I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 675: Late Night Tasks at Vivian's

Chapter 675: Late Night Tasks at Vivian's

The atmosphere at Vivian's house was a blend of exhaustion and determination. After a long day of managing the first school club festival of Yukihime High School, the six student council members had finally returned to Vivian's home, where they decided to sleep before

tomorrow's event.

The clock on the wall ticked quietly, its hands slowly approaching midnight, but the girls were far from resting.

After the girls supervised the campus cleaning, and the clubs' financial records and devolution of Yuki Notes, the student council decided to leave the school and do their tasks at Vivian's house. The reason for that was that the six of them were extremely tired, and they wanted to take a shower and rest for a while before they had to work on the preliminary rankings.

Vivian's room, a spacious and neatly organized space, had been transformed into a temporary command center. A large table in the center of the room was covered with stacks of papers, laptops, and calculators. The soft glow from the desk lamps provided a warm light, contrasting with the cool, refreshing feeling from the showers they had taken earlier. The girls, now dressed in comfortable pajamas, sat around the table, their expressions focused as they worked through the night's tasks.

Vivian was at the head of the table, her long hair tied up in a loose ponytail. She had a serious look on her face as she meticulously went through the financial records of the clubs. Every now and then, she would pause to double-check a figure, making sure everything was accurate. Her leadership and attention to detail had been crucial throughout the festival, and now, as they prepared the preliminary rankings, those qualities were even more important. Aurora sat to her right. She already texted her brother saying that she would be sleeping late that night. Despite the late hour, her energy had not wavered. She was flipping through the pages of a ledger, her pen moving quickly as she recorded the earnings of each club.

Carolla was buried in numbers. She was the most methodical of the group, carefully calculating the earnings down to the last Yuki Note. The weight of her responsibility showed on her face as she checked and rechecked the sums, ensuring that every dollar was accounted for. After all, she was responsible for calculating the total earnings that the festival generated on its first day. Although they saw the public crowding the school campus throughout the day, this was only superficial data that didn't necessarily mean that they would register a profit. After all, truly, the festival would only be a success if they managed to earn a lot of profit for them. Her glasses occasionally slipped down her nose as she leaned over her laptop, her fingers flying over the keyboard.

Brenda was in charge of verifying the legality and fairness of each club's earnings. She was reviewing the contracts and agreements that the clubs had signed before the festival, making sure that everything had been conducted according to the rules. Her brow was furrowed in concentration, but her eyes occasionally sparkled with satisfaction whenever she found something particularly well done by the clubs.

Hanako was working on the report that would be presented to the school administration the following morning. She was typing rapidly on her laptop, summarizing the day's events and highlighting the festival's successes. Every now and then, she would pause to ask the others for specific details, her voice calm but persistent as she gathered the information she needed. Umaru was organizing all the data, ensuring that everything was properly filed and accessible. She was also responsible for keeping track of the preliminary rankings as they took shape. Despite her normally lively and bubbly personality, she was unusually quiet, her focus entirely on the task at hand. Her family's long history with the school made this event particularly important to her, and she was determined to see it through to the end.

As the hours ticked by, the room remained quiet except for the sound of pages turning, fingers typing, and the occasional rustle of papers. Although they were extremely tired after working for the whole day, the girls worked in comfortable silence, each absorbed in their own tasks but fully aware of the shared goal. They had made it through the first day of the festival, and now they were preparing for the final day-a day that would determine which clubs would receive the coveted rewards.

Finally, as the clock struck two in the morning, Vivian looked up from her work and let out a sigh of relief. "I think we've got it," she said, her voice tired but triumphant.

The others looked up, their eyes filled with a mix of exhaustion and excitement. Aurora leaned over to look at the papers in front of Vivian, her eyes scanning the figures quickly. "Looks good to me," she said with a nod, a small smile playing on her lips.

Carolla pushed her glasses up and leaned back in her chair, stretching her arms above her head. "I think I already finished my calculations as well. I checked the number several times. Look," she said, her voice filled with pride, as she showed the amount of money that they managed to earn on the first day of the festival.n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

"Wow!" The girls exclaimed when they saw the number, their eyes shone in excitement.

"That's much more than I anticipated." Vivian said with a bright smile.

"Even if this number doesn't increase tomorrow. If we maintain this number of earnings. The festival will be an enormous success!" Aurora said happily.

"With this amount of money, we definitely will be able to deliver the promises to the top 10 ranked clubs." Umaru commented.

That's right!

The girls since the beginning had decided that part of the festival profits would be used to reward the top 10 clubs. Plus, even the other clubs would receive a large share of the profits as well. So, in the end, every club would leave the festival with more money than they invested in their attractions, and no one would be left at a loss.

The girls excitedly talked about it for a while before Brenda nodded in agreement, a rare smile crossing her face. "Everything checks out. We can present the preliminary rankings in the


Hanako saved her document and closed her laptop, letting out a contented sigh. "I'm glad we made it through the first day. Tomorrow's going to be even more intense."

Umaru, who had been double-checking the rankings, finally spoke up. "The top ten clubs are neck and neck. Tomorrow's results could change everything."

Vivian gathered the papers in front of her and placed them in a neat stack. "Let's get some rest, girls. We've done all we can for tonight. Tomorrow, we'll finish this."

With that, the girls finally allowed themselves to relax. They packed away their materials and began to settle down for the night. Despite the hard work that still lay ahead, there was a sense of accomplishment in the room. They had successfully completed the first day of the festival, and now, with the preliminary rankings in hand, they were ready to face whatever challenges the final day would bring.

As they turned off the lights and settled into their makeshift beds, the room fell into a peaceful silence. The student council members had done their best, and now it was time to rest before the final push. Tomorrow would be another long day, but for now, they could take a moment to breathe and prepare themselves for whatever lay ahead.

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