I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 682: Professional Chefs Visit

Chapter 682: Professional Chefs Visit

 n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Food Fan Club Restaurant, Yukihime High School.

11:30 AM, Sunday, March 14th.

Theo and Ayia had arrived at the school festival for a while already. After they spent their morning brainstorming ideas, they changed into some cool clothes before picking up Shizuka and heading to Aurora's school.

Here, they managed to find their friends who were waiting for them.

Due to the fact that they had arrived later today, they decided that the first thing they would do was to eat. But they would eat at the place in the festival where they saw crowds of people lining up to eat.

Theo's group of friends had more than 10 people, and the majority of them worked with him as professional cooks. So, when they saw a restaurant being so popular among the public, they became curious about the food from this restaurant. That's why Theo and the others faced the line in front of the restaurant as they wanted to taste the food from these students.

Everyone from yesterday was also present that Sunday. Theo, Ayia, Shizuka, Samantha, Sayuri, June, Ryoko, Kumiko, Shoko, Lauren, Max, Gwen, and Kin.

Theo and the others chatted happily as they waited in line for their turn when suddenly Theo received a call.


"Really? Awesome!"

"We are waiting in line at the Delicious Food Fan Club Restaurant."

"Okay, we'll wait for you."


He finished the call with a bright smile on his face.

"Who was it?" Sam asked when she noticed how happy he was at the end of the call.

"Aurora said that she would join us for a while to enjoy the festival." Theo said happily. "Really?" Ayia asked happily, "That's awesome!"

Everyone else also was happy as well, they all liked Aurora, so they were elated that she would be joining them.

Just like that, 5 minutes later, they were still in line waiting, when Aurora suddenly walked toward them.

"Guys!" She exclaimed when she saw them.


"You look so cute, Aurora!"

"Give me a hug, Aurora-chan!"


Just like that, everyone happily greeted Aurora, Ayia even pulled her into a tight bear hug. "Thank you, guys." She laughed when she managed to breathe normally after Ayia's bear hug. "I thought you spent the whole day working like yesterday." Theo suddenly said.

"Yeah, sorry, guys, for not seeing you yesterday." She said with a wry smile, "At first, yesterday, we decided to give some free time to some student council members in a scheduled manner. But we were so involved and absorbed in our various tasks that we ended up forgetting about it. So, we didn't even enjoy the first day of the festival."

"Don't worry about it, Aurora-chan." June said

"Yeah, with the festival of this size, I imagine the enormous amount of work you girls have to do to manage." Sam commented.

"Thank you." Aurora smiled, "So, today, we decided that we are much more experienced in managing the festival, so we activated the work schedule that we planned. For example, now it is Umaru and mine's turn to enjoy the festival while the others manage the festival from the command center."

"Oh, where's Umaru-chan?" Ayia asked.

"She told me she would search for her family." Aurora replied, "What about you guys? What are you guys thinking of the festival?" She asked with shining eyes.

Aurora's enthusiasm was infectious, and the group quickly filled her in on their experience so far.

"The festival's amazing," Theo said, smiling warmly at his cousin. "There's so much variety, and you can really feel the passion from all the students."

"Yeah, everything's so well-organized too," Ryoko added, nodding in agreement. "You and the student council really did an incredible job."

Aurora blushed slightly at the praise, but her eyes sparkled with pride. "Thank you! We worked really hard on this, so it's great to hear that you're enjoying it."

As they continued to chat, the line gradually moved forward until they finally reached the entrance of the Delicious Food Fan Club Restaurant. The tantalizing aromas wafting from the kitchen only heightened their anticipation. The restaurant, set up in one of the larger classrooms, was bustling with activity. Tables were filled with festival-goers savoring the students' culinary creations, and the air buzzed with the sound of lively conversation.

Once they were seated, a student waiter handed them menus, each item meticulously crafted and presented in a way that spoke volumes about the passion and dedication of the club members. Theo and the others scanned the menu with the eyes of seasoned professionals, noting the range of dishes that showcased both creativity and technical skill.

Ayia leaned over to Theo, her voice low and filled with curiosity. "The menu looks amazing. These kids are really talented."

Theo nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you can tell they've put a lot of thought into this. I'm curious to see how they execute these dishes."

After placing their orders, the group settled into a comfortable rhythm of conversation. They talked about the various attractions they'd visited so far, sharing laughs over the more humorous moments they had experienced. Aurora, in turn, shared stories about the challenges of managing the festival, from dealing with unexpected power outages to coordinating between the various clubs. Despite the hard work, it was clear she was enjoying every moment.

Not long after, their food began to arrive. The first dish to be served was a beautifully plated appetizer of seared scallops with a citrus reduction and microgreens. Theo's eyes lit up as he observed the dish's presentation-an artful balance of color, texture, and flavor.

