I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 89: Force of Change 14

Chapter 89: Force of Change 14

Well, it cant be helped. It was me who made this decision. Naomi pulled out her holo phone from her pocket and opened a web browser to see if there is something interesting going on.

Unfortunately for Naomi and fortunately for the world, there is no act of terrorism or random attack that occurred every day. Naomi put her holo phone on the table and dropped her head on the table beside the holo phone, laying her head between her hands while looking at the sky outside her window.

Is there nothing interesting that happened in the world? I thought that making a secret organization will be enough to keep me busy and cure my boredom. But I was wrong my subordinates are too excellent that there was no work for me.

Naomi muttered to no one in particular. She never expected to get bored as soon as Melaine left her alone. And then she realized something.

Why did she never get bored when Mischa or Melaine hung out with her? She could understand how she feels about Mischa because shes her friend. But, what about Melaine?

Could it be Ive considered that pervert as my friend? Well, even if shes a pervert, she was fun to hang out with. I like her reaction when I teased her too, her reaction was more honest than Hyun-Woo.

Naomi shakes her head on her thought and stood up from her chair as she approached the window to see the busy street right under her eyes. She adjusted her eyes to have a better vision as she observed people laughing together, while some other people wearing suits and walked in a fast manner to catch up with their jobs.

There were varieties of people Why dont they realize that the world is not as nice as they thought? Well, those people had their right to be ignorant of it. I was ignorant of it until I know that there was an organization out there doing cruel things like selling humans as slaves. My charade against the Esper Association needed to be paused because of the existence of that organization. I need to weed out the trash before I can continue my charade who knows that weeding out the trash is this boring.

Naomi muttered and backed away from the window. She turned and walked towards the exit of her room after picking up her mask and hiding it in the usual place. She was still in her suit and didnt bother to change her clothes.

Well, I had nothing to do right now. Maybe I should enjoy a meal or two while walking around the island again. Having too much time is not good for my mind.

Naomi closed the door behind her and took the elevator to go to the hotel lobby. She could always eat in the hotel restaurant, but she decided to eat in Chi Diner because she wanted to taste the fried rice again.

She walked out of the hotel and arrived at Chi Diner after she was walking for a few minutes. When Naomi entered Chi Diner, it was already full of people and she saw that there is almost no empty table in the restaurant. She stood quietly while wondering should she eat at the hotels restaurant or not until a waitress approached her.

Unexpectedly, the waitress that approached Naomi was familiar with her, Lanya, and she was brought to the only available seat. Naomi just acted naturally like the other customer and show no reaction when she saw Lanya approaching her.

If there is an acting award for those who can act calmly when faced with their own subordinates without even blinking their eyes, Naomi would win without a doubt.

Whats your order, Esteemed Customer? Lanya asked Naomi with a polite tone.

One Special Fried Rice, also is Iced Tea available? Said Naomi as she looked at Lanya that noted down her order in the notebook.

Yes, there is. Answered Lanya.

Then I order Iced Tea for the drink.

Certainly, let me repeat your order. One Special Fried Rice and an Iced Tea, is that correct?

Yes, thats all.

Please wait for a while, esteemed customer. I will have our chef prepare your dish shortly. Lanya bowed her head and walked away in the kitchen direction.

After this meal, where should I go? Mischa and Hotaru were in the Esper Association office, Melaine was back in the base to relay my message to Rekka and Bel. Should I just sleep in my room? Naomi reached out to her pocket to find her holo phone but she cant find it.

She tried to remember where her holo phone was and she remembered that she put her holo phone on the table in her room but forgot to take it with her again when she left her room.

Well, there goes my holo phone. Even a coincidence tried to make me bored. Is this what they called fate? Or is it karma?

Naomi leaned her back against the chair and looked around the restaurant. The restaurant was full of people and Naomi saw that the customers were still increasing as time passed. She looked at the entrance of the restaurant and saw that one of the waitresses was walking in her direction.

Hmm? Naomi just thought that maybe the waitresses wanted to take a dirty plate from the table located behind Naomi and pay her no mind until she stopped in front of her that is.

Naomi straightened her sitting position as she asked the waitress. Is there anything you need from me?

The waitress has an apologetic look and bowed her head as she asked. Im sorry for the inconvenience. But there is a customer that wanted to eat here no matter what and there is no other empty seat. Would you mind sharing your table with her, Esteemed Customer?

Hmm? Ah, the typical rich bastard who doesnt want to give a damn about the other, huh. Well, why should I comply with the bastard?

Im sorry but I have to refuse. I wanted to enjoy my meal alone right now. Answered Naomi as she crossed her arms.

And, why did you comply with such a request? Arent you Moon of Akashas member? thought Naomi in her mind.

It was at that time when she heard a voice coming from behind a waitress. Who do you think you are? How dare you refuse to sit with me when you should have bowed happily when I, Anatasia Morlan, offered to sit with you.

A girl around Naomi's age walked towards her table while puffing her chest haughtily. The girls height is around 160cm, she has brown hair that reached her waist and her eyes are looking sharp with green irises. She wears a black uniform from Avos School that was distributed two days ago.

Naomi recognized this girl as the one that stood in front of her when she lined up to get her uniform. She just looked at the girl with a bored expression, but inside her head, she thinks differently.

Could it be, another clich? A haughty and conceited schoolmate that wanted me to be her follower when we are attending school. But, in the end, she will get her ass kicked by the protagonist, or in this case the low-key Esper student, and join his harem?! Is she that character?! Naomi thought happily when she saw the girl.

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