I Am A Prodigy

Chapter 109 - Dazzling Tactics

Chapter 109: Dazzling Tactics

While a small portion of viewers still had some hope in Ye Lingchen’s plans earlier, at that moment, they had lost all hope.

Boots of travel allowed him to teleport to a friendly unit or structure. That was equivalent to perpetually having a teleportation scroll.

Mask of madness, or also known as crazy face 1 allowed the user to gain a 100 percent attack speed and 30 percent movement speed bonus at the cost of receiving an extra 30 percent of incoming damage.

That hard-earned gold was spent just like that?!

Everyone’s faces twitched as they felt a stab in their hearts.

Who would have thought that Ye Lingchen would buy those two items after he earned all that gold while he sacrificed two of his towers?

Asking for trouble!

Boots of Travel was not an essential item early game. It was just a waste of money. As for MoM, using it was equivalent to committing suicide for a hero like Shadow Fiend.

[Y-God, what are you doing?] Coold gasped in horror, unable to hold back her question.

[You guys just defend the base and delay them. Leave the rest to me.] Ye Lingchen answered.

By then, he was already at the top lane using Boots of Travel.

With two shadowrazes, he immediately cleared the enemy creeps and led his creeps to the opponent’s tower!

‘Trying to trade towers?’

Some viewers began to realize Ye Lingchen’s intention, and that was indeed Ye Lingchen’s plan.

Activating MoM, his attack speed increased by 100 percent. His damage output increased drastically, hastily wearing away at the opponent’s tier one tower.

Furthermore, Shadow Fiend had the shadowraze ability, allowing him to easily clear a wave of creeps all on his own. His solo tower push was more significant than all five opponents’ concerted effort.

Very quickly, his middle lane tier one tower was destroyed, but at the same moment, the opponent’s top lane tier one tower was similarly done for!

[Hot damn! This maneuver... seems unbelievable!]

[At first, I had no idea, but as time passed, I think I’m starting to understand!]

[Trading towers? In such an unfavorable situation, it is a good choice indeed.]

[Shadow Fiend with items can push a tower really fast!]

The viewers were affected by Ye Lingchen’s calmness despite him being constantly insulted. Eventually, a lot of them started to think more positively.

Even Cool and the rest felt an improvement in their mood. It seemed that all was not lost.

Very soon, the Sun Nation too had realized Ye Lingchen’s intentions. Seeing Ye Lingchen pushing forward with his creeps towards the tier-two tower, they were forced to give up their charge.

[Y-God, be careful. They might be heading your way to get you!] 09 reminded.

To be fair, even if 09 had not reminded him, Ye Lingchen had already hidden in the jungle after pushing a creep wave. He then teleported to the bottom lane with his Boots of Travel!

At that moment, the benefits of buying the Boots of Travel was greatly shown. Ye Lingchen teleported near the opponent’s tier-one tower using his creeps!

Using shadowraze to clear the path as before, Ye Lingchen activated his MoM and rushed the tower.

Meanwhile, the opposing team was slowly losing their initiative. When they arrived at the top lane, Ye Lingchen was already pushing the bottom lane.

They were being led by the nose by Ye Lingchen!

In the comments, there was a whole load of cheers and screams. This type of 1 vs 5 scenario had their blood boiling. Epic, truly epic!

The synergy between Shadow Fiend’s high DPS and the utility of Boots of Travel brought them a huge advantage. That was something nobody had thought of.

Coold and the rest could not help but cheer for him out loud.

At that moment, one player from the Sun Nation decided to teleport over.

The teleportation circle appeared on the tier one tower, right in front of Shadow Fiend.

[Y-God, it’s about time. We need to play safe and not give the opponents any opportunities.] Love Letter warned him in a worried tone.

With someone harassing Ye Lingchen, it would increase the difficulty of destroying the tower.

However, Ye Lingchen did not reply, but instead quietly estimated the timing, after which Shadow Fiend moved into the opponent’s teleportation circle and started swaying. He was channeling his ult!

The teleportation had a channeling time of 2.1 seconds.

Shadow Fiend’s ult, Requiem of Souls only required 1.55 seconds of channeling time!

Just as the ult finished channeling, Silencer appeared at the same time!


Countless souls flew outwards from Shadow Fiend’s body, all of them passing through Silencer’s body!

An ult ability at point-blank with maximum damage. Silencer was eliminated immediately!

[F*cking amazing!]

[Channeling ult while the opponent teleports. That was such a troll maneuver!]

[As expected of Y-God. I knew a miracle would happen!]

[Needless to say, I think this match is a sure win!]

[Hahaha, dogs of the Sun Nation, how does it feel to be led around by the nose?]

Before that, the crowd could only see a sliver of hope. Now, they were passionately sure of their victory.

Y-God was still the same as before, the unbeatable Y-God!

After killing Silencer, the opponent’s morale plummeted. Taking that chance, Ye Lingchen pushed the tower in one breath!

After he secured a kill and a tower, he then boldly left the scene.

With the money, Ye Lingchen continued to upgrade his equipment.

Third piece of equipment: Crystalys.

Crystalys boosted attack power and allowed the user to have a chance for a critical hit. Ye Lingchen had already given up on defense and went for a purely offensive route.

[Y-God carrying a Crystalys happily!]

[Oh my, I think Y-God is trying to push towers all the way!]

[Congratulations to Y-God for your increased speed in tower destruction!]

[Didn’t the Sun Nation love destroying towers? Come have a match. We’ll give you a four hero handicap!]

The viewers felt the frustrations within them clearing away. They no longer doubted Ye Lingchen’s equipment choices.

[For most people, Shadow Fiend is too squishy, requiring them to boost its stats. As for me, Shadow Fiend has no need for stat boosts because under my control, Shadow Fiend will not die!] Ye Lingchen took the chance to flex.

[Amazing, accidentally gave Y-God a chance to flex.]

Unlike the Chinese team, the Sun Nation’s team went silent. They were stumped between charging as a team or not.

If they charged as a team Y-God would take their towers. If they did not team up, their early game advantage would be gone once Shadow Fiend and the other heroes gained momentum.

Both teams fell into a stalemate.

Ye Lingchen however, was unfazed. He continued to farm for gold.

With the Boots of Travel and MoM giving him high attack speed and movement speed, he would occasionally clear the jungle creeps in the opponent’s jungle. His gold farming speed flabbergasted everyone.

Had Ye Lingchen’s opponents witnessed the speed he farmed gold, they would fall into despair!

[Wu’er, stay still for now!] Ye Lingchen suddenly exclaimed with a frown on his face.

Due to the improving situation, Coold and the rest were becoming more active. Out of the group, Wu’er was the more reckless one!

She was controlling Earthshaker, stalking the straggling Axe, eager to make her move.

[Aiya, I just got my Blink Dagger. I can take this Axe out with an ult!] Wu’er retorted. Just as she finished, she made the move!

However, just as she blinked in for her ult, the opponent’s Silencer activated his ult before she could activate her followup skill.

Global silence. All the heroes on Ye Lingchen’s team were unable to use any skills for six seconds!


Ch 109 Footnote 1

In raw it was written as 疯脸 (Crazy Face). It’s a nickname for 疯狂面具 (Mask of Madness) for the Chinese DOTA community. We have decided to translate 疯脸 as MoM just to reflect the abbreviated name for mask of madness in the English speaking community. If you so choose, you’re free to read all instances of MoM as Crazy Face.

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