I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 260: Birthday Once More

Chapter 260: Birthday Once More

[Luna POV]

A week has passed since Soleils anointment as the Apostle of Stars.  We were still water bound due to the wind being too temperamental to safely fly.  At the moment I was laying in my bed while my head was resting in Tamamos lap.

{Luna, I need you to calm down.  I get that you are bored and want something to do, but in this state, youll become a second Atmos.}

Tamamo, there is nothing to do.  All Ive done for the past week is steer a ship past unchanging scenery.  I want something to do.  If we were traveling by foot, we would have run into something like a dungeon spawning or another evil cult that we would end up wiping out.  The two most exciting things that happened on this route were the lizardmen thing and Soleil becoming my Apostle.

{I know, but I still need you to calm down.  Nothing good will come from you going on a pranking spree.}

Fufufu.  There might be one thing that can keep me occupied.

I stared into Tamamos eyes with longing.  She smiled and booped my nose.

{Theres time for that tonight.  For now, be satisfied with this.}

Tamamo leaned forward and kissed me.  After staying like that for several minutes, Tamamo broke away.

{Now, I need to go prepare for tonight.  Be a good girl and dont mess with everyone too much.}

Tamamo moved my head off her lap and stood up.  Just as she was about to go home, she looked at me over her shoulder.

{Happy birthday, Luna.}

She then disappeared.  Once the domain was gone, someone knocked on the door.  When I told them to come in.  Velvet walked into the room followed by Mio.

Luna, do not resist. (Velvet)

I tilted my head in confusion when the two of them quickly moved to my side and pulled a bag over my head.  I had no idea what they wanted to do, but I decided to comply since I had nothing better to do.  I felt them pick me up and bring me outside the captains cabin.  We then went below deck.  There I could smell a lot of things that made my mouth water.  I was sat on a seat and the bag was pulled from my head.

While I wont complain since that was somewhat fun, you didnt have to act like you were kidnapping me. (Luna)

That was actually more for our safety.  We all know you are extremely bored, so we though cutting off your line of sight would save us from any illusion you would attempt to trap us in.  Thats the reason Mio came with me. (Velvet)

Nya. (Mio)

While I AM extremely bored, Im not to that point yet. (Luna)

Anyway, happy birthday, big sis. (Soleil)

Happy birthday.

I smiled and thanked everyone.

We dont really have any presents, so we all decided to cook something. (Velvet)

Thats enough for me.  It makes me happy all of you did anything. (Luna)

Well, lets eat before it gets cold. (Ophidia)

We all nodded and started to eat.  While not everyone was the best at cooking, it was still really good.  We had a lot of good conversation and I even brought out some alcohol that I had.  Even though it wasnt the ones that would get me drunk, it made the festive atmosphere even more festive.  Mio even got so drunk that she stood up on top of the table and started to sing and dance.  It was really funny until she fell off onto my tails and fell asleep.

Hahahahahahahaha. (Ophidia)

Ehehe.  Mio went flop. (Soleil)

Lunaaaaaaa.  Moar. (Velvet)

Luna, I think we should stop here.  We dont want them to accidentally climb up and fall overboard. (Skadi)

I agree. (Luna)

Feel free to leave them to me.  I lock it down, down here, you go and enjoy your time with Lady Tamamo. (Skadi)

Thanks.  Ill help out some with Ophidia, we dont want her teleporting away after all. (Luna)

I snapped my fingers and a domain was created around this part of the ship.

Thanks. (Skadi)

Think nothing of it.  And thank all of you for doing this today. (Luna)

Its what friends do.  Or do you consider me family as well? (Skadi)

Well, I consider Ophidia family and you are her fiance, so yeah. (Luna)

Skadi smiled at me then I made my way back to the captains cabin.  When I got up top, I looked at the position of the sun to see it was about to dip below the horizon.

Spent more time down there than I realized.

After shutting the door behind me I hopped onto the bed and was immediately knocked out.  When I opened my eyes again I was leaning on Tamamos shoulder while sitting on a couch.  I also felt something playing with my tails and turned to see Atmos burying her face in them.

Oh, how I missed this.  You need to invite me to domains more often, Luna. (Atmos)

When me and Tamamo arent doing other things, then my domains are always open for you to visit, you know. (Luna)

That would have been good to know before. (Atmos)

You never asked. (Luna)

Im gonna bury my face in your tails again now. (Atmos)

She did exactly that and I turned my attention back to Tamamo.