As they took their first bites, the group's chatter paused, replaced by appreciative murmurs. The scallops were cooked to perfection, tender and flavorful, with the bright acidity of the citrus reduction providing a perfect contrast.

"This is incredible," Shoko remarked, her eyes wide with surprise. "These kids have serious


Max nodded in agreement, "The flavors are so well-balanced. I'd expect something like this in a fine dining restaurant."

Theo smiled, taking another bite. "They really know what they're doing. The technique here is solid, and the flavor combinations show a lot of thought and creativity." Aurora beamed at their praise, proud of her fellow students. "I knew you guys would be impressed. The Delicious Food Fan Club has always been one of the most dedicated clubs at Yukihime. They're really aiming for the top spot in the rankings this year."

Next, they were served a main course of beef tenderloin with a red wine reduction, accompanied by garlic mashed potatoes and roasted vegetables. The dish was hearty and flavorful, with the tenderloin cooked to a perfect medium-rare. The red wine reduction was rich and complex, adding depth to the dish, while the mashed potatoes were creamy and


As Theo cut into his tenderloin, he couldn't help but be impressed by the students' skill. "This is seriously good. The meat is cooked perfectly, and the sauce complements it really well. They've got a great understanding of how to build flavor."

Ayia, sitting beside him, nodded enthusiastically. "The seasoning is spot on too. It's simple but done really well. You can tell they've practiced a lot to get this right."

Across the table, Gwen and Lauren were similarly impressed. "I didn't expect to be eating food this good at a high school festival," Gwen admitted, "but I'm glad we decided to come here. This is definitely the highlight of the day so far."

Lauren grinned, "And to think these are just students. Imagine what they could do with

professional training."

As they enjoyed their meal, the group continued to share their thoughts, each dish impressing

them more than the last. They sampled a variety of offerings, from delicate seafood pasta to a perfectly executed dessert of chocolate lava cake with vanilla bean ice cream. Each dish was met with enthusiastic approval, and by the end of the meal, it was clear that the Delicious Food Fan Club had far exceeded their expectations.

It wasn't long before the club members started to notice something unusual about their

guests. As they brought out dish after dish, they couldn't help but overhear the group's detailed discussions on flavor profiles, cooking techniques, and presentation. Whispers started to spread among the students as they realized that these weren't just any festival- goers-they were professional cooks.

One of the club members, a nervous-looking first-year student, approached their table, her voice trembling slightly with excitement. "E-Excuse me," she began, "but are you all

professional chefs?"

Theo looked up, smiling kindly at the student. "Yes, we are," he confirmed. "We work in a restaurant called 'The Spark', and some of us have our own culinary ventures."

The girl's eyes widened in awe as she stuttered, "N-no way, I went to this restaurant last

month with my family and it was the most delicious food I have ever eaten in my life!" She looked at them as if she was seeing famous artists.

And in some way, they were artists who transformed simple ingredients into masterpiece


She quickly relayed the information to the other club members. Soon, the entire kitchen staff was buzzing with excitement, knowing that they were cooking for professionals, especially cooks who worked in the current most trending restaurant in the city. The majority of the club members had already eaten at 'The Spark', so they knew that Theo and the others were absolute peak cooks!

Even Olly, with all of his arrogance, had to admit that he would need years and years to get close to their level of cooking skills.

That's why soon after, some of the more seasoned club members approached the table to ask for feedback, eager to learn from the experienced chefs.

Theo and the others were more than happy to oblige, offering constructive criticism and praise where it was due. They complimented the students on their technical skills, creativity, and ability to handle the pressure of a busy kitchen. They also shared some tips and advice, encouraging the club members to continue honing their craft.

Aurora watched with a smile as her friends interacted with the students. She could see how

much their words meant to the young cooks, who were clearly inspired by the feedback they received. It was a moment of mutual respect and admiration-one that showcased the true spirit of the festival.

As the lunch hour drew to a close, Theo and his friends thanked the club members for the

wonderful meal. The students, in turn, thanked them for their time and valuable feedback, their faces glowing with pride and gratitude.

As they left the restaurant, Aurora turned to Theo with a grateful smile. "Thanks for doing that. It means a lot to them, hearing praise from professionals like you."

Theo shrugged, his expression warm. "They deserved it. They've got real talent, and I'm sure

they'll go far if they keep working hard."

Ayia nodded in agreement. "It was a pleasure to eat here. These kids are going to make waves

in the culinary world someday."

With full stomachs and satisfied smiles, the group rejoined the festival crowd, ready to

explore more of what the day had to offer. As they walked away from the Delicious Food Fan Club Restaurant, they couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the future-both for themselves and for the talented students they had just met.

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