I Don’t Want This Bad Ending




The bombarding of explosive sound was still going on as the Pope and the others made their way to the secret passage.

Pope Nelson and the rest of the twelve council safely got out of the maze that was behind the Pope's chamber in the clergy mansion.

They arrived at the end of the Temple's walls beside the informal settlements where a lot of the poor citizens of the Kingdom of Levingstone dwelled in.



The explosion was still heard from the outside as the bombs are continuously breaking the buildings in the temple of Light.

The back door that the Pope and the twelve council used had spells of illusion magic so that the people outside could only see the high walls of the Temple of Light. They could only see or use it if they have holy powers in their body.

Thus, the people in the slums don't know where it is as they only see it for the first time.

The informal settlers who don't have enough money to buy land and build houses in the glorious land of the Kingdom of Levingstone were clustered at the back of the temple's high walls. There was a distinct difference between the poor and the rich.

In this area, the people who are orphaned, thugs, and beggars and some scums of the land can be seen loitering around in this alley where the light can rarely be seen because of the shadow that was casted by the big walls.

There, the Pope can see the prepared carriage by his trusted Holy Knights parked in a way that it looks like it was just passing by and was only waiting for a customer to ride on it.

"How about the Saintess, Your Holiness?" One of the council asked.

Pope Nelson glanced at the surrounding and saw the curious look of the people who were obviously shocked about a group of priests coming at the dangerous alley.

There was a clear terror in the eyes of the people that saw the robes of the Priest even though they had a hood on to cover their faces.

He clicked his tongue as he saw them and said to one of the knights to get information and...

"Elise knew where to go in case something like this happens Let's just wait and see"


Ricardo, the Captain of the Holy Knights, saw Evelyn coming from the forest where it was near the annex of the Temple of Light and where Evelyn was imprisoned before.

He pulled her towards where he was hiding, behind the pillars of the hallway of the west wing.

Evelyn was about to kick him when Ricardo thought that it was a familiar memory and so he made his presence known.

"Shh it's me."

Evelyn looked up and saw the familiar scar and thought about the only person that has it in the allies that she has.

She pulled his hand away from her mouth and asked.


"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine What happened with the others?'

Before Ricardo answered her question, he scanned the area before he pulled her to one of the empty rooms in the west wing building.

They heard the commotion and by the gist of it, Evelyn's contracted spirits must have started wreaking havoc in the Temple.

"Hey how about that Eli-"

Ricardo immediately put his hand into her mouth because he heard coming steps and knew that it was not someone that was on their side.

And he was correct.

One of the Holy Knights that passed by and stopped near the room where Evelyn and Ricardo was hiding and informed the other knights about what was happening.

"They're intruders that were scattered throughout the Temple"

"What? How did they get in? Did the Pope and the Twelve council know?"

One of the newly recruited knights asks his superior.

"Of course they will know with these loud noises wouldn't they get that we are under attack!"

"Oh you're right, but what about the Saintess? If i'm not mistaken, she was about to head to the underground prison cell with a hundred knights did she know that this will happen?"

"What?! You still didn't know what happened?"

"What is it?!"

Well, it was to be expected because the newly recruited knights' job is to guard the high walls of the Temple and they can't enter the important buildings such as the laboratory and the underground prison cell without the permission from the Saintess or the Pope and the Twelve Council.

"Sighhh this is also for the better, newly recruited knights should not be involved too much in the structure of the Temple"


The old knight's eyes then became 

"Just be careful and be very vigilant the intruders are said to be clothed like us and they wield strong magic and they're also good with combat skills they're basically elites.

The knight that has been here for more than five years said before he sighed.

"Innocence really is a luxury" he continued.

The newly recruited knight has his brows together and the lines in his forehead formed as he has no idea what his superior was talking about.

The older knight then asked the new recruit to scout the surrounding area and if he saw the Captain, it would be good to inform him about the situation.

Of course, the Captain heard all about it. Even though some of the knights his trusted knights all knew what was about to happen today however there are still a number of knights who are loyal to the Temple. Like that five year knight.

When they left after one of the knights asked for reinforcement, the two immediately followed.


Ricardo slowly let his hand go.

"What did you just say earlier?'

Evelyn looked up and down. This time, she had a clear view of the uniform of the Holy knights.

On a closer look it has an embedded spell that will benefit the wearer as it has a simple healing spell that would be of use for fatigue and small injury.

She knew it too well because she saw the engravings that she also saw back when she was having training as the Crown Princess of the Crown Prince.

"So, that's how it looks like" Evelyn mumbled.

Ricardo saw where her intention was and thought that he would tell her some secret about it but his thoughts were cut off when Evelyn asked the question that she was about to say earlier.

"What happened to Elise?"

"When I was about to leave the Saintess I saw Gil and the others, they looked at me to inform them that they will proceed to what they planned earlier."

"And that is-"


Meanwhile, in the Palace of the Kingdom of Levingstone, Gab, Allan and Duke Keene were in the meeting room of Crown Prince edickart.

"It's finally the day" 

Edickart looked at the powerful men that will support him with this usurp to the throne.

"I know that a lot of people will think that you are betraying the land's grace as we will try to change the person that will sit in the top but we also know that waiting any longer could cause a great deal of damage. Not only to the people of the Kingdom of Levingstone but as well as the neighboring lands."

Then, Edickart proceeded to look at the screen that was displaying the face of the Crown Prince of the Perspiru Kingdom, Silvester.

"With the help of Crown Prince Silvester's support, the army of the Light Legion that the Duke are leading as well as Sir Allan and Sir Gab, I'm confident that we can put a stop to a calamity that will try to harm us."

The people in the room as well as Crown Prince Silvester that was on the video screen were nodding their heads.

This plan was really for the best of interest of the people and the other kingdoms.

It's because, if the King himself knew of the things that the Temple were doing but still didn't have the guts to do something about it and ignore the pleads of the masses. And only takes care of his own pleasure and riches then usurping the throne was the only possible solution that they could think of.

Then, the Crown Prince continued to talk.

"I know that we have different reasons why you're helping me but we only have one goal and that is to help Evelyn and her plans."

That's right, it was because of what Evelyn found out that the Crown Prince decided not to wait any longer. He can't afford to watch as his country becomes a slave to a cult that will try to eat the whole nation with dark magic.

"Let's go"

The crown Prince with his emerald eyes glows with determination. It's time to have a new King


Gab and Allan were in the throne room with the Crown Prince, the Duke was also with them.

"What is this?!"

As they face the King that shows his wretched face. The Crown Prince was in his armor as well as the others with an army accompanied by them.

"What the hell is the meaning of this, Crown Prince?" King Charles shouted with his veins that were sticking out from his neck.

It was the Duke who unleashed his sword from his scabbard and pointed it towards the King.

"Your time has come we can't let you drag this country to hell.."

"How dare you, Duke! You'll regret this!!!"

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