I Shall Cuck Everyone

Chapter 252 Surprising Zamira

"Tch... He departed, huh," Blair mutters, sheathing her sword with a touch of annoyance.

Suddenly, two figures land in front of her, their expressions filled with concern.

"Blair, are you alright?!" Anne and Hayes inquire, rushing towards her.

"Yes, I'm fine..." Blair replies, her confusion still evident.

"Idiot! You should have allowed us to assist you! Cease this recklessness!" Hayes bellows, shaking Blair's shoulders.

"Hehe, I'm fine. By the way, that was quite exhilarating. My abilities felt slightly more manageable after engaging in combat with that individual," Blair states, flashing a smile, which elicits sighs from Anne and Hayes.

"That's good to hear, but why did he attack you? Have you encountered him before?" Anne curiously questions, her eyes gleaming with intrigue.

"I have never crossed paths with him before. However, he referred to himself as Wavagi, the god of Beer," Blair replies with a chuckle.

Hayes suddenly gazes at the ground, attempting to recall something.

"Wavagi, I have heard of him before. Some individuals even worship him," Hayes utters.

"Worship him? Who would venerate such a detestable being?" Blair asks, appearing perplexed.

"It is the Nagas! The land-dwelling Nagas! Both their males and females are aficionados of alcohol, hence it is unsurprising that they worship the god of Booze. I have encountered numerous statues of that entity in various Naga settlements," Hayes responds.

"Ah... I have never encountered a Naga. Now that I have been discovered, I anticipate encountering more of these deities who may trail me or lurk in my vicinity. Moreover, when I reflect on my past, it continues to astonish me. I was once an ordinary girl devoid of any powers, living like a famished mouse to evade harassment from the cats—the ability users. However, now that I possess a power that rivals that of the gods, I am uncertain whether I should be elated or disheartened. It is a power that comes with significant responsibilities and drawbacks," Blair confesses, appearing troubled.

"It is alright, Blair. We will always stand by your side... You see, we possess more strength than you realize, especially when we combine our techniques. The only occasion we faltered was during our encounter with the dark elves' kingdom. And that occurred because the adversary discovered our weakness. Nonetheless, Anne and I have resolved never to allow anyone the opportunity to exploit our vulnerability," Hayes boasts.

"Ah... The man also informed me of that. He mentioned that the two of you are quite formidable. Although I would like to witness both of you in action, not in our current state," Blair responds, returning the smile.

Upon hearing Blair's words, a fierce expression materializes on Anne and Hayes' faces.

"Don't be foolish, Blair! You are also carrying a child!" the women exclaim, grasping Blair's hands in anger.

"For a moment, I forgot that I am also pregnant. Ah, I suppose I got carried away with the thrill of the fight," Blair mutters as Anne and Hayes lead her away from the beach.

However, as the two catwomen drag her away, Blair's mind drifts elsewhere…


[Master, remain calm...]

"I am seething with anger, Mimi. I cannot comprehend their intentions! They refuse to grant my family and me respite. I shall annihilate them. I will exterminate each and every one of them!" I bellow, slamming my arm onto a small wooden table before me.I think you should take a look at

The table, aged and worn out, shatters into numerous fragments.

Right now, I find myself in a modest room, furnished with a medium-sized bed and a table in front of me. There's also a small dusty wardrobe that seems untouched for decades. This room is part of my mother's chamber, with additional rooms meant for her maids and butlers, although most of them remain unoccupied due to the lack of staff.

[What is your plan now, Master? While I understand your anger, revealing yourself to the gods with your current power may not be the wisest choice. If they suspect that you are the reincarnation of the Protoss, they won't hesitate to eliminate you. It would be better to evolve into the vampire lord stage before the tournament. Remember, if you become a vampire lord, you will be able to harness celestial energy, an energy exclusive to the gods.]

"I acted impulsively... Mimi, your guidance has been invaluable. Thanks to you, I can progress swiftly."

But before that, I need to meet with Zamira and obtain those items.


"I don't usually part with valuable things without receiving something in return," Zamira says, a small grin forming as she folds her arms.

We are currently in her courtyard, a spacious training field adorned with numerous wooden training dummies.

I had asked her to teach me her exceptional sword techniques—Swordcraft.

"Oh," I let out a surprised remark, but a smile gradually spreads across my face.

"But I am your betrothed. It wouldn't be appropriate for you to demand something in exchange for techniques. Of course, it's your technique, and you have the right to keep it to yourself. However, by indirectly suggesting that you can trade your cherished techniques, you are implying that you value them as much as the legendary Protoss techniques," I remark.

"Alright, alright, enough already. Ahh, you're annoying. Who wouldn't want to trade their techniques for the almighty Protoss techniques?" Zamira responds with a sigh.

"You hold me in higher regard than necessary and underestimate your own skills. Besides, you could have simply asked me to teach you one of my techniques instead of proposing a trade. Furthermore, I've already learned how to use your sword techniques during our battle. I came here to seek your permission to incorporate them into my own repertoire," I explain with a casual shrug, making my way towards a massive rack displaying an assortment of weapons.

Selecting an intermediate long sword at random, I position myself in the center of the training ground. Zamira gazes at me with an incredulous expression, yet her intense curiosity remains palpable.

Fufu, I'm about to astound the ice princess once again.

"Swordcraft: One Hundred Blade Cuts!"


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