I Love You, Monster: The Blindfolded Wife x The Masked Husband

Chapter 372 Signal

"Son, are you alright? Why didn’t you stop Davi from leaving?" Mrs. Chen gently asked as she held Sei’s hand. When Sei didn’t say a word, the worried couple both led him towards the couch.

As soon as they reached the lounge, Sei took a seat and dropped his head in his hands. He looked so sad and dejected and his family didn’t know what to say to him.

This was the first time they saw Sei looking so defeated. He was like a puppy that was drenched in the rain. Even Hinari, who had always been afraid of him since the very first day she met him was now having doubts as to whether this man was still the stone cold Sei-the-great she knew. Was this really the person who threatened to feed her to the crocodiles? Gosh, how could the lion king be drastically transformed into a depressed little kitten? This is just so unbelievably shocking!

At that moment, everyone was still silent. Their ecstatic faces which were so excited about the wedding plans a moment ago now turned extremely gloomy. As though they were all transported into the hospital’s lobby.

But actually, it wasn’t just Sei who was currently acting strange. Now that both of them were sitting next to each other, everyone couldn’t help but wonder what was going on. The mighty Sei who was never defeated by an enemy in this world suddenly looked like he was devastated and extremely depressed while the usually ever so energetic and jolly Zaki looked like a vampire just sucked all his blood making him look so weak and tired. Weren’t these two the legendary duo who rocked the world and held it in the palm of their hands? Well, Sei and Zaki were men who never showed any weaknesses since they were children so it was such a shock for everyone to see them in this state.

"Sei, don’t you think you’re overthinking things? I personally think that this matter isn’t that severe. You don’t have to look so devastated. This can be solve by a simple talk, you know?" Mrs. Chen finally spoke and Hinari too joined madam Chen.

"That’s right. I’m sure Davi will come back as soon as possible once you explain your reason to her. She won’t hate you because of that. Her love to you isn’t that fragile that it would break at the first sign of trouble." Hinari said and Sei finally raised his head a bit. Somehow, he looked like his burden was at least lifted a little. Well, Sei wasn’t actually acting like this because he was thinking that Davi would hate him. He believed in Davi and he knew that she loved him so much, but he understood that this surely hurt her. The pain he saw in her eyes moments ago devastated him. She just regained her emotions back but another devastating news reached her ears. Sei was afraid and worried that this will affect her emotional state again. He couldn’t help but blame himself for his carelessness.

Meanwhile, Zaki couldn’t take the gloomy atmosphere anymore so he forcefully opened his eyes and broke the silence.

"Tch! This snail! What are you so worried about? You’ll marry her again anyway. It can’t be helped that she’ll feel hurt but if you tell her you did it so you could marry her again, everything will be solved, as easy as that." Zaki lazily said before he closed his eyes again and somehow, Sei’s brain jolted and was once again slowly beginning to process well. The words Zaki said was like a revelation to him and he could only face palm himself. T-that’s right, what I should be worrying about right now was how to redeem myself and make her forgive me for hurting her due to my foolishness...

"Y-you’re right." Sei finally spoke and he looked like he was alive again and the weakened Zaki opened his eyes once more.

"But you must ask her to forgive you first before telling her about the wedding. We can’t just ignore the possibility that she will not accept your proposal right away, because of what you did." Zaki said, and the energy that just returned into Sei’s disappeared once again. This time Sei’s expression went from bad to worse. T-that’s right... what if Davi won’t accept my proposal for a long time because of what i did? W-what should i do?

Looking at how Zaki helped the situation brighten up just to have become even worse in the end, everyone was speechless.

Mr. and Mrs Chen: "..."

Grandpa and Hinari: "..."

Zaki... why did you say those words? You should just let it be... you just gave him more anxiety!

Everyone couldn’t help but pinch the skin between their brows.

"Sigh... I have had enough of these two little punks. Let’s all talk again tomorrow. This talk will never go anywhere if Sei is like this. You two go rest for now, maybe you both will go back to your normal self again tomorrow." Grandpa Mikazuki finally stood and he headed towards his room, followed by the couple.

"Tch! Didn’t I tell you not to worry. Davi will easily forgive you, you know? You just have to let her let off some steam by kicking some bad guy’s ass. Or better yet, you could always just ask her to beat you up when she’s back, after that she’ll forgive you in the nick of time." Zaki’s voice rang again and the devastated Sei was once again awakened by Zaki’s opinion. Well, Zaki was right, Davi will surely forgive him, all he needed to do was to show her his sincerity and regret so he must think about the greatest way to ask for her forgiveness. Was letting her beat him really a good idea?

As Sei was thinking deeply, Zaki suddenly went limp and would have fallen off the couch if not for Hinari, who was still sitting beside him.

"Ahh... hey! Zaki... don’t sleep here." Hinari uttered and Sei finally looked at the man beside him and his brows creased hard.

"Hinari, go prepare the bed for him. I will help him to the room." Sei said and Hinari immediately walked towards Zaki’s room.

"Zaki, I am going to call the doctor for you." Sei said as he helped him up but Zaki shook his head.

"Don’t. I told you, I just need to rest." He firmly said as they both walked and Sei could only heave a deep sigh.

When Sei finally put him to bed, he left the room but the moment Hinari also stepped out, Sei suddenly turned towards her.

"I think you should stay with him tonight. He’s not well so it’s better if someone was at least watching over him." Sei said and Hinari blinked before she understood what Sei wanted her to do.

"Ahh... yes, I will stay with him. Don’t worry." Hinari responded before she slowly returned inside Zaki’s room.

As soon as the door closed, Sei leaned on the wall. Half of the reason why this trouble happened to day was because Zaki was unwell. If he was in his usual condition, he would surely have sensed Davi’s presence before she even heard anything.


Sei was still in his study and just sat there gazing at the moon. He sat there, contemplating the events of the last few days; how he had finally seen Davi’s smile, how she had cried so much that he had to kiss her to stop it, how scared she was that little Shin was being targeted. He had been so happy and his heart was so full of love for his wife that he felt his heart would burst. They were finally so close to their happy ever after until that moment. The moment those words came out of his lips.

Thinking for many hours now, Sei finally decided on his next course of action and was about to ask Ryou about how Davi’s mission was going when his phone beeped, indicating that he had received a text message. He looked at the message and the moment he saw it, a demon seemed to have awakened from its deep slumber. A deep and ominous feeling enveloped the room and the whole house seemed to have been covered in darkness and somewhere far away, howls of wolves could be heard, signaling the arrival of a monster on Earth.

[Boss... Miss Davi is...]

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