacturers, Akasa Inc., that was based in Germany.

Thats it! No one in this world didnt know about Akasa inc.! When she realized that our company has small cooperation with Akasa Inc. I bet she will be afraid of us! Marveling on her amazing plan, Anatasia's smile got bigger as she regained her composure and pride.

I see, you dont know about me and my family, huh? Well then, I will tell you something! My name is Anatasia Morlan, B-ranked Esper with the ability to scan the human body! My ability allow me to find out a hidden weapon that a person hides in their body. Not only that, our Morlan family has a company that specialized in protection service, we are in the top 10 in our service in Europa! Also, we had small cooperation with famed Akasa Inc., one of the biggest weapon manufacturers in the world!

Anatasia puffed her chest in pride when she finished her introduction. She looked at Naomi, and with a haughty tone, she said. Now, how about you? Are you scared so that you cant speak back to me?!

On the contrary, Naomi didnt even register her word after Anatasia introduced her ability. If she has the ability to scan a human body, then Naomi was in danger.

Ho?! Does she have the ability to scan a human body? Interesting. I never thought that I would find someone with that ability here. Should I kidnap her or should I kill her? Shes a danger to our organization. But, wait. She said that she just use her ability to find a hidden weapon, right? That means her ability didnt extend to a tattoo or something. But to be safe, I need to keep her away from me. I cant afford to be known just because of a haughty girl trying to use her ability on me.

Naomi quickly analyzed Anatasias ability and then made a decision.

If that happens, I guess I need to make her disappear in the middle of chaos.

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