I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 101: Force of Change Final

Chapter 101: Force of Change Final

Naomi has arrived at her hotel and laid Mischa down on her bed. She sighed in relief because there is no one else that attacked them on their way to the hotel except that man called Zhang.

She sat on her chair that was located near the window and pulled out her holo phone from her pocket. She called Melaine and she answered the call almost immediately.

Without even any greeting, Naomi spoke to Melaine.

Melaine, come to my hotel room with Miss Nobi.

Yes! We will arrive there in Melaine paused for a second continuing again. now.

Melaines voice from the holo phone was overlapped by a voice that came from the entrance of Naomis room.

She looked at the entrance and saw Hotaru standing beside Melaine and looked at Mischa who was laid on her bed unconscious.

Naomi ended the call and looked out of her window to look at the situation of the city. Lots of sirens from PDs vehicles were buzzing around the city. The street was empty from the usual pedestrians and the atmosphere was gloomy.

Melaine quietly sat on the chair in front of Naomi and followed her gaze to look outside the window.

Hotaru who was worried about Mischa approached her and looked over her condition. Seeing that there are no notable injuries on Mischas body, she sighed in relief before looking at Naomi.

Why are you so reckless? Hotaru said in a worried tone.

Naomi looked at Hotaru with a small smile on her face and said. Reckless, was it? No, youre wrong, Miss Nobi. I am not a reckless person.

Then explain why you go to save Mischa by yourself!! The enemies were from the Moon of Akasha! Their members have consisted of strong Esper. More importantly, they are a terrorist! If that was not reckless then what?! Hotaru shouted in anger as she approached Naomi and looked down on Naomi due to her standing and Naomi sat on the chair.

Ah, I see. You dont know about it. Ive told Mischa about it but you were sleeping at that time. Mischa didnt tell you anything, huh? Naomi said as she looked up to meet Hotarus gaze.

Now Hotaru was confused. So Naomi told Mischa about something but Mischa didnt tell her about that?

What do you mean? Hotarus anger was replaced by curiosity. Her colleague and her employer were hiding something from her. No, they were not hiding something from her. It was because she didnt ask anything them so they assumed that she knew about it, or the other person had told her about it.

You remember when I was disappeared for a night and you tried to find me with Mischa?

Hotaru nodded at Naomis word to show that she remembered it. There is no way that she forgot about that night. That night, she used her teleportation more than she ever use in a month. Of course, she would remember what happened that night.

You see, I was taken by Mugetsu to her base that night.

Silent has descendeded into the room. For a few seconds, no one talk or even let out a noise until finally, Hotaru shouted.

WHAT?! W-w-w-why did you just tell me something that important right now?!! She shouted on top of her lung and had a ragged breath after she was done shouting.

Accompanying Hotarus shout was the sound of Melaine sipping on a tea cup that appeared who knows when.

Naomi ignored Hotaru and looked at her right and saw that a small round table was placed between her and Melaines chair with a cup of tea in front of her. She looked at Melaine and saw her stop sipping her tea and smiled at her. Naomi nodded her head in appreciation and sipped the tea in front of her before turning at Hotaru.

Hotaru was able to calm herself down by taking a long breath before she asked Naomi again.

So, what happened in that base? Surely she told you something that gives you the confidence to go against the Moon of Akasha without a fear.

Nothing. I dont remember. Maybe they have Esper with the ability to alter a mind? Not that I know if an ability like that existed. Naomi put the cup down on the table after answering Hotaru.

Surely not, right? Hotaru let out a light chuckle after she heard Naomi. She looked at Naomi, hoping that Naomi was just joking with her. But, Naomi just has her usual smile on her face making Hotaru didnt know whether Naomi was joking or not.

Youre joking right? Her chuckle died down and she has a pale expression on her face. Did Mischa know about this?

Yes, she is.

This is a problem, big problem Muttered Hotaru.

Indeed, this is a problem. Why did I tell Hotaru about the ability to alter a mind? We dont have something like that in our organization!! Or are we? thought Naomi.

Ugh. A grumble was sounded from the direction of the bed and made Hotaru and Naomi looked over the bed.

They saw Mischa starts regaining her consciousness and approaches her. Melaine was still sitting on the chair without minding Mischa and enjoyed her tea. She had done a good job of stalling Hotaru, so she was expecting a reward from her Lady. Even if her Lady is not focused on her right now, she will hold herself back to get a good reward afterward.

She would not make the same mistake that she did a year ago that made her reward canceled. After all, Melaine was a woman that learned from her mistake.

As Hotaru and Naomi approached Mischa, she started opened her eyes and looked around.

Where She looked at the unfamiliar, or rather a familiar ceiling before she turned to see Naomi and Hotaru that stood beside the bed with worried expressions.

Naomi Hotaru Muttered Mischa. She was not fully awake yet and her mind was still in a cloudy state. After a while, she finally snapped awake and raised her body quickly.

Mugetsu!! Where is she?!

Mischa jumped out the bed and wanted to run towards the exit but was blocked by Hotaru that teleported in front of her. She bumped at Hotaru and made a step back before yelling.

We need to stop them, Hotaru!! Why did you block me?!

For now calm down. Said Hotaru as she grabbed Mischas hand and made her sit on the bed. She crouched and matched Mischas gaze before saying.

They were leaving this island as soon as you fell unconscious. So you dont need to worry again.

I see can you tell me what happened after I fell unconscious? My memory was a bit hazy. Asked Mischa.

I will explain it. Said Naomi from the side.

Naomi so what happened?

After you fell unconscious

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