{How was the party with the others today?}

Fun.  Did you help them somehow? (Luna)

{Skadi and Mio asked me to keep you busy while they got everything ready.}

I smiled at her and pulled her into a hug while I nuzzled into her neck.

Oi, Im still here you know. (Atmos)

Want me to make you not here. (Luna)

How rude, I come here to celebrate your birthday with you and Tamamo and this is the thanks I get? (Atmos)

Fufufufu.  Then how about this? (Luna)

I wrapped several tails around Atmos in an Abyssal fluff hug.  Atmos then melted into a puddle of bliss.

The fluffit consumes me. (Atmos)

{Ufufufufu.  And thus, the Goddess of Fate, Mischief, and Baking was consumed by the Abyss.}

Atmoss head then popped back out of my tails.

We must become one with the fluff.  We must all be assimilated.  The fluff must rule all of creation. (Atmos)

{Cut it out.}

Tch.  Let me have my fun too. (Atmos)

What was that?  How did you make you voice all echo-y and stuff? (Luna)

Im the Goddess of Mischief, if I couldnt do that, then I wouldnt be able to imitate people for mischievous reasons, now could I. (Atmos)

Then do some impressions.  I want to see what you got. (Luna)

Very well. (Atmos)

She closed her eyes and then started to speak again.

Ufufufu.  Youre just as cute and fluffy as always, Luna.  Would you like me to make you even fluffier? (Atmos)

I would very mush like to take up that offer, Tamamo. (Luna)

{Worry not, I have plans like that for later.}

Oi.  Im the one who said that. (Atmos)

I dont know how I feel when you imitate my dads voice. (Luna)

Too bad.  Imitating others is actually really fun. (Atmos)

And now it was mom. (Luna)

I can do more than that, you know. (Atmos)

That imitation made me freeze up.

A-Atmos.  How did you know that voice? (Luna)

{Atmos.  Stop it.}

I was now shaking slightly, and I could feel tears fall from my eyes.

Eh?  I thought I was over this. (Luna)

Um, who did I imitate? (Atmos)

My mom from my previous life.  How did you know her voice? (Luna)

I was just imitating voices from your subconscious.  Im really sorry for doing something like that. (Atmos)

Atmos started to fidget since she made me upset.

{Luna, its alright.  I understand what youre feeling right now, so just calm down.}

I took a few deep breaths.

Why am I acting like this?  I should be over this by now.  I mean, its been what, almost 20 years in total since I was last in that world? (Luna)

{Two years when we first met and 17 years as Luna Reed.}

So, 19 years.  But seriously, I thought I was over this when you told me what has happened with them since I was brought here. (Luna)

Luna. (Atmos)

{Atmos, make this up to her later.  For now let me handle it.}

Yeah.  Ill do that. (Atmos)

Atmos got up from the couch and left.  Tamamo then pulled me into a tight hug while I trued to calm down some more.  After some time, I was back to normal.

Im good now.  Thank you Tamamo.

{No need for thanks.  I was just doing what I should as your wife.  Though I will get Atmos to make up for that somehow.}

You dont need to.  She already said she was just imitating voices that I subconsciously remembered.

{Alright.  Do you want to just stay like this the rest of the night?  We can always do what I originally planned at a later date.}


Tamamo laid down on the couch and laid my head on her chest.  She then wrapped her arms and tails around me.  She then started running her hand through my hair.  I closed my eyes and snuggled closer into her.

Thank you for being the best, Tamamo.  Im so happy I met you.

{I feel the same, Luna.}

I smiled at that and then I slowly fell asleep while embracing Tamamos warmth.

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: Why does it feel like I'm messing up so much recently?  I never wanted to make Luna sad.

Calm down, Atmos.  You didn't know that would happen either.

Order: While I do think you could be more responsible with abilities like that, I also don't think you did anything wrong here.

Atmos: Sure, I can be more responsible, but that doesn't fix my current problem.  What do I do to make this up to Luna?

In my opinion, just spend some time with her and sincerely apologize.  All of us here know what Luna is like, so you know she'll forgive you.

Order: Yeah.  And besides, you aren't perfect, and Luna understands that, so she shouldn't hold a grudge or a want to get back at you.  Though I also agree with Payto on the you apologizing sincerely part.

Atmos: Then I'll do that and then figure out a good time to spend time with her.  Though now I also feel bad for ruining Tamamo's plans for the night.  Especially after all the preparations she made.

We can't help you with that, but I doubt Tamamo will care.  I mean look, she seems happy enough to me.

Atmos: *Looks at what Tamamo and Luna are currently doing* At least I didn't ruin the night entirely.

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