Hubby, Your Fox Fairy Wants Everything

Chapter 35 Replacing it

Chapter 35 Replacing it

“Come on, kill this traitor!”

Xiao Yi glanced at Xiao Linggong, and then looked at Xiao Yan who was buried in the snow in the distance. He had dreamed to let his opponent die for many times, and now he finally relieved.

But when the day really came, he felt a little regretful. He asked himself, “Will you spare this person?” The result was no. As a king of a kingdom, he would not spare anyone who threatened his imperial power.

“Your Majesty, Xiao Linggong should be sentenced to death, but he has suffered the Haunting Ptomaine for the sake of our Fairy Kingdom. You’re a sage, so please exonerate him from the death penalty.”

“Thank you for your kindness, Commander in Chief, but I’m willing to die.”

The only concern of Xiao Linggong was his mother. But the winner decided. If his father was alive, he was not willing to let his son live without dignity.

“Your Majesty, you’d better kill him. As the saying goes, cut the weeds and dig up the roots.”

Wuyou never expected that Xiao Qi would make such utterance. After all, Xiao Linggong was his cousin. Xu Linghe was clam apparently but irritated in his heart. It seemed that his cousin didn’t want any member of the Xiao family to live. Today he wanted to kill Xiao Yan, and who would it be tomorrow? Fortunately, he only wished to be together with Wuyou forever, with no other greed.

Xiao Yi looked at Xiao Qi. Though his words were reasonable, why was he so worried about the Xiao family? The more Xiao Yi thought, the more he was shocked.

“Your Majesty, what a calamity!”

“What happened?”

“The Nascent Soul of the fire tribe has invited helpers!”

Su Gong didn’t think that Nascent Soul would find out assistance in such a short time. Looking at the sudden enemies on the snowfield, Su Gong hoped to take advantage of the strong momentum to kill the whole fire tribe. However, no matter how hard they were and how much Spirit Power they had used, the enemies were still too tenacious to be eliminated.

The enemies flooded over, and Su Gong was forced back. The Nascent Soul was so delighted that he rushed to the front to greet his junior uncle master, a man on the cloud, covered with masks like a god, with his black robe rolling in the sea of clouds. The Chidi glanced at the Nascent Soul. His indulgence toward this grand disciple made him almost lose his life.

“Have you known your fault already, Nascent Soul?”

“All I did is for you, junior uncle master!”

“Oh? I’ll listen.”

“You will unify the three realms in the future, junior uncle master. I’m helping you.”

“You have repeatedly provoked battles! Are you helping me? Do you know that there are people I’m afraid of in this world?”

“You’re kidding, right, junior uncle master? There is only an upper spirit in this world, is it? Last time, the fox spirit was defeated by you, wasn’t it?”

“Arrogant! It seems that I should not step in your business. Instead of dying in the hands of the enemy, it’s better to let me take your soul.”

The Nascent Soul began to beg in scare. He knew that he really touched the bottom line of the Chidi. The chess player would abandon the uncontrolled piece! Yes, he could only be a piece of chess without thought.

“Don’t be rude anymore, Nascent Soul, or I can’t save you.”

“I’ll remember what you said.”

Wuyou looked at the masked person from afar. With just a glance, her Ancient Spirit began to roar in her body, the limbs were also gathering, and her black foxtails were swinging on the sky. When all the nine tails showed up, she transformed into the spirit fox Jiangyu, with two eyes burning in the fire. Seeing the nine-tailed fox, Xu Linghe also followed to transform. The silver dragon smashed out from his body. He jumped on the dragon’s back. This time, he would not let the little woman fight alone. He would be with her, regardless of life and death.

Xiao Qi was not anxious at this moment. He would definitely be the gainer no matter he took part in the fight or not. He, as a king, did not bring prosperity to the Fairy Kingdom, but had no governing ability and let such a strong kingdom struck in endless disputes.

“Be careful, Your Majesty!”

Xiao Qi released his Spirit Power. The Nascent Soul wanted to attack Xiao Yi sneakily but was beaten a few feet away. He did not expect that there was such a vigilant person around Xiao Yi. He climbed up from the ground and gathered his Spirit Power secretly. All of a sudden, there was a kind of floating black Spirit Power above Xiao Yi, spreading infinitely in the black hole.

Abruptly when Xiao Qi wanted to help Xiao Yi, a bloody bat drilled out of the black hole and grabbed Xiao Yi to tear him in the air. Xiao Yi shouted for help in panic, but who could save him at that moment? Wuyou and Xu Linghe were fighting against the masked man in the distance, while Su Gong was entangled by the enemy nearby.

