I Shall Cuck Everyone

Chapter 238 The Blood Spirit's Resolution

"What do you mean? Can you elaborate on the incident?" I inquire, my curiosity aroused.

"Well, after Zamira's harrowing battle against a demon-rank beast, where she was on the brink of losing her life, she became driven by a relentless quest for power. She has always fixated on the legends of the Protoss, yearning to transcend the current pinnacle of vampire warlock prowess. Consequently, she embarked on a perilous journey to capture the beloved familiar of the Protoss, which happens to be me. However, I am not like the feeble spirits she encountered before. I once reigned as the king of familiars—the spirit king.

Fortuitously, she came face-to-face with me, but my imposing aura and appearance proved insurmountable for her. Frustrated, Zamira sought out other formidable spirits and managed to ensnare a fire dragon spirit. The dragon spirit, in a bid for liberation, proposed a contract to serve as her familiar in exchange for bestowing its fiery essence upon her. However, Zamira declined the offer. To be concise, the dragon spirit forged a pact with her, teaching her the ways to harness primordial energy in return for its own freedom," the blood spirit elucidates vividly.

"That was quite arduous. Zamira's thirst for power seems unquenchable, and she refuses to rely solely on her innate abilities," I mutter, assimilating the blood spirit's revelations.

Suddenly, I gaze at the blood spirit with a mischievous grin on my countenance.

"Tch, so impudent and foolish. You couldn't even recognize your own master," I retort, placing my left palm against my face in exasperation.


"Sigh... I'm relieved to have found you again. My memories are still somewhat hazy, but I distinctly recall you," I say, rubbing my forehead as I attempt to process the deluge of information inundating my mind.

"Humph! You behave like the rest, laying claim to being my master. Merely possessing absolute control over blood does not entitle you to exploit me. Were it not for your command of absolute blood control, I would have dispatched you without hesitation," the blood spirit asserts, regarding me with a menacing expression as the trident-shaped mark on his forehead begins to radiate light.

Sigh... such a pity...

"Very well, I shall now convince you of the truth," I declare.

In an instant, my eyes ignite with a brilliant crimson glow. A serene aura weaves around me, while my hair floats gracefully in a sleek manner. I promptly distance myself from Zamira, recognizing that her condition is gradually improving, and she will awaken within a few minutes.

"Blood monarch; Assume true form," I command, as my physique elongates and morphs into an intimidating figure. Adorned in a resplendent suit of blood-red armor from head to toe, boasting arched shoulder plates reminiscent of a scorpion's stinger, I exude an eerie presence. My ebony hair billows in the air as if it possesses a life of its own. An air of fear envelops me, instinctively sending shivers down the spines of any who lay eyes upon me. Furthermore, my visage possesses an extraordinary, ethereal quality that no woman could resist. It resembles an older incarnation of myself. To complete the ensemble, a colossal sword is fastened to my waist, emanating a monstrous aura that could rend a moon asunder if unleashed.

However, all of this is ephemeral, a mere manifestation intended to reveal my true form to the blood spirit.

In this form, I raise my index finger aloft and commence sketching ephemeral illustrations in the air with flawless and swift movements, presenting a captivating spectacle.

"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the King's horses and all the King's men couldn't put Humpty together again," I recite, accompanied by the illustrations taking shape in the air.

As I finish, I snap my fingers, causing the ephemeral drawings to vanish in an instant.

Suddenly, my body collapses to the ground, reverting back to its normal state, while blood begins to trickle from my mouth.

Looking up, I observe the blood spirit's eyes welling up, tears streaming down its cheeks.

"Uwaaaah!" The blood spirit bursts into tears, flying towards me and clinging onto my arms.

"Uwaaaah! Master, I didn't recognize you, I am sorry. Why did you leave me?" The blood spirit cries, seeking solace in my embrace.

"Naughty boy, I had to reveal my true form and recite your favorite rhyme," I remark, gently caressing the blood spirit's head.

"I apologize, master. It is not my fault. Many formidable individuals have claimed to be your reincarnation, attempting to deceive me," the blood spirit explains with a hint of sadness.

Though I do not recall any of these events, fragmented memories continue to flicker within my mind. This blood spirit, whom I often refer to as Bloody Baby, possesses the unique ability to manipulate and solidify blood to an extraordinary degree, accompanied by an unlimited blood aura.

Yet, what eludes comprehension is that Bloody Baby is exclusive to the Protoss, specifically to me. However, the wielder of absolute control can also summon Bloody Baby, although it does not alter the fact that Bloody Baby's true potential can only be realized by its rightful master.

"Sigh, now that we are reunited, will you integrate with me?" I inquire.

Upon hearing my question, Bloody Baby soars into the air, folding its arms while turning away from me.

"Master, in this reincarnation, you appear exceedingly frail, far from your peak level. Are you not weary of undergoing multiple reincarnations?" Bloody Baby voices its concerns, still facing away. There's an undercurrent of emotion in its words, despite its baby-like voice and form.

"I promise not to perish this time," I assure with a sigh.

"Humph, if you seek my forgiveness, master, come find me at the Skull Valley. I must depart now. I shall await your arrival, master. Furthermore, you must ascend to a higher stage of evolution before our integration," Bloody Baby declares, offering a small wave before vanishing into thin air.


Suddenly, sounds emanate from the stone slab on the floor. Looking down, I witness Zamira coughing intensely.

S-She is slowly awakening!

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