I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 633 International Dwarf Event

"As a researcher and weapon master, you should know this more than me." said Aunt Hersha.

"You are right. Artifacts may be called indestructible items. However, not everyone could hold it. Moreover, people could only hold a few artifacts at a maximum. Compared to artifacts, a well-built item made of these materials is more useful." said Angus.

"Well, it seems you are not too hopeless for not noticing this." retorted Aunt Hersha.

"Urgh.. Come on, how should I know people's preferences when it comes to this? If Aunt didn't give me a sign, I would probably be clueless about it until now." said Angus.

"Anyway, how did you know about me being Weapon Master? I thought only a few people at the Research Center knew this." asked Angus while trying to divert the topic.

"Ohh… It seems you still have not heard the news." said Aunt Hersha.

"News? What news?" asked Angus in confusion.

Although Weapon Master is rare, it didn't make Angus famous like the seventh-grade combatants. Most people will only see him as a good combatant capable of handling all kinds of weapons.

Therefore, he didn't care too much about this title. In fact, he didn't care if everyone knew about it since he would show some of his strength tomorrow.

"In a few months, there will be a big Dwarf gathering called the Undermine Council. It is an international event that is visited by a lot of people all over the world.

"During the council, some dwarves exhibit some of their craftsmanship or even their pupils to gather sponsors. Basically, it is the biggest dwarves exhibition event." explained Aunt Hersha.

"Undermine Council? Show off craftsmanship?! That crazy old Dwarf!!" said Angus as he realized Old Dwarf Balrug had somehow revealed his information to others.

"Hahaha… You don't need to worry. Master Goldstein only bragged to the others that he has a weapon master as his disciple. You are also quite famous in the Dwarves Circle since you can open the second Gate of Life at such a young age." said Aunt Hersha.

"In fact, almost all of the high-ranking dwarf's officials have already known about you since you opened the second Gate of Life at the Black Fortress." added Aunt Hersha.

"Tch… So, this is what he meant by asking me a favor back then. Guess I will be attending this event. Urgh… I really don't want to go. I feel like trouble will come whenever I step outside." complained Angus.

"You don't have a choice. Who makes you so absurd that you could open a second Gate of Life at such a young age. Moreover, your second Gate opening also creates the Soul Fire phenomenon." said Aunt Hersha

"If I am not wrong, you may get something like an honorary title in this Dwarves Council." added Aunt Hersha.

"Honorary Title?! Nope. It's too much for me." replied Angus with grimaces.

He could already feel a lot of headaches if he received this title. After learning more about the Soul Fire phenomenon from the Dwarf Elder Forgus, he knows he will get a high position among the dwarf race.

Angus thought if he stayed low and did not contact too much with the dwarf race, they would forget about him. He didn't expect the dwarf officials to still think highly of him.

But, he also expected this reaction since there is a superstition about Soul Fire related to the Dwarf King's qualification. Unfortunately, Angus does not come from the Dwarf race. Otherwise, he will be immediately crowned as the next dwarf king.

Still, Angus feels this myth and tradition are right. After opening the second Gate of Life, he looks for information about the Soul Fire phenomenon during the Gate of Life trial.

Apparently, the Soul Fire phenomenon only happens when the Dwarf tries to surpass their limit and faces hurdles twice more than his current body capabilities. In Angus' case, he needed to fight two of his counterparts.

Just facing this challenge, many people will undoubtedly fail. It is already hard to surpass the limit of their body. Now, they also need to exceed twice their limit.

In fact, if someone can pass this kind of trial, Angus believes they are not only very talented but also strong in body, mind, and soul. This kind of person is undoubtedly suitable as the leader of the race who is famous for their stubbornness and might.

"Don't be too hasty to reject it. I hear you are planning to create a good weapon for Princess Jayna. Having the dwarf race alliance is good when it comes to crafting." said Aunt Hersha.

Angus didn't reply and glared coldly at his Aunt. Everything related to Jayna is his reserve scale. Moreover, he knows his aunt is part of a major force in Firuman.

Noticing her nephew's sudden change in mood, "Don't worry, no one knows about this matter besides me. I already take care of all the loose ends."

"I know you don't like anything about Jayna's information spread around. I didn't report this matter to the higher-ups." reassured Aunt Hersha.

"I hope so. I also have my own priority." warned Angus coldly.

Angus clearly states he will fight her if she dares touch Jayna or spread information about Jayna. Aunt Hersha pretends to not hear her nephew's remark and continues their previous conversation.

"But, this also makes me unable to help you. I believe the weapon you created for Jayna is not ordinary or even capable of reaching artifact grade. You not only need good ingredients but also good facilities and tools." said Aunt Hersha.

"For the ingredients, I may be able to help without creating any suspicion. But, the facility and tools will definitely take too much attention. Once the higher-ups know you can create an artifact-grade item, they may not stay idle anymore and investigate you more deeply." explained Aunt Hersha.

"*Sigh* You are right. If I want to create something that reaches artifact grade, I need the help of the Dwarf race. They are not called the best race for craftsmanship in the world for nothing." replied Angus.

Angus knows the sword he created for Jayna will be extraordinary and may become her sentient weapon. Since he planned to build a sword that could be fully used by Jayna, he decided to go all out.

Otherwise, this new sword will be melted like Jayna's previous sword from her phoenix fire. Moreover, Jayna's fire also becomes more destructive as time passes by. Angus believes any high-grade sword will soon be unable to withstand her fire.

Then, Angus and Jayna talk with Aunt Hersha for a while. Jayna also decided to learn about business and trade from her during this time. To Angus' surprise, Jayna has more knack for business than him.

She could even negotiate his previous monster parts for around 11 million if she tried to go all out and detail each of their prices. Knowing this, Aunt Hersha begins to like Jayna more. She even urges Jayna to take care of all Angus' business matters.

In fact, Angus could do better in business negotiation if he put his mind to it, especially with cheat-like Ancient Power [Analyze] in his mind. Unfortunately, he is too lazy to think seriously about it.

If it were not for his Aunt's insistence, he would definitely not take a single glance at this business matter. For him having a million gold coins and ten gold coins is no different since he could easily get them with his current power. However, He also knows the power of money and business.

Still, he prefers to use his time to do magical research or training rather than taking care of business stuff. Angus would be more glad if someone could take care of this matter instead of him. Fortunately, Jayna didn't disappoint him.

In fact, Angus plans to let Jayna take over the matter since he knows his girlfriend is very good at negotiation. He didn't expect her phoenix girlfriend to be so adept at this trading business.

Moreover, he plans to reveal his system's existence and inheritance chi to her soon. He feels their [Allegiance] bond getting out of control as they try to hide things.

It is getting harder for Angus to hide his emotion or thought when he wants to. He couldn't even wholly block his thoughts from Jayna anymore.

The couple could feel [Allegiance] power getting stronger and going wild that even the blessing from the Queen of Beast cannot hold it. Since they may reveal their deepest secret anytime, they share it now rather than at any other unexpected time. This way, they could prepare for it.

After leaving Aunt Hersha's room and going back to their room, "So, is this also one of your secrets?" asked Jayna.

"Yes. It is also related to my fast growth. Don't worry, I will explain everything tonight." said Angus.

"Are you sure? I really don't care if you want to keep it secret. I will still love you as always." said Jayna while embracing her boyfriend lovingly.

"It is one more reason I need to tell you about my secrets. 'I don't want to hide anything from you'." said Angus.

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