I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 66: Avos Island 17

Chapter 66: Avos Island 17

Naomis POV

Haaaaa- I let out a long sigh as I landed on the roof of the hotel after I limited my pressure and put down the box which I hide in some bush with me. I hide behind the solar panel and changed my clothes and put the dress in the box again. Well, no one was on the roof because of the bad view, I didnt worry about some people suddenly saw me changing my clothes.

Well, even if there is someone who saw me by chance, I could always gift them a trip to free dive from the sky anytime, like what I did to Hyun-Woo 1 year ago.

After getting changed, I hid the box under a row of solar panels, so no one could see what was hidden beneath them. I didnt forget to make the tattoo on my back invisible. I didnt put the mask in the box, instead, I changed it into the half-mask and brought it with me.

I hid the mask on my cleavage. Yes, my cleavage. I had always dreamed of pulling out an item from my cleavage and my mask is the best item for that. Now, one of my dreams finally came true with the help of Annas growth enchantment. Thank you!

Good, I bet with my fake information about weapon smuggler Mischa and Hotaru will busy for a while. Well, the group that entered the warehouse in that port maybe the real bomber, but I dont think they are related to that thug boss who had a bullet from our company.

I used the stairs to go down from the roof and entered the elevator in the highest room to go down to the lobby. I dont have any intention to return to my room, I planned to have dinner at Chi Diner right now.

Stepping inside the elevator, I tried to find my Holo phone but I cant find it. I just remembered that I left my holo phone in my room because I didnt put it inside the box.

Tch, and I just pressed the button to go down. I grumbled and the elevators bell ringed.


I looked at the small screen on top of the elevators door and it was written 20, which means we are still on the 20th floor.

Oh, my luck! Someone actually stopped the elevator from going down! Naomi smiled when she thought that she didnt need to wait any longer. She could exit the elevator and use the other elevator to go back to the highest floor.

The elevators door opened and revealed a pair of men and women in their twentieth wearing PD uniform stood side by side.

The man was around Naomis height with blond hair. While the woman's height was around the mans shoulder. She has wavy brown hair that reached her back.

Both of them looking at each other and seemed to be bickering about something. When the door fully opened, they stopped and entered the elevator.

After they had entered, I stepped out of the elevator before the door was closed.

Ah! Im sorry if our bickering disturbed you. Ryo, you should apologize too! The woman apologized to me when she saw me exiting the elevator. Maybe she thought that her bickering with her colleague was bothering me so I stepped out of the elevator.

Tch, thats your fault. I wont apologize. The man, whose name I assumed as Ryo, from the way the woman called him clicked his tongue and turned his head away.

I turned towards them and give them a smile. Ah, dont worry about it! I forgot my holo phone on the top floor so you technically save me from waiting until the lobby. So, please dont worry about it.

Haa- I thought you have exited the elevator because of us. Im really sorry. The woman bowed once again and he used her hand to force the Ryo to bow.

Hey! Put your hand off from my head! Ryo shakes the womans hand from his head. He then pushed the button and closed the elevators door, leaving me standing alone outside of it.

Well, that was certainly unique. Or, everyone in PD was like that? I decided to not think too much about it and walked towards the other elevator and pushed the button to stop the elevator on this floor.

I waited only a few seconds and the elevator door in front of me opened. I pressed the button to go to the highest floor and waited again.

This I waited for too much, didnt I? Damn it. I let out a rare curse from my mouth. Today I had spent too much time waiting. Wait for the thugs to attack me, wait to get my new mask from Chi, wait for Mischa to make her decision, lastly wait again for Hotaru to make her decision.

I need to get to my original goal, Chi Diner, and I need to get there fast. My stomach cant wait for another wait. Wait, did I just make a pun?


The elevators bell ringed and the door opened on my rooms floor. I went in front of my room immediately and opened the door and it was opened, without me using the key to unlock it.

And I forgot to lock the door great.

Fortunately, my room was not changed a little bit from before I left it. I use my Telekinesis to pull my wallet towards me. I opened my wallet and make sure the key to this room, my card, and my holo phone were inside.

After making sure everything was inside my wallet, I exited the room and locked the door.

Yosh, lets eat.

I went to the elevator, again. And it opened before I pushed the button. The earlier pair wearing PD uniform was inside and the woman greeted me.

Ah! We met again.

Tch, lets go. We have no time to waste, we need to secure our target and bring her to our protection. Ryo stepped out of the elevator and walked towards the direction of Naomis room.

Hmm? Protection? I wonder who is their target of protection?

Wait! You dumbass! At least you can greet her! The woman stepped out of the elevator and followed Ryo.

My gaze followed them for a second before I decided to ignore them and entered the elevator.

Well, maybe their target was someone important. Like me, for example.

I thought as I pushed the button to go to the lobby.

The elevator stopped at the lobby after a while and I walked out from the hotel. I walked in the direction of Chi Diner as I pulled out my holo phone and called Chi.

After a few rungs, the call was answered by Chi.

Chi? How was the mission? I asked her.

The mission was smoothly completed. It was thanks to Princess to bait Mischa Belyaeva away from the bridge that we can finish it smoothly. And the other thing was finished too. It was thanks to Selena.

Good, now I have another mission for tonight.

Yes! Your wish is my command, Princess.

Investigate the explosion that occurred near the bridge on Avos Island. I suspected that another organization want to make us a scapegoat for their plan. Make sure to investigate it thoroughly, and

And what Princess? Asked Chi nervously.

No. Mischa Belyaeva and Nobi Hotaru were investigating that case too. Dont make any move towards them.

. Certainly.

I hanged up the call after I got her confirmation on my order. Well, I have subordinates so why I investigated them myself? I can just order my subordinate to do it~

I walked to Chi Diner faster. What I need to do right now is to wait for the result and decided my next course of action after the result was sent.

Lets eat~ Warrior cant fight with an empty stomach after all. I am a secret organizations Boss though.

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