Looking at Xiao Yi in the air, Xiao Qi secretly sighed with relief. It seemed that this Nascent Soul of the fire tribe was going to help him with his aim.

The hands of the Nascent Soul were full of blood. Attracted by the blood smell, the blood bat began to rush to the Nascent Soul. The blood flowed to Xiao Yi suddenly, and the blood bat faced up to suck the blood. The Nascent Soul took the opportunity to lead the blood bat to the cliff. Xiao Yi was imprisoned, and he never expected he would be framed by the villain Nascent Soul.

“Xiao Yi, you deserve it!”

The Nascent Soul floated above the cliff, gathering more Spirit Power. The blood bat revealed its bloodthirsty nature and was constantly tearing Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi had no means to deal with the blood bat. He wondered if this was his fate to die at this place.

The Nascent Soul was laughing on the cliff. The only way he could save himself was to kill the Nascent Soul. But his limbs were all controlled by the blood bat, and he could even hear the sound of its sucking blood. Just as Xiao Yi got desperate, a youth came in the wind and released his Spirit Power to the Nascent Soul. Xiao Yi was ignited with the hope of life, grateful to the young man’s life-saving grace. When he was full of the joy of life, he felt a tearing pain on his chest. It turned to be a claw that penetrated his chest. Looking at the bloody hole on his chest, Xiao Yi did not understand why this boy would do that to him.

The Nascent Soul wanted to escape, but it was too late. The extended claw was tightly pricked into his throat. The poor Nascent Soul didn’t understand why this boy would kill him. The blood was solidified. The suspended body, like a flat ball, fell into the bottom of the valley. Looking at the Nascent Soul covered by the heavy snow, Xiao Qi chuckled. On the cliff, Xiao Yi looked at the man like a banished immortal, expecting to know why this boy would kill him as well.

“Do you remember Liang Songxue?”

Xiao Qi’s voice carried the chill of ice and snow. Xiao Yi suddenly understood why. Looking at the boy in front of him, his heart was hit again by his claw.

“Uncle, let me send you to heaven. You have enjoyed the glory throughout your life, and now it’s time for you to apologize to my parents.”

Xiao Yi listened to the fights in the distance, and slowly closed his eyes. The snow flew, and the ice sealed all the creatures. Xiao Qi ignited the spiritual fire. Instantly Xiao Yi was turned into ashes. The shivering roars of the fight had revealed the cruel of wars.

Wuyou released her Spirit Power, and the masked man waved to resolve it.

The dragon of Xu Linghe swooped in. The Chidi gestured to face up. Wuyou flew up to the sea of clouds to fight with Xu Linghe. The summoned Ancient Spirit enriched her whole body, releasing countless Spirit Power to the Chidi.

The Chidi swept one of his fingers, and suddenly a weird spirit beast flew out. Surrounded by the Spirit Power of the Chidi, the spirit beast became bigger instantly, avoiding the attacks from Wuyou agilely.

Xu Linghe began to gesture as well, and suddenly numerous arrows and feathers flooded toward the Chidi. The dragon hovered over the sky, and its roar slammed the heart of the Chidi.

After those several trials in the human realm, the Chidi didn’t have the nerve to despise this person. Looking at the arrows and feathers that rushed to him, the Chidi transformed himself in the defensive cover. The golden glare spread in the defensive cover, protecting the Chidi like a shining armor. The arrows and feathers were bounced back by this armor. Shocked, Xu Linghe jumped on the dragon’s back. The dragon swung its wings to avoid the attack of the arrows and feathers.

Wuyou looked at the behemoth, and wanted to exert her Spirit Power, but was beaten tens of feet away by a palm of the behemoth. The nine-tailed fox in the sea of clouds stretched her claws to the behemoth as quick as a flash. When the claws penetrated the heart of the behemoth, it screamed in pain in the air and twisted its huge body into a ball. The nine-tailed fox saw the opportunity and slammed the behemoth once again. But it could recover its wounds in a second.

Wuyou knew it was a spirit beast whose primordial spirit would not be destroyed, so she stretched her claws toward its eyes. Blood began to splash around and the behemoth fell into the snowfield. Wuyou didn’t want to continue to attack, thus she turned around to fly to Xu Linghe. However, in the next second, a black shadow bounced up to seize Wuyou tightly. When she got pain at her neck, she noticed that she was caught in the hand of the behemoth. At this moment, she became the fish on the cutting board, waiting to be slaughtered by the behemoth.

Xiao Qi dispelled his Spirit Power. There was nothing left in the snow except for a pool of blood. The fluttering snow made the last drop of blood disappeared. From now on, Xiao Yi had disappeared in the world, and the Fairy Kingdom would be his. After a look into the direction of the Nascent Soul when it fell into the valley, Xiao Qi revealed a smile. It seemed that the world of the spirit realm would soon be his.

“Linghe, help!”

The blood of Wuyou was solidifying little by little. But the blood in the throat rushed up. The behemoth kept shaking Wuyou in its hand. The latter wanted to summon the Ancient Spirit, but she couldn’t gesture at all. Her hands hung down without energy, and at this moment she was waiting for death.

On the clouds, taking pity on the fox, Xiao Qi gathered his Spirit Power secretly toward the behemoth, which scared the latter to flee away immediately.

Wuyou was still carried by the behemoth. Xiao Qi chased up and made a palm toward the brain of the behemoth. Mucus spurted out, and wherever it dropped, smoke emerged. Those soldiers who were contaminated with the mucus instantly turned into human skeletons.

The more Wuyou struggled, the more difficult it was for her to escape from the imprisonment of the behemoth. The behemoth looked violent, but it was a little bit smart in fact. It took advantage of Wuyou as a hostage, to easily avoid the attacks of Xiao Qi. It seemed that only she could save herself.

Wuyou closed her eyes to gather her divine consciousness little by little. Her Ancient Spirit was called by her. The roaring Spirit Power was accelerating toward her. Wuyou could perceive that endless spirit was flowing.

Looking at the little woman who was seized, Xu Linghe was very anxious. But the masked man was entangling him with his Spirit Power. It seemed that he had to remove the masked man, or he couldn’t get rid of his tangle. Xu Linghe took out the String Instrument, and his spiritual fingers slid over the strings, making sonorous sound toward the masked man with strong momentum. The sound of the instrument had made wherever it reached crash.

The lingering sound of the instrument, like a curse, entangled the masked man. The Chidi released his Spirit Power to defend himself, and a defensive cover immediately appeared to block the erosion of the sound.

Looking at the blue defensive cover, Xu Linghe increased his Spirit Power. The turbulent sound penetrated the defensive cover like a knife. The Chidi wanted to grab the instrument in the hand of the youth, but it was not easy. This instrument from the antiquity times surrounded him, eager to pierce his acupoints.

Under the sound of the instrument, the Chidi rushed out of the defensive cover like a bolt of lightning toward Xu Linghe. Looking at the masked man, Wuyou was shocked and worried about her man. She gathered Spirit Power in her hands and tried her best to make an attack on the behemoth. Suddenly, the behemoth became bloody.

Wuyou rushed to the masked man and swept her foxtails toward him. The Chidi escaped from this attack. Then, Xu Linghe held the instrument, suspending in the air, while Wuyou flew on the dragon’s back.

Along the way, the dragon squirted fireballs. The sound of the instrument, like flying swords, rushed to the Chidi. The fireballs reddened the snowfield. The black robe of the Chidi was burning in the flames. The sound penetrated his skin, so he took off his robe and flew away.

In the blink of an eye, everything calmed down. Xu Linghe rushed out to chase the escaping masked man. But in the rolling clouds, how could he find the traces of the Chidi?!

Wuyou held Xu Linghe tightly. This battle was tragic. Xu Linghe wiped the eyes of the little woman, and after the wind, those tears had fallen into the two’s beating hearts, clenching them together. After that, it was the joy to survive a disaster. At this moment, what Wuyou wanted was to hold this man tightly. She knew that she would protect this man for the rest of her life. She would not let anyone hurt him, even herself.

“Little woman, let’s reject the position of Commander in Chief. What I care about only is your safety, you know? When I saw you being caught by the behemoth, I hoped to replace you to suffer the pain. Wars should be men’s business, so I will never let my woman fight on the battlefield. I only want you to be safe forever.”

“Linghe, hug me!”

It turned out that the purest love was after the bustling, and we didn’t forget our original heart.

Xiao Qi looked at them hugging each other from afar. Snow fell on his eyelashes, and slowly infiltrated into his deep eyes, where there was jealousness.

The Fairy Kingdom finally won this battle. The fire tribe was defeated due to the escape of the masked man. The disappearance of her father made Fenghuang the next leader.

When Xiao Qi was 520 years old, he was crowned by his grandfather to be the king of the Fairy Kingdom.